Maddy Finds out about Cassie and Nate

requested by: lyleeta15


" So, Today's video is something quite interesting" Loki looked at the Professors as Draco started to snicker knowing what was about to happen.

" Just watch," Draco told Pansy as the Professors disappeared.

"WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GO?" Pansy screamed.

" To their Fun room any way we are watching a Euphoria Scene you know Maddie and Cassie" Loki told them as they all nodded.

" Euphoria?" Pansy asked.

" You Know The Maddy and Cassie fight scene" Loki says Looking at the theatre wondering if they didn't tell her.

" Oh" Pansy laughed " Oh That seemed quite interesting from the way Draco described it".

" Yes, so we are going to watch a scene where Maddie actually finds out about Cassie and Nate" Loki tells them.

* Theater snickers as the Video starts to play*

" Oh Okay, Oh Fuck. I'm never Fucking" Rue says landing on the stairs.

" This can't make you feel good Rue living like this. Lying too the people you love being mean to the people you love. This can't make you feel good about yourself." Leslie says.

" That's quite True" Hermione nods.

" Everybody goes through a lot of things and at the end they want to support you" Luna adds.

" I don't care just fucking leave me alone please " Rue says.

" I Know your in pain" Leslie says.

* Theater frowns*

" That's sad," Ginny says.

" No Fucking Idea Mom , " Rue says

let's take you back to the car and get you to the hospital" Leslie says.

" I Thought we were getting to the confrontation," Pansy says.

" We're getting their" Loki tells her annoyed with pansy's impatience.

" I can't get clean, I can't do that shit forever" Rue says.

" You can, If you believe in yourself" Harry says.

" Rue won't need patriotic words to get clean, she needs to help herself" Pansy says.

" I Think That's What Harry just said" Neville whispers.

" Oh Shut up Longbottom" Pansy scoffs.

" You don't have to just take it one day at a time" Cassie nods.

" Did she really think she did something" Draco shakes his head

" Quite honestly it's embarrassing. " Ginny sighs.

" Really" Fred says.

" Embarrassing" George finishes.

" That must be Cassie," Pansy says.

" Yeah," Suze nods.

" Hey Cass," Rue asks.

" Oh Shit's about to happen" Ginny squeals and snickers.

" Cassie is about to get exposed," Ron says.

" For being a Shitty Friend" Draco squeals too.

" Yeah," Cassie replies.

" I have a quick question for you," Rue asks.

" What" Cassie responds.

" I think we all know the question," Harry says as people nod.

" How Long have you been Fucking Nate Jacobs" Rue asks.

* Theater gasps a bit*

" I knew it was coming but I'm still shocked she asked" Hermione laughed a bit.

" Cassie had it coming for her," Draco shouts.

" Now, This is worse she exposed her In front of the parents" George says.

" Embarrassing," Fred says.

* Cassie's Face drops as Maddie turns around to look at Kat*

" What are you talking about?" Cassie chuckles nervously as everybody is shocked.

" She Knew she fucked up" Ginny says.

" Really Badly" Pansy says.

" What in the drama" Ron says.

" How Long have you been fucking Nate?" Rue repeats herself.

" It's a simple question with a simple answer" Hermione says.

" Might not be as simple for her" Luna comments.

" I mean it's pretty simple since she's been sleeping with her Best friends' abuser" Harry says.

" I'm not , I'm not," Cassie Nervously chuckles.

" CAP" Harry screams.

" BIG FUCKING CAP" Draco screams.

" What are you talking about?" Maddy asks.

" I'm guessing that's Maddy," Pansy says.

" Yes" Draco nods, kind of laughing.

" Oh I just I saw her get into his truck and then kiss him and drive off that was like that was uh like a month ago " Rue says

" Exposed" Ron yells.

" Exposed the Bitch" Ginny screams.

" I could Imagine what happened after they drove off" Fred snickers.

" Cuddling," Neville asked.

" Oh no way, they were cuddling" George says.

" Just Keep your Innocent mind intact Neville, it will help you" Hermione tells him.

" Uh" Cassie says.

" Are you Kidding me?" Maddy says.

" Nope, she was enjoying that Meat Stick" Harry says.

" Bloody Hell Mate," Ron laughs.

" Cass that's like really Bad" Kat says.

" You Mean Terrible" Hermione says.

" Mortified" Ginny corrects.

" Your Fucking Nate, are you kidding me" Maddy says.

" Find yourself a new Best friend not one who's going to be sleeping around" Draco says.

" No, I don't even know why she would say that, " Cassie says.

" Is This Bitch for real she's fucking crying" Ginny says.

" Why is she even crying, it's not like her Best friend slept with her abusive ex" Harry scoffs.

" And she has the audacity to say she didn't when her face is saying something else." Pansy says.

" She could have easily covered it up. Rue isn't a reliable source, she's a drug addict, she could be making things up but no she has to cry to make it even more obvious it's true. She's feeling very guilty" Hermione sighs.

" Guilty as charged what a Bitch" Draco shakes his head.

" Your Lying" Maddy says.

" For Fucks Sake its so obvious" Draco says.

" Can we just table this conversation. " Suze says.

" Suze we love you but not now" Ginny says.

" Honestly" George sighs.

" No ,No you expect me to stand here next to my best friend who has been lying about fucking my ex-boyfriend , I'm Literally going to get violent" Maddy says.

" You got Violent at the Play as you should have" Ginny says.

" I would have beat her ass up a long time ago" Draco says.

" There is no need to get violent ok because we are having an intervention, Stop it" Suze says.

" That's a Bloody Lie" Harry says

" Sometimes Violence isn't the answer," Hermione speaks.

" I agree" Neville says

" I call Bullshit" Draco says.

" For once I agree with the Albino Ferret" Ginny agrees.

" Let's not forget you punched my nose" Draco points to his nose as Hermione ignores him.

" I am Begging you, let's just get into the car" Leslie says.

* Rue shakes her head*

" There is no way I am missing this" Pansy sips on some water.

" I can't," Rue says.

" Let's Just Talk about this"

" Oh your crying, your fucking crying' Maddy shouts.

" Maddy"

" Those Nails," Fred laughs.

" They are very pretty," Luna smiles.

" They are pretty aggressive," George laughs.

" They are a whole Language" Ron joins in laughing.

" You Fucking Bitch your the one who's hurt" Maddy yells in Cassie's Face.

" She's feeling guilty," Hermione says.

" Maybe if she hadn't Slept with her best friend's abuser maybe she wouldn't feel Guilty" Ginny says.

" That's The Truth" Draco points out his index finger.

" Most Self-centered Idiotic person I have ever fucking met " Maddy says.

" Say It Louder Maddy" Ginny yells.

" Straight to her face as Cassie Deserved" Harry yells.

" Very Straight Forward" Hermione says.

" You Fuck My Ex and your fucking Crying. Are you Fucking kidding me" Maddy says.

" Those Nails really speak for themselves," Ron says.

" For sure," Fred laughs.

" Later" Kat says.

" Bitch when" Ginny yells.

" It's now or never" Pansy says.

" Well she dealt with it at the play so she was good" George says.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry but I don't give a shit on who's fucking who Ok, If your going to keep talking about it. get out of the room" Leslie says.

" I mean so they could beat Cassie up with no interruption" Ron says.

" That would be bad," Neville says.

" But Maddy beats her up at the Play" Hermione says.

" Sadly because she should have beat her up then and there" Ginny shakes her head as she fold her arms.

" You are being an animal," Suze says.

" Who? cause its Cassie for eating that Corn dog like an animal" Ginny shakes her head.

* Theater laughs*

" Anybody want to go on a walk" Lexi says.

" Lexi would be me in this situation" Hermione laughs.

" I'd be Rue, " Pansy says.

" I Thought you would be Cassie," Ginny says as Her row sputters into laughs.

" I don't even know why you are Believing her she's a drug addict," Cassie says.

" Bitch, That excuse was late" Ginny shouts.

" Overdue" Draco comments.

" She lost this one" Harry laughs as Hermione shakes her head.

" How Long have you been Fucking Him. Be honest" Maddy asks.

" You think Cassie would talk?" George says.

" Bloody No," Fred agrees.

" Will just do this later," Kat says.

" Kat, shut the fuckup," Maddy shouts.

" Kat just shut up," Ginny says.

" This is really escalating," Luna says.

" Of course It is," Ron laughs.

" How Long have you been Fucking Him?" Maddy repeats herself.

* Cassie doesn't respond*

" Rue" Maddy points at Rue.

" Cassie your fucked" Draco says.

" She's Been Fucked" Ginny says.

" Who would ever know Rue was more trustworthy than Cassie?" Hermione shakes her head.

" She went straight to the source," Harry says.

" Let's just get into the car ok" Leslie pleads.

" No, Maddy deserves to know the Fucking Liar she calls a Best friend" Ginny shouts.

" You're so energetic for what?" Hermione asks.

" Drama" Ginny squeals.

" When was this?" Maddy asks.

" Right After New Years " Rue says.

" Holy Shit" Harry clasps his mouth with his hand.

" I don't Think I expected Rue to respond" Ron says.

" But she did and That's all that matters" Draco claps.

* Maddy sighs*

" Oh Shit's about to happen" Ginny says.

" At The Play of course" Fred says.

" Of course," Ginny nods.

" You Dumb Fucking Bitch, I'm going to Fuck you up" Maddy shouts at Cassie's Face.

" You did at The Play Maddy" Ginny shouts.

" Oh she's Hella Fucked now" Draco says.

" Seriously" Pansy laughed.

* A Bunch of Yelling is heard as Maddy, Cassie and the rest run up the stairs*

* Rue runs out*

" She's Fucking Running" Harry laughs.

" And Rue literally left too after causing the fight" Hermione kind of laughs.

" I'm so sorry" Suze apologizes.

* Clip ends*

" You do not have to apologize for your Daughter's misbehavior," Ginny says.

" For bitching around with her Best Friends abuser" Draco scoffs.

" Well Seems Like we are done, So as Usual we do not talk about what happens as the Professors come back" Loki tells them as the theater nods and The Professors are back.

" Never do that again Ms. Loki" Snape warns her.

" I'm so sorry I couldn't help it" Loki giggles.

" But These are some nice Chocolate Kittens" McGonagall bits on the chocolate.

" All these stuff animals for me too" Dumbledore laughs.

" Grown Adults" Pansy scoffs.

" Any way we are back to our reacting" Loki laughs getting to her stand. 
