Polly Gray The Gypsy Queen

requested by: emilyramsey1445598

Loki walked back into the room, noticing the Tension in the air.

" Does anybody want to clear this tension?" Loki smiled awkwardly.

" You created it" Hermione hissed.

" Where is she?" Loki looked around.

" Moved Places" Harry narrows his eyes at her.

" You have embarrassed her," Ron stared at her.

" And Draco's not" Loki raises her eyebrows.

" I am" Draco glares at her.

" I have seen a lot of stuff that I regret," Narcissa speaks up.

" Oh, I'm sorry and Let's just get into the video" Loki sighs.

"You're wearing the black madonna your gypsy"

"Gypsy?" Luna raises her head.

'but the part of me the dreams is gypsy"

" Isn't that my mother's actress" Draco points.

" Helen McCrory," Pansy says.

" Yes...." Narcissa trails off.

"who do you think"

" Oh my sweet oh my heart so my little anna"

"traveled all the way back across the world to be with me in my dreams crushed to death in the canal"

" Is she ok?" Ginny asks.

" She seems to be going mad," Fred says.

"what you saw in your dreams was right "

" Are her dreams visions?" George asks.

" I am not sure" Neville rubs his chin thinking.

" How would you? you have never seen the film" Lucius stares at him.

" We're all not sure" Narcissa chimes in.

"you never talk about them"

"but back home again it's so beautiful heartbreaks even when i think about them you won't see mrs price in the patch last night"

" and Why?" McGonagall says.

" He Took My Children from me"

" I am definitely not being taken away," Draco protested.

" I mean technically in a way," Dumbledore says.

" So what do you know? Did They tell you why I went their."

" She's turning into Bellatrix," Harry whispers.

" I want her as a sister," Bellatrix smirks.

" You're stuck with me" Narcissa sarcastically replies.

" an annoying older sibling" Snape scoffs.

"my name is shelby the name shelby"

" and Shelby is a Dangerous woman" Fred adds.

" Who gets Visions" George smirks.

" We can't confirm this but somehow yes" Ginny agrees.

"Our Father, Who art in Heaven"

"and i swear if i come for you i will cut you i'll kill you myself "

" and I WILL DEFEND YOU" Bellatrix shouts.

" She sounds like a Badass" Ron says.

"Let's Hope she's not the evil side," Harry whispers.

" I love her Personality" Bellatrix compliments.

" Deliver us From Evil"

"i will wear high heels so you can hear my approach on the couple's stairs and have time to repent"

" Oh my-" Neville gulps.

" She's scary," Hermione says after a while.

" Hear her approach" Draco gasps.

" They must be repenting by now" Harry rubs his forehead.

"they will never take your baby away from you"

" That's traumatizing to think of" Narcissa says

" No mother wants to go through that" McGonagall speaks up.

"Do you know why"

"Michael is alive your real name is Michael gray cause tommy won't let them she drank too much she used to beat him because tommy won't let them walk all over us "

" And who is this Michael?" Pansy raises her tone.

" And Tommy" Snape asks curiously.

"That isn't the truth"

"it's all right"

" truth is"

"people took you"

" Such Terrible People" Lucius shakes his head.

" Like you people" Ginny turns around.

" That's your opinion. Blood Traitor" Bellatrix hissed.

"he was taken from his mother without a permission"

" That's called Kidnapping" Harry corrects them.

" Right, use the correct word" Hermione rolls her eyes.

" They are Downplaying the word," Ron notices.

" Of its a Different Time period" Luna suggests.

"and it is all right that it's me isn't it"

"i thought it would be worse for a woman who's had a hard life with men"

" Because men are shit" Ginny says Bluntly.

" That sounds sexist" Draco glares at Ginny.

" I mean it's toward men..." Dumbledore looks around.

" It's a Bit sexist but it's an opinion" McGonagall answers.

"things have begun to develop with the bran is painting my portrait"

"i want the portrait to hang in the office so I want it to look formal"

" She looks stunning," Lucius says.

" She does," Narcissa agrees.

" I got the looks from her," Draco smirks.

" Right " Pansy agrees.

"It's not formal it's beautiful you're still full of romance right a woman is substance and class no man is good enough a woman of style and substance believe me I've painted many women who don't belong in their expensive dresses this is the best work I've ever done'

" That was a beautiful sentence," Luna smiles.

" He described her beautifully," Neville smiles.

" Especially with the ties of being a woman," Ginny smiles.

" It was like a Romeo and Juliet letter" Hermione beamed.

" Suddenly, She wants to talk," Pansy scoffed.

" and she did. So what?" Ron turns to face her.

'he came to you at my wedding"

" Who is he?" Bellatrix whispers Loudly.

"do you tell your friends you're painting a gangster"

"he pursued you sort you out is that the"

" Panscake is Pursuing a daddy's boy" George chuckles.

" You have got to be kidding me" Draco shut his eyes lid tight.

" He Hates being called That" Lucius warns them.

" fun in all of this"

" Oh, That's a cigarettes" McGonagall stares at the bud.

" We noticed a while ago" Pansy smirks at them.

" It was Obvious the burning and the smoke rising up" Neville smiles, surprised he caught that.

"why would an educated man of his standing do something like that"

" Because he did," Harry snaps his fingers.

" He wanted the woman to himself," Ginny smirks.

" I mean who wouldn't" George looks at them.

"it means a woman like me"

" Yes"

"painting was wrong you should call this painting Fuck them all"

" That sounds like Boss Bitch energy" Ginny clapped.

" I mean she does seem like a boss," Narcissa says.

" That cries a lot.. Pathetic'' Bellatrix hissed.

" Well, it's not me," Narcissa reminds her.

" The Copper Cry"

* Theatre's mouth drops*

" I am confused by if this is abuse or kinky shit" Draco raises his eyebrows.

" I mean the choking sounded Kinky but the slap was obvious abuse" Pansy answers.

" This is quite a lot," Narcissa chuckles shyly.

"Small and weak she was too sure of herself killed a policeman the baby cries don't fuck with the peaky blindness"

" That's a unique title" Lucius mentions.

" I mean honestly Slay The Day. I am a Feminist" McGonagall brings up her stance.

"So, The Policemen better not go after her" Dumbledore looks at McGonagall.

" OH, Definitely not" McGonagall shakes her head.

"i simply wasn't ready to enter your world"

"and i think he's given up on me"

" That nicely ruined Portrait" Bellatrix tilts her head

" They seem to be going through something," Narcissa says.

" Depression," Luna suggests.

" You're about to go through that" Bellatrix licked her lips.

" What The Fuck am I doing"

" I really don't know," Snape responds.

" I Think we all really don't know," Ron shrugs.

"Bless me father for i have sinned"

" Mrs. Shelby, be do you have something to confess"

" A Lot of Things" George and Fred start to laugh.

" A whole list" Harry joins in with them.

" yeah it's actually but i my name's from elizabeth could i speak god "

"hard polly listening god calls me paul or polly i see things in the air around people it's not just the tablets it's real and your new friend mr davadana gold"

"What is it that you want from me, Mr Gold?"

" Uh, Gold," Ron shrugs.

" I am pretty sure she would have enough," Hermione says.

" I mean she does seem rich"" Fred shrugs.

"he wants something other than just money "

" That's a surprise" Draco raises his eyebrow.

"how do you know i want anything from you"

" Because Everybody does" Draco smirks and winks.

" You're so ugly" Hermione shakes her head.

" Really" Draco stops to ask.

" Yes, Uglier Than The Stray cats" Hermione says.

" Want to recreate that Fan Art" Draco turns to face a Red Gryffindor.

" NO" Hermione screams.

" Thought so," Draco smirks.

" Nah, That's Illegal" Ginny bites her nails.

"ask him what he really wants "

"is my company treasurer he's a certified accountant and also apparently a witch"

" A WITCH" The Theatre gasped.

" Well, That's not good," Harry says.

" I mean it makes sense for her visions and her type of craziness" Pansy says.

" Well, It makes her more relatable to me," Narcissa smirks.

"do you have a gift Fucking witch is a lot of them"

" and why I Hate Mudbloods" Bellatrix points as bird poop lands on her.

" I still need to fix my hair" Lucius says water cleans out the bird poop.

"what gift yeah you have second sight"

"second sight as"

"for the she sees spirits all that gypsy stuff said that i'm to believe you are real"

" Ghosts correction' Dumbledore says.

" It's The Muggle World. They don't care" Snape rolls his eyes.

"prepare that you speak with the dead see your sister in the chair sometimes yes your wife's often around you she watches you your royalty up there Michael"

" Speaks with the dead" Lucius gasps.

" That would be Helpful" Harry shakes his head.

" I mean for many things obviously" Ginny points to herself while talking.

"Is that true, Mrs Gray? she's watching me"

" NO, DO NOT SNOG" Draco yells.

" I had to see my 'mother' put her hand in another man's mouth," George says.

" This isn't even bad" Fred waves him off.

"that's how i look like royalty without"

" you mention it, you do"

* They are Kissing*

" EWWWWWWW" Draco yells.

" This is quiet um-" Lucius turns away.

" Uncomfortable" Narcissa looks the other direction.

" Oh Come on Cissy, Lucy.. what happened to separate actors and characters" Bellatrix laughs.

" That Snog was a Snogging session," Harry laughs.

"my confession is our film no regrets any heart comes to michael you shall have me as your enemy they've agreed to welcome you on account of your blood and none of your knives and who might i ask are you I'm 45 years old today"

" Uh Filthy Blood" Bellatrix gags.

" She's a witch who murders," Ron says.

" Well, we learn a new thing everyday," Ginny shrugs.

" That Knife though-" Snape stares at the Knife.

"i'm 45 today"

"45 years old and still breaking hearts"

" Sounds like me," Bellatrix giggled.

" That does sound like her," Fred gasps when realizing.

"happy birthday polly gray "

"it's a polly holly"

" Grey"

" Polly Grey," Luna whispered.

" Interesting name," McGonagall thought.

"I am the queen of the lemonade. So she is some young gypsy bride will you marry me, that's yours to give away have a birthday party, i know she instructs herself and i too am unavailable"

* Clip ends*

" She's an Interesting witch." Draco trails off.

" She's a complex person.. I Like That" Narcissa decides.

" Well, we'll be deciding more things Later" Loki smiles under her cloak.
