♡ iwaoi - wouldn't it be weird ♡

Hajime was concerned for his soulmate, to say the least.

In a world where your fated other half's most stand-out words are printed in black ink somewhere random on your body, Hajime's shoulders were decorated with the words 'wouldn't it be weird if birds were 100 feet tall?'.

Seriously? Who just randomly says these things, (other than his strange best friend), anyways? Oh how annoying it was to see those idiotic words in every single baby picture, or every morning in the shower? Not that he was too embarrassed by his mark, (Matsukawa had a paragraph about how delicious lime juice was afterall), but he felt it necessary to cover his shoulders at all times, not even Oikawa had seen his. (Although, now that he thinks about it, he hasn't seen Oikawa's either.)

Speaking of Oikawa, he was spaced out completely, staring blankly at the door to Hajime's room. "Oikawa? Oikawa? Earth to Oikawa?"

"Huh? Oh, Iwa-chan! I was just thinking...."

"What a dangerous thing."

"How rude. But anyway, wouldn't it be weird if birds were 100 feet tall? They could step on us and-"

Hajime shook his head. He was tired from schoolwork, yeah, that was it. His brain was just playing tricks on him.

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I wasn't listening."

"Rude, Iwa-chan. I was just saying how it would be weird if-"

"If birds were 100 feet tall. Oikawa, did you eat the buttons off the remote?"

Oikawa stared at him for a second. Hajime's words made no sense, not even a bit. They were completely irrelevant but also highly relevant in the grand scheme of Oikawa Tooru's life. They happened to be the exact words that were written across the bottom of his left foot.

"Iwa-chan, you are-"

 "My soulmate?"

"Stop interrupting me! Wait- So what are your words then?"

Hajime turned around so his back was facing Oikawa, and slowly slid off his shirt, revealing the neat, cursive letters on his shoulders.

"Oh-! Well, mine are 'did you eat the buttons off the remote'. I thought I had it the worse, but poor Iwa-chan had to suffer with that all his life."

"Oh well. It's better than Mattsun's lime juice rant."


"I just don't understand, Mattsun! Lime juice is like, so good! Its sour but in a pleasant way, and it's so flavorful it would put taco bell's fire sauce to rest, and it's so much better than any other drink, even kool aid! It's better than kool aid - that's like a world achievement or something! It's green bottle is also so hot-"

"Makki, shut up."




hi thanks for checking in im

still ♡
addicted ♡
to ♡
iwaoi ♡

im sorry its suuuppper short :( 
