♡ Happy birthday, Ushiwaka ♡

what is this






When Ushijima walked into the gym for practice on his birthday, he was not expecting his team, (along with Karasuno's number 10), to jump in his face and shout.

"Thank you."

After being flooded with 'Happy birthdays' and gifts from his team, Karasuno's number 10 approached him.

"Satori. What is this child doing here?"

"Oh, he remembered it was your birthday and popped by with a gift! We just figured we would invite him to surprise you so he could give to you~"

"I hate this child."

But then Hinata frowned. And then Ushiwaka frowned. "Actually," he started, grabbing hold of the orange locks of hair on top of the little decoy, "I will destroy anyone who hurts him. Would you like to transfer to Shiratorizowa?"


"Haha. Sorry, Ushiwaka-san, but I'm pretty happy at Karasuno. Here's a gift for you!"

Ushijima peeled off the pink wrapping paper to reveal a picture with him and HInata that looked like it was taken after their game together, covered by a bright yellow frame that said, 'Ushiwaka-san!' with a little star on either side, looking as if it was written by a literal child. 

"I love it. I will cherish it forever." (And that he did.)

"Hehe! Happy birthday, Ushiwaka-san! I have to get back to Karasuno now, but I hope you enjoy your birthday!"

"I will. Thank you, Hinata."

Hinata bounced out of the gym, (after saying his goodbyes to the rest of Shiratorizowa first, they did love him too after all), Satori reached into his bag and pulled out a small box wrapped neatly in white wrapping paper, signed 'love, your miracle boy' in the corner. Giving it to Ushijima, who slid off the wrapping with ease, he found a brown shipping box labeled, 'Potato Pal'.

He opened the box, showing a potato with Satori's face printed on it. "I love it. I will pet it everyday while listening to the song you recommended. Thank you, Satori."


ok but what really

im working on another kagehina, and also a sakuatsu and iwaoi so fun ♡
