♡ Happy birthday, Morisuke ♡

It was what seemed like a regular Saturday practice when Lev brought up the question while Yaku was in the bathrooms.

"So, what are we doing for Yaku-san?"

Kuroo tilted his head in confusion, but Kenma beat him to speaking first. "We're going on a hike after practice today. You are welcome to join."

"Wha? Kenma, hike? You?"

"Why not," Kenma said, turning to his boyfriend with a questioning gaze, "he loves the mountains, right?"

"Yeah," Kuroo pointed out as if it was obvious, "but you don't."

"But it's not my birthday."

"It's Yaku's birthday?"

Lev snickered and Kenma facepalmed. "You forgot Yaku's birthday. Good job, captain."

"Yeah, Yaku-san talked about it, too! I can't believe you all forgot! Haha~"

Kenma gave a disapproving glare toward his teammates, excluding Lev, (Who he was secretly proud of, considering he remembered. He knew that would make Yaku happy). "Well, you guys aren't going hiking with us since you're awful at being friends. Lev, you're still invited. I assume you picked out a gift for him?"

"Yes! I got him the Molten FLISTATEC Volleyball!"

"Wasn't that the super expensive one he was looking at when we went to the volleyball store together?"

"Yeah, it was! Only the best for Yaku-san."

Kenma giggled a little bit. Lev very clearly had a crush on their libero, and it wasn't like he had any issues with it, they would make a great couple. Plus, being good friends with Yaku, he knew Yaku too liked Nekoma's beanpole.


"Kuroo-san, nobody asked for your opinion."

"HEY! Oh look, Yakkun is back! Yaku, make Lev do something miserable. Like, I dunno, receive or something!"

"Oi, Lev! What did you do this time??"

Remembering the hiking trip was meant to be a surprise, Lev went with the first stupid excuse he could think of. "Yaku-san! I was just uh, telling Kuroo we should ease practice because today is um, world cat day!"

"World cat day, eh?" Yaku said with a slightly upset tone, although only Kenma and Lev caught on. "I guess, well. Our mascot is a cat, that makes sense. Although, that isn't any reason to slack off!"

"See! Make him work, Yakkun! Kenma too! Make them do their thingies together!"

"Kuroo, you do know you're the captain, right?"

"Well, yeah, but they listen to you more than me!"

"Not my problem. Lev, you and Kenma can take a break. Kuroo, you insisted on practicing, so you practice flying laps, yeah?"

"Yakkun, I'm the captain."

"Oh yeah? I guess you are. And I guess that means I shouldn't have to keep everyone in check, huh. Oh well, I suppose I should let you deal with Lev, right, captain?"

"Flying laps it is!"

Yaku went to sit on the bench with Lev and Kenma, who were laughing at Kuroo's behaviour. "Sorry about that, guys. Today is not the day I am willing to be patient with him."

"Oh yeah, cause it's your birthday! I understand, Yaku-san!"

"Oh yeah? I didn't think you remembered. Did Kenma tell you?"

"No, I didn't he remembered on his own."

Yaku looked pleased with that. "Kuroo, practice ends in five minutes, you can do it! Me, Lev, and Kenma are going to go get changed and ready to go. Later, loser."


"So, Yaku, do you want to go hiking? I found a place in the mountains we could try."

"Sure, I'm down. Is Lev joining?"

"If he wants too."


"Happy birthday, Yaku."


extra : as soon as kenma drove them to the entrance of the train, he had kuroo call him and say he needed help with something, and drove off, leaving yaku and lev to do the hike together and saying he'll come pick them up in a few hours.


so i live in america :) and i realize most people are on their birthdays the day before i am, so here's this a day earlier ! 
