♡ levyaku - short ♡

Yaku Morisuke was, in all seriousness, rather insecure about his height. All he wanted to do was play volleyball, but being only 5’5”, there were many limitations on what he could do. Unlike Karasuno’s number ten, he didn’t have any incredible jumping power or crazy connection with any of his teammates.

That was, of course, until Lev Haiba came along.

Yaku’s first thought of Lev was, 

‘Wow. this guy is an idiot.’ 

Barging into Nekoma’s gym, and right off the bat claiming he was going to be the ace. 

In all honesty, Lev sucked at volleyball. He couldn’t receive or serve to save his life, and his only main strength in the game was his height, standing at about 6’5”, nearly a whole foot above Yaku.

Nonetheless, he continued to pester Nekoma’s official setter, Kozume Kenma until he agreed to set a few balls for him.

And it wasn’t only Kenma that Lev bothered.

He also constantly teased Yaku about his height. Yaku definitely didn’t appreciate that. Nobody had gotten away with calling him short, and Lev wasn’t about to be the first. 

A series of punches and kicks later, Lev learned not to call the team’s libero short. 

It was one day after practice, a few months later, and Lev seemed off his own world, wandering around in the cool air of the summer evening.

“Lev. What are you doing, practice ended half an hour ago.”

Lev hummed in thought, mindlessly staring at Yaku.  Half still in dreamland, half in front of the gym, he continued with saying whatever was on his mind.

“You know, Yaku-san. I’ve always wanted a small boyfriend.”

Yaku was taken aback. This kid, a full 2 years younger than him, was practically flirting with him. Flirting with him, yes, but also mentioning his height, a rather sensitive topic. 

Followed by a punch on the arm by a beet red Yaku, Lev let out a small, continent hum. He was rather fond of Yaku, even if he did like to tease him for his height. 

Yaku, of course, was also pretty fond of Lev, although it was harder for him to admit it than it was for Lev. 

“Oi, idiot. Don’t say stuff like that.”

“Oh, sorry Yaku-san. It just came to my mind.”

Lev seemed to be back to his usual state, and even though he didn’t have too many workers in his brain, whatever few he had decided break time was over. It dawned upon him that he practically just came out to his teammate, and nervousness started to corrupt him. 

“Yaku-san. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s okay if you don’t accept me and all. I just-”

“Idiot, look over there.”

And right where Yaku pointed, he noticed Kenma with his head resting on Kuro’s shoulder, and Kuro looking lovingly down at Kenma. Not only that, but they were under a drooping tree, sitting on fresh grass, and faint classical music played on Kuro’s phone. It was a very romantic moment, quite clearly. 

“Kuro-san and Kenma-san?”

“Yes, Lev. Do I look like I’m about to go over there and scream at them for being the way they are while they are enjoying a moment?”

Lev shook his head.

“Lev, nobody homophobic will ever be aloud on this team as long as Kuro is captin. Plus, practically everyone on our team is you-know- ah, anyway, including myself.”

Lev smiled.

“Thanks, Yaku-san. Sometimes you are really scary, but you really are just a big softy.”

“Hey! Watch who you call softy, Lev.”

“But you are! You are actually really nice, and smart, and good at volleyball, and just awesome in general!”

“Look who’s the softy now, Lev.”

“I don’t mind. You like me just the way I am!”

“Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t.”

“You totally do!”

“I totally do.”

Lev swept Yaku off his feet, twirling him around in a circle before holding him and giving him the biggest hug. Both were a smiling, blushing mess and their heartbeats were wild.

“Yaku-san! I like you, just the way you are too!”

Yaku was smiling like an idiot, and they both seemed to forget that Kenma and Kuro were nearby, now watching them also with happy smiles on their faces. 

“Yaku-san, does this mean you’ll be my boyfriend?”

“Yes Lev, I’ll be your boyfriend.” 

Lev squealed and swung Yaku around. Any other moment Yaku would have been screaming at Lev to put him down, but at that time he enjoyed every second of it.

“I knew it would happen soon. Those two are perfect for each other.”

Kuro chuckled and Kenma nodded. They were both incredibly happy for their teammates.

“But not as perfect as us!”

Kenma giggled. He normally would lazily tell Kuro off for being cheesy, but he too was enjoying the time and let it slide.

Overall, that night was one of the best for both Yaku and Lev.
