♡ sakuatsu - camping is fun ♡

"Uh, no way." Sakusa grumbled as he gave Atsumu a glare. "I am not going camping."

Atsumu rolled his eyes, but nonetheless held the bags he had packed confidently. "Well yeah, I figured you'd say that."

Sakusa's eyebrows creased. "Then why did you ask?"

With an ever-pleasant smile on his face, Atsumu gestured to the bags hanging off his arms. Sakusa only quirked an eyebrow, encouraging Atsumu to continue as he shuffled through the bags, showing off random items.

"We're goin' indoor camping!"

Sakusa failed to stifle a laugh. "You're- Oh, Atsumu please tell me you're joking."

Atsumu glared, setting his bags down in a corner of the room as he pulled out a few items. "I'm not, Omi!"

Giving a skeptical glance to the tent obviously made for children half their size, Sakusa sighed. "I'm not sure where you got all this, but no."

Atsumu grunted, persistent as ever. "I have an indoor s'mores maker even!"

Sakusa bit his lip. He'd never been willing to go camping, so he'd never tried the majority of the stuff everyone talks about being so grand in camping, including s'mores. He couldn't help it - he was curious, everyone made such a big deal over them but he'd never had one before. "..hmp.."

Atsumu knew he was winning this, so he started unpacking his camping supplies. "It's okay, Omi! I'll set everythin' up, and you can camp without worryin' yer pretty face about all the bugs."

It couldn't be helped, Sakusa offered a small, fond smile. He was reminded everyday how stunning Atsumu was, and this was something that really hit his heart with a truck full of hearts and a million cats.

He'd always been jealous of all the other kids' stories about camping, even trying it once, but in the end he couldn't bring himself to be in such a unsanitary environment without breaking down. Atsumu had solved many of his problems, with either alternatives or helping him through it but this, this was something he couldn't blink at. "..fine.."


Sakusa felt himself fall for his best friend all over again as he took in the sight.

There was a projector, displaying a night sky all around his living room and a spread of snacks and supplies next to the rather small looking tent they wouldn't be able to fit into together without being uncomfortably close and their legs sticking out the end.

"It's done Omi! Whatcha think?"

Sakusa felt a smile grace his lips for the second time and it's only 5pm, and he can't help but think that this night will be a joy - and there's this exciting feeling that something is going to happen tonight, he just couldn't think of anything. "..it looks nice."

Atsumu's grin was enough to outshine the sun, and Sakusa couldn't bring himself to knock his own off his face. Besides, Atsumu had told him he should smile more, even saying he looked hot - and who was he to hide it when he was genuinely happy and the person he was madly in love with told him it made him look hot?

Giddily, Atsumu sat down by the items he'd set on a small table. "Okay, Omi, ready to make s'mores?"

Trying to contain his excitement, Sakusa nodded as he joined Atsumu at the table. Atsumu handed him the small roasting fork from the bag. He filled the small compartments with graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars.

Sakusa was ready to start, but he didn't know how to. He was so, so lost and he hated that he had too much pride to admit he had absolutely no clue how to make a s'more. He grumbled, and he was grateful when Atsumu stuck a marshmallow on his fork without making any snarky comment. "...thanks."

Atsumu's grin only grew, half blinding through the dimly lit room. Sakusa felt himself weaken and almost wanted to say thanks a million times but the want to not appear weird was grander. "Okay, Omi, here's your mini s'more makin' tutorial!"

Sakusa had endless gratitude for Atsumu's wording that didn't make him feel inferior. Atsumu had a smooth way with words, it was impressive how much thought he put into his phrasing to smoothen conversation.

Atsumu switched the contraption on, small heat coming off the top of the small stove. "Okay, so put yer marshmallow up there!"

Without knowing any better, Sakusa plunked the marshmallow straight on the stove. Atsumu laughed a little, quickly pulling it up and showing him how to hold the stick.

Atsumu's marshmallow was perfectly golden brown, while Sakusa's had random darker spots and random spots that weren't cooked nearly at all. Atsumu, being a good best friend, switched their marshmallows while putting them into the s'mores.

After one cautious bite, Sakusa stuffed the rest of the s'more into his mouth and Atsumu almost died choking on his own s'more with how hard he was laughing but also being a total simp because WOW that was adorable.

Wordlessly, Atsumu began toasting a second marshmallow for Sakusa.


Sakusa stared skeptically at the heater Atsumu had plunked in the middle of the living room.

Atsumu excitedly plugged it in, tossing a blanket to Sakusa who gladly accepted, although he couldn't hide the blush on his cheeks when Atsumu joined him under the same blanket. "What is this supposed to be?"

"A campfire!" Atsumu grinned. "But safe for inside of course."

Sakusa hummed, it's not that he'd never sat next to a campfire but he couldn't help but feel that the flush on his cheeks was warmer than the small amount of heat the heater gave off.

The projector had been turned off and they sat comfortably next to each other as Atsumu dug a flashlight out of his pocket. He aimed it at the wall and Sakusa's was visibly confused. "Is there something on the wall?"

"No Omi! Look," Atsumu moved his hand in front of the light, making a rather large silhouette appear on the wall. "It's a person! Here is me and here is you!"

Sakusa's face graced another smile, a record number as he watched Atsumu shuffle his hands around and the shadow versions of themselves do silly things.


Sakusa really didn't want to go to bed.

He was having more fun than he could have ever imagined, not that he'd admit it.out loud. Still, he wasn't ready to tuck in but the constant yawns both he and Atsumu had were a tell tale sign it was awfully late, and yeah, it was around 1 am.

He grunted as he squeezed into the childrens tent next to his best friend. It was mildly uncomfortable but in the end not as bad as he was expecting.

Atsumu kicked a blanket up towards them with his feet, pulling a little to cover his side as he turned to face an opposite wall. Sakusa found himself very grateful for the extra blankets Atsumu had put on the floor underneath them for both comfort and sanitary reasons.

He couldn't sleep as he dangled his feet out the edge of the tent, curling them closer for warmth. "Uhm, good night Atsumu."

"Night, Omi," Atsumu yawned, his eyes drifting shut. "Love ya."

"...i love you too."

Both boys were peacefully asleep within minutes, paying no mind to their conversation.


Morning felt awkward when Sakusa clearly remembered his sleepy confession last night but wasn't sure if Atsumu was even awake to hear it.

Atsumu didn't seem to act any different, rising with a yawn and a stretch and out of habit moving to hug the object closest to him, which ended up not being an object but his best friend. Neither boy commented though, they just laid there still only half-awake.

"Mornin' Omi."

Sakusa smiled again. He watched with adoration as Atsumu curled closer to him for warmth, humming a light, 'good morning', in return. "Mmm, Atsumu I'm going to go make breakfast."


Sakusa paused, turning from his now risen spot to face Atsumu again. "Yeah?"

"Well, if you really meant you loved me last night then I think I deserve a good morning kiss!"

Pink covered Sakusa's ears as he gingerly made his way back to Atsumu, bending down so he was hovering just above his face and placing a small kiss on his forehead.

Atsumu instantly turned red, throwing his head to the side while Sakusa left the small tent again with a chuckle. "Hey, you asked for it."

"I didn't think you'd actually do it!"

Sakusa rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Anyways, I'd love to make breakfast for my boyfriend and I, but it's your choice if that means I'm making breakfast for us both or you're feeding yourself."

Atsumu nearly knocked the tent over with how fast he jumped out. "You better plan on making enough for 2 by that logic."

WIth another genuine smile on his face, Sakusa set to work on a small batch of pancakes - small, but the right amount to feed 2 people.


it's 3:30 in the morning and i am so very tired haha
i found this s'mores maker on amazon and that was kinda this inspiration for this so here: 

("Nostalgia Indoor Electric Stainless Steel S'mores Maker with 4 Compartment Trays for Graham Crackers, Chocolate, Marshmallows and 2 Roasting Forks, Brown")

anyways, good night :) 
