♡ iwaoi - allergic (but am i?) ♡

THREE posts one day??


"I think," Iwaizumi started, aiming toward Matsukawa, "I might be allergic."

"Allergic to what? You've never been allergic to anything as long as I've known you."

"That's the thing. Can you be allergic to people?"

Matsukawa choked at that. What was Iwaizumi thinking? It was very impossible to be allergic to someone, right? Right?

"Um. No offence, Iwaizumi, but uh, isn't like, not possible?"

"That's what thought until," Iwaizumi thought back to the frequent flush on his checks, the awkward feeling, and the lack of sleep from staying up late thinking of them, and responded with confidence in what he said. "Until everything started happening, about a month ago."

"A whole month ago?"

"Yeah, firstly around the time we were about to compete for the nationals," An image set in his mind of Oikawa sweating, working himself to the absolute limit, just to try to bring his team to winning and getting to go to nationals. A pang hit his fragile heart when he saw OIkawa's face once Karasuno beat them so early in.

"He was working so hard, you know. And I was strangely proud, but that's probably unimportant. When I saw him like that, I got really, really red, and my heart started beating almost, geez, a hundred miles a minute."


"I think that was an allergic reaction."


"I really, really hope I'm not allergic to him though, I really do sincerely enjoy being around him and I don't want to have to distance myself from them."

"This, this is wild. Iwaizumi.. I don't think you're allergic to them."

"Well, what could it be then? That's the only reasonable answer- or maybe he's sick and I keep getting it, everytime I talk to him or think about him."

"Uh- It doesn't work like that. Also, have you ever considered the possibility that you might just have a crush on this person?"

"A crush.. On this person?"


"Uh, no. I'm not some shallow girl who falls for someone like him."

"Shallow girl? Who are we talking about?"


"It's Oikawa, isn't it?"


"Shallow girl? Iwaizumi, you realize that they only like him for his looks. You've just proven that he's more to you than a pretty face. You do feel that way, don't you?"

"Well, of course! I've been friends with him ever since whenever, since before looks played any part in anything, not to say that he doesn't have a pretty face."

"Sappy. Although, it really seems like you have a crush on him. You should totally tell him."

"Why would I tell him? He'll think I'm some weirdo."

"You uh. You're not serious, are you?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Matsukawa thought of all the times he and Hanamaki had to endure Oikawa's long rants about how much he adores Iwaizumi, the fact that the two were practically inseparable, the conversations Oikawa would help Iwaizumi escape because he was uncomfortable, the sharing food, and the pure look of adoration in his chocolate eyes every time they met Iwaizumi's.

"Random guess. Go for it."


"When is a better time?"


"No way. Tell him, he'll be glad to know."

"Glad to know?"

"Oh look, there he is! Go, Iwaizumi, go!"

Iwaizumi awkwardly shuffled over to his childhood friend, staring at his gorgeous features for a moment before realizing and dusting his cheeks with a cherry shade.

"I- Oikawa."

"Hm? Yeah? Iwa-chan?"

Oikawa's lips formed a pleasant smile and he looked happily at Iwaizumi, faint color rising to his cheeks. (Obvious admiration is what Makki had called it)



'geez, why is this so hard?' Iwaizumi thought as he tried to continue seemingly unfazed, which failed miserably.

"I.. I.."

"Just spit it out already!"


The following silence scared Iwaizumi and his heart started to break. That was, until, Oikawa spoke up, shades of pink decorating his porcelain skin. 

"I'd love to, Iwa-chan!"

"You'd- what?"

"I said I'd love to!"

  'told you so' Iwaizumi's mind Mattsun said. He was really annoying sometimes.


"Really! Why wouldn't I?"

"I just didn't think you'd like me back. Does that mean you'll.."

"Be your boyfriend? Because heck yes!"

"Really?! I seriously didn't think you'd agree to that."

"Why wouldn't I though? I mean, you're so cute, and handsome, and strong, and kind, well not always, but you never are too mean. You're always looking out for the team, and not even just our team, you're always keeping Sho-chan out of trouble and me from arguing with Tobio-kun. You're reliable, never take back anything you say, and are oh so very helpful whenever I'm truly in need. You're like, practically perfect."

"Me? Perfect? I think it's rather you who's perfect."

"Aww, you're too sweet, Iwa-chan. However, I beg to disagree."

"Agree to disagree."


Iwaizumi's boyfriend said.

"I just didn't think you'd like me back. Does that mean you'll.."


ive been in a writing mood all day haha
might have more today? who knows
