♡ kurooi - you didn't ask if i could read a map. ♡

"Tetsu-chan," Oikawa questioned, "I'm pretty sure your mother said it was only a 4 hour drive."

Kuroo shrugged, looking over his very clearly upside-down map. "That is what she said."

With a tired sigh, Oikawa slumped his shoulders. "I'm getting awfully tired of driving, darling, we've been going for 6 hours and we're in the middle of nowhere."

Kuroo only continued to stare at the legend and the highlighted section Oikawa had marked the day prior. "Mhm.."

"Tetsuro Kuroo I swear if you fall asleep on me, I will pour out all of the oatmeal!"

That got Kuroo to jolt up, staring accusingly at Oikawa. "You wouldn't dare!"

"I would too," Oikawa snickered, "If you dared to fall asleep. It was your idea to go on a camping date waaaay far out anyway, keep me company while I drive us at least!"

"I would drive-"

"You would drive if you were allowed to, yeah, yeah, I know but you can't - You can't, so I'm left to drive and I will spit in your pillowcase if you close your eyes for more than half a second!"

Kuroo grumbled something about being tired, but Oikawa only rolled his eyes. It'd been a long trip so far, seeing as 6 hours in their tiny car with only 1 rest stop along the way wasn't ideal.

Oikawa's gaze was strictly set to the never ending road in front of him. Turn here, if Kuroo said to, left or right occasionally, although it'd mainly just been straightforward. "Darling, do I go left or right up here?"

Kuroo scrunched his nose, looking carefully at the map. "Left I think."

"You think?"

"Well yeah," Kuroo hummed, "You never asked if I could read a map."

Oikawa harshly pulled the brakes and slammed his head against the dashboard. Kuroo, being a worried boyfriend, furrowed his brows in concern and gave a quick kiss on Oikawa's knuckle. "Are you okay??"

"For heaven's sake," Oikawa groaned, looking tiredly at the map resting in Kuroo's lap, "You could've told me you didn't know how to read a map before we left, you know."

Kuroo huffed, bringing his attention back to the map in his lap. "Well I thought I'd be able to figure it out as we went! I think I'm getting a hang of-"

"-we've been lost for hours!-"

"-I think I'm getting a hang of it! See, there's the highway, so I managed to bring us back to the path."

Oikawa grumbled, and he hated to admit it but he couldn't be mad at his boyfriend for trying. "Okay. Can you show me where we are on the map, and I'll teach you how to use it?"

Kuroo nodded, quickly pointing to a road that was indeed close to the highlighted mark he'd made earlier. "Okay, okay, yeah. So we're actually pretty close. You see.."

As Oikawa drawled on his small lesson, Kuroo couldn't help but get distracted from time to time. He'd always loved to see Oikawa's eyes when they were determined to do something, and it was hard to process that on occasion that they were set on helping him.

"And so, since there is a contour line there, assuming your map is facing north, you can see that it's close to where you want to turn and-"

"Hey 'Kawa?"

Oikawa looked up from the map, meeting eyes with his boyfriend. "Yes, darling?"

Kuroo smiled warmly as he leaned in and gave Oikawa a quick kiss on his nose, leaving Oikawa's cheeks pink as he looked questionably at Kuroo. "What was that for?"

"Nothing," Kuroo grinned, "But I think I get a bit of how to use a map now! I'm reaaaaally tired and I think the cafe with the periodic table cupcakes closes as 6."

Oikawa rolled his eyes, but nonetheless handed the map back to Kuroo and returned his eyes to the road. "Yeah, yeah, you and your cupcakes. I think we should be more worried about the gates to the camping site closing at 6, but let's just hope we can make it in time to maybe pick up some cupcakes before we get there."

Kuroo clapped his hands briefly, gesturing broadly to the empty land in front of them. "Then we must continue!! Quickly Tooru, I want a sodium cupcake!"

"...that sounds disgusting, and wait - what did you call me?"

"Tooru?" Kuroo questioned, nervously glancing at his boyfriend, "Is that okay? Maybe I should've asked-"

"No! No!" Oikawa chuckled, "It's fine! Just caught me off guard is all."

"Okay good!" Kuroo remarked, "Because I would've had to sing my sad oatmeal song if you said I couldn't call you Tooru."

Oikawa chuckled again and shook his head.

The rest of the drive was long, sure, but at the very least neither felt as if they were going to fall asleep anytime soon and it was much less than boring.

Oikawa would never admit it - really, never, but he was almost grateful Kuroo couldn't read a map. (or something like that. it was worth the memory, at the very least, and definitely something he could tease him for later.) 

~ complete ~

ahah! i got off my weekly posting schedule by a few days, whoops :( 

also! go drink some water!! 
