♡ iwaoi - sleepover? ♡

happy birthday to this book and 100th oneshot 🎉


Friday classes always felt longer than the rest.

Friday classes, however, happened to be the only thing between Oikawa and the weekend. A glance at the clock supplied Oikawa with a promise of another boring 15 minutes before he was free.

15 minutes Oikawa spent, as expected, doodling on his papers and writing random song lyrics in the small spots on his paper he hadn't filled yet. It wasn't the most interesting activity, but Oikawa considered it far more interesting than cosines and tangents.

Oikawa let his mind drift away from trigonometry and towards his weekend plans, which, by the current time, was just set to the same thing he'd done weeks prior - watching whatever documentaries on aliens had come out that week and arguing over their existence to children online.

It wasn't that Oikawa didn't want to argue with children online over the weekend, but he'd be lying if he said he wouldn't jump at the chance to do something else. (especially if that "something else" happened to be with the object of his affections, his childhood best friend.)

So, when the bell finally rang, Oikawa packed his things as fast as he could to pester Iwaizumi into having a sleepover with him.

"Iwa-chan, Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, but looked up from his desk he was cleaning anyway. "What do you want now, 'kawa?"

"Do! You!" Oikawa sang, exaggerating each word, "Want! Toooooo! Have a! Sleep!! Over!! Today!?"

Iwaizumi smiled, and Oikawa couldn't help but smile back when he replied, "Sure. I don't see why not."

While Oikawa was in an excited rush to the gates to get home, Iwaizumi also matched with a little smile on his face he couldn't shake. It'd been a few weeks since they got to hang out together outside of school, and he too was excited.

Oikawa's house wasn't far. They made idle chat as they dropped their backpacks and sweaters in the living room before racing up the stairs to Oikawa's bedroom and flopping on the bed with exhausted sighs.

It took a minute, but soon enough Iwaizumi spoke up. "Do you have any plans for what we're doing?"

Oikawa clicked his tongue. "Absolutely none."

Iwaizumi pulled out his phone, humming absentmindedly as he tapped the screen a few times, typing something Oikawa presumed was towards his mom.

"We coooooouuuullld," Oikawa thought, "I don't know."

"Real helpful."

"We could. I really don't know - we could!"

Oikawa continued with 'we could's and 'i don't know's for a few minutes, before squinting at his stack of pillows against his bed. "Ohoho! I think I've had a grand idea."

"And tell me," Iwaizumi sighed, voice dripping with sarcasm. "What this 'grand idea' is, great king?"

"I am so glad you asked! We could-"

"-not this again-"

"-make a pillow fort!"

Iwaizumi scrunched his nose, but relaxed not long after. "That's - I think for once you had a somewhat decent idea."

Oikawa pouted, although he wasn't too offended. "You're cruel."

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "You love it. And - we can do a pillow fort if you order pizza."


It took only 30 minutes to set up what Oikawa called an "acceptable tent". To Iwaizumi's standards, it was a pillow castle, but he supposed that wasn't the end of the world. No, far from it.

Iwaizumi liked the idea of their little fort being a castle, even if it was just a small thought. It was stupid, he was sure, but when Makki and Mattsun had begun writing 'IwaoI' on everything they could find, Iwaizumi couldn't help but noticed the 'I's looking like towers and the 'wao' being the base of the castle.

Not that it was something he'd ever say aloud, though, so he quickly let the thought go. Iwaizumi carefully set another pile of textbooks on the edges, pulling his mind from it's constant thoughts about Oikawa.

Despite it looking luxurious, it was quite small. Iwaizumi and Oikawa only barely fit pressed up against each other and Oikawa's feet hung out the edge.

"Do you still have a pair of my pj's here, 'kawa?"

Oikawa blinked, shaking his head to bring himself out of his own thoughts. "Yeah, top drawer across from mine. Grab me a pair while you're at it?"

The next thing Oikawa knew, a pair of his most dorky alien-printed teal pyjamas were thrown at him. He huffed, but let it slide since Iwaizumi at least grabbed them for him. "I'm gonna change now so I'm kicking you out. Go to the bathroom or something."

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes again and Oikawa was sure it wouldn't be long until they were permanently stuck up there. Regardless, Iwaizumi made his way to the bathroom, flicking on the light before closing and locking the door.

Oikawa was quick to change, so he had a decent amount of time to himself. With no idea as to where his phone went, he spent a good 5 minutes questioning his existence.

Lost in thought, he didn't hear Iwaizumi return until he found a pillow thrown in his face. "Hey, Oikawa, stop staring like that. You're freaking me out!"

Oikawa blinked and pulled himself into reality. "Sorry, sorry."

"It's all good. I'm hungry, go order the pizza - the usual, you know."

Oikawa had no idea what 'the usual' was supposed to mean, considering they never ordered pizza, but he figured cheese and pineapples would be fit. If it turned out that Iwaizumi didn't like pineapple on his pizza, Oikawa would just kick him out.

"Mhm," Oikawa hummed, "sounds great."

It wasn't until the food had arrived that Oikawa realised it might not have been a good idea to also order a 2 liter of Pepsi so late, especially considering he got really hyper just by coffee, but when did good ideas ever mattered to Oikawa? Never. He poured him and Iwaizumi drinks in the biggest cups he could find.

Iwaizumi raised his eyebrows at the huge teal cups. "How much teal stuff does one need?"

Oikawa rolled his eyes, handing Iwaizumi matching teal plates. "A lot, Iwa-chan."

"You're weird," Iwaizumi commented, "and obsessed."

Oikawa was a person who relied heavily on impulse. Now was no time to change. "Uh-huh, sure, but believe it or not there is something I love more than teal and aliens."

"What would that be?"

Oikawa was 100% sure his brain had shut off and he was going to die, but that didn't matter. He pulled his best tiktok f-boy face, looking Iwaizumi in the eyes as he said, "You."

"Not as much as I love you."

Excuse Oikawa? He wants to be excused. He is not ready for this, he wants to leave. Iwaizumi catches him before he can run away, unfortunately. "Wait - 'kawa, I'm sorry, that was stupid, look-"

Oikawa frowned, and looked aside. "I'm - Actually, Iwa-chan, it's okay. But I don't think you get how I meant it."

"You're didn't mean it romantically?" Iwaizumim's brow creased.

"No, I did. I just thought-"

"You?! Thinking?!"

"You're so mean!"

"I'm pretty good at multitasking. I can be your boyfriend and 'mean' if you want me to."

Oikawa paused, and then smiled. "Well I can be so much more than that, and your boyfriend too."

"Oh yeah? Is that a challenge?"

"You bet it is!"

"Challenge accepted!" 

end :) 

wow!! its weird to think its been a full year haha. just feels like 2 months or something.  <3
