6.) Valentine's Day


"Teach girls to be somebodies instead of somebody's"

-The Women's March


Cassia's POV


+ 1 new message

Worldwide Handsome❤️
Good  morning, Cassie! Have a great day today, do you want me to pick you up after your shift? I want to hangout tonight!!

Also, don't forget to get kissed todayy, see you soon,
xx Jin

"Oh my god, Jin" Cassia groaned as she read the message a second time. Why was he always so extra.

Any more dates today?

Worldwide Handsome❤️
Yess,  actually. You should too!

Rightt, who would I go on a date with?

Worldwide Handsome❤️
We'll work on that soon.. Want me to pick you up now or nah?

Oops, sorry babe. Yes please pick me up, thanks see you then💕 have a nice Valentine's Day, Jin and try not to scare the guy too much.
xx Cassie

Cassia quickly put her phone away before she could read Jin's angry reply. Unlike her, Jin was in his full element on days like Valentine's Day. He had sent her chocolates and even left a card.

Cassia stuffed her mouth with some of the sickly sweet pralines whilst she was getting ready and they tasted, to her surprise, pretty good. Maybe today was gonna be more fun than she had anticipated.

By the time she had to start getting ready for her shift all the chocolates were gone. She played some sappy love songs on her speakers attempting to get into the mood. She put on the pink "Happy Valentine's Day" shirt and examined her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Her hair was already pretty wavy from leaving it in braids over night so she just lightly brushed through it and tried to tame her baby hairs that were making a scene.

Frank Sinatra's "My funny Valentine" came on next in her playlist and Cassia started sliding around her bathroom in her slippers, swiftly dancing to the music. She decided to try something different with her makeup today, inspired by Leia's full red lips the other day she put on a pink lipstick shade that matched her shirt for work.

When she was done with getting ready she met her reflection with a smile, the highlighter making her glow a little bit in the light. She looked happy. She felt happy.


"Eyyy" Leia cheered when she saw Cassia walking towards her.

"Ready for a long ass shift?" she chuckled, hugging Cassia hello.

"Won't get any more ready than this" Cassia replied putting her purse away and pinning her name tag on which still read Casey.

"Where's Suga?"

"Here!" he yelled out, he was crouched down behind the popcorn machine and stuck his arm up in the air so Cassia could see him.

"Something broke again" he groaned.

"I swear Mr. Densil is so stingy with money, again and again I tell him how this one stupid machine always breaks down but nooo let's not replace it, Yoongi will surely fix it again. Fuck this stupid fucking machine it's broken how many more times will I have to-"

"Suga, SUGA-" Leia hissed at him and Cassia soon noticed why. Mr. Densil was making his way over to them.

"-fix this goddamn thing, I have better things to do than-"

"Oh- HI MR. DENSIL!" Leia raised her voice to cover Yoongi's. Mr. Densil just sent her an irritated glance but it  worked he didn't  hear Yoongi's ranting.

"Here's the list of tonight's reservations, don't forget about selling the fan packages and-"

He noticed Yoongi appearing from behind the broken machine.

"Let me know if you need anything" he finished and sent Yoongi one more judgmental glare before leaving.

"Fucking bastard" Yoongi cursed under his breath.

"Forget about it, we still have two other popcorn machines, we'll be fine" Leia tried to calm him down and placed her hand on his shoulder. When his eyes met hers they immediately softened.

"I kow, he just pisses me off" he mumbled but let it go.

The first screening of the new Fifty Shades movie didn't start until 8 pm but the afternoon's program held enough romantic movies for couples to fill the theatre all day.

Cassia's cheeks started to hurt from smiling so much. Most of the guests were in a good mood and really polite when ordering snacks but some got pissed at the long lines and got rude when they ran out of strawberry popcorn.

Who likes eating that stuff anyway? She tried a handful when everything had calmed down a little and it was super sticky and in all honesty just way too sweet like Yoongi had told her.

Most of the guests were couples but Cassia also noticed groups of friends and some people even came alone. She actually got hit on by a few guys which caught her completely off guard.

One guy in specific just wouldn't give up.

"Oh come on" he complained leaning onto the counter.

"Can I get you anything else?" the politeness was slowly draining from her voice.

"Don't be so stuck up, it's Valentine's Day. Go out with me after your shift ends" he said showing no sign of backing off.

"I already have plans. If you don't want a-"

"Fine, give me a ticket for fifty shades of grey"

"That movie starts in one hour" Cassia said pointing to the program.

"Don't worry, I'll wait, sweety" he grinned.

Cassia innerly screamed but let a fake smile take over her lips.

"Great" she smiled and shoved the ticket at the guy who was still grinning like a fool.

Yoongi who was listening over the whole exchange walked over to Cassia when she was drinking from her water bottle and stood in front of her.

"Was he bothering you? Do you want me to kick him out?" he asked but Cassia just shook her head.

"It's fine. I can handle him"

"Should he bother you again or anyone for that matter, let me know, okay?"

"Thanks Yoongi" Cassia smiled, appreciating his help.

As it got closer and closer to the premiere the theatre started to fully fill up with couples.

"We also have a special fan package to offer you tonight" that phrase soon left a sour taste in Cassia's mouth after saying it what felt like a billion times.

Even though Cassia had her hands full of work and she could still feel the gaze of that greasy guy from time to time, she had fun.

Leia and her were dancing to the loud pop music that played throughout the theatre and they even got Yoongi to join in at some points. Cassia felt her mood rising again.

"We're out of packages again, I'll get some more" Yoongi let them know and Leia took a quick glance at Cassia who subtly nodded before chiming "I'll help you!"

10 more minutes til 8pm.

"Hi! We have reservations"

When Cassia looked up she felt like all the air had been knocked out of her lungs. She bit down on her tongue. Hard.

The girl that was brightly smiling at her looked like she had walked straight out of a Victoria's Secret ad. She had short silver hair and such light brown eyes that Cassia could swear they were golden.

She was really tall and dressed in distressed high waisted black jeans and a flowy white top with black ankle boots. Her skin was glowing and her smile so sincere that it was contagious.

Her hand was intertwined with a guy's. He didn't smile and almost seemed to stare Cassia down. He was still a little taller than the girl even though she was wearing heels.

His eyes were the same stunning brown as hers but for some reason Cassia had trouble looking into them. Fuuck she internally whispered.

His light brown hair was pushed back with a black bandana and he was wearing silver earrings, one longer than the other.

He was also wearing black jeans and boots along with a white t-shirt that read "GUCCI" and a light-wash jeans jacket. He had a really sharp jawline and Cassia felt the blood rushing to her cheeks from his piercing gaze on her.   

How can someone be that attractive?

"Under what name?" she asked, pulling out the list of reservations.

"Kim" he spoke. Fuuck his voice was deep.

"Right. Here are your tickets. Can I get you guys anything else?" Cassia asked, seeing that Yoongi and Leia were still gone she also had to manage the snack counter.

"What do you want?" the guy wearing GUCCI asked the girl who was still smiling.

"Umm we'll have medium nachos with extra cheese and two large sprites" the girl spoke. "Oh and one packet of maltesers as well please"

Cassia handed them their snacks and the guy went to pay when the girl suddenly exclaimed "hold on, I really need to pee" and shoved her red purse into the guys arms before turning and running to the bathrooms.

She even looked graceful when running in heels, how?

"Nari!" gucci boy yelled after her but she was already gone. He groaned before turning back to Cassia and paying for the snacks, when his fingers brushed against Cassia's she felt goosebumps rising on her arms.

What is happening.

"Keep the change" he mumbled before struggling to pick up all of the snacks at once.

"Oh you can just leave them here on the counter until she comes back" Cassia said finally meeting gucci boy's gaze.

He just nodded before putting the snacks back down.

5 more minutes until the premiere.

People started to walk into the theatre room now and Yoongi was busy checking tickets.

Right then, the greasy guy from earlier came back. Gucci boy was still waiting at the counter but the greasy guy just ignored him and leaned over the counter as far as he could.

She attempted to ignore him but he clearly wanted something.

"What can I do for you?" Cassia didn't smile this time.

"Oh baby, there's so much you could do for me but right now popcorn will do" he said in a fake deep voice, trying to sound..sexy?

Cassia took a deep breath before scooping the popcorn into a carton and handing it to him, he took hold of her hand and squeezed it.

"Go out with me" he demanded, not letting go.

"I said I wasn't interested" Cassia slightly raised her voice now, not having any of his shit and pulling her wrist back which only made him tighten his grip. "Let go, you're hurting me"

"What now, do you have a boyfriend? Come on, don't be so feisty" he whispered and tightened his grip even more.

"Are you deaf? She said that she isn't interested" a deep voice suddenly spoke. Gucci boy was grabbing the guy's shoulder.

"Chill, bro" the guy chuckled but let go of Cassia's wrist.

"All part of the chase" he spoke.

Gucci boy's eyes darkened.

"Leave. Now" he growled.

"What the fuck, no. I paid for my ticket" the guy yelled, backing away slightly.

"You again" Yoongi suddenly appeared behind them.

"You will leave this theatre right now or I'll call the cops" Yoongi looked beyond pissed as he was shoving the guy further away from the counter.

The guy finally left not without cursing loudly though.

"Are you okay?" Gucci boy spoke as he saw Cassia holding her wrist. He leaned over the counter and took her hand in his.

"That fucker" he spoke as he traced the red marks forming on her skin.

"Are you okay, Cassia?" Yoongi came running back to them.

He worriedly looked at Cassia's red wrist.

"I should've kicked him out right away" he cursed.

"Yoongi, it's fine. Oh god, this is so embarassing. I'm fine, that was just a jerk, don't worry about it."

Cassia was pretending that her blushing came from all the attention on her when in fact it was caused by the boy that was still carefully stroking her wrist sending electric sparks up her arm.
