58.) gone girl


"That isn't armor
you've wrapped yourself in

That's a cage."

-L.E. Bowman


Yoongi's POV

His tired eyes were focused on Cassia. She had fallen asleep on his shoulder, maybe he would've nudged her awake if she didn't look so at peace right now. He knew how much she could use a bit of sleep. They had been awake for over 24 hours.

The seats in economy were crammed together and pretty uncomfortable, of course there had to be a kid sat right behind him, kicking his seat and loudly complaining to his parents every five minutes. Oh, how he despised flying.

"Something to drink for you, Sir?"

The coffee was too hot and tasted shitty but he gulped it down in quick chugs before the taste could overtake his tastebuds. He popped a piece of mint gum in his mouth afterwards.

He felt exhausted but there was no way he could fall asleep on this godforsaken airplane. A few more hours, he told himself, only a few more hours. Grey clouds blocked most of the view the small window provided but Yoongi found himself getting lost in the midst of them anyways. For some reason, they calmed him. Grey was such a neutral colour that he could feel himself get lost in it. His eyes couldn't handle bright colours or sunlight right now.

Cassia let out what sounded like a sigh in her sleep as she slightly adjusted her position against Yoongi's shoulder. He made sure her head had enough support. Very gently, he pushed some of her long hair out of her face. She had cried again, only a bit, very few silent tears but Yoongi hadn't missed them.

He was such a fool. They were both fools, complete idiots. How on earth had Cassia convinced him to run off with her? They had brought close to nothing with them. Only money, credit cards, ids, their passports and the clothes they had on. Nothing else. Cassia told him there was no time for packing. He left his phone behind. He agreed to leave his home, his studio, everything.

Because he had to come with her. After he had seen the look in her eyes, after he had heard her explaination, he knew he had to come. Because if he hadn't, Cassia would have left without him and if anything ever happened to her, he would never be able to forgive himself.

He realized it now more clearly than before. Cassia really was his closest friend. It had been a long time since he had last trusted someone as much as he trusted Cassia right now. He had been betrayed in the past, backstabbed, let down when he most needed a true friend..so yes, it was hard for him to learn how to trust again.

He had almost felt that way with Leia. But she wanted more. And in a way he did too. He couldn't allow that to happen though because he wasn't even close to ready for comittment, he wasn't ready for a relationship and he knew he could never be just friends with Leia again after they had gotten closer. He would always want more and that couldn't happen, so he had to reject her, cut her off. They hadn't talked since. He missed her but the loss was bareable, he stopped it before he could grow too attached.

With Cassia, he knew it was too late for that. She could ask him to jump off a bridge with her and he would most likely do it. He would never admit that to her though. He felt this burning need to protect her, not just from the world but also from herself and this was his way of doing just that.

Even though this was insanely reckless. Ah, fuck it. He had done worse things in his past.

In a way, this was an escape for him too. He wasn't talking to his family, the few aquaintances he left behind didn't stir any emotion in him and everything else, everything materialistic was replacable.

They just needed to find a place to stay, get jobs and they'd be fine. Watching the grey clouds drift by Yoongi finally felt at peace too. He could feel himself drifting off, he tried fighting sleep but there was no use. His body was too exhausted from the long drive to the airport and all the stress of leaving, there was one last thing he promised himself before everything went black.

He'd never accept a job at a movie theatre again.


3 months later..


Jimin's POV

The campaign turned out great. He felt a wave of pride rush through him at the sight of his editorial pictures on the big computer screen of the photographer. He let the praise rain down on him and just enjoyed how much his hard work was finally paying off. He had never felt more proud.

10 pages of just him in the next issue of Vogue, if that wasn't something to be proud of he didn't know what was.

After a few last shots it was a wrap and he got changed back into his own clothes. It had been a long two shooting days but he knew it would be well worth it. Excitedly awaiting him in his dressing room were Nari and Marla. They had brought flowers and fancy looking chocolates, as well as a bottle of champagne.

The girls came rushing towards him, tightly embracing him and congratulating him on this huge milestone. "We organized a little get together to celebrate you" Nari told Jimin. "Everyone's waiting for you back at the apartment. Are you ready to leave?"

Jimin noticed that Taehyung wasn't here. Neither had he called or texted to wish him good luck for his big day. He'll be at the get together.
Jimin tried convincing himself.

He hadn't seen his best friend in over a week even though they had a scheduled meeting with their new agency and possible new clients yesterday. Taehyung didn't shown up. Just like he hadn't shown up to his shootings or interviews for the past weeks.

To say Marla was mad was an understatement. She was still their assistant and still very determined to keep their careers going and help them climb higher and higher in the business but Taehyung stopped being cooperative when Cassia left.

At first, Jimin had been worried, by now he was merely annoyed by him. Nari didn't mention Taehyung much either, Jimin had overheard them fighting a few days back. In short, they weren't doing too great.

Offering the girls a smile, he pushed the thought aside, nodded and got ready to leave with them. He said goodbye to his styling team and politely thanked the photographer again who had been really nice to Jimin all throughout the shooting and complimented him whenever they were looking at the results together.

Jimin's career was taking off. He had finally made his name a well known one in the fashion industry and was getting deal after deal, campaigns, shoots, runways.. When he wasn't working he was sleeping. All the while he managed to remain motivated, grateful and polite. People adored working with him and Jimin loved his job.

Something Taehyung could no longer relate to. He was often late or didn't show up at all, rude to staff, tired and showed a grand total of zero motivation towards the job he once claimed to love with all his heart.

Taehyung had changed, and not in a good way. He ignored the people who cared about him most and pretended people and life were suddenly meaningless to him. When Jimin thought back to the way Taehyung had behaved when he was seperated from Cassia for the first time to how he behaved now, it was worlds apart.

He didn't show signs of sadness, anxiety, worry or loneliness. Only boredom, ignorance and anger. He seemed to always be angry. With everyone and everything. And Jimin was tired of being the punching bag.

He tried talking to Taehyung but nothing he said seemed to carry any meaning to Taehyung. Three months down the line and with his behaviour only growing worse and worse..he stopped trying. It still hurt though. When they didn't talk, didn't text.. when Taehyung showed no signs of even thinking about him.

Cassia had been gone for a while now and yes, they were all worried but by god, the girl was so set on not being found, moving on seemed all too alluring.

Jimin didn't ever say it out loud but secretly, he was really pissed at Cassia. Leaving them all behind in this huge mess of feelings, turning Taehyung into someone he no longer recognized, even though that wasn't directly her fault and breaking Jungkook's heart.

Shock, denial, worry, sadness and now confusion..? They had to move on. They all had lifes to take care of and couldn't just wait around until Cassia decided she'd show a sign of existance again. And she had Yoongi. They all knew that. Why else would he be gone out of the blue.

"Those pictures looked gorgeous" Nari mentioned. "We got a short glimpse at them"

"You really outdid yourself, Jimin" Marla agreed. "I'm so proud of you. You've been working harder than ever before"

"Thank you" Jimin's expression warmed up. His head was still clouded with thoughts of Cassia and Taehyung but he shook them off. "I'm looking forward to rest up for a few days though" he smiled, talkinh about his upcoming break from work, well deserved.

He might as well grab the bull by its horns. "Is Tae coming?"

Nari's smile fell. Tae's sudden change of character had hit her hardest out of all of them.

"No" she shortly answered. "I'm sorry, Jimin. I tried"

"It's not your fault" Jimin sighed.

Nari took his hand once they climbed out of the car and made their way up the driveway of their house. Jimin had moved in a while back, it was mostly him and Nari now. Taehyung was- god knows where..

As soon as they stepped foot into the living room lound 'pangs' were heard and glitter confetti started raining down on Jimin. Everyone started clapping and cheering and his face lit up with the widest smile of joy. He bowed gracefully and waved at everyone happily. Nari and Marla had really outdone themselves, inviting everyone they could think of.

Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, two of Jimin's cousins, some of his college friends, Lukas and Amara and a handful of people he didn't even recognize himself.

They had prepared a whole buffet along with desserts and fun cocktails Jimin couldn't stop smiling all throughout the night, greeting everyone, laughing with his friends and enjoying his little celebration. In the past he had always been in Taehyung's shadow but now..people finally seemed to take notice of him too.

Jungkook handed him dessert after dessert once they all finished eating dinner. "Kook, I really can't eat anymore-" he chuckled, dodging the chocolate fudge cake pushed in his face.

"Last one, Chim. I promise! This one tastes like heaven, you have to try it!"

He gave in at last. Jungkook was right, chocolate heaven. He smiled at the much taller brunette boy. The two had grown quite closer over the past weeks, being each other's strong shoulder to lean on.

"Oh- I haven't even introduced you yet" Jungkook suddenly remembered, pointing to the pretty blonde girl beside him. "I hope you don't mind I brought her along. We met a few weeks ago and became friends, she used to work with- with Yoongi"

Jimin smiled at the blue eyed beauty, shaking her hand with a smile. "No problem at all, glad you came along. My name's Jimin"

"Hi, Jimin. Thank you for letting me celebrate with you all, I'm Leia" she introduced herself and Jimin immediately felt himself being drawn to her.

"Beautiful name" he complimented and Leia blushed. "Would you like some cake, Leia?"

"I'd love to" she giggled.

Jungkook leaned back with a knowing smirk. "I'll leave you two to chat, see you, Chim"

"Cheers" Jimin winked, silently thanking Jungkook who understood and winked back, making his way over to Nari.

For the first time in a long while, Jimin felt relaxed and fully in the moment. He had needed this. Some happiness.

Taehyung's POV

The girl looked like Cassia. At least a lot more once his thoughts were drowned in the warmth of alcohol.

He couldn't remember how long he had been dancing with this girl. Time had slipped out of his grasp. All he knew was that he should have come to a different nightclub than Nova. The lights up here reminded him of her. He was dancing exactly where they had danced what felt like a lifetime ago. Goddamn, he couldn't even go to his favourite nightclub anymore. She had ruined even that, she had ruined everything.

He couldn't hear the music or feel the girl's ass pressed against his crotch he was too numb already. At some point the girl turned around and was now in his arms. He didn't care. He didn't care about anything. But she looked like Cassia. Her hair was the same brown. It took all his brainpower to focus on the girl's features.

Once his eyes locked with hers, he could've started laughing. She looked nothing like Cassia. His mind was only fucking with him, godfuckingdamn.

When he felt the girl's lips on his own it felt like a hard slap to the face. He flinched back and when she clung onto him once more to press her lips to his, he pushed her off and left, so hurriedly he almost tripped down the stairs.

(never drink& drive! there is absolutely no excuse for it, you are risking not only your own life but the ones of other people too)

He got into his car, slamming the door shut and taking deep breaths. He felt like someone had been choking him and he could suddenly breathe again after minutes. He tried collecting his thoughts but failed, his head was a mess, his heart was his mess- FUCK!

He slammed his fists against the steering wheel letting out a loud scream. The tears came so suddenly and in such large quantity that they had soaked his face and lap in seconds.

It wouldn't stop. The pain wouldn't stop. How could someone do this to a person they claimed to love?

He couldn't erase her from his mind. He had tried, so hard and in all ways he could think of but nothing worked. She had left him so abruptly and with nothing, absolutely nothing that his heart couldn't cope. He really thought they had something, something that was a once in a lifetime kind of thing.

The sight of the nightclub nearly drove him insane. He started the ignition and drove off, ignoring speed limits and stop signs. He didn't stop, not once until he had arrived at the hill and was completely alone, not another human soul in sight. He had taken her here too. There really was no escaping, but this was as good as it got.

It was still his secret escape spot, only Cassia and him knew about it. He lit a cigarette, not because he craved one but because he always smoked when he came up here, it had become a habit.

He was still crying. He couldn't stop. No message. No note. Nothing. Not when she left, not after three months. He didn't know where she was, if she was safe, she could be dead in this moment and he'd have no way of knowing.

They were over. Taehyung knew it. He had understood that much.

Everyone hated him. Because he had 'changed'. He was angry, yes. An asshole, yes. Selfish, yes. He felt like he had the right to be. For once, he thought his feelings deserved to be considered too. Let me be fucking angry. He thought. It's the only emotion I have left.

He had always just been seen as Cassia's comforter, her protecter, her shoulder to lean on.. but hell, no one realized she had been his shoulder too. He needed her too.

How would you feel? After pouring all your energy, support, love and trust in someone only for them to show you just how little they cared about you. He wasn't even worth an explanation.

The night drank Taehyung up until all that was left of him was a shadow of the person he was.

The tears stopped, so did his thoughts..it was just one big blur of moonlight and numbness now. And that was good. Everything was better than heartbreak.

Cassia's words came back to him. And he understood. Taehyung, for once, understood how it felt to feel unfixable.


A/N: hah! You thought you'd seen the last of Leia, didn't ya? Tricked you, hehe.

I like this chapter, I really do, so here's the update. Hope you enjoyed, even though it's as depressing as ever- whoops

I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH oh gosh I have to take a moment to thank all of you for the madness that is 55k reads and aaaalll the love i keep receiving THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! ❤️❤️❤️

Two more chapters, babes- let's do this!

All the love,


