59.) broken


"I want you but I'm not ready.
the same way I want to move on
and let go
but the past is a lot heavier
than I thought."


Jungkook's POV

Such heavy rain was pouring down from the sky that it seemed as if the heavens had decided to drown the whole city. The tv was softly buzzing in the background, more weather forecasts, it didn't look good. Nothing indicated that it would get better anytime soon. Jungkook had never witnessed anything like this.

Every citizen got a disaster alert on their phone and was adviced not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary. They were trapped. No one had seen this coming. It all started going downhill at around 10 am this morning.

Nari had come to pick Jungkook up and drive him to college when the weather suddenly started to go to hell and they got the alerts on their phones. Jin and Namjoon were stuck in their apartment, Jimin and Marla were somewhere in the city centre on a meeting and now stuck in that building as well and god knows where the hell Taehyung was.

Jungkook could feel the tension building up in the room. "Did you try calling him?" he spoke up after a good ten minutes of silence. Nari and him were both sitting on the living room couch, staring out of the window and watching the disaster unfold.

The rain which had been joined by furious whistling wind was falling from the sky in little weapon-like speers. The sound was nothing short of terrifying. Howling wind combined with roaring thunder building up in the grey clouds and the neverending noise of rain falling and falling and falling..

Nari's face, usually so composed and relaxed was pulled into a deep frown, she looked worried. Jungkook knew she wasn't scared, at least not for herself. She was scared for her brother.

"Of course I have" she hissed and he flinched back from her harsh tone.

"Sorry, I was just-" he sunk back into the couch.

"I know, Kookie" Nari sighed, turning to face him. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just really on edge right now"

"I know what you're going through" Jungkook mumbled, his voice getting smaller with every word. "It's a horrible feeling not knowing whether your sibling is safe, isn't it?"

"Yes" Nari mumbled before it dawned on here. "Ohh- Jungkook-"

"It's fine" he shrugged, the pain in his eyes dominating all other emotions. "Let's not talk about it. Let's focus on finding out where Taehyung is, okay?"

Nari's eyes locked with Jungkook's. He noticed that their golden shimmer looked weakened, tired even, much like the light in his own eyes. "Thank you" she mouthed.

Jungkook shook his head and reached out to grab Nari's hand in his. It was ice cold. "You don't have to thank me"

"I'm gonna make us some tea and turn the heat up, wait here" he ordered. When he returned he was not only carrying two cups of steaming hot tea in his hands but also had one of his big, comfy sweaters flung over his shoulder.

He tossed it over to Nari who was only wearing a thin shirt and leggings and she caught it and pulled it over her head with a smile, it fit more like a dress than a sweater on her petite form. Jungkook caught himself staring. How did she look this good in his clothes?

Nari noticed his staring and their eyes locked. A small grin took over her lips and Jungkook's face immediately blushed a light pink but he turned away before it became too noticeable.

They tried everyone but no one had seen or heard from Taehyung in days. They couldn't leave the apartment to go searching for him either, way too dangerous. Nari called her brother's phone over and over but every time it went straight to voicemail. She left him messages, begging him to let her know he was safe and after that the realization hit that there was nothing left they could do.

They had to wait out the storm. Jungkook was on the phone with Jin for over half an hour, the older was triple checking they were safe and okay, he promised to contact them should he hear from Taehyung but Jungkook knew that wouldn't happen. He thanked Jin, nevertheless, and promised they wouldn't leave the apartment until the weather had calmed down again.

Nari was sitting on the couch, tea cup empty, legs pulled up to her chin, head resting on her knees and arms hugging her legs to her chest. She was mindlessly playing with the soft curls of her silver hair which had gotten longer over time and now reached down to her shoulders. The silver tone of her hair that reminded Jungkook of cold winter days and Christmas, glistened in the yellow light of the living room.

Her casual beauty managed to leave him in a trance. The worst part was that she didn't even have to try, she was so effortlessly pretty that Jungkook's breath got stuck in his throat when he stared at her for too long. She looked so cute sitting like this, dressed in Jungkook's sweater and playing with her hair, so innocent. Not for a moment would you guess the strength, power and determination hiding inside her small form.

Jungkook had never gotten to see this side of Nari but as soft and beautiful as she looked in that moment, there was also sadness in her eyes and worry weighing her down.

Jungkook was sitting at a respectful distance, sipping on his tea which had gone cold, every now and then he would throw quick, worried glances at the girl next to him.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he suggested when he couldn't bare the heavy silence any longer. Nari nodded, not really looking up. She looked so vulnerable right now, nothing like her usual fierce self.

Jungkook picked up her empty cup but made her a hot chocolate this time, dropping in mini marshmallows. He picked a disney film because he didn't want to choose anything too serious or action packed and also because they had tons and tons of disney films lying around anyways. Cassia loved- his sister used to love disney films.

The hot chocoalte brought a smile to Nari's face. Her cheeks were wet but there were no tears coming from her eyes. Jungkook pretended he didn't notice, she probably cried when he was in the kitchen. He put on the movie and sat back down on the couch.

The intro played and disney's silver castle appeared. "What movie did you pick?" Nari asked.

"Peter Pan" Jungkook told her and after that it was silent again. Only the movie and the heavy rain could be heard.

Jungkook let himself get completely immersed in the movie. Distraction felt good every now and then, even though on second thoughts picking a disney movie might not have been such a good idea after all, it brought back too many memories of movie nights, a laughing Cassia, a happy Cassia. He tried remembering when he had last seen his sister whole-heartedly laugh but failed. Jungkook wondered where Cassia was right now. He wondered if she missed him and he wondered whether she was happier now.

His face fell at the thought of his sister and instead of looking at the screen his eyes were suddenly glued to the floor. He almost flinshed back out of surprise when he felt a touch on his shoulder. Nari had closed the distance between them and was now curled up against his chest. Very hesitantly he brought his arm around her. She stayed silent and didn't look up at him, paying her full attention to the movie.

Jungkook's muscles relaxed and after another moment of hesitation he finally grew confident enough to do what he had wanted to do for a really long time now. He ran his fingers through Nari's hair.

"You're a bit like Tinkerbell, you know? Your hair's the same as hers and you're just as sassy. But you can't fly and your eyes are golden not blue." Jungkook whispered and he could feel Nari smiling.

"You're a bit like Peter, you know?" she tried to imitate Jungkook's voice. "Your hair's the same and you're just as adventurous and caring, except- " and now she looked up at him. Jungkook stopped breathing when he realized how close their faces were.

"You can't fly.." she whispered and leaned in. He couldn't stop staring, staring at her beautiful eyes and her pink lips so fucking close to his own, he could feel her hot breath on his lips.

"No, I can't" he answered, voice breathy and weak. The proximity was driving his hormones crazy. "I can't fly"

"And.." Nari smiled, their noses were nothing but a breath apart. "you're not a child anymore"

She kissed him, she really leaned in and kissed him. Jungkook was frozen to the spot in shock but his eyes quickly closed when he felt her hands press against his chest and her legs swing over his own, she was now sitting on his lap, her body pressed against him.

Jungkook kissed her back, soft and hesitant at first but more confident the more she began touching him. His hands went to the small of her back pulling her closer and to the back of her head, grabbing her hair and then her thighs. God, how long he had dreamed of touching her like this. Her lips were warm and so, so soft. Jungkook breathed in her sweet vanilla perfume and couldn't believe this was all really happening.

By the time they drew back from the kiss both their lips were parted and a swollen cherry red, breathing heavily but hands still on each other's bodies and eyes on each other.

"You okay?" Nari asked, taking in Jungkook's stunned expression.

He leaned in and placed a small peck on her pink lips. "Couldn't be better, noona" he smiled and she smiled back and suddenly a bit of the golden light returned to her eyes, the movie long forgotten.

Cassia's POV (one week ago)

She never thought she would find the strength to follow through with running away again, but she did. Three months had passed and she hadn't contaced anyone, not once, of course she had moments of weakness, of worry, of sadness, of guilt but when she did, she reminded herself why she had run away in the first place.

They are better off without me. She needed to remember that.

Starting over is never easy and Cassia was speaking from experience. What made things even harder was when you didn't know the language or culture one bit. America was different, she had studied English all her life, adapting had still been challenging but nothing compared to how it was now in Japan.

Yoongi was her lifeline, without him she would've been completely lost. His Japanese was more than passable, he couldn't just order food and ask for directions but, almost daily, he had full on conversations with strangers, knew how to keep small talk going and navigated them through every challenge coming their way.

He tried teaching Cassia but only the very basics would stick to her memory, enough for her to go grocery shopping on her own or order coffee.

They were constantly on the go, never staying in one place for more than a few days. They slept at cheap hostels or guest rooms, illegally worked low-payment jobs like washing dishes and cleaning and only bought what they couldn't go without.

Cassia didn't know where all this would lead them, neither did Yoongi. They lived day by day and tried to see as much of the country as they could. Sometimes they wouldn't even try to find a place to sleep and stayed out all night instead which had gotten them into some rather sticky situations one or two times.

They slept very little and put all their energy into every new day. This was an entirely new experience for both of them but Cassia loved it because they got to experience so many different, amazing things and were so busy going from one town to the next and meeting new people, trying new food, seeing new places that she never had a moment alone where her thoughts could consume her and put her in a bad place again. Distraction. Life now was one big distraction.

Yoongi seemed to like it too. Cassia knew that at some point she'd have to ask him about his past, she knew he had his own demons haunting him at night but together they felt invincible.

They had one backpack each, filled with their bare necessities and the money they got from their side jobs. Nothing more. Cassia sometimes wondered what everyone at home would say if they saw her now. Cassia the adventurer? Cassia leaping herself into the unknown? Maybe they'd laugh. This was nothing Cassia would've ever considered doing, at least in the past.

What about Yoongi? The boy who would have been happy being locked in his small studio for all of eternity just producing music. Tired, sleepy, moody Yoongi. The boy that despised change, that wasn't very social. Look at him now!

Their friendship was odd, really odd but two things about it were certain. One, they could always count on each other and two, they would never ever judge one another. What made their friendship work so well was that there seemed to be a clear understanding of one another's character embedded in their relationship. They accepted each other for who they were, nothing less.

Cassia didn't cry anymore. She hadn't cried once in the past three months. There was no one definite reason for it. The tears just stopped. They didn't seem to belong here. Japan carried none of her pain or past, it hadn't ever hurt her, it didn't bring back any memories. It just existet and Cassia decided to do that too. It was a place to start.

The sun was slowly sinking further down and down, shifting day into evening. It was still light outside but not for much longer. Yoongi and Cassia were in a big park, under a large oak tree, sitting on a spread out picnic blanket on the cold grass, it was more of an old rag than a proper blanket but it did its job.

They knew they had to leave the park soon because parks were definitely not a place you wanted to be at at night, they had learned that the hard way two weeks ago when they ended up getting robbed, luckily they didn't have much money on them anyway and the loss was survivable.

Cassia took out an apple she had been saving all day and rubbed it clean with the sleeve of her jacket before taking a bite. Yoongi had his headphones in and was sprawled out on the blanket, laying on his back, eyes closed, head softly bobbing to the beat. That was the one thing he had brought, his headphones and little ipod. He had it safely stored in a hidden pocket of his coat at all times.

Cassia smiled at the sight, he looked peaceful, the last of the day's sunrays leaving his face in a warm glow. It was astounding how a man with such soft, gentle features could look so intimidating at times if he wanted. Right now he looked like he couldn't harm a fly.

The sun slowly disappeared but not before dipping the world in one last bright golden glow. Like liquid gold the light transformed nature around them, the sky, the clouds, the trees and houses were all suddenly dipped in glimmering shades of gold. For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath with Cassia. It all seemed stuck in time and space. Nothing existed but this very park and the unfolding sunset.

The light kissed Cassia's face, leaving warmth on her skin and a smile on her lips. It was the most breathtaking thing she had ever witnessed. Cassia reached out to shake Yoongi so he wouldn't miss it all but then, she suddenly saw him. So clearly that she could've sworn he was standing right in front of her.

Taehyung. It was the colour of his eyes. Cassia found herself staring into them once again and being reminded of all the times it made her feel like sunsets and rays of sunshine, honey and gold just like now. She saw his brown hair glowing in the light, then his blonde hair, and black.. all the different colours she had ever seen on him, only his eyes always stayed the same.

No matter where she looked it was all she could see. His eyes. This was the colour of his eyes. How hadn't she noticed that right away? His smile came back to her in the shape of a memory, the boxy grin, his deep silk voice when he laughed, his eyes forming small moons of joy. She felt all the happiness they had once felt with each other rush through her along with the wave of gold washing over the land and then-  it was all gone.

The sun was gone, everything was back to its normal colours and shapes. The memory faded. And Cassia-

Cassia started to cry.


She could distract herself all she wanted. Run away, force herself to push everyone away, in the hopes of escaping from the pain but Cassia had made a mistake. She had made one fatal mistake in all of her thinking.

Pain wasn't America, it wasn't Korea nor was it Taehyung or Jungkook or Jin, not even her father.

Pain was what she carried within her. Yes, it was attached to her past, to what she went through but not to places or people. The pain was stuck inside her, she carried it with her wherever she went, to every new place, to every new person she met.. there was no escaping from it. There was no escaping from herself.

Cassia realized this way too late, only now that her body was shaking with sobs of the pain so harshly catching up to her and with such force that it knocked all the air out of her lungs.

Yoongi sat up, startled by the sudden noise, face losing all its colour at the sight of a shaking Cassia. He took her into his arms without a moment of hesitation, her tears quickly soaking the fabric of his shirt.

"Hey, hey, shhh- it's okay, Cassie, what happened?" he asked, sounding deeply confused and worried.

"I'm s-so sorry" she cried into his chest, her body seemed so tiny all of a sudden as she broke apart. "I'm so s-sorry, Yoongi- for everything" she kept apologizing and wouldn't stop until he shook her by her shoulders and forced her to look at him.

"Stop" he softly shook his head. "There's nothing to apologize for"

"Yes, there is" Cassia hiccuped. "I dragged you into this mess, my mess and now-" her voice broke off.

"Hey, I voluntarily came with you, you know that. You didn't drag me into anything, this is my mess too" Yoongi interrupted her and Cassia's sobbing calmed down a bit.

"Tell me what's wrong"

"Everything. It's over, Yoongi. This was my last resort. I was so sure it would work this time but I can't make it go away. Only for a certain period of time but it will always catch up to me. I can't stop it. The pain, the memories, the depression. I can't stop feeling it, I can't. Japan didn't change anything, it just distracted me" Cassia choked out.

"Oh, Cassia.." Yoongi sighed, a sad smile on his lips. "If the solution was as simple as running away, I would've done that a long time ago, believe me."

"How do you deal with it then?" Cassia asked. "If you never tried running away, how do you deal with it?"

"I face it" Yoongi answered. "I let it flow into my music. I don't run from things, I let them win, tear me down, make me really angry but then I pass them on into my music."

"And that works?"

"Better than anything else. Bad things only grow in darkness, you know? By ignoring them, distracting yourself or running, you're not solving anything but you're making the bad thoughts grow and overwhelm you when you're forced to return to them. I'm not telling you you can solve and erase all your problems by facing them but you learn to live with them"

"Live or exist?"

"Live, Cassia. Or does this not look like living to you?" Yoongi asked pointing to himself and energetically wiggling his eyebrows to prove his point.

"Why are you always right.." Cassia groaned, wiping her tears, her voice still shaky.

"It's a blessing" Yoongi grinned.

"More like a pain in the ass- OUCH! How dare you hit me, Min Yoongi!" Cassia shrieked, smacking him right back.

Yoongi ended their play-fight after a few minutes when darkness took over. "Cassia we need to leave this park. Now" he urged her and in the light of what happened last time they were gone faster than wind, only slowing down their run once they had reached a well lit street.

"Where do you wanna go?" Yoongi asked. They had already decided not to sleep tonight. Cassia's tears had dried, her voice was steady again, she even gave him a small smile.

"The airport" Cassia answered, surprising him. "There's someone I need to talk to"

Taehyung's POV

The storm surprised him as much as everyone else. It tore him out of his deep, hungover sleep, the thunder worsening his headache and making him let out a loud grown.

He had partied last night, maybe a little too hard again. His eyes felt heavy with all the sleep he hadn't gotten and his head felt like someone was beating it in with a hammer. At least he didn't feel sick and had to throw up.

He hadn't seen the alert yet or looked out the window to see the full effects of the storm, right now he didn't pay too much attention to it, thinking it was just a little bit of rain and thunder. When he got up, he was surprised to realize he was only in his boxers. He slowly looked around and his memories came back to him. Right, he had stayed over at Amara's house and slept on her couch because he was too drunk to make it home last night.

He began searching for his clothes which he found scattered randomly across the living room floor, he slipped them on despite their bad smell. He gathered all his things, tried to check his phone but found it was dead again and got ready to leave when Amara's voice stopped him.

"What are you doing, V?" she asked and he let go of the door handle, slowly turning around to face her. She was in her pyjamas, blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail. She looked as if she had just gotten up as well, the thunder must've woken her up too.

"Leaving-" he began, sounding only the slightest bit guilty.

"You can't!" Amara shouted and in seconds she had made her way over to him, pushing him away from the door and locking it. "Haven't you seen the news?!"

"What news?"

"The storm! Did you not get the alert on your phone?"

"Dead" he mumbled, showing her the pitchblack screen.

"Come, see!" Amara grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the living room where she turned on the tv and the weather forecast verified her statement.

"Holy shit-" Taehyung's eyes widened at the storm unfolding in front of his eyes. "When did this start?"

"Just now, maybe an hour ago, it's just getting worse and worse, no one's supposed to leave their house" Amara crossed her arms.

"What the hell..in all my time here I've never witnessed anything like this" Taehyung told her, his eyes still glued to the screen.

"Me neither" Amara mumbled. "It's horrible. Do you think someone's gonna get hurt? I hope everyone found a safe place as shelter.."

Taehyung's thoughts snapped to his sister. He hadn't talked to her in weeks, he had not the hint of an idea where she could be right now- whether she was safe, he suddenly got really worried. Nari sometimes came up with really dumb ideas, she better be inside right now.

"Amara you don't have Nari's number by any chance or a phone charger maybe?"

"No, sorry. I'm afraid not for iphones. I don't but I'm sure she's safe, Taehyung, don't worry!" Amara tried to reassure him. She watched his worried expression stay exactly the same and attempted to lighten the mood "Everyone left earlier this morning, I'm afraid you're stuck with me. We'll have to wait it out" she sighed with a smile and Taehyung felt his stomach drop at the thought of not knowing whether Nari was okay or not.

He looked back at the screen. No, he decided. It was too dangerous.

"Okay.." Taehyung nodded, running his hands through his messy hair. "Breakfast then?"

Cassia's POV (5 days ago)

The visiting room looked just as dull as the rest of the prison, grey tones, no colour, iron chairs. Upon stepping inside the building Cassia felt her whole body tense up. Yoongi wasn't with her, she knew she had to do this on her own.

Her father wasn't behind bars or tied up in chains when they met face to face again, he was allowed to sit at a table opposite of her, only required to keep a three foot distance to her at all times.

He almost looked unrecognizable to her, he appeared to have aged years in the short time he had been locked up here. His hair was littered with grey and white strands, he wore a trimmed beard now and his eyebrows looked bushy and unkept. Of course, he hadn't been allowed to keep any of his jewelry, that was probably what threw her off the most, that and the absence of a perfectly tailored suit.

She let him have the first word, not because that had been her plan but because she didn't know where to start.

"I must say, Cassandra. I never thought you would come see me again"

"Me neither" Cassia replied. "Has mother come to visit?" Please say no, please say no.

"Every week" he answered and Cassia nodded. She wanted to change the subject as fast as she could. She wasn't here to talk about her mother.

"I heard you didn't get lifetime"

"No, I did not. I am afraid, I will get to leave this place some day and walk out as a free man" he said, there was no smile but Cassia could feel the unspoken threat hanging in the air.

"Yes, a free man but with no business, no company and no influence" Cassia said, her father looked her over. She knew he was trying to figure out why she was here.

"That's been taken from you. You no longer have a business and you no longer need an heir" Cassia concluded.

"No, I do not" her father agreed, slowly seeing where this was going.

"So, I am now useless to you" Cassia said, wanting nothing more than for him to agree.

"You will always be my daughter, Cassandra" those words were meaningless coming from him. He wasn't talking about any sort of attachment or love, only bloodline.

"Yes but you no longer need me, correct? When you get to walk out of here as a free man you will have no interest in contacting me ever again, correct?"

He stared at her, her question left hanging in the air.

"Why are you here, Cassandra?" there was a smile on his face now, a smile that didn't reach his eyes and made a shudder run down Cassia's spine. She could feel the dark thoughts in the back of her mind slowly creeping up to her the longer she stared into his lifeless, cold eyes.

"I wanted to talk to you. I thought we could be honest with each other for the first time considering everything that happened" Cassia told him. "I thought we could talk about the past but-"

"I don't think I want to anymore" Cassia decided, staring her father down. "Because you will never stop lying to me, hiding things, manipulating my viewpoint, will you? You will never stop playing this game"

"Have I really taught you nothing?" her father shook his head, his face displaying the only emotion he had ever shown his daughter, disappointment. "It is never over, Cassandra. A Song doesn't give up"

The message was clear, his eyes betrayed him. They could never be honest with each other, they could never be just father and daughter, not even for a few minutes. Life was a competition to her father, it had always been and it would always be, a competition. He would never leave her in peace.

"This is the last time we will ever see each other" Cassia told him after they had sat in silence for a while.

"Do you really think so?" he asked. It sounded like a challenge.

"Yes" Cassia nodded. "You can't hurt me anymore" with that she stood up and was ready to leave when she heard her father lower his voice so that only she could hear him.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because I forgive you" Cassia said, staring deep into his eyes, she tried to remember them, remember how empty of emotion, how nothing but a deep, hollow black they were. There was no remorse, no guilt but worst of all no love. Never, had she seen love in them. And that was why she managed to forgive him. He wasn't capable of love. She felt sorry for him.

She didn't turn around again or look back, she was done here. Ready, to finally leave him and her past behind.

Taehyung's POV

Taehyung sat, his plate of food in front of him untouched, with his head leaned over Amara's phone. He was trying to think of someone else who could have Nari's number, someone Amara had saved in her contacts.

"What about Jimin?" the thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

"Jimin?" Amara looked up from her coffee. "Of course I have his number" she smiled and Taehyung frantically searched her contacts for it.

There, Park Jimin, he clicked on the number faster than lightning.

"Hi, Amara. Are you alright?"

"Jimin? Thank god! You need to call Nari right now, is she alright, have you heard from her?!"

"Wha- Taehyung??"

"Yes it's me, is Nari okay?!" he shouted.

"I don't know- we haven't spoken yet, I had a meeting just now an-"

"Can you send me her number? I mean can you send her number to Amara's phone? Mine's dead." he interrupted Jimin who stayed silent for a moment.

"Sure. Why are you with Amara? Is that where you've been all this time?" he asked, sounding accusing.

"No it's not and even if I was, it's none of your business, Park" he hissed.

"Jesus, Tae! Calm down, I didn't do anything"

"Whatever, just send me her number and we can go back to not talking"


"What did you just call me?!" he spat.

"An asshole. Which is what you are, a dickhead, a fucking arrogant idiot who only cares about himself. You didn't think of letting anyone know you were alright all this time, did you? I worried about you too, you prick!"

"It sure doesn't sound like you give a flying fuck about me right now, Park-"

"I DO, YOU PISSBAG! Here I was thinking we were best friends and all and all of a sudden you just throw that all to shit and dissapear for weeks, not even sending me a text, Taehyung! NOT EVEN A GODDAMN TEXT!" Jimin yelled at him.

Amara was quick to dissapear into the kitchen, embarrassed by the fight breaking out between the two. Taehyung was left speechless. Jimin sounded angry like he had never witnessed him before.

"You know what?! If you care so much about her, get her number yourself, I'm not sending you shit!"

And with that the line went dead.

Taehyung shut his eyes, attempting to control the anger bubbling up inside him. Screaming as loud as he could he smashed his plate to the ground and darted out of the room. A very intimidated Amara watched him throw on his shoes and jacket, she was too afraid of him to speak up and stop him and faster than she could blink he slammed the front door shut behind him and was gone.

Into the storm.

By the time he got into his car, all his clothes were fully soaked and sticking to his body like a second skin. He was so pissed at Jimin the thunder only reassured him. If he didn't want to help him, he'd have to take matters into his own hands and find Nari himself.

He would never be able to forgive himself if something happened to her. He had already lost Cassia, he couldn't stand losing Nari too.

The view was horrible, the streets completely empty, driving in this weather was nothing short of a suicide mission. Trees that had been knocked over by the strom were blocking parts of the road, garden furniture was being blown across the neighbourhood and the rain blocking most of his sight.

He drove slow but every time he heard the thunder roaring and saw lightning break the dark sky apart he imagined Nari, stuck somewhere because she hadn't listened and gone out, gone to search for him even perhaps. That'y definitely something his sister would do.

The drive was painfully slow and a tree almost hit his car at one point but Taehyung made it to their house in one piece, the car had some scratches but there was nothing he cared about less than the goddamn car right now.

He pulled into the driveway and almost started laughing in relief when he saw the lights switched on inside. He jammed his key into the lock and sprinted up the stairs into the house.

"NARI!" he yelled, shutting and locking the door behind him. He left puddles of rain everywhere he walked but didn't even notice. His body was trembling from the ice cold wind and wet clothes.

"Where the hell are you?!" he searched the house, it made no sense that she wouldn't answer to him unless she was still mad at him.

He tore open the door of his own room last, coming to a halt in front of the bed he hadn't touched in weeks.

She sat there, a reflection of himself, drenched from top to bottom, dress sticking to her small frame like a glove. She was hugging his pillow to her chest. Her hair was shorter now and a different colour but she looked the same, she looked exactly the same to when she had left him. Her deep, chocolate eyes trained on him.

Cassia was back.

A/N: I have nothing to say other than that i love you all so so much and your support makes my soul glow❤️

This feels like the end of an era..see you soon for the final chapter

All the love,


