13.) What now?


"All she wants
is honesty,
and fire."

-Mark Anthony


Third Person POV


"Do you ever wish time could stop for a while?" Taehyung's voice was deep but he spoke with softness. The grass they were sitting on was cold and smelled of dirt, he played with a few strands of it before looking up at the small girl next to him.

Cuddled up into the big blanket she seemed even tinier. Her chin was resting on her knees and her eyes were staring at the glimmering city lights below them. Her black hair was the only thing other than her face and feet that was not covered by the blanket.

"All the time" her voice was quiet, maybe even just a whisper but the words echoed loud and clear in Taehyung's head.

"Freeze everything for a while and just think about things. I would love that"

He smiled at her. He would love to know what was going on in her head. Why her heart seemed so heavy and why she was frowning now. He wanted to know what broke her.

"What were you trying to forget that night at the club?"

"What do you mean?"

"I asked you why you were sitting at that bar all alone and you answered because you wanted to drink your sadness away"

"Oh.." she closed her eyes. "It's a long story"

"I have time" Taehyung played with the cigarette in his hand before bringing it up to his lips and lighting it.

"You smoke?" her nose crunched up in disgust.

"Only when I come here" Taehyung huffed out a puff of smoke. It looked pretty against the deep darkness surrounding them.

"Smoking is really bad for you, it's a horrible habit"

"I know, princess" he took another puff and watched the white smoke curl into the night sky. "I don't do it too often"

"Still a horrible habit"

"You drink to forget, I smoke, we all have our weaknesses"

Cassia wanted to say that she didn't get drunk that often, that she didn't need alcohol but the words got stuck because Taehyung had spoken the thruth. That night she had wanted to drown her troubles with alcohol, so yes, in a sense you could call that a weakness.

"I wanted to distract myself from thinking about my brother" Cassia confessed.

"Did it work?"

"No, not really. It made me feel worse. You distracted me"

Taehyung put his cigarette out on the grass and tossed it down the edge of the hill.

"It would be my pleasure to become your weakness, Miss Song"

Cassia gifted him a smile and turned her face towards him.

"I would love that, Mr Kim" she bit her lip. "But I don't go by the name of my father anymore"

"You changed your name? What else don't I know about you?"

"You don't know me at all" Cassia's smile turned sad. "Neither do I know who you are"

"Do you want to find out?" he took his snapback of and ruffled through his hair.

"To be honest, I don't know. I'm a little scared" Cassia thought of Taehyung's close contact with her father. She thought of what this could mean for her future. She was scared off growing too attached.

Her eyes scanned his for an answer. He didn't look intimidating. Not now. Not sitting here with her in the darkness with bags under his eyes and exhaustion written over his expression.

He looked completely different every time they met. At the movie theatre he had looked like a model, dressed well, walking tall and straight and with a pretty girl by his side.

At the club he had looked intimidating, almost like an ice prince. Piercing bright and cold with his blue eyes and bleach white hair.

Now, he looked like a normal boy. Not like V, the model, not like gucci boy, the stranger.

He looked like Taehyung, the kid that was signed at her father's company. The boy with the busy life and great fashion sense. The guy that had send sparks of electricity up her arms just by touching her wrist, the guy that had kissed her so deeply inside his closet, they guy that had come to her house at 3 am in the morning just because he wanted to see her.

She stared into his brown eyes and they stared straight back at her. She knew that there was so much more to this boy. She knew so little of him, yet it was enough to make her miss him when he was gone, it was enough to make her desire to kiss him again and again, it was enough to make her want to take the risk..

"I want to get to know you, Tae"

He smiled his cute box smile at her.

"Thought you'd never say it, princess" his arms felt so good around her. She laughed into his hair because she felt herself falling..

What now, Cassia?
