31.) this isn't running away


don't let people
who only see black and white
tell you
what colour your rainbow
should be"



Cassia's POV


He seemed to understand. He didn't interupt her even once and that encouraged her to keep going, the words kept flowing. She grew more confident as she spoke, telling him about what Namjoon and Jin had found out and why it was so necessary to leave for a bit. She tried to make it clear that she was coming back, this was not her running away again. She was done with running.

"When will you be back?" Taehyung spoke for the first time after a few minutes.

"In six days" Cassia looked up at him, waiting for his reaction. He only nodded. "I'll still stay with you when I get back if that's okay" she added, hesitantly reaching for his hand. She felt a lot better when he immediately reacted to her touch and grabbed her hand in his, reassuringly squeezing her fingers.

"Of course it is, Cassia. Come here" he grabbed her arm and pulled her into his chest. "Promise me to be careful okay?" he whispered into her hair. She closed her eyes, trying to enjoy his embrace for a moment, remember his touch.

"I promise" she mumbled back. "You too though, okay? Nari told me about everything on your schedule. Make sure to rest"

"Oh god, you're starting to sound like Marla" Taehyung cringed at the name of his assistant, he had been ignoring her calls all morning, not ready to let her voice fill his head again. Not yet..

Cassia mustered a smile. "You know I think she's just trying to look out for you" she said as they broke apart.

"You know, I don't" he huffed. "She cares about the money in her bank account and that's about it. Money she won't get if I don't do my job"

Cassia lightly shook her head. "Then do your job" she smiled.

"About that.." Taehyung started, not sure how to word his next question. "Fashion Week" he started but Cassia immediately shook her head, stopping him.

"My father will be there" she dryly interrupted.

Taehyung took her hand in his again. "I don't think so, he doesn't usually show up at these events and when he does he tells me in advance"

He was starting to feel a bit awkward, making it sound like he was close to Cassia's father. Well, in a way he was. But not really. At least that's what he tried to make himself believe whenever Cassia broke down in front of him. When he saw something shatter within her soft eyes, when her small body started to shake with fear at the mention of the name of the man he was working for, he tried to tell himself 

'This is not my fault'

'I'm not that close to him'

'This is my job'

'I can't change anything about this'

'This is not my fault'

But was it..?
Marija's offer started to ring in his head again. "drop your agency".. She had told him she'd be at Fashion Week as well and he knew that by then she expected an answer.

"Tae?" Cassia's gentle tug on his arm and the soft tone of her voice made him snap back into the present.

"Sorry" he mumbled. "What were you saying?"

"The press" Cassia repeated herself. "What about the press? If my father doesn't come, he'll definitely know the next day or even the same night that I was there"

"So what?" Taehyung asked, he didn't want to understand. All he wanted was her there, with him.

"So he'll know you're in contact with me. He doesn't even need to know that we're together. All he needs to know is that I was there, that you were there. That we were seen with each other. You're signed at his agency, Tae. He'll play you like a marionette to get to me. He has manipulated so many people I care about, I won't let him manipulate you as well. As long as you work for him, as long as he can damage your career, as long as you're within his arm's reach, we can't be seen together" Cassia's eyes looked sad but her voice was so stern that Taehyung might've been fooled to believe she was angry at him, if it weren't for her touch which was still gentle and her pleading eyes. Worry. That's all he saw staring back at him. Worry and..longing?

"We'll find a solution to this" he found his voice again.

"I know we will but I can't come to Fashion Week with you, Taehyung. I refuse to walk right into the lion's cave"

Taehyung glanced over Cassia's shoulder, Jimin immediately tore his gaze away from them when he was caught staring. He pulled Cassia further into the kitchen, away from Jimin's eyes.

"This conversation isn't over" he mumbled.

"Yes it is" Cassia shook her head, she had lost his attention, he was no longer willing to listen.

"We'll talk about it when you get back" he said and Cassia felt a pint of dissapointment sting her stomach. He still didn't understand or at least he didn't want to.

"Okay" she agreed and that seemed to bring him back. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"When are you leaving?" his voice warm.

"Um, tonight. Jin will come pick me up around 7 I think, maybe even earlier I can't remember" Cassia replied.

"Then let's make the best of the time we still have" Taehyung smiled and grabbed her hand in his. "What do you want to do today?"

Cassia's eyes lit up. "Surprise me"


"Where are we going again?" Jimin's voice dragged behind them, making Taehyung sigh. Faint rays of afternoon sunshine where falling down on them.

"Ask this a hundred more times, I still won't tell you" Taehyung huffed and Jimin dramatically groaned, throwing his head back. Cassia had to hold back her chuckle, she could tell that Jimin wasn't used to walking and that he was slowly starting to loose patience as Taehyung kept walking ahead, refusing to tell him where they were headed.

"If it'll brighten your mood, I don't know where he's taking us either" Cassia smiled up at the silver haired boy.

He stuck his hands into his black bomber jacket, dark sunglasses pushed up into his hair. Cassia was still a bit bitter at Jimin's teasing from the other night but seeing him stomping his feet like an angry chipmunk and sulking about not knowing what was going on made her mood lighten and Jimin was easily forgiven.

"I still wanna know why you two picked me up from the fitting and took me here instead of back to the house. All I wanted to do today was sleep" the boy whined, still stomping his feet with every step.

"So you're walking at Fashion Week as well?" Cassia tried to change the subject and it seemed to work because Jimin's frown faded.

A smile appeared on Taehyung's lips at the two's interaction.

"Yeah" Jimin replied. "It'll be my first major runway show, I'm actually quite excited"

"I'm sure you'll do great" Cassia chirped. At this Jimin's eyes stopped roaming their surroundings and met Cassia's brown ones. He looked at the small girl who was still a little shorter than him even in her heeled boots, dressed in a flowy purple skirt and an oversized fuzzy brown sweater. Her hand was clasped in Taehyung's and her smile directed towards him made him smile back at her.

"Thank you, Cassia" he slightly bowed his head. "Are you gonna come watch?"

He didn't notice the force it took Cassia to keep the smile plastered on her lips. No one seemed to understand.

"Unfortunately, I can't" she muttered, Taehyung squeezed her hand. She was silently begging him to let this go.

"Everyone wants you to come" he said, he had lowered his voice but Jimin could still hear. Of course he couldn't drop it..

"Yeah, I think you'd really enjoy it. Fashion shows are quite the experience, especially for people who never went. I can promise you it'll be spectacular. Didn't you go to V's fitting the other day? Did you see all the suits? The golden detailing? The runway we're walking for GUCCI will be completely gold themed. I promise you'll love it" Jimin rambled on. Cassia felt the need to correct him.

Oh, but I've been to fashion shows. She wanted to tell Jimin. She knew the world he was talking about all too well, not long ago she had been part of it. She knew the gold and glitter, the champagne glasses and clicking of designer shoes against marbled tiles.

Her father's roaring laughter, his hand on the small of her back. Smile, Cassia. She could still see all the faces of his business partners, new faces added to the mix at every event he took her to. I want you to meet someone, darling. She remembered all the impressive dresses and suits dancing in shimmering colours over the runway. She remembered the tall, tall models. Her father had introduced her to some of them. Exotic names she could not remember. They were all so polite. With their pretty, pretty gowns and fake smiles.

She remembered watching the models in awe, admiring the grace of their movements, letting the music flood her veins and get completely sucked into this world of glamour her father wanted her in so bad.

One dress in particular had stunned her at a fashion show one night. Cassia could still remember it's pale, turquoise colour and how pretty it flowed down the model's body. She had looked like a mermaid. Cassia's eyes had been glued to it all night. Her father noticed. He got her the dress with the snap of his finger. She could remember the glint of satisfaction in his eyes at making her happy.

The dress was still dangling from a hanger in the closet of her bedroom back in Korea. Untouched. Never worn. A reminder of the girl she once was, the world she had belonged in.

"I'm sure I'd love it" Cassia mumbled an answer to Jimin, forcing herself back to the present. Taehyung noticed that her mind seemed absent. Thoughts elsewhere.

"You guys hungry?" he asked, feet coming to a stop. Cassia's and Jimin's eyes perked up. They had reached their first destination.

Cassia's eyes wandered over the pretty patio of an italien bistro. Wine red table cloths covered round dark wood tables and faint music was playing from inside.

"You want to sit outside or go in?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't care" Jimin shrugged.

"Outside might still be a little cold, don't you think?" Cassia looked up at Taehyung. His eyes wandered over the flowy material of her short skirt and he squeezed her hand.

"You're right, let's go inside"

Taehyung nodded at a waiter and after telling him his name they were brought to a decked round table close to a big, elegantly framed window. The table was covered by the same deep red table cloth like the ones outside, a small flower arangement and candles decorating it.

Cassia sat down next to Taehyung and in front of Jimin, the heavy scent of spices and pasta already making her stomach flutter. Her hand was still intertwined with Tae's as he sat down next to her, taking her jacket off and hanging it on the hanger next to their table. Jimin mimicked his actions and let his jacket slide off his shoulders.

"So" Taehyung cleared his throat. "As this is Cassia's last day here before she leaves off to London-"

"only for a week" Cassia felt the need to chime in, blushing slightly.

"-I thought we might as well use the day to go out and have a good time. I've wanted for you two to hang out anyways and thought this'd be the perfect opportunity" Taehyung finished and flashed the two a joyful smile.

"Then what's with all the secrecy? Why couldn't you just tell us we were going out to eat? And why the hell-" Jimin paused for a moment and lowered his voice a bit. "-did we have to walk all this way when we could've just driven here?"

Taehyung leaned back and clasped his hands together. "Well, first of all this isn't our only stop for the day and I thought it'd be fun to leave you in the dark for a bit, second what's so bad about walking? You clearly need to give the magic of nature a chance, Chim" Taehyung laughed when Jimin's eyes narrowed.

"Nature my ass, you know I hate walking" and he hated that nickname.

"Guys" Cassia cleared her throat, biting down on her lips to surpress her smile as the two boys noticed the waiter that had been standing there for a while, waiting to take their order. Jimin's cheeks flushed the faintest shade of red.

"The menue please" Cassia smiled up at the man and he nodded. "What would you like to drink?" he bowed his head.

"A glass of the housewine please" Cassia was quickest to decide.

"The same for me, please" Jimin spoke up.

"Just bring a bottle" Taehyung nodded at the waiter.

"Very well, Sir. I'll be right back"


Jimin's mood seemed to lighten once the food arrived and he had finished his second glass of wine. Cassia couldn't blame him, the wine tasted amazing, just the right balance between bitter and sweet. Jimin's lips were soon tinted a faint red and she was sure her lips looked the same.

"Can I have a bite?" she pointed to Tae's pizza that had been served on a pretty stone plate, he lifted a piece of the pizza up to her mouth, strings of dewy cheese clinging onto his fingers.

Cassia laughed as she took a bite and half of the slice's toppings were coming off.

Taehyung grinned as he watched her struggle. "Just keept the slice" he smiled, his right hand had found it's way to her thigh where it was currently stroking the skin exposed by her skirt. The purple material rode up Cassia's legs a bit as he did so and Cassia sent him a warning glare but soon matched the smile playing on his lips.

Jimin watched their exchange and halted eating his lasagne. "Ah- can you two stop eye-fucking, I'm trying to eat here" he muttered, making Cassia blush violently and Taehyung shake his head in amusement before going back to eating his pizza.

Jimin told Cassia that Tae and him were childhood friends and how they had never gone over a couple weeks without seeing each other. Jimin's house wasn't too far away from where Tae and Nari lived but he still spent most of his time at their house. Cassia couldn't help but be reminded of her friendship with Jin.

She might not have known Jin since childhood but it sure felt like she had. She could see a lot of similarities between her friendship with Jin and Jimin's relationship to Taehyung. They loved each other like brothers, Cassia could see right through their meaningless bickering and teasing. She saw the adoration and respect they had for each other. Her only fear was that Jimin might feel like she was trying to step between them.

"Tae told me you like dancing" Cassia locked eyes with Jimin. "What type of dancing?" She placed a forkful of her pasta into Taehyung's mouth, he had been pleading her to try. Cassia usually didn't like the whole 'feeding each other' stereotype but with Taehyung she oddly enough didn't mind, she thought it was pretty cute actually.

"Did he? Yeah well, it's just a hobby. I'm not really that good at it, besides I barely still find time for it these days" Jimin shook his head. Cassia could tell that there was more to his words.

Taehyung scoffed "not good" he muttered before pleading Cassia for another bite of her pasta.

"He's amazing at it" Taehyung huffed and smiled when Cassia could be persuaded to share more of her food with him.

"I used to dance a lot of contemporary" Jimin told Cassia and she contently listened. "but like I said. I don't have much time for it nowadays"

"My brother, Jungkook likes dancing too. He's exremely talented at it but like you won't admit it" Cassia smiled. "I don't know a lot about the different genres but I know that he does contemporary too sometimes. Maybe you can meet him one day" Cassia refused to let sadness swim in her voice but she missed him. She missed him so goddamn much that just his name was a throbbing pain in her chest. She grabbed her glass and Taehyung noticed. She knew that he was starting to catch onto this habit of hers and that he didn't like it.

The wine returned some warmth to her body. They skipped dessert because Taehyung was rushing them to get going. "We'll be late to destinantion number two" he called once he was already out the door, leaving Jimin and Cassia to share glances and hurriedly put their jackets back on.

Taehyung paid for their food and refused to hear any of Jimin's or Cassia's protesting. "Nope, no chance. My treat tonight, now get going you two" he clapped his hands together, pushing them ahead.

"Jeez, Kim. Calm your tits, will you?" Jimin chuckled but started walking a bit faster. Cassia was pulled after Taehyung, struggling to keep up with his long legs in her heels.

"Guys, guys! Slow down! What happened to enjoying the magic of nature?" she called out.

"No time!" Taehyung shouted, pulling her behind him.

They kept on walking or rather jogging like this for a good five minutes, Cassia was getting out of breath and her feet started to hurt when Taehyung finally let go of her hand and stopped in front of a bar. "Tadaa!" his deep voice roared. "Lady and one gentleman we have reached the final destinantion of the night" he triumphantly called out and motioned towards the brick walls of the bar they had found themselves in front of.

Cassia looked up at the dimly lit building, the night was starting to dawn on them. A few leftover golden specks of the sinking sun were dancing in Taehyung's eyes as he beamed at them. It was a mystery to Cassia how he always seemed to suck up the light around him and have it dance in his eyes. A golden halo forming around his head.

Cassia read the name of the bar 'Hops' and noticed the poster stuck to one of the walls. "LIVE CONCERT TONIGHT"  the pink neon colour of the poster seemed to clash with the red brick walls of the bar. She was lost for a moment just letting her eyes wander over to the windows and glancing inside. She let herself be pulled through the big oak doors and followed closely behind Taehyung's broad shoulders, anxious to loose sight of him in the crowds of people. A thin layer of white, musky smoke was hovering over the bar.

Taehyung pulled her further and further into the crowds and up a flight of stairs until they were suddenly outside again and the cold air was biting at her exposed skin.

They had found themselves at the roof garden of the bar. A small, empty stage just occupied by abandoned instruments and cords was looking over the scene of small tables, cushions, blankets and fairy lights illuminating the night.

"Oh good, the concert hasn't started yet" Taehyung smiled in relief and guided them to a free spot on the wooden floor. They sat down onto the  big cushions on the floor and Cassia looked around the roof garden. The soft humming of music coming from the speakers was mixing with the laughter of people, soft chatting and the clinking of glasses. Soon a waitress dressed very casually but with a black apron around her waist came to order their drinks.

Jimin and Tae both ordered beer but as Cassia had never taken a liking to the golden beverage she opted for another glass of red wine. Taehyung layed a fuzzy blanket on top of her lap and she thanked him with a smile, wrapping herself up in the soft material.

"You know I checked the menue beforehand and they have a variety of desserts so if you-" Taehyung began to speak, making Jimin bump his fist into the night air. "Yess!" he chuckled.

His head immediately darted around to search for a menue and as soon as his eyes found on he was up and going. Cassia chuckled and brought her head to lay down on Tae's shoulder.

"This is really nice" she whispered to him, admiring the athmosphere of the roof garden. The fairy lights were much needed as all sun light started to leave them. The lights looked like fireflies dotted into the night sky. The air was fresh and crisp but the blanket and Taehyung's arms around her made Cassia feel warmer than ever. She suddenly didn't want to leave anymore.

"Come take a look, Cassie! You won't believe all the cakes they have!" Jimin excitedly exclaimed when he returned to their spot, plopping down next to Cassia and showing her all the desserts.

Cassia couldn't hold back her smile. Cassie. He had called her Cassie.

Neither Jimin nor Cassia could decide on a dessert to get so they ordered a bunch.

Once the waitress came back with their cakes the band started doing sound check and soon enough the roof was filled with music. Cassia leaned back into Taehyung's arms and stuffed her face with more of the delicious chocolate cream cake that soon turned out to be her favourite of the ones Jimin and her had ordered.

"Try this one!" Jimin handed her a fork full of the tiramisu on his lap and Cassia obeyantly leaned over and took the fork from his hand, bringing it to her mouth.

She pointed two thumbs up at Jimin. "The chocolate one's still my favourite though, try it" she handed him some of the cake and leaned back into Taehyung's arms who has playing with her loose curls.

The wine was starting to show its effects on Cassia but she just closed her eyes and let herself breath in the night. She listened to the guitar playing and the deep voice of the lead singer echo in her mind.

"I'm gonna miss you, princess" Taehyung's raspy voice was suddenly at her ear.

"It's just for a week" she reminded him, letting his arm snake around her waist and his lips place fluttery kisses on her neck before connecting with her wine stained lips.

"Still" he mumbled against them and she knew what he meant. Still.

She looked at Jimin who finally seemed completely satisfied and happy, swinging his body to the live music and munching on his cake. His eyes locked with Cassia's and he sheepishly grinned at her. A faster song started playing and she was suddenly torn out of Taehyung's gentle touch and embraced into Jimin's arms.

"Let's dance!" he offered and pulled her further towards the stage were people were already on their feet and swinging to the music. Stars were littering the night sky as Cassia let her head fall back and look up.

Taehyung was watching them dance with a huge smile on his lips, secretly trying some of their cake. Cassia chuckled at the sight but focused back on Jimin's arms on her waist and his body swaying to the music. With Jimin's help she started to ease into the rythm of the music and let herself go. Just exist in the moment for a while.

Feeling the fresh air against her skin, the lively music sway in the background and the taste of cake and Taehyung on her lips.

And when her stomach started to fill with warmth again, warmth that made her smile a little brigther and heart flutter a little faster with happiness, she knew that it wasn't just because of the wine..
