11.) Somewhere over the Rainbow


"Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you'll never get the same moment twice"


Cassia's POV


"You do realize you'll have to tell me about it at some point, don't you?" Jin scoffed.

"There's nothing to tell, Jin. Now let me sleep"

"It's two in the afternoon. I think you've slept enough, missy"

"Stop calling me that"

"Stop dismissing me then. You owe me for just disappearing last night, Cass"

"Look, how many more times do you want me to tell you that I'm sorry? I fucked up, okay? I get it. I'm a horrible friend and you hate me now"

"I don't hate you, you little bitch-"


"- I just hate it when you keep stuff like this from me! You said you had no real friends back in Korea and then all of a sudden this mysterious 'childhood friend' shows up and you just leave with him"

Cassia groaned, fake sleeping wouldn't save her from Jin any longer. She had to face him and well- tell him the truth? What even is the truth at this point. She wondered.

"Well, we're not really childhood friends, I guess. More like, umm aquaintances? I haven't seen him in 4 years though" Cassia began and Jin just looked more confused than before.

"And were you like lovers or some shit bec-"

"NO! no, not at all. He works with my father"


"yep.. 'oh'..we don't even really know each other. we just talked a few times and met at my father's business events every now and then"

"So is he still in contact with your father or..?"

"Yes, my father is his manager"

"And he knows who you are??"

"Ever since last night, yes" Cassia admitted.

"And you're just calmly sitting here, telling me about this and not worrying that he's going to- I don't fucking know Cassia- tell your father???"

"He promised me he wouldn't tell" Cassia mumbled, aware of how stupid and vague that sounded.

"And you believe him, just like that?" Jin squinted his eyes together, Cassia let her eyes drop to the floor, unable to hold his judgemental gaze.

"haha, I guess..?" she shyly chuckled.

"oh my god, Cassia. Have I taught you nothing?"

"you're not my mum, Jin. Stop treating me like a child"

"In a sense yes, I am. I'll stop treating you like a child when you stop acting like one"

"Stooop" Cassia whined. "I already told you I'm sorry. I admit I didn't fully think this through-"

"No shit, Sherlock"

"I just-" Cassia stopped. What? Got lost in his eyes? Forgot about all this because his lips tasted so good? Get a grip, Cassia. Damn.

"I was really drunk, yes I know that's not an excuse!" she stopped Jin when he opened his mouth.

"I have nothing to defend myself with all I can say is that I- I got lost in the moment. And Jin, I'm really sorry I didn't call you. I never wanted to worry you or ruin your night. You have to trust me this one time, I really believe Taehyung when he says he won't tell. I don't know why, I just do"

"It's okay, Cassie" Jin smiled and hugged her. "You can't blame me for worrying about you, I can't help it. You're really fucking important to me. Just be more careful next time, okay?"

Cassia nodded, really grateful to call Jin her best friend.

"And you didn't ruin my night! I still had a fun time" Jin told her.

"I should really call Leia and Yoongi now" Cassia remembered. Jin had told her about all of them searching for her together.

"Good idea"

She stood up and turned to leave but then a small smile appeared on her lips.

"Oh and Jin?" Cassia paused in the doorframe.


"I kissed him" with that Cassia quickly shut the door and ran off to call Leia. Hearing Jin shout after her.


Cassia didn't even need to call Yoongi because he was with Leia..at her house.

"What the heck happened between the two of you?" Cassia whisper-shouted.

"Shh! I can't talk right now, he's sitting on my bed right behind me"

"Oh my god, Leia. You need to call me asap when he leaves!"

"I will, I will! Now shut up! Glad you're okay, I'll tell Yoongi you called. We'll talk soon, bye"

Call ended.

Cassia just smiled at her phone. Hopefully they finally admitted their feelings to each other. She thought.

"Got you!" Jin suddenly shouted and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Oh my god, Jin! Don't sneak up on me like that! You'll give me a heart attack one day" Cassia heavily breathed.

"You can't run away now" Jin sneered in triumph.

"Go on then" Cassia took a deep breath, preparing to drown in Jin's questions.

"You tell me what happened last night between you and- what was his name- right NOW"

"Taehyung, his name's Taehyung" Cassia could feel the heat rising in her cheeks.

"Cassia.." Jin mumbled after she had stayed quiet for a while.


He turned her around and laughed at her blotchy, red face.

"I don't know what came over me. I'm so embarrassed thinking about it" Cassia admitted.

"Go on"

"He was just so close to me and I could feel his breath on my lips so I- I kissed him" Cassia gulped.

"And he kissed me back, like really kissed me back. I don't remember every detail of it but he had me pressed against the wall at some point and I had my legs around him and- wow I really can't talk about this, Jin" Cassia stopped when she began to stutter too much. Her face hot and as red as a tomato.

"I can't believe it" Jin was clearly enjoying himself.

"My best friend, shy little Cassia had a one night stand" he breathed.

"WHAT? NO!" Cassia screamed, slapping Jin's shoulder.

"We made out and that's it! I can't believe you- JIN, oh my god" she crouched down on the floor, too embarrassed to look up.

"I hate you" she hissed between her teeth.

"You're 21 and still can't talk about making out with someone without having a seizure" Jin laughed.

"You're the worst, Kim Seokjin. I'm never telling you anything ever again" Cassia huffed.

"Aww. I'm sorry, boo" Jin said and crouched down next to her but he still had that stupid grin on his face.

"Everytime I think I have you somewhat figured out you pull something like this and surprise me all over again" Jin smiled.

So there they sat, on Cassia's kitchen floor, knees touching and smiling like fools.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Jin asked, wiggling his eyebrows. And this guy claims to be 25. Cassia thought to herself.

"I have no idea. I've never- uh- you know wanted to approach a guy before. I don't know what to say. Besides, I think I said some pretty embarrassing things to him last night"

"Well, well, well. You have come to the perfect person, dear child! Let mama Jin teach you" Jin beamed.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? Cassia thought.


Cassia was used to a lot of weird things Jin did. Over time she learned to think like him and by now over a year into their friendship he was pretty predictable to her. Or at least that's what she thought. Because what Jin wanted her to do now was everything but predictable.

"What do you mean ignore him?" Cassia ran after him.

"Don't call, don't text him. If he contacts you, ignore him. Pretend he doesn't exist." He didn't sound like he was joking.

"Jin I said I needed help talking to guys not scaring them off. Are you sure this isn't just something you saw in a drama?"

"Trust me, Cass. I know what guys like him are like"

"You haven't even met!"

"I don't need to. The whole 'I'll drop her off' thing he pulled on the phone, he's the possessive kind of guy"

"Okay, you're really just assuming things now" Cassia complained.

"Try it! Just trust me, Cass. If it doesn't work after a week or two we'll change the plan"

"Fine" she huffed.


It was hard. Not thinking about him. Not worrying what he might be thinking of her after that night. Why did I drink so many shots? Cassia thought, she couldn't let go of that night, she just couldn't. I should have stayed sober, goddamn. That way I would've never kissed him.


But then she remembered why she had drunken so much in the first place, Jungkook.

It was back to silence between them. Jungkook didn't call. He didn't text. Even though Cassia now knew why, she was just as worried as before.


A week went by. It wasn't difficult to ignore Taehyung. And the reason behind that was because he never called..

Not once did he try to contact her after that night. I should've known. Cassia cursed herself for being so naive. He doesn't care and why would he? What had she expexted? That he magically fell in love with her after that night? That he would run after her?

Cassia blankly stared at the professor in front of the class. She liked college.  She loved her major. But the words just didn't want to reach her ears that day. What book were they even talking about? Cassia couldn't care less.

Work was weird too. There was an awkward silence going on between Leia and Yoongi. They treated each other like strangers would. Polite but cold.

Over and over Cassia attempted to get Leia to tell her what had happened but whenever she tried to Leia just completely shut down.

"I'm busy right now"

"Nothing happened"

"Stop asking me about this, Cassia"

"I'm FINE!"


The only person that was still acting normal was Jin. His relationship with Namjoon was going great. Every time he came home from a date he was smiling from ear to ear. He had a certain waltz to his walk too and Cassia often found him whistling or humming a melody whilst cooking.

"Hey Jin, wanna have a study evening tonight?" Cassia peeked her head through the kitchen door after finishing removing her makeup and throwing her hair up in a messy bun.

"Ahh, I would but Namjoon and I are going out for dinner" he replied.

"Then who are you cooking dinner for right now?" Cassia laughed pointing to the pots on the stove.

"You. You seemed a little down today and I wanted to make sure you're eating enough"

Cassia didn't say anything, she just silently walked up to Jin in her fuzzy socks and oversized pyjama shirt and hugged him from behind.

"I don't deserve you" she whined, giving his back short little pecks.

"Stop, Cassia! You know how ticklish I- ahhhh"

Cassia broke out into a laugh when Jin suddenly started jumping up and down to stop her.

"Watch the food!" Cassia giggled, Jin had splattered her with sauce.

"That's what you get for tickling me!"

"Open wide!" Jin called and brought a spoon with sauce up to her lips.

"Hold on! It's still hot!" Cassia whined when he impatiently pressed the spoon against her lips.

Cassia blew at the hot sauce on the spoon and tasted it.

"Delicious" she approvingly pointed a thumbs up at him.

"Give me some of your cooking talent already!" she laughed.

"You still have sauce on your face, boo" Jin wiped at her chin. "Better"

Jin stared into her eyes, thinking for a moment.

"You know what. I'm calling Namjoon" he finally decided. "Watch the sauce for a second"

"What? No, don't cancel your date because of me!" Cassia protested.

"I'm not, don't worry. Just shifting it"


"I'll ask Namjoon to come over, I didn't feel like going to some fancy restaurant anyways" he explained and raised his hand to shush Cassia when she wanted to protest again.

"Watch. The. Sauce" Jin scolded her.

He can say whatever he wants but I still don't deserve him. Cassia smiled when he walked away to call Namjoon.


"Guess who's hereee?" Namjoon walked into her apartment, two plastic bags in hand.

"My daddy!" Jin scipped over to him and almost tackled him to the ground.

"Oh my gooood, Jin" Cassia groaned. "I didn't need to hear that"

"Whatever" he stuck his tongue out.

"It smells delicious in here. I brought snacks by the way. M&m's, popcorn, lays, hershey's -whatever new chocolate they came out with- aand skittles" Namjoon placed the bags onto the kitchen table.

He was dressed in sweatpants and a black shirt. Jin had changed into his pyjamas as well.

"Hey Cassia" he walked over to hug her. Whenever Namjoon picked Jin up for a date he made sure to say hi to Cassia. Needless to say that Cassia really liked him, not just because of that but because he was treating Jin like the queen he was and all in all just a sweetheart.

"I also brought some wii games since Jin said you only have shit ones"

"Heyy what's wrong with 'Just Dance'?" Cassia protested.

"Nothing. We both just suck at dancing" Jin chuckled pointing to Namjoon and him.

"I bet that's not true. I'll make you guys play it with me anyway" Cassia giggled.

"I don't know what Jin's talking about. Personally, my second name is dance monster soo- I'll absolutely slay you guys"

They all sat down to eat dinner, Jin's delicious lasagne and went straight to the living room afterwards, plopping down onto the couch.

Cassia filled all the snacks Namjoon had brought into bowls and poured them all some lemonade.

"Not the rainbow one!" Cassia groaned when they played 'Mario Cart'. "That one's too hard"

"Also I want to be princess peach!"

"In your dreams" Jin huffed. "I'm always princess peach."

"Finee, I'll be yoshi then" Cassia gave in.

After a while of struggling to stay on the rainbow road Cassia gave up and decided to just watch Jin and Namjoon play.

Jin was winning. "Take that Luigi!" he called out.

Cassia decided to help Namjoon and sneaked up behin Jin before tickling him.

"CASSIE STOP!" he screamed, squirming under her fingers.

"Foul play, FOUL PLAY!!" he squealed but Cassia only tickled him faster.

"Ahhhh" Jin laughed and quickly turned around, grabbing Cassia's hand and pushing her down into the couch.

"No, not today!" he yelled and sat down on her stomach still holding her hands.

"Jin, I can't breath" tears were spilling from her eyes from laughing so much.

"Babe, you're gonna crush her" Namjoon laughed.

"She asked for it" Jin stayed stubborn.

"Namjoon!" Cassia coughed, still laughing. "Saave me"

Jin's eyes widened. "Don't you dare-"

"ATTACK!" Namjoon yelled and suddenly all the air was knocked out of Cassia's lungs as another body jumped onto them.

"Guys!" Cassia choked out at the two guys wrestling on top of her.

"Whoops sorry, boo"

They got off of her and she could breath again.

"Thanks" she huffed, closing her eyes for a moment, still collecting herself.

"You alright?" Namjoon asked.

"Couldn't be better" she smiled.
