21.) you can't hide


"Everytime you take a sip
your lips wet with wine,
I wish I was that glass"

-Michael Faudet


Cassia's POV


The next morning was hectic. Taehyung got up upon the first ring of his alarm and made a straight line for the bathroom.

He showered and Cassia could hear the sound of the blow dryer when she was still wrapped up in the sheets.

With a heavy sigh she rolled out of bed and pulled her leggings from the night before back on, she had no other choice since she didn't bring any clothes.

Taehyung dressed casually, sweats and a t-shirt again. He offered Cassia to put on some of his clothes and she accepted a loose black t-shirt but kept her own leggings on.

Taehyung had a spare tooth brush for her, he mumbled something about always having an extra one since he went on a lot of flights.

Cassia attempted to make herself look somewhat presentable. She combed through her hair and washed her face but the bags under her eyes were evidence of how tired she felt. She could hear Taehyung talk to someone on the phone, he sounded annoyed. When she walked over to him though he smiled at her.

Before she knew it, Taehyung pulled her out of the house and to a big black SUV. A driver was sat in the front and Taehyung got in next to her on the backrow.

The driver mumbled a 'good morning, Sir' to Taehyung and they pulled onto the road.

Taehyung placed his hand on Cassia's knee. "How you feeling?" he asked.

"Tired" Cassia admitted but gifted him a smile. "Are you sure I won't be hindrance? I don't want to cause you any trouble"

"Ah, don't worry about that. No one will even notice that you're there." he mumbled, stroking her knee.

"I'm excited to see you model though" Cassia chuckled and Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

"You'll be dissapointed then, princess. I'm just going to try on a lot of clothes and take test pictures." he smiled but Cassia shook her head.

"Still" she mumbled.


They pulled into a street in the city centre and the driver, a tall, bulk man with sunglasses walked them to a building and rode the elevator with them before shortly nodding and leaving.

"Charming guy" Cassia muttered.

"Hank is actually quite chill" Taehyung mumbled and without hesitation connected their hands before walking down the hall.

They were met with a white door that had a sign on it which read 'Shooting in progress, do not disturb'.

Taehyung turned to Cassia. "Ready to meet everyone?"

Cassia gulped and nodded, following Taehyung through the door.

They were immediately met with a tall, black haired woman. Her eyes narrowed when she noticed Cassia.

"Good morning" she bowed to Taehyung and nodded in her direction. "Did you rest like I asked you to?" her red lips turned into a thin line.

"Yes, Marla" Taehyung sighed.

"Good. We're ready when you are" she nodded.

Taehyung reassuringly squeezed Cassia's hand. "Meet Marla, my assistant" he spoke and Cassia shyly smiled at the frowning woman.

"Nice to meet you" she stuck out her hand and Marla shook it, looking Cassia up and down.

"Marla, meet Cassia" Taehyung said. No sign of a smile.

Well, this is already going great. Cassia thought.

"Changing rooms are down there" Marla told Taehyung. "You can come with me" she then turned to Cassia.

Cassia's eyes widened but she followed behind the lady, clicking her heels with every step. Taehyung squeezed her hand again before walking to the changing rooms.

Marla got Cassia a chair to sit on, she also asked her if she wanted anything to drink but Cassia shook her head, thanking her.

"Tell me if you need anything" Marla nodded and left.

Cassia took a deep breath before looking around the set. A team of camera men were stood in front of a broad white wall, a black x marked on the ground. The door of Taehyung's dressing room was open and Cassia could see that a team of hair and makeup artist where with him.

She felt an odd feeling rise in the pit of her stomach at all the people touching him.

A few crew members sent her curious glances and some even introduced themselves to her but other than that no one showed too much interest in the small girl sitting on a stool in the corner.

When Taehyung walked out of the dressing room he looked like a transformed man. Dressed in a beautiful black suit with golden detailing and soft, dewy makeup.

Cassia's eyes were glued to his stunning appearance. He went to stand on the black x on the floor.

His stylist and her team who were all dressed in black fixed his hair one last time before the shooting began.

Loud pop music was blasted through the room and the camera man started to shoot him. Cassia watched Taehyung do very minimalistic poses, showing off the clothes in the best way possible.

He looked absolutely mesmerizing. She watched him do full body shots, head shots and close ups before he changed into a different outfit and did it all over again.

For some outfits they even filmed short video clips of him walking in them. For the first few outfits he wore a collection of suits which were all different in style and colour but had the same golden detailing connecting them.

After a good two hours, the outfits started to change, he now wore tighter pants and loosely buttoned up silk shirts along with dainty golden jewelry.

It was fun watching him do his job but after a while Cassia grew a little bored just sitting in the corner so she decided to walk around a bit. She let Marla bring her a glass of orange juice after the assistant kept asking. Marla never stopped keeping an eye on Cassia.

As Cassia was walking around and inspecting all the equipment she noticed the door opening. A tall, blonde woman walked in, following close behind her was a man in leather boots and sunglasses.

They smiled at Cassia, before she could say anything Marla walked up to them and showed them the dressing room.

Oh, so they were models as well.

When the beautiful blonde walked back out Cassia sucked in her breath. She was wearing a breathtaking, floor-lenght, golden gown and her hair was falling in soft waves down her back.

Taehyung got a break and they started shooting the blonde girl instead. Cassia's eyes were glued to her just like they had been to Taehyung.

Why was everyone so stunning? What was this?

Taehyung jogged over to her, he was still wearing the red, silk shirt and black paints.

"Hey" he smiled, kissing her cheek. "How you doing?"

Cassia forced her eyes away from the beautiful blonde and looked at Taehyung instead.

"Great" she said with a smile. "I didn't know more models were coming to the fitting as well"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Those are Amara and Lukas. They're signed at different agencies but I work with them a lot. Amara is Danish and Lukas is German, I think. Come, I'll introduce you to them"

Cassia's eyes widened. "What? No, Tae I-"

"Hey Lukas!"

Too late. He was already walking over to them with a smile.

His blue eyes landed on Cassia's brown ones and she felt the words get stuck in her throat.

"Lukas, I want you to meet Cassia" Taehyung smiled. Cassia felt tiny next to the two models quite literally towering over her. Lukas was even taller than Taehyung.

He caught Cassia in an embrace before she could open her mouth.

"h-hi!" Cassia warmly smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"So nice to meet V's girlfriend" Lukas spoke and suddenly Amara appeared behind them, a friendly smile on her lips.

"V's girlfriend?" she asked and hugged Cassia in the same manner Lukas had just done.

Taehyung didn't correct either of them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Cassia" she bowed her head to the blonde.

"Amara" she spoke and ran her hands through her golden hair. She was the same height as Taehyung and she wasn't wearing heels.

Cassia blushed when she remembered her attire, leggings and a t-shirt, no makeup and worn out converse.

Great. She thought.

"She's adorable" Amara spoke to Taehyung. Both her and Lukas had strong accents standing out when they spoke.

"Amara! Back to set please!" Someone called and the blonde turned around. "Coming!"

"Lovely to meet you, Cassia" she said and walked back to the cameras.

"We need to get changed as well" Lukas reminded Taehyung and he nodded.

"I hope this is at least a little fun for you" he whispered into Cassia's ear, putting a strand of hair that had fallen into her face, behind her ear.

"You know I think you're absolutely beautiful, right?" he groaned into Cassia's ear, making a shiver run down her back.

"Not long now and we can get out of here" he murmured and pulled back, sheepishly smiling at Cassia's blushed cheeks.

After watching Amara model for a while it was Lukas' turn and then the three of them all posed together. Their outfits all matched, at least in the details and Cassia was sure that they could've used those 'test pictures' in high end fashion magazines right away and no one would've noticed.

Cassia could tell that they had been working with each other for a while, they had amazing chemistry. For the last outfit change of the day it was just Taehyung and Amara posing together.

Lukas changed back into his own clothes and stood beside Cassia to chat with her.

"How long have you and V been together?" he asked and took a sip of the waterbottle Marla had pushed into his hands.

Cassia tore her eyes away from Amara and Taehyung who currently had his arms around slung around the blonde girl and focused on Lukas instead.

"Oh, we're not together, I'm sorry. I should've corrected you earlier. We just met recently" Cassia told him.

"Oh really? Too bad. I thought you two fitted well together" Lukas admitted, taking another chug of water.

"Thank you" Cassia smiled. Her eyes darted back to Taehyung and Amara.

"So how long have all of you known each other?" she asked. Lukas noticed the undertone in her voice but didn't say anything.

"I've run a few catwalks with V. We met maybe, half a year ago at an launch party but I've never shooted with him before. Well, except for test pictures" Lukas told her. "I'm fairly new in the business"

"Wow, you looked amazing in front of the camera. I would've never guessed that you haven't been doing this for too long. You come across very experienced" Cassia spoke.

"Thank you, Cassia. I really appreciate that. It's a rather tough business and I'm very proud to have come this far. Are you going to come?"

"Come?" Cassia raised her eyebrows.

"To Paris Fashion Week? Watch V walk?" Lukas chuckled.

"Oh, that. Um, I don't know. I don't think I'm invited" Cassia muttered, avoiding Lukas' gaze.

"I could get you tickets if you want to come. It'll be my first time at Fashion Week and none my family can fly out to Paris, I'm afraid to see my walk so I have a lot of spare tickets" Lukas looked at her.

Cassia couldn't help but feel sympathy towards him, he had known her for a mere few minutes and had been nothing but sweet to her.

"That's really kind of you" Cassia thanked him. "I don't know if Ta- V wants me there though. He hasn't mentioned it to me at all and I think he would've said something by now if he wanted me there. Maybe he wants to um- separate his career and private life" Cassia spoke her thoughts.

"So you two are dating?" Lukas smirked.

Cassia blushed "something along those lines, yes" she admitted. "At least I hope so" she quietly added.

Lukas heard her. "Don't worry. I see the way he looks at you" he mumbled and Cassia's eyes perked up at him.

"I've never seen him look at a girl the way he looks at you before" he said. "Even now" he whispered and Cassia's eyes wandered to Taehyung.

They were still shooting but Taehyung's eyes were fixed on Cassia, he was frowning and almost looked worried?

"He's jealous" Lukas chuckled.

"He's not." Cassia rolled her eyes. Suddenly she felt a hand on her arm. Her eyes darted to Lukas. Confusion spread over her face.

"Laugh, like I just told you something funny" he whispered into Cassia's ears and she furrowed her eyebrows but when he subtly nodded at her again she let a laugh escape her lips and he joined in, his hand still on her arm.

"What's funny?" Taehyung appeared next to them and Cassia's eyes widened, a knowing smirk played on Lukas' lips.

"I just told Cassia a joke" Lukas lied and removed his hand from Cassia's arm. Taehyung was watching him closely.

"Yeah, he's hilarious" Cassia said and locked eyes with Lukas, slightly shaking her head. He was right.

"Oh" Taehyung muttered. "We're done for the day" he told Cassia and she inspected his face. His gaze was fixed on her, his hands seeking her touch. His eyes glinting with jealousy.

"You ready to leave?" he asked Cassia, his muscles relaxed when she grabbed his hand.

"Yep" she popped the 'p' and sweetly smiled at Taehyung. "I think you need to get changed first though" she chuckled.

"I'll get going now, too" Lukas spoke up watching their interaction with a grin. "Nice meeting you, Cassia and remember to think about my offer again, maybe you'll change your mind"

"You too, Lukas. Thanks again" Cassia hugged the tall brunette goodbye.

"What offer?" Taehyung's eyes darkened.

"Oh nothing" Cassia shrugged it off.

"Tell me, Cassandra" he bit his lip.

"He offered me tickets to Fashion Week to come see you guys walk but don't worry I declined" Cassia told him with a sigh. "Go get changed now, I want to get out of here"

"Oh" Taehyung mumbled. "Do you want to come?"

"No, it just said it's fine. I get that that's your job and it's a little early for me to- uhh let's talk about it later and just go eat lunch now okay, Tae? I'm really hungry" Cassia sighed.

Taehyung seemed unsatisfied with her answer but obliged and got changed. They said goodbye to everyone before Hank picked them up again.

"Where do you wanna eat?" Taehyung asked her once they got into the car.

"Um I don't mind, you choose a restaurant" Cassia replied. "My shift starts at 1 pm though so I have to be home at least thirty minutes before that"

"No problem"


Taehyung took her to a sushi place downtown and Cassia's mood lifted immensely once her aching stomach got filled with food.

"You want to try some of mine?" Taehyung asked her and picked up an avocado maki with his chopsticks, holding it up to Cassia's mouth. She opened her mouth and chewed the food.

"Delicious" she brought her fingers to her lips and made a kissing sound which made Taehyung chuckle.

"Cute" he mumbled. He was holding her hand over the table and stroking the back of it with his thumb.

Unknown number calling....

Cassia declined the call.

Unknown number calling....

Taehyung frowned as he watched her bitter expression. Cassia blocked the number and turned her phone to silent.

"Sorry" she met Taehyung's eyes and was about to put her phone away when she got a text.

Unknown number
Pick up the phone, Cassandra. I will not ask again.

This was unusual. Her father called her all the time, he emailed her but he had never texted her before. His emails always said the same thing 'call me'. They hadn't talked in two years.

Unknown number calling...

"Cassia are you okay?" Taehyung shifted in his seat.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled.

Unknown number
Cassandra, I will no longer accept this type of behaviour. You are to answer my messages. Pick up the phone right this second or this will have consequences for you.

"Oh my god" Cassia choked, angry tears brimming in her eyes.

"It's my father." Cassia looked up at Taehyung whose eyes were filled with concern.

"What does he want?" Taehyung asked.

"I have no idea" Cassia breathed. The image of her father's cold eyes flashed through her mind.

Worldwide Handsome❤️ calling...

"What's going on?" Cassia shook her head in confusion but picked up the call.


"Cassia, where are you?" Panic was evident in his voice and Cassia immediately felt alarmed and tensed up. Taehyung was sending her questioning looks.

"I'm out for lunch with Taehyung right now, what-"

"Don't come home, listen to me Cassia. You can't come home for as long as I say so" Jin hurriedly warned her.

"Some men just knocked down the door of your apartment and they were looking for you, they questioned me about your whereabouts"

Cassia froze. No, no this can't be happening.

A single, shocked tear rolled down her cheek. Jin's voice was shaking.

"He found you"
