16.) Jimin


"I want to be with
someone who dreams
of doing everything
in life and nothing
on rainy Sunday



Taehyung's POV (surprise)


+1 new message

Taehyung smiled down at his phone.

Good morning, or should I say afternoon? Hope you feel well rested, all the best for your meeting today!
Text me once you're not busy anymore

"V?" a stern voice spoke.

Taehyung looked up to see that his assistant, Marla was frowning at him.

"Sorry" he mumbled and slipped the phone back into his jeans.

"As I was saying.." she sent him a small glare before continuing. "This is your schedule for the next three weeks. I attempted to respect all your leisure time requests but as you will see I found myself unable to meet most of your demands" she said and handed him the stack of papers.

Marla's voice sounded awfully high pitched and Taehyung hated how formal she always spoke to him, completely disregarding the fact that they had been working with each other for over three years now.

"Thanks, Marla" he huffed but didn't bother to look up at her.

He read over the packed schedule and his expression immediately turned sour once he noticed how packed his weekends were. Again.

"Marla" he groaned, shutting his eyes in annoyance. "Please tell my why it is so hard to get at least one day of the weekend off for once. I haven't had a free weekend in months"

"I told you that I found myself unable to meet all your demands" her answer was short and her voice cold.

"That was my only 'demand'" Taehyung spat.

Marla ignored him. "As you can see" she went on. "We have three fittings to get through before Paris Fashionweek in ten days. The first one's tomorrow at 5am. Donatella Versace invited you to a formal dinner along with other young male models this Saturday at 6pm.
Mr. Song suspects she's going to offer you a job, most likely to model for Versace's summer collection this year" Marla read over the schedule, Taehyung's eyebrows were furrowed as his eyes followed her finger pointing at different time dates.

"We've got the long awaited shoot for GUCCI's new summer line coming up, of course. You get two days off before that. Use the time to rest. And I mean this. No partying, no going out. To put it more simple no stress. You are well aware of the importance of this shoot. It will determine whether your contract with the brand gets extended or not. You cannot mess this up, V. Are you listening to me?" Marla snapped.

Taehyung blankly stared back at her. Oh how badly he wanted to rip her head off.

"Yes, Marla. Your voice is difficult to miss" he sent her a fake smile.

"Good" she nodded. "Everything else on the schedule should be clear. Of course drivers and everything are organized, all I need you to do is cooperate and rest when I tell you to. Understood?"

Fuck, he would love to wipe that fake ass grin off her mouth right now.

"Yes" he spoke through his teeth.

"Perfect. We're done for today, I will call you tomorrow before the fitting to check in on you. Have a nice day, V!" she chimed and turned on her heels.

Taehyung listened to the clicking of her heels until he could no longer hear her down the hallway.

Oh, Marla. His lovely assistant. She was the piece of lego to his foot.

He stayed sat on the leather chair of her office for a bit longer, flying over his schedule again and again. The only days he had off were before major shoots and he was meant to do nothing but eat and sleep on those days.

He pulled his phone out again before calling his best friend and walking out of his assistant's office, pushing the glass doors with a little too much force, over to his car.


"Hey, man"

"Where you at?"

"Uhh, somewhere in DC.
Second fitting for Paris Fashionweek. We're wrapping things up right now though, so I should be back soon"

"Ah okay, my first one's tomorrow. Please tell me you're invited to that dinner as well"

"Versace? Jup, I am! Can you believe it? I feel like it's gonna be awesome, I mean I've never walked for Versace before so if the rumours are true and she's actually looking to offer us jobs, I'd be stoked. I've dreamt of this for so long"

Taehyung smiled at his friend's excitement. They were signed at the same agency and both managed by Mr. Song but Taehyung had been in the field longer than Jimin and had more experience. GUCCI wasn't the first major brand he had been worked with, although it was his personal favourite as it fit his own style the best.

Jimin and Taehyung had been friends way before the start of their careers in fashion and still remained very close despite their busy schedules.

Somehow they always made it work, going to Nova on weekends even though they had to be somewhere first thing the next morning, meeting at shoots and driving home together, even just spending half an hour in each other's company when things got very busy sometimes.

Taehyung could suddenly relate to celebrities who only seemed to date other celebs as well. You needed someone who understood your crazy schedule and who better than someone that had the same crazy schedule themselves?

"You wanna come to my place tonight and stay over? My fitting starts at 5am tomorrow but I don't mind. You don't have to get up with me tomorrow, you could just stay asleep."

"Sounds like a plan, alright I'll see you around 8 then, okay?"

"Perfect, see you Chim!"

"See ya!"

Call ended..

He browsed through his contacts and stopped at the letter C.

Meeting done. How's my little one doing?

Taehyung was in a much better mood again after talking to Jimin. He blasted music in his car on the drive home. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten so worked up by the new schedule. Of couse it was quite busy and packed with meetings, fittings and shoots but he couldn't remember a time when it wasn't.

It did get crazier than usual around the time of fashion week, he had to admit that but packed weekends and fittings all week were nothing new to him. He made it work. This was his dream job after all, no matter how exhausting it could get at times.

He sighed and drummed his fingers against the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song. His phone buzzed but he stopped himself from checking it.

He pulled it out as soon as his car was parked in his garage.

+ 1 new message

How did it go? I've had quite an eventful day to say the least, haha. I would like to tell you about it in person though. When will we see each other again?

"Good question" Taehyung muttered.

Meeting was okay. Nothing special, my schedule's packed for the next three weeks though, so I don't know when we'll see each other again. Call me tonight?

Oh okay. When?

Whenever you want, princess

"Tae is that you?" a female voice yelled from upstairs when he walked through the front door of his house.

"Yes, Nari! I'm home!" he shouted back.

He could hear her running down the stairs.

"You're back!" she beamed and fell into his arms tightly hugging him. They hadn't seen each other since he left to go to Korea for a week. "I made dinner by the way, you hungry?"

"Always" Taehyung replied with a wink.

"Thought so" Nari smiled and walked ahead into the dining room. She had already set the table for them.

"You're the best, Nari" he exclaimed when he smelled all the delicious food.

"I guess I just missed you" she joked. "How was Korea?"

"Boring" Taehyung muttered. "Just work as always. Nothing exciting. More meetings" he mumbled, tossing his leather jacket onto a chair. He checked his phone again.

Alright, I will

"Who are you texting?" Nari called out and placed the big bowl of miso soup onto the table

"Uh, Jimin" he lied. "He's coming over tonight by the way"

"No problem, haven't seen him in ages" she smiled. "Can you put your phone away now though?"

"Right, sorry" he mumbled and sent her an apologetic smile.


Taehyung went for a quick run around the neighbourhood after dinner. He worked out every single day, even if it was just a 30 minute run. Before major shoots or big runway shows he got booked for, he worked out at the gym and even with a personal trainer once or twice a week.

He liked working out, most of the time at least. Lifting weights, running and even stretching was alright.

What he hated was the dieting. Fuck greensmoothies and eating nothing but a salmon filet for dinner.

The preparation for shirtless shoots was the worst though. Intense weight training every single day and watching every little bit of food he put into his body. Most of the time he followed a strict workout and dieting plan. He absolutely despised it. Luckily, he didn't get booked for shirtless shoots too often.

The main shoots he did were houte couture and high fashion shoots. Jimin was the one who did a lot of shirtless shoots.

Panting, he arrived back at his street. He pulled his earbuds out and gulped down the remainders of his water bottle. With a quick glance to his watch he decided there was still enough time for a shower.

He tensed at the ice cold water running down his chest. He always took cold showers. And used body lotion straight afterwards.

Over time he had gotten into a skincare routine. He knew it by heart and followed the same steps, every single day.

Feeling refreshed again he stepped out of the shower, rubbing his hair dry with a towel. He stared at his reflection in the big silver bathroom mirror.

His hair was brown again, he preferred it this way. The ice blonde he often had to dye his hair made him look like a different person. Almost like a stranger. He stared into his own brown eyes. Smirking when he remembered something.

"I like the brown eyes better"

"Do you?"

"Yess, they looked golden when the light hit them"


"I'm here! Where's my favourite golden boy?"

And Jimin..
