36.) golden boy

A/N: Hii loves, I'm so sorry for updating so little but I'm really busy with studying at the moment, I graduate high school in a bit over a month, I hope you understand& have patience with me. All the love❤️


"I hope you never steal
someone's heart
just to fill a hole or heal a hurt.
A person's love
is not a raincoat
you slip on only when it storms."

- Beau Taplin


Cassia's POV


Sweatpants, black t-shirt, converse, dark sunglasses. Cassia's airport outfit matched Taehyung's. Hair pulled up into a bun. Tired eyes. The day had been rough, hectic. Last minute packing really wasn't the greatest, taking a test at college a few hours before leaving off to Paris wasn't either.

The night had long come once they left for the airport. 10 pm. Nightwinds tugging at their arms once they left Nari's car. They would land in Paris in the morning. Cassia let out a stiffled yawn, rubbing at her eyes, she wasn't wearing any makeup, just one of Tae's scarfs pulled up to her chin. Fingers intertwined they walked down to their gate, Jimin and Nari following suit. Cassia had already said goodbye to Jin and Namjoon in the afternoon.

Once they reached the boarding area, Nari hugged them all goodbye, wishing Tae and Jimin good luck for the show and all of them a fun time, whispering to Cassia to send her pictures. Cassia watched Nari's silver bob dissapear, caught up in her own thoughts.

Jungkook had stayed back at the house as well. It had felt weird saying goodbye again after only having him back in her life for such a short time but Cassia knew that he was in good hands and that soon she would be back in NYC and in his arms again. She reminded herself that she was doing this for Tae, he needed her there with him even though he had never said it out loud.

Cassia sat down inbetween Tae and Jimin, lazily looking around until her eyes settled on the polished airport floor.

Soon enough Marla had spotted them and joined them in the waiting area. Cassia didn't even look up at first, she hadn't heard the famous clicking of the assistant's heels but when she did look up, her mouth fell slightly open before she quickly closed it again.

Cassia had never seen Marla this casual before. No heels, no pencil skirt.. trainers and jeans instead.

Without hesitation Taehyung's assistant greated Cassia like part of her team, hugging her only shortly but with a warm smile.

"Everyone well relaxed?" Marla asked, voice a tic too cheery, eyes darting to the two boys. Tae was still wearing concealer under his eyes and Jimin didn't look like his best self either but considering the packed schedule they had been following for weeks now, they looked alright. Marla seemed to think something along those lines too because she wasn't pressing them for answers and instead sat down on the waiting bench as well.

They all slept through most of the 8-hour flight, Tae's head resting on Cassia's shoulder, a thin grey blanket covering their bodies. The fact that they were going to Paris didn't sink in to Cassia until their plane landed and Marla started giving them one last pep talk. Taehyung reached over to Cassia, taking the sunglasses she had pushed up into her hair and lowering them onto her eyes. She looked at him with a slightly puzzled expression. He didn't reach for her hand when she dropped it to her side.

Taehyung pulled the hood of the sweater he had thrown on onto his head, his own pair of sunglasses already shielding his eyes, Jimin matched his actions as they walked down the hall and into Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport.

Once they stepped out, Tae and Jimin immediately lowered their heads and when Cassia's mouth opened to ask why, she was met with sudden loud shouting. Her eyes snapped up in surprise and she quickly flinched back when a blindling, white flash came in contact with her face. Before she could fully grasp the situation they were swarmed by a big crowd of people, all yelling and flashing lights at them.

The hollering of the paparazzi made Taehyung take a step back from Cassia. He left her side and walked next to Jimin instead. Cassia suddenly felt lost without him by her side, her stomach tightened and pearls of sweat started to form on her forehead, her heart was racing. Marla's hand immediately found Cassia's arm, pulling her into her side and guiding her out of the boarding area.

Cassia focused on breathing and keeping her head down but when she did look up, she noticed the steel gates that had been put up to seperate them from the flashing cameras and screaming crowd of people.

Cassia's eyes widened when she took a moment to look at their faces. Those weren't just paparazzi and people from the press. Fans. She looked into the eyes of screaming girls with their phones held up high, recording and colourful 'welcome' signs and big posters, showing Tae and Jimin, clutched in their hands.

'Marry me, V!'

'Today is my 16th birthday, please say HI, Jimin oppa!'

'Vmin 4ever!'

'I love you, V! Please sit on my face!'

Cassia didn't have time to read all of the bright, colourful signs but the few that she did read had love confessions and prints of Tae's and Jimin's faces on them.

Marla was walking faster now, holding up a folder to shield Cassia's face from the hungry cameras. The paparazzi were really persistent, shoving the cameras in Cassia's face and throwing questions at her, she couldn't make out over the loud screaming.

Tae and Jimin stopped for a moment to give autographs and wave to the fans but they soon caught up to Cassia and Marla again, the screams getting too loud, the number of camera's in their faces too large.

Cassia felt like the world was closing in on her, it got harder for her to properly breathe and make her feet walk faster. She gripped onto Marla for dear life, feeling like she was going to faint. People were pushing her, touching her arms, pulling at her clothes and bag and shouting at her. All the shouting made her ears ring.

Cassia suddenly couldn't see the exit anymore, there was no way out, they were surrounded by masses of people. The cameras in her face were getting too much, the flashing lights making her hands tremble, throat close up and fall into panic.

Her eyes searched for Taehyung, desperate for his touch to help her calm down. She didn't care that there were a million cameras in their faces right now, she needed him, to feel safe.

Her gaze finally found him. He was walking not too far behind them, still right next to Jimin.

Inbetween the high pitched screaming from fans Cassia could make out some questions the paparazzi threw at them.

"V! V! Look this way! Are you excited for Fashion Week? How was your flight?"

"Jimin are you nervous working with Versace for the first time? How did Donatella treat you?"

"V! Who are you with this morning? Who is that girl?"

Cassia innerly froze at that question. She lowered her head further after that. Tae and Jimin didn't answer to any of the questions, just mumbling quick 'hello's to the fans. It felt like they had walked for miles until Cassia was finally pushed into the back of a cab and they drove off, away from the airport, the white flashing of cameras finally gone.

Taehyung's eyes held worry when they met Cassia's, waiting for a reaction. Cassia was used to the press, she was used to annoying interviewers and people taking pictures but not like this. Never this crazy. She still had trouble collecting her breath, eyes shut tight, hands folded in her lap but still trembling. She suddenly felt a warm hand slide into hers, squeezing her fingers.

Her shoulders immediately relaxed from Tae's touch. He placed a hand on Cassia's lap and started stroking her legs in a calming matter.

"Is this the usual for you guys?" were her first words. She slowly opened her eyes.

Jimin nodded. "sometimes when they know the hotel we're staying at it's even worse" he muttered.

"wow" Cassia mumbled, sinking back into her seat. This only proved how strongly Taehyung had shielded her from it so far. A new wave of appreciation towards him rushed through her..and to think he had to deal with this on the daily.

"It's not as bad in NYC, right?" she muttered, looking up to her boyfriend who still had his eyes fixed on her in worry.

"It can be. At events and such but just out on the streets it's never bad. The fans aren't the problem" he smiled, placing a fluttery, soft kiss on the back of her hand.

Cassia knew the reason why Taehyung hadn't held her hand at the airport was because he was respecting her wish for their relationship to stay private. What he didn't understand yet was that it was for his own sake, not Cassia's. She was trying to protect him from the eyes of her father.

"How are you?" Taehyung was surprised when Cassia leaned into him and whispered this into his ear, he felt like it was his place to ask her that.

"Good, princess. I'm doing good" his smile was genuine. Cassia leaned onto his shoulder with a sigh. The panic she had felt build up inside her was seeping away. Tae made her feel safe. His touch relaxed her muscles. She trusted him. More than he knew.

When his golden brown eyes locked with hers, she realized how much she missed him, she missed spending a lot of time with him, just being this close to him and listening to his thoughts.

Her eyes payed little attention to the view outside the cab, too fixed on watching the veins on Taehyung's arm and listening to his breathing. It calmed her. The anxiety the flashing lights and sudden shouting had caused, vanishing more and more until it was fully gone.


They were staying at the same hotel as Lukas and Amara, soon Cassia would find out that there were more models staying with them than she was aware. Marla was staying at a different hotel, just down the street. Cassia appreciated the privacy, they had the rest of the day off. Feeling the jet lag sink in the day was spent sleeping and eating.

After tossing around next to Tae for a good thirty minutes, unable to sleep any more, Cassia decided to get up. She quietly left the hotel room, making sure to wake neither of the two boys. Lukas had texted them his room number and Cassia hesitantly knocked on the door once she reached the right room.

"Cassia!" he cheered and embraced her again, Lukas was a lot taller than Cassia and his slightly heeled brown boots didn't help that. He had to lean down to hug her small form to his.

Cassia couldn't help but notice his toned chest and arms trough his thin silk shirt. Pushing a strand of his natural blonde hair behind his ear he stepped aside to let her into his room.

"Excuse the mess" he chuckled. "I'm never good with travelling"

"Don't worry about it" Cassia shrugged it off and smiled up at him.

"Where are V and Jiminie?" Lukas asked, playing with the silver rings on his fingers.

"Asleep. Thought I'd give them some peace and quiet" Cassia mumbled, biting down on her lip. "um, do you maybe wanna go grab something to eat? I'm starving" As if to prove this her stomach let out a loud grumble, making Lukas grin and dimples pop up on his cheeks.

"Sure!" a dashing smile rose on his lips. "I was just done unpacking anyways. Hold up, I'll just call up Amara, see if she's busy right now"

Cassia nodded. She would've preferred if he didn't ask her to join them but as soon as that thought bubbled up inside her, Cassia shook her head. She had no reason to dislike Amara, the girl had been nothing but nice to her. Maybe it was just because she was friends with Tae and looked like a literal goddess.

Cassia still remembered how sweetly she had smile at him the day of the fitting and how his arm had snaked around her waist for the pictures. They had looked perfect together, like a piece of art. Maybe that was what was pissing Cassia off, yep it was.

"She's busy" Lukas huffed. Too bad. "but Darius said he'd join us. I work with him a lot, you'll love him, I promise"

Cassia couldn't help but join in on Lukas' joyous smile. Darius, a tall red-head with numerous freckles splattering his perfect cheeks, was indeed really nice. He made Cassia laugh and she didn't feel the least bit awkward in his company.

The three of them walked down to the hotel's restaurant together and sat down next to a large, tinted green, glass window. Cassia felt even tinier sat inbetween the two male models. It didn't help that the hotel was packed with models attendind or walking at Fashion Week. Cassia watched a group of tall, long legged female models stride down the halls, shiny long hair flowin after them.

Cassia sunk deeper into her seat, hiding her face behind the menue.

"What are you doing, Cassia?" Lukas chuckled, watching her with an amused grin.

"Hiding" she muffled. "I feel tiny. Like a mouse. Why is everyone here so goddamn tall"

This made Lukas and Darius break out into a fit of laughter. Cassia's cheeks immediately tinted to their infamous dark, blotchy red colour.

"Yes, very funny. You are not the one surrounded by ridiculously tall, picture perfect looking models. You know what that's doing to my self esteem?" she huffed. Lukas bit down on his full lips, surpressing his laughter as he gently took the menue out of Cassia's hands, his fingers brushing hers.

He shook his head at her, a wide smile still playing on his lips. "You have nothing to feel insecure about, love" he chuckled and Cassia quietly gasped when his hand reached out to hold hers and she felt tingles dance up her arm. "None of us are as cute as you" Lukas whispered. Darius didn't seem to pay much attention anymore, focused on reading the menue but Cassia's eyes were fixed on Lukas.

He was still smiling at her, playfully biting his lips. For a second she could've sworn he was staring at her lips.

Laughing it off Cassia quickly removed her hand from his, her blush only deepening. What the hell was that?

"Thank you" she smiled. "I think it'll just take some time to get used to"

The smile on Lukas' lips was back and he nodded, pushing his dirtly blonde hair back. "You're probably right"

Cassia forced her eyes away from his shimmering blue ones, she tried to subtly read his expression but he looked completely normal again, reading through the menue.

"Y'all ready to order?" Darius asked and Lukas nodded. Cassia stayed silent. Her mind was still somewhere else.

She looked down at her hand in thought. The tingles. Had she just imagined them?


A/N: please vote and comment, guys! It makes my day💖 ily all so much, good night

xx Umi
