The Duel


Percy, Zoe, and Artemis left the room. "So, do you guys have something to tell me?" Artemis asked crossing her arms across her chest.

"What do you mean?" Zoe asked.

"You two are acting weird. Especially you, Zoe," Artemis replied.

"Oh, we forgot to tell you that we're together," Percy said realizing what Artemis was talking about.

"It all had to do with fate. In the future, I am sort of, in a way, kicked out of the Hunt. When the Titan War ended, you offered me my ranks back, but I refused because, one, I fell in love with Percy, and two, I felt as if I had done all of my services to you. The new lieutenant was doing an even better job than I ever did," Zoe explained without spoiling too much.

"Very well, I will allow you two to stay together without hurting Percy, but I warn you now, Percy. If you hurt my sister in anyway, I don't care what Hades thinks; I will make your death worse than Tartarus," Artemis said.

"That seems fair," Percy said grinning. "Now, I must eat and then get ready for my little battle with Achilles. You guys may leave."

Artemis and Zoe turned to walk towards the dining hall when Percy continued. "All of you."

With that Percy swung the doors open as a few gods and demigods fell from leaning on the door. "How did you know?" Hermes asked.

"I can sense your auras and hear your heartbeats. Achilles taught me how to identify any friend or foe that may be approaching," Percy explained.

"Guilty," Achilles muttered.

"Now, I will go eat, and then meet you in the arena as well as anyone who wishes to join," Percy said.

Achilles nodded as they left for the dining hall.

Line Break

Percy searched the cabinets. "Hey, Zoe?!" Percy called.

"What is it, Percy?" Zoe asked.

"Do you know where the blue dye is?" Percy asked.

"No, why?" Zoe asked amused.

"I need it to make food. My mom used to dye my food blue, you know before she..." Percy explained trailing off at the last part.

"I will get you some," Zoe said.

Zoe left and came back seconds later with blue dye in her hand. "Thanks, where'd you get it?" Percy asked.

"I asked your dad for some," Zoe explained.

"Cool," Percy replied.

"What are you making?" Zoe asked.

"Scrambled eggs," Percy answered.

"Could I have some?" Zoe asked.

"Make your own, woman!" Percy yelled.

Zoe glared at him and then smacked him as he burst out laughing no longer able to keep himself in control. Zoe then also started laughing. "Of course," Percy said as he kissed her on the cheek.

"You missed," Zoe said pretending to pout.

"I'll kiss you properly after the duel," Percy said. "I promise."

Zoe smiled knowing that he was forced to now. After Percy finished making the eggs, he grabbed two plates and served the eggs. "Mmm, Percy this is really good," Zoe said as she tasted the eggs.

"Thank you. It was my mom's recipe," Percy said, resting his chin on Zoe's shoulder.

Line Breaker

"Ladies and Gentlemen, kids of all ages welcome to the epic battle between the two great heroes, Perseus Jackson the son of Hades and Achilles the son of Thetis and Peleus. The rules are simple, all powers and magical weapons may be used. The first to yield loses. No maiming or killing anyone. Try your best and good luck. Now, has everyone placed their bets?" Apollo said in an announcer's voice.

Everyone nodded. "Percy choose your weapon and shield," Apollo said.

Percy held out his hand as a familiar celestial bronze sword came flying into his hand. He held his wrist up pressing the jewel as a shield sprung out. "Achilles," Apollo said.

Achilles reached into his belt and unsheathed a celestial bronze sword. He reached behind him as a shield appeared on his back. "Arms at ready. Ready...set...fight!"

The two collided swords with each other. They thrusted, parried, and jabbed as their swords and shields collided. Neither of them showed any sign that they were tiring. Although neither of them had the curse, it was almost like they still had it. Percy tried shadow traveling behind Achilles and attack from behind, but Achilles was too quick and parried Percy's sword. The two kept going on and on. Percy tried the disarming maneuver and Achilles's sword flew out of his hand landing several feet behind. A shadow engulfed the sword as Percy tackled Achilles. Percy held the side of the blade to Achilles's throat. "Yield, my friend," Percy said.

"Not yet, Percy," Achilles replied throwing Percy off of him.

Achilles used his shield to knock Percy's sword out of his hand. Instead of summoning his weapon again, Percy held his shield up as Achilles collided his shield into Percy's. Percy threw his shield like a disc into a shadow as he bent his back avoiding Achilles's shield. The shield flew out of the wall behind Achilles and collided into his back making him fall forward as Percy punched him making Achilles fall to the floor. Percy summoned his shield and sword pressing his shield onto Achilles's chest and pressed the sword point to Achilles's chin. "Now, I yield," Achilles said.

Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Athena, Persephone, Zoe, Annabeth, Clarisse, Hazel, Travis, Connor, Beckendorf, Jason, Katie, Leo, Will, Michael, Silena, Reyna, Gwen, Nico, Bianca, Apollo, Diana, Theseus, Hermes, Hera, Demeter, and Artemis all collected their money as the rest payed up. Percy kissed Zoe passionately before they parted. "Good match my friend," Achilles grinned as Percy helped him to his feet.

Everyone walked back to the throne room, and Apollo grabbed the book. He flipped to chapter four and began reading.
