Chapter 9: Brotherly Love

"Who are you?" Zeus asked.

Percy's eyes widened with delight, "Mom!" he yelled hugging her tightly.

"Percy, it's been a while," Sally smiled squeezing her son.

"I'm Lee Fletcher, son of Apollo," the guy grinned as he hugged his brothers.

"And I'm Sally Jackson, Percy's birth mother," Sally said with a twinkle. "Lady Persephone, I would like to speak with you during the break."

Percy paled as Persephone nodded. "Ms. Jackson, would you like to read?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes, and please call me Sally, I'm not that old," Sally said, taking the book.

Chapter 9: Brotherly Love

Percy woke the next morning and tried to roll off his bed but quickly found himself on the floor of the Demeter cabin; his entire body was one big muscle ache from his battle with Atlas and holding the sky.

Percy rubbed his hair where a gray streak was left as a sort of scar.

As he lay there enjoying the pain free experience of not moving, his thoughts drifted back to the events in the throne room; he was now the child of the prophecy which changed things immensely for him, starting with the fact he would almost certainly die in less than two years' time. Exactly the reward he was looking for after battling a Titan and holding the sky to save a goddess he thought sarcastically.

"Yeah, it's like 'hey thanks for saving us, in return you get to die in two years'," Percy said.

Sally and Persephone mirrored a worried look.

The one good thing that came out of the whole ordeal was he now had a couple of friends in camp. He and Annabeth had gotten closer and now Zoe would be a camper despite how unhappy she was about it. Percy was brought out of his thoughts by a worried feminine voice calling to him.

"Who is it?" Apollo asked.

"If you would let her read, we'd find out," Artemis said.

"Are you okay Percy? And what happened to your hair?" Katie asked as she knelt down to help him up.

Demeter smiled at her daughter.

Percy groaned as he let Katie pull him up, "I'm alright Katie, just a very long day yesterday."

Katie looked at him worriedly, "So I take it you guys rescued Lady Artemis?"

"Yes thankfully." Percy said back tiredly.

Katie smiled, "Are Thalia and Annabeth okay?"

Percy nodded slowly, "Yes they're both okay but Thalia won't be around camp anymore."

Sally looked confused. "Why wouldn't she be at camp?" she asked.

"She became a hunter," Artemis explained.

"Oh, okay," Sally nodded, continuing to read.

"What? Why?" She asked confused.

Percy sighed and recounted every event from the quest without skipping a detail. When he finished, Katie was looking at him with wide eyes.

"Y..You battled a Titan and held the sky?" She asked in shock.

"Darn right, he did," Hermes said.

"Yea and it sucked." Percy replied simply.

Everyone laughed at Percy's comment.

Katie shook her head and smiled, "You're something else Percy but I'm glad you're on our side."

Percy grinned and slipped his arm around Katie's shoulders, "I'll always be on your side Katie, we're family. Now how about some breakfast, I'm starving."

"Eat cereal," Demeter said.

"I did," Percy grinned.

Katie could help but smile at his words as they headed for the dining pavilion. When they arrived, Percy noticed Zoe sitting by herself at the Artemis table. Before going to the Demeter table, he sat down next to her.

Zoe smiled at her boyfriend's kindness towards her.

"Come sit at the Demeter table, no one likes to eat alone." Percy said, kindly.

Zoe glared at him, "I am fine."

Percy rolled his eyes, "Fine, stay here with all your friends." He said as he stood and walked over to the Demeter table and sat down next to Katie.

After making his sacrifice to his parents, grandmother and Hestia, Percy returned to his table as Chiron stood and stomped his hooves to quiet everyone down. Much to Percy's displeasure, Chiron told the entire story of the quest as everyone stared at Percy in awe. Once he finished the story, Theo stood from his seat at the Poseidon table.

"Oh no, not him," Artemis groaned.

"Why is that lone huntress here?" He asked.

"Zoe is no longer a member of the hunt and since she had no place to go, Perseus and Annabeth suggested she come to camp." Chiron explained.

Zoe smiled at her friends. They always supported her no matter what, well most of the time anyways.

"Who is her godly parent?" Theo asked.

Chiron glanced at Zoe who shrugged, "She is a daughter of Atlas." Chiron said a little warily.

"What? Jackson brought a traitor Titan spawn into camp?" Theo yelled as a number of campers stood up and joined in with his shouts of protest.

Artemis gritted her teeth; she was liking this bit less and less.

Chiron tried to bring order to the dining pavilion but his efforts were futile. Just as things began to get out of control and shriek of pain silenced the campers immediately. Theo was on his butt with a pitch black arrow embedded in his shoulder.

Percy smirked, twirling an arrow in his hands.

Every demigod in the room eyes turned to the Demeter table where Percy stood on top of it, another arrow aimed at Theseus and his eyes ablaze with anger.

"Her loyalty was vouched for by the goddess Lady Artemis herself. You dare question the word of an Olympian?" Percy growled to the now silent room.

Artemis narrowed her eyes in anger.

Chiron was looking at Percy warily before turning back to the campers with an angry expression, "You will all sit down NOW! As Perseus just said, Artemis herself vouched for Zoe. Zoe's loyalties are not in question and the next person to question them will face severe punishment." Chiron said angrily from his place at the head of the pavilion.

The campers winced they had never seen Chiron so angry.

"Now calm down Perseus, we can't be having violence in the middle of breakfast." Chiron said slowly.

"Yes, because breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Hermes agreed.

"I don't think that's what Chiron meant," Percy said.

Percy nodded as the bow vanished from his hand. He turned back to Theseus with a look of hate, "That is strike two for you. First you attack my brother and now my friend; strike three will cost you your life." He spat at the wide-eyed son of Poseidon.

"Go, Percy!" Everyone cheered. "You tell 'em."

Percy jumped down from the table and continued to glare at the son of Poseidon. Within a few seconds he was joined by Katie, Annabeth, Clarisse, the Stolls, Beckendorf, Silena and a few others.

"You think this camp belongs to you sea spawn but that is not true anymore. This camp belongs to us now." Percy growled gesturing to himself and his friends.

"Yeah!" the campers cheered. "And you better know it!"

Theseus glared at Percy as a few Apollo campers came to bring him to the infirmary, "This isn't over Jackson."

Percy grinned, "I'm looking forward to that."

Once Theseus was gone, Percy thanked those who came and stood by his side before sitting back down at the Demeter table. As he began to start eating, he felt a new person sit down beside him.

"Nice of you to join us." Percy said with a smirk, not looking up from his cereal.

"See, I am eating cereal," Percy grinned.

"Good," Demeter said proudly at her grandson.

"Shut up. I just don't like being stared at." Zoe growled back.

Percy nodded, "Grandma told me you're welcome to sit here whenever you want. She knew sitting alone wouldn't be very fun."

Zoe smiled gratefully at Demeter who just waved it off.

Zoe couldn't help but smile a bit before she began to eat her breakfast.

Line Break

For the next three days Percy spent his time around camp getting to know Bianca and Nico better while training them on their powers. Bianca was a natural in archery while Nico seemed to do better with his godly powers. Percy also got to know some of the campers a little better. Ever since the little confrontation in the dining pavilion, the camp seemed to have split down the middle with half following Theseus while the rest just did their own thing like Percy and his friends. Clarisse had become as outcast in her cabin as the only one who didn't think Theseus was their next savior. Theseus kept his distance from Percy with the exception of glares and stare downs during meals which Percy always returned with cheeky grins, only serving to further infuriate the son of Poseidon.

Percy smiled at his friends who smiled back.

The one person Percy saw the almost none of was Zoe. She rarely left her cabin for anything other than meals.

Artemis looked at her hunter with concern who just shrugged it off.

After breakfast Percy watched as Zoe walked back to the Artemis cabin, her mood was easy enough to read even for a son of Hades. Percy waited until she was back in her cabin before making his way over. Instead of knocking, he shadow traveled to the other side of the door.

"I hate it when you do that," she whispered.

"I know, and that's why I do it," Percy grinned, receiving a smack on his shoulder by the back of Zoe's hand making Percy smile even more.

"What do you want Perseus?" Zoe asked from the bunk she was lying on, staring with bored expression at the ceiling.

"Oh you know, just curious as to what was so interesting in here that it has kept you locked up since we came back to camp." Percy replied dryly.

Zoe shook her head, "I hate it here. I miss my sisters and my life in the hunt." She said sadly.

Percy nodded, "I figured. I'm sorry you have to be here."

Zoe sighed, "It's not your fault."

Percy shook his head, "How about we go on a little adventure today?"

"To where exactly? The thrilling climbing wall or maybe a dangerous trek through the woods behind camp?" Zoe asked sarcastically.

"It can be pretty fun," Clarisse said.

"Sorry, but being a hunter, it's too easy," Zoe defended.

"Agreed," Thalia said.

Percy grinned at her reply, "I promise it will be far more dangerous than that. Besides, what do you have to lose? Are you going to miss some of the silver paint peeling off the ceiling?"

Zoe laughed at Percy's comment.

Zoe groaned, "I'm not in the mood Perseus."

Percy shook his head, "How about a deal. If you don't have fun today then I will let you get back to your new thrilling hobby of ceiling stare downs and won't bother you again. But if you do have fun then you can no longer call me Perseus; you have to call me Percy."

"Thank you, Percy," Zoe whispered.

"I knew you were bored, and I just couldn't have that happen," Percy grinned.

Zoe sat up and looked Percy with narrowed eyes, "I could shoot just you with arrows until you leave."

Percy grinned at her, "Just get up, we're going."

Zoe rolled her eyes but sat up, "Where to Perseus?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

Percy offered her his hand, "That is for me to know and you to find out."

Zoe shook her head and took his hand before they were engulfed by a shadow. When they reappeared Zoe's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Why are we here?" She asked a little nervously.

Percy just shrugged, "I need to make a quick stop first."

Zoe looked around nervously as she stood outside the gates of Hades palace. Percy vanished leaving Zoe alone in the Underworld and very uncomfortable. A minute later Percy reappeared with a big grin on his face.

"I hate it when you do that," Zoe said.

"I know, and that's why I do it," Percy said repeating his words from earlier.

"Sorry I needed to grab something out of my room." Percy said casually.

Zoe glared at him, "I swear to the gods I will castrate you if you ever leave me alone in the Underworld again."

"I'm sorry, but has that happened yet?" Percy asked.

"No," Zoe sighed.

"And how many times have I left you alone in the Underworld?" he smirked.

"432 times," Zoe groaned.

"I think you might want to change your threat," Percy said.

"Fine, leave me alone in the Underworld again, and I won't kiss you for a whole week," Zoe said.

"What, but that's not fair!' Percy complained.

"Then don't leave me alone," Zoe answered.

Percy's eyes widened, "Relax, it was like thirty seconds. Now take my hand and we'll be at our destination."

Zoe shook her head annoyed before grabbing his hand. When they popped out of a shadow, Zoe was confused.

"Where are we?" She asked.

Percy smiled, "This is our, well actually, your little adventure for the day." Percy said as he pointed to a figure making their way towards them. When the figure was within ten feet, Zoe's jaw dropped. Her fallen friend Phoebe was making her way towards them.

The hunters/former hunters all smiled at Percy.

Zoe turned to Percy in shock, "Why are we here?"

Percy shrugged, "You're depressed. So I convinced my Dad to let you spend the day in Elysium with some of your old friends. I thought it might cheer you up a bit."

"But that's against ancient laws!" Zeus yelled.

"Tell me when I care, little brother," Hades said.

Zoe stared at Percy in shock before she launched herself at him, tackling him in a hug. Percy smiled at finally seeing his friend happy again.

"Thank you so much Perseus." Zoe said from where her head was buried in his chest.

Phoebe stood next to them smirking, "Out of the hunt only a few days and already found a man?"

Zoe blushed as everyone laughed.

Zoe detached herself from Percy, her face a bright shade of red as she glared at Phoebe.

Phoebe rolled her eyes, "Oh get over it Zoe, I'm only kidding. Besides Jackson's pretty cool, well for a man anyway."

Percy put his hand over his heart, "Phoebe, I'm so touched."

Everyone laughed more at Percy's antics.

Phoebe chuckled at Percy's antics before turning back to Zoe with a glare, "Well are you going to spend the day standing there or are you going to give your dead sister a hug?"

Zoe looked at Phoebe confused, "Aren't you like a ghost?"

Phoebe smiled, "Usually but Lord Hades gave me and the rest of the girls a more solid form for the day so we can be like you. He said it was favor for a certain son of his."

Zoe smiled and quickly embraced her recently deceased friend. When she pulled back she looked at Percy, "Thank you Perseus."

Percy shook his head, "We had a deal Zoe. It's PER-CY now."

"No, now it's Death Breath," Zoe said.

"And you are Seabrain," Percy grinned.

"Seabrain? Why that?" Poseidon asked.

"Well, she's from the sea, and she's wise and smart," Percy answered.

"Oh, okay," Poseidon said.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Fine, thank you Percy."

Percy grinned and held out his hand, "Take this pearl. You need to leave by the end of the day. Just step on the pearl and it will transport you back to the Artemis cabin at Camp Half Blood."

Zoe smiled and took the pearl before hugging Percy again. When she pulled back Percy just gave her crooked grin before he was engulfed by a shadow. When he smiled at her, Zoe felt her heart flutter a bit for the first time in millennia, something that made her eyes widen before she turned back to Phoebe who was calling some other fallen hunters over to them.

Zoe smiled. She was glad that Percy did that for her.

Line Break

Zoe returned at the end of her day in Elysium feeling much better than she had since she had left the hunt. Catching up with all the sisters she lost over her years in the hunt helped ease some of her depression. She was also surprised how many of the former hunters had good things to say about Percy. He had underplayed his popularity among the fallen hunters after he began his archery training.

Diana smiled at her favorite student. He was the first male she had ever taught.

Zoe started to walk towards the dining pavilion when she was stopped by Annabeth who was jogging towards the sword fighting arena.

"Where are you going? Isn't it time for dinner?" Zoe asked confused.

Annabeth grinned, "It is but Theseus challenged Percy to a sword fight. No powers, he claims he's going to embarrass Percy in front of the entire camp."

"This should be good," Ares muttered.

"Oh, have you decided to join us?" Zeus asked.

"Selectively Listening," Ares replied.

Zoe's eyes widened before an evil grin slowly crept onto her face. She followed Annabeth to the arena where the majority of the campers were already seated and anxiously awaiting the fight. Chiron stood near the middle of the arena while Theseus stood in full battle armor. Percy on the other hand was lazily lying on his back in regular street clothes on the other side of the arena looking bored.

Once everyone was seated, Percy finally stood up as Chiron quieted everyone down.

"The rules for the fight are no powers whatsoever. The will be no killing and maiming is to be kept to a minimum. The fight will be to surrender or incapacitation." Chiron announced to the arena.

"Bets are on Percy," Hermes muttered to Dionysus who was finally paying attention.

"You're on," Dionysus muttered back.

Chiron nodded to the two combatants before yelling "Begin!"

Theseus strode confidently towards the center of the arena glaring harshly at Percy, "Where is your weapon Hades' spawn?"

Percy smiled, "Against you, I don't need one."

"Percy, what are you doing?" Persephone asked worriedly.

"Relax, Mom, I know what I'm doing," Percy reassured.

Theseus' face turned red with rage as he let loose a battle cry before charging at Percy. He slashed wildly as Percy ducked, dodged and weaved away from every strike. Theseus continued to press on, his anger growing as he failed to touch Percy.

Everyone started laughing, including Ares and Dionysus.

"Fight me you coward!" Theseus bellowed.

Percy grinned as he jumped back from a wild slash, "Why? I think everyone is having fun watching you make a fool out of yourself."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Poseidon, Hades, Nico, Bianca, Achilles, Theseus, Diana, Zoe, Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Hera, Zeus, Hermes, Apollo, Hestia, Artemis, Clarisse, the Romans, Leo, Silena, Beckendorf, the Stolls, Lee, Will, Michael, Katie, and Persephone were all on the floor laughing. The only reason why Sally wasn't was because she had to keep reading.

Theseus lunged forward and made a wild slash at Percy's head. Percy's hand shot up, pushing the flat of the blade with his hand and making Theseus stumble forward. Percy stepped behind him and grabbed the back of Theseus' armor, pulling hard and sending the son of Poseidon to the ground on his back hard.

"Woo! Go Percy!" Hermes and Apollo cheered continuing to laugh.

Theseus jumped to his feet in a rage, "Fight me you coward! This is why your real godly parent abandoned you! You're nothing but a coward!"

Theseus charged forward but didn't anticipate Percy meeting his charge. He tried to slash at Percy but Percy was already inside his strike as he smacked Theseus sword hand making his sword clatter to the ground. Theseus' eyes widened as Percy grabbed his chest plate and threw him to the ground.

"Look who's the coward now," Hades snarled.

"Get up coward! Fight me! Make your daddy Poseidon proud." Percy yelled as he picked up Theseus' sword and tossed it to him. "Come on sea scum, show me your power!"

"Get him, Percy!" Artemis yelled.

Theseus picked up his sword and charged again trying to impale Percy with a quick stab but Percy spun to the right and kicked the outstretched sword out of his hand.

"Go! Get your weapon! Show me why you think you should run this camp!" Percy yelled as Theseus quickly ran to his sword.

"Anyone would be better than him," Annabeth spat.

"Agreed," the campers said.

As he reached his sword, Theseus looked at Percy warily before he noticed the laughing campers in the stands, all laughing at him.

Theseus charged at Percy, trying to bring his sword down on the top of Percy's head but froze when Percy's hands shot up and caught the blade between the palms of his hands. Theseus tried to force the blade down but could barely move it, a small amount of blood began to drip from Percy's hands.

"Pathetic." Percy growled before be sent a powerful kick to Theseus stomach. Theseus stumbled back and lost his sword when he did. Percy grabbed the sword and spun it in his hand as he approached the now terrified son of Poseidon.

"Give up yet sea scum?" Percy asked as he glared at Theseus.

"Never!" Theseus growled as shot forward, tackling Percy to the ground.

The two demigods rolled a few times before Theseus ended up on top of Percy. He swung a hard punch at Percy's face but hit the ground as Percy turned his head. Percy pushed Theseus back and used his feet to launch the demigod backwards.

Percy climbed to his feet as Theseus charged at him again, throwing a wild punch that Percy caught in his hand. Percy sent a powerful blow to Theseus forearm, breaking it with a sickening crunch while never releasing his fist.

Theseus cried out in pain as he fell to his knees. Percy twisted the fist as Theseus screamed in agony when it forced his already broken arm to twist.

"Yield!" Percy yelled.

"Never," Theseus whimpered.

Percy shook his head before throwing a hard punch to the side of Theseus' head causing him to crumple to the ground unconscious.

"Pay up," Hermes said.

"How much?" Dionysus grumbled reaching for his Olympian wallet(holds any number of Drachmas you want, limited edition(14, all sold out)).

"30," Hermes suggested.

"Make it 15," Dionysus argued.

"20," Hermes said.

"Fine," Dionysus grumbled handing twenty drachmas to Hermes.

Percy turned to the stunned spectators, "That's your hero? This is who you think will protect you? All of you can be great heroes; but no hero has ever been remembered as the person who followed someone else around. Train yourselves to be ready and all of you can achieve greatness in battle. But you will never achieve anything while you hide in shadow of some arrogant little prick like him." Percy yelled at the wide-eyed campers.

"Percy Jackson and Zoe Nightshade are our true leaders," Annabeth said.

The campers nodded in agreement as Percy and Zoe grinned at each other.

Percy looked over at Chiron who was smiling proudly at him, "Well done Perseus. I think that was a long time coming."

"Here, here!" everyone cheered, except for Dionysus who was still grumbling about losing 20 drachmas.

Percy grinned and walked out of the arena without another word.

Zoe was shocked at what she had seen in the arena. She knew Percy was powerful and skilled but he made a child of the big three look like a mortal fighting a god. She regained her wits and quickly followed Percy out of the arena. Just as she was about to yell for him to hold up, he disappeared into a shadow.

She cursed before she shrieked when she felt someone grab her shoulder and vanish with her. She reappeared atop the rocks that made up Zeus' fist with a smirking Percy next to her. She quickly punched him hard in the shoulder.

"I hate it when you do that," Zoe mumbled.

"I know, and that's why I do it," Percy grinned.

"Don't do that!" She growled at him.

Percy rubbed his shoulder, "Sorry but I saw you following me but I didn't want to talk to any campers right now."

Zoe smirked as he rubbed his shoulder, "Well that was certainly interesting."

Percy shrugged, "I didn't want to do that but he was prodding me all day for a fight. It was time to put him in his place in front of everyone."

Zoe grinned, "Yes it certainly was but I doubt he will change."

"Then Percy will teach him a lesson," Hades grinned.

"I don't really care what he does but hopefully people will start thinking for themselves instead of following his orders." Percy replied.

Zoe nodded, "Either way it was certainly entertaining."

Percy smiled, "It was wasn't it? Enough about that stupid little fight; how was your day in the Underworld?"

Zoe smiled, "It was perfect. It felt really good to see some of my old friends."

"So will you maybe come out of your cabin once in a while?" Percy asked hopefully.

"Perhaps," Zoe said, kissing Percy on the cheek.

Zoe glared at Percy a bit, "I still don't like it here."

"Neither do I but for now at least, we're stuck. Besides, I can sneak us out of here pretty much anytime we want. If you come hang out with me, I will bring you back to Elysium as often as I can." Percy said hopefully.

Zoe sighed, "Fine but you better get us out of here a lot; I really hate this place."

"It's not that bad, is it?" Clarisse asked.

"Not anymore, but before it was," Zoe replied.

The campers nodded in agreement.

"Deal," Percy said happily.

Zoe nodded and sat down on the rocks as she looked up into the slowly darkening sky. Percy sat down next to her and joined her in gazing at the sky.

"Percy, why do you care?" Zoe asked curiously.

"Care about what?" He replied confused.

"Keeping me happy here at camp. It's not your fault I'm here. You saved my life; it's not like you knew I'd be forced to leave the hunt." Zoe replied as her gazed shifted to Percy looking for his reaction.

"Your my friend, Zoe. Of course I'd want you to be happy," Percy whispered.

Zoe smiled. "Just a friend?" she asked.

"No, my beautiful, wonderful, perfect girlfriend, who soon will have the last name of Jackson," Percy said.

Zoe kissed her boyfriend again.

Percy was silent for minute as he stared at the sky.

"Do you know what the great prophecy says?" Percy asked quietly.

Zoe was surprised by the question but shook her head, "I don't know the lines; it's a closely guarded secret by the gods."

Percy sighed;

"A half-blood of the eldest gods

"A child of the Big Three," Hades said.

shall reach sixteen against all odds

"If they reach the age of sixteen no matter what," Zeus continued.

And see the world in endless sleep

"Morpheus," Athena said.

The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap

"Cursed because a person broke a promise, but reaped because it was fixed by a sacrifice," Annabeth muttered.

A single choice shall end his days

"By giving the blade to the hero, he saved everyone by sacrificing himself," Percy whispered.

Olympus to preserve or raze"

"Olympus was saved and the Titans were yet again," Nico finished.

Zoe's eyes widened as Percy recited the prophecy. Before she could speak, Percy continued.

"When my father adopted me, he put me into training to be the child of the prophecy. I know he cares about me but when he took me in, he was basically training me to die saving Olympus. So for four years I trained every single day to become the best warrior I could be. No time for any friends other than my trainers. No one to talk to that was alive other than a few gods. Now that I know I am the prophecy child, I know my days are numbered. But in my fourteen years of life, I've never actually had a real friend. I've made some friends here at camp but I don't think I trust any of them completely. I don't know why, but I do trust you. Something just tells me that I can. So for however many days I have left to live, I want to do what I can to enjoy the time I have and I can't do that if one of my friends is miserable." Percy explained softly.

"You weren't even sure it was your fate, and you were already giving up," Zoe whispered.

"I wasn't giving up, I was just facing the facts and possibilities," Percy whispered back.

"But they weren't facts. It wasn't your fate," Zoe argued.

"Well, the phrase 'A single choice shall end his days' and 'The hero's soul cursed blade shall reap' wasn't very reassuring!" Percy protested.

"But you forgot that prophecies never mean exactly as they seem!" Zoe yelled.

"I didn't forget, I just wasn't being told different!" Percy yelled.

"Don't yell at me!" Zoe shouted.

"Well, you started it!" Percy shouted.

"Well, stop yelling, then!" Zoe yelled.

"Maybe I will!" Percy shouted.

"Well, good then!" Zoe screamed before Percy kissed her leading them into a makeout session.

"Um, what just happened?" Artemis asked.

"Oh, they go through this almost everyday. They yell about something, then they yell at eachother for yelling, and then someone kisses the other leading them into a makeout session, you learn to ignore it," Annabeth explained.

Sally rolled her eyes at her son and continued reading.

Zoe sat on the rocks as she listened to Percy speak. She felt a sharp pain in her chest at the thought of Percy dying. She thought about the life he had lived so far and how short his remaining time could be.

"Percy, the prophecy doesn't necessarily mean you will die. Prophecies have double meanings and they almost never happen how we think they will." Zoe tried to explain.

Percy sighed as he laid back on the rocks and stared into the night sky, "I know that but 'a single choice shall end his days' doesn't exactly have a lot of meanings. It's okay though. If my life means that everyone else can live then I'm more than willing to give it."

"You know, they basically repeated themselves," Annabeth said.

"That's Percy and Zoe for you," Clarisse laughed

"How can you say that? Don't you want to live?" Zoe asked worriedly.

"Of course, but I can't control fate," Percy said pulling away from Zoe.

"Of course I'd like to live but I won't let my friends and family die in my place. When I was training, the best friend I had was Achilles. He told me the stories of his life and his biggest regret was not that he died in battle but that he died in a battle for a cause he didn't even believe in. He was happy to die fighting alongside his fellow Greeks but not in a war that was started over some stupid beauty contest between goddesses. I know what it is this war is about and if this is how my life will end then I can't think of a better way to die than defending those closest to my heart. The reason life is worth living is having things in this world that are worth dying for." Percy said quietly.

Zoe smiled at her boyfriend. He would do anything for, and she would do anything for him.

Zoe stared at Percy in shock as he lay on the rocks, his eyes locked on the stars above. She couldn't shake the terrible pain in her chest as she thought about Percy dying. Without thinking, she laid back on the rocks before she scooted over to Percy laid her head on his shoulder. She felt him tense at first before relaxing again.

Percy nuzzled Zoe's hair smelling her nice sea scent that she always had in her hair. She smiled burying her head in the the crook of his neck.

Zoe was shocked by her own actions but she also didn't move her head from Percy's shoulder. The truth was, she enjoyed being close to him and besides her racing heartbeat, she never felt more relaxed and safe in as long as she could remember than in her place cuddled up close to him.

Just as she was doing now.

"You saved me from my prophecy Percy; I won't let the next one take you, no matter what." She whispered quietly before a comfortable silence enveloped the two as they stared into the stars together.

Percy kissed Zoe happy that she supported him all the way. "That's it," Sally said.

"I'll read," Hazel said.

A/N: Thank you AshleyBlimling for participating even though you didn't get them correct., When I say campers, I mean Camp Half-Blood, when I say Romans I mean Camp Jupiter, and when I say demigods, I mean both Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood
