Chapter 8: A Change in Fate

Chapter 8: A Change in Fate

Percy and Zoe rode in silence for several hours in the bed of the truck before they crossed the California border. Tired of the silence, Zoe finally spoke up.

"I think we need to make a stop in San Francisco before we go to Mount Othrys." She said to Percy as he sat silently with his eyes closed.

Percy groaned. The girls who were on the quest giggled.

"And where would that be?" Percy asked, not opening his eyes.

"The pier in San Francisco." She answered.

One of Percy's eyes opened as he looked at Zoe questioningly.

Zoe sighed, "Before we go storming into Mount Othrys, I think we need to figure out what it is that Lady Artemis was hunting. For all we know it could be waiting for us when we get there."

Percy's eyes slowly opened, "And how exactly will we find the answer on the San Francisco pier?"

"Nereus." Zoe replied simply.

Percy groaned again, mumbling under his breath.

Percy raised an eyebrow before he smirked, "Nice idea lieutenant but he isn't exactly easy to catch."

Zoe returned the smirk, "I think the son of Hades should be able to call a few helpful friends, don't you?"

Percy nodded, "I suppose I could get a few friends to lend a hand."

Zoe smiled and leaned back against the truck cab. Silence enveloped the two again until Percy spoke.

"Can I ask you something?" Percy asked a little warily.

"Sure," Zoe said.

Zoe nodded.

"When Apollo visited me on the train, he said you were one of the biggest man haters in the hunt yet you've treated me with respect the whole trip. Why?" He asked.

"Because she loves you," Thalia replied.

Zoe blushed as Percy grinned.

Zoe narrowed her eyes in Percy's direction, "Lady Artemis said we were to treat you with respect."

Percy nodded with a slightly disappointed expression before he leaned back against the cab of the truck.

"Slightly disappointed?" Zoe asked.

"Well, I was expecting a little more than just Artemis giving you an order," Percy said.

Zoe stared at Percy for a minute, she thought of everything he had done for her as well as what he did for Phoebe even after Phoebe had treated him like trash since she met him, before she sighed loudly.

"It's also because you deserve to be treated better. You have done a lot for me Perseus and even though the words feel strange coming out of my mouth, I consider you the first male friend I have ever had." Zoe said quietly.

"I feel so honored," Percy teased.

"You should. You are the first male that I've met that still has balls," Zoe said.

"What about Apollo?" he asked.

"I can't really do that to a god, Percy," Zoe replied.

Percy raised an eyebrow in Zoe's direction as he saw her face turn a slight shade of pink before a small smile appeared on his face, "Good, I feel honored to have another one of the world's biggest man haters as a friend."

Zoe rolled her eyes but smiled a bit as they fell into comfortable silence for the rest of ride to San Francisco.

Thalia parked the car near the pier after Percy told her where to go as the four quest members filed out of the truck.

"Did we really just ride through three states with a fifteen year old driver?" Percy asked with a smirk before he jumped back from the shock Thalia sent his way.

"I thought Thalia couldn't drive?" Apollo said.

"No, she can't drive flying things because she tenses up. Regular cars she's fine," Percy said.

"Why does she have problems with flying things when's her father is the lord of the sky?" Apollo asked.

"That's what I ask her. She just shocks me in response," Percy shrugged.

"I turn sixteen tomorrow death breath so that makes me the most qualified driver here." Thalia replied after shocking her cousin.

"And I'm not, Thalia?" Zoe asked.

"Yes because I think they take away licenses from old grannies who drive too slow," Thalia said.

"Hey, technically I'm not a grandma," Zoe argued. "I don't have a daughter or son who has a daughter or son."

"Your two million years old, and you're still not a grandma? How is that possible?" Thalia asked. "Wait, can you even have kids anymore?"

Zoe blushed and muttered, "Yes."

"How? Shouldn't you be done with it by now?" Clarisse asked.

"Argh! Lady Artemis stops it so that we don't have stop in the middle of a hunt to change," Zoe groaned. "You, Thalia should know that."

Percy snorted, "I'm pretty sure that would fall to Zoe; over two thousand years makes her slightly more qualified to drive."

"See, Percy agrees," Zoe said.

"Woah, don't drag me into your fights," Percy said.

"Too late," She muttered.

"Alright," Percy said with a mischievous smile.

"Percy, what are you thinking?" Zoe asked, nervously.

"Nothing. Annabeth continue reading," Percy responded.

Thalia rolled her eyes, "Why are we here anyway?"

"Aaaah!" Zoe yelled.

"What just happened?" Annabeth asked.

"Help me!" Zoe screamed from above Percy's shoulders.

"Nah, I'm good," Annabeth said, laughing.

"Percy, put me down!" Zoe yelled.

"No!" Percy shouted.

"Put me down, now!" Zoe screamed.

"No, this is what you get for dragging me into your arguments," Percy laughed running around in circles with Zoe on his shoulders.

"Artemis, help me!" Zoe yelled.

"Sorry, Zoe, but you're on your own," Artemis laughed.

Percy spun in circles making him and Zoe dizzy. Finally Percy put Zoe back on the ground. Zoe was so dizzy she looked like a drunk person trying to find something. Annabeth stopped laughing and continued reading.

"We have a question to ask of an old man." Zoe replied as she pointed down the pier to a group of homeless people sprawled out on the beach.

Thalia and Annabeth looked confused but Percy and Zoe ignored them. Percy made to walk towards the men when Zoe grabbed his arm, "You can't go like that, he is too quick. You need to be able to get close before he has a chance to recognize you as a demigod."

"Okay then what would you have me do?" Percy asked confused.

Zoe's face cracked into a mischievous smirk making Percy pale a bit.

The girls giggled, remembering how stupid Percy looked.

Ten minutes later Percy was dressed in rags and smelled like a dumpster as he glared at the three girls who were trying and failing not to laugh at him.

"Go on Perseus, go join your friends." Zoe said causing Thalia and Annabeth to break into more quiet laughter.

Everyone burst into laughter as they imagined what Percy looked like, even Percy laughed a little.

Percy held out his hand before his sword shot out the earth before he drove it into the ground. Three skeleton warriors climbed out; Percy gave them some orders before they took off towards the sidewalk behind the beach.

Percy slowly began walking his way through the crowds of homeless people sprawled out on the beach. As he walked he noticed the sickening smell of rotting seaweed and dead fish. Percy followed the smell until his eyes locked on to a man who looked older than time. He had a long beard that looked like it used to be white but was now a sickly brownish-yellow color. He wore a moldy looking robe with fuzzy bunny slippers on his feet.

"Eww!" Aphrodite shrieked.

Percy slowly walked towards him, pretending like he was drunk until he was a few feet away where he pretended to trip and stumble, landing on top of the man.

"What is this? Get off me you little bastard." The man yelled trying to shove Percy off him.

Percy quickly wrapped the old man in a headlock but Nereus was strong and fast, standing up with Percy's arms wrapped around his head and neck. The undead warriors jumped down into the sand and tried to restrain Nereus but the old man ripped the skull off one warrior and slammed it into another, causing both to crumble to the ground.

"They're not that good. I'll upgrade them so that they are better," Hades said.

Nereus ran forward and stopped abruptly causing Percy to topple over his head and land on his back in the sand.

Before Nereus could escape, Percy was on his feet and tackled Nereus before he could run again. Nereus tried to get up again but Percy sent a powerful punch in the old man's gut causing him to hunch over. Nereus threw a punch in Percy's direction but Percy ducked and snuck behind Nereus and speared him face first in the sand.

Percy pinned Nereus down as Zoe, Thalia, and Annabeth ran over to them, Zoe with an arrow notched and aimed at Nereus.

"What do you want?" Nereus growled.

"Rude," Demeter said. "He needs more cereal."

"What does anyone want with you?" Zoe hissed back.

Nereus scowled, "You know the deal, one question per capture."

Percy glanced at Zoe who nodded, "What was the monster Lady Artemis was hunting when she was captured?" She asked.

Nereus laughed, "That's it? That's an easy one. It's right over there; I would have thought the daughter of a Titan would know its history well."

Artemis's eyes widened as she figured out what the creature was.

Zoe looked confused as Nereus pointed out to the sea where the large half-cow, half-serpent floated a few feet off shore.

Hestia, Hades, and Persephone also realized what it was.

"That thing, why?" Percy asked confused.

"That's your problem demigod. You get one question per capture." Nereus said as he slipped out of Percy's grip and bolted into sea and out of sight.

Percy turned back to Zoe to find Annabeth and Thalia looking at her with fear.

"You're the daughter of a Titan?" Thalia asked accusingly.

"Exactly," Zeus grumbled.

"You are a son of the Titan Lord," Percy said.

"That's different," Zeus said.

"How? Because you're an Olympian? That would actually make you worse because you could easily takeover with all your powers," Percy said.

Before Zoe could reply Percy took a step towards Thalia, "Does that matter Thalia? Are you questioning her loyalties? I believe all of us are descendants of Titans are we not? Aren't our fathers sons of Kronos?" He asked with a dangerous edge to his voice.

"He does have a point," Ares said.

"Who's side are you on?" Zeus asked.

"Nobody's," Ares replied.

Thalia's eyes widened before they narrowed in Percy's direction, "I'm just wondering why she didn't share that information until now."

"You didn't ask," Percy muttered.

Percy met Thalia's glare with his own, "I don't see how that is any of our business. We have more problems to worry about than you questioning her parentage."

Thalia continued glaring at Percy but stayed silent.

"I am such a fool. I know this story." Zoe said as a look of realization hit her while she looked at the creature.

"But you're my fool," Percy whispered.

"You're such a cheese ball," Zoe said.

"A Cheese ball?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, one big cheese ball," Zoe answered.

Percy just rolled his eyes.

Percy looked at her making a go-on gesture.

"That is the Ophiotaurus. Eons ago, the Fates ordained a prophecy when the creature was born that said whoever killed the Ophiotaurus and sacrificed the beast's entrails to fire would have the power to destroy the gods. In the first Titan War, an ally of the Titans killed the beast but Zeus sent an eagle to snatch the entrails away before they could be thrown into the fire. With another Titan War looming, the Ophiotaurus has been reborn." Zoe explained warily.

Percy stared at the Ophiotaurus in wonder, "But it's so harmless looking."

Zoe shook her head, "There is great power in killing innocence."

"The power to destroy the gods?" Thalia said as she looked at the beast with an expression that worried Percy immensely.

"Her fatal flaw," Percy explained. "A strong lust for power."

"Yes Thalia and it is a power you shall unleash." A male voice said from behind them.

They whirled around and saw Luke standing with two Cyclops.

"Luke," Thalia growled, "You dare show your face in front of us?"

Luke smirked, "I am only here to help you fulfill your destiny Thalia, the gods have ruled for too long. The time for change is coming and you will be the harbinger of that change. When you sacrifice the beast's entrails, you will become one of the rulers of the new world as we usher in a new golden age."

"I smell bull shit again," Percy said.

Thalia's eyes widened but she remained silent. Zoe nudged Percy with her elbow as her eyes darted towards the Ophiotaurus. Percy looked at her confused until realization of what she wanted him to do hit him. His eyes narrowed at her but he remained silent. Zoe's eyes were locked onto his, pleading for him to do it.

Percy looked down. He didn't like killing it, but he was forced to.

Percy closed his eyes as he felt a tug in his gut. The water around the Ophiotaurus began to swirl until it grabbed the beast and began propelling it out to sea.

Luke eyes widened as he saw the Ophiotaurus being swept out to sea, "Stop him!" He yelled as the two Cyclops surged forward. Before they could get within five feet of Percy, a silver arrow lodged in the foreheads of each before they crumbled into golden dust.

"Go, Zoe!" Hermes and Apollo cheered making Zoe blush a little.

Instead of being angry, Luke smirked as he lunged forward and grabbed Thalia and tapped his bracelet, disappearing in a golden light with the daughter of Zeus.

Zoe turned back to Percy who was on a knee and sweat pouring down his face, "I am sorry Percy but we needed to get it away from Thalia. Her fatal flaw is lust of power and I don't know if she was going to be able to overcome it."

"I knew there was a reason you two liked each other," Annabeth teased.

Percy got up and wiped the sweat from his face, "You're lucky you're my friend or I would have told you to go visit my father."

Zoe smirked, "I suppose I should feel honored then oh mighty son of Hades."

Percy's angry expression vanished and was replaced with a smirk, "I guess you should, shouldn't you?"

"You two can flirt later, we need to go now. We have no idea where Luke took her." Annabeth yelled at her two remaining companions.

Both Zoe and Percy turned red at her statement before glaring at Annabeth.

"I am a huntress, I do not flirt." Zoe growled.

"Sure you don't," Thalia muttered, sarcastically.

"Well, now I do, but I'm not a huntress anymore," Zoe said.

"Fair enough," Thalia said.

"We know where he took her anyway; we just need to get back on the road." Percy added.

Annabeth's eyes narrowed, "How do you know?"

"We've known the whole time actually but it wasn't important until we reached San Francisco." Percy replied.

"What? You two have known the whole time and never told us? I thought we were in this together?" Annabeth yelled at her two companions.

"Don't worry, Annabeth. It's okay to be stupid sometimes," Percy said.

Annabeth smacked Percy on the arm. He just smiled.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "We are heading to Mount Othrys. The prophecy should have given it away; it is not our fault that only us two were wise enough to figure it out."

Percy laughed high-fiving his girlfriend as Annabeth glared at them.

Annabeth's eyes flashed angrily at her words but Percy grabbed her hand before grabbing Zoe's and dragging both girls into a shadow where they reappeared next to the truck.

"You two can argue later. Annabeth get in the passenger seat, Zoe you're driving. We need to get to Mount Othrys and finish this god's damned quest and rescue Lady Artemis and Thalia before it's too late." Percy said in a tone that neither girl dared to question.

Line Break

Zoe, Annabeth and Percy parked their truck just as the road began to get rough and they could see the mist shrouding Mount Othrys in the distance. The trio walked for a good hour before the mist both magical and non-magical began to thicken. Percy glanced over at Zoe and noticed her face was pale.

Zoe's face paled, but she relaxed when Percy whispered something in her ear.

"You aren't alone in this. Annabeth and I will be by your side every step of the way." Percy said trying to ease her nerves.

Zoe smiled. She knew he would always be there for her, and she was very lucky.

Zoe nodded slowly as they continued through the thickening mist. After another minute, Zoe paused and her eyes narrowed. Ahead of them, the fog and mist cleared revealing a lush meadow of shadows and flowers exactly as Percy had seen in his dream of the Garden of the Hesperides.

Ahead of them stood an enormous tree that had to be five stories tall, every branch littered with glistening golden apples. Percy could feel the pull of their power and when the fragrance hit his senses he immediately knew that one bite of a golden apple would be the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.

"It would also be suicide," Hera muttered to no one in particular.

"The apples of immortality," Annabeth said in wonder. "Hera's wedding gift from Zeus."

Coiled around the trunk of the tree was the exact monster from Percy's dreams, Ladon, the guardian of the golden apples.

"That is one nasty dragon," Percy mumbled.

The shadows in front of Percy began to shift and move. Percy's spear shot out of the earth and into his hand as he could feel four presences approaching.

Four figures shimmered into existence in front of the trio, Zoe tensing instantly while Annabeth just looked ahead in wonder. Four young women who looked very similar to Zoe stood glaring at the trio. They wore Greek chitons; their skin was the same caramel color of Zoe's along the long silky black hair and volcanic rock black eyes.

Zoe looked into the distance. She missed her sisters even if they no longer accepted her as one.

"Sisters," Zoe said coldly.

"We do not see any sister," one of the girls hissed back. "We see two half-bloods and a hunter. All of whom shall soon die."

"Now, now girls, that's no way to talk to family now is it?" Percy said smirking.

The four girls studied him closely, "Who are you?" One of the girls asked harshly.

"Percy Jackson, the one and only," Apollo grinned.

Percy's smirk grew, "Me? I'm nobody as long as you get out of my way. Now we care not for the apples, we merely seek an audience with your dearest father."

"Oh yes, how dearest he is," Artemis said, sarcastically.

The four girls' expressions turned angry, "You surely have a death wish then demigod. You may see our father but first you must get past Ladon." One spat at him.

"Ladon! Wake!" One of the girls yelled before the four Hesperides shimmered out of existence again.

"Perseus what are you doing? We cannot get through now." Zoe hissed at him.

"Way to have faith in me," Percy said, sarcastically making Zoe smile sheepishly.

"You have so little faith in me Zoe," Percy said calmly as Ladon uncoiled himself from the tree. "You two just be ready to grab my hands, Ladon cannot venture too far from the tree."

Percy waited calmly as Ladon began to approach them. The hundred-headed dragon opened its mouths and sent a hissing sound in their direction. When the smell hit Percy, he had to stop himself from throwing up.

Zoe and Percy both shuddered, remembering the smell of Ladon's breath.

Just as Ladon neared them, Percy grabbed the two girls' hands before a shadow engulfed the trio leaving Ladon charging at empty air.

They reappeared fifty yards behind Ladon but Percy held both girls' hands tightly before they were engulfed by another shadow, reappearing another seventy-five yards away from the guardian of the tree.

When they reappeared both girls dropped to a knee holding their stomachs.

"Sorry it can be a bit nauseating to shadow travel without a break." Percy said with a mischievous smile.

"Why didn't we just shadow travel in one shot?" Annabeth asked as she stood shakily.

"The same reason I didn't shadow travel us to San Francisco to begin with; I can only shadow travel to places I can either see or know by heart. I couldn't see this far until we came out of the first shadow." Percy explained.

"I thought you could?" Hades said, confused.

"I can by myself, but I wasn't sure about multiple people," Percy explained.

Zoe leaned over and punched Percy hard in the shoulder making him wince, "Damn it Zoe; what was that for?"

"For not warning us." Was her simple response.

Percy rolled his eyes at Zoe.

Percy shook his head and started the trek up the mountain until they came into some old ruins.

"This shouldn't be here." Zoe said warily.

"What do you mean?" Reyna asked.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked confused.

"Oh, look, the daughters of war think alike," Percy teased.

Annabeth and Reyna smiled sheepishly.

"After the first Titan War, the gods blasted Othrys to pieces. This is where the gods have my father imprisoned but the fortress shouldn't look like this. It's reforming." Zoe explained.

Annabeth gasped, "Your father is Atlas?"

Zoe nodded, "Yes and since Perseus saw him in Washington, he is free of his burden. That means another immortal being is holding the sky."

Artemis straightened. She knew it was her.

"Artemis?" Annabeth asked.

Zoe nodded solemnly before her eyes widened as they had reached the summit.

"My lady!" Zoe yelled as she rushed towards Artemis.

"Stop! You must leave. It's a trap." Artemis said in a strained voice.

The hunters or former hunters had looks of worry even though Zoe already knew the outcome.

Zoe ignored her mistress' pleas and began tugging at the chains that bound Artemis.

"Ah, how touching." Came a booming voice from behind them.

Percy and Annabeth whirled around to find Atlas standing in brown silk suit. By his side was Luke with Thalia beside him with her hands cuffed behind her back.

"Luke," Annabeth growled, "Let her go."

Luke smirked, "That decision belongs to the General. But I don't think Thalia is going anywhere, she has her destiny to fulfill."

"He better let her go," Zeus growled.

Annabeth's eyes narrowed, "You won't survive this day if you touch her."

Atlas chuckled, "So much for old friends. And you, Zoe. How is my little traitor? I will enjoy killing you."

"Do not respond," Artemis groaned. "Do not challenge him."

Percy stepped forward, "You're not going to touch Zoe. Or Thalia, I won't let you." He growled.

Atlas' eyes narrowed, "Who are you little demigod?"

Percy smirked, "I'm nobody special but if touch my friends, I'll drive my spear through your throat." He said as his spear shot out of the earth and into his hand as a shadow covered his body, his gleaming armor appearing on his body.

"He is a son of Poseidon." Luke spat.

Poseidon looked up with pride at his son.

Percy's eyes narrowed, "Call me that again and I'll take my time killing you traitor."

Poseidon frowned and grumbled.

Atlas glared at Percy, "You have no right to interfere, little demigod. This is a family matter."

Percy's eyes narrowed, "You're right Titan, you're keeping my friend Zoe from the only family she has in Lady Artemis. Now go take your place under the sky, before I make you."

Atlas laughed, "You are not match for a Titan fool. I will have Luke crush you as fighting a pathetic demigod is beneath my dignity."

"What's wrong Atlas? Scared? A big bad Titan like you wouldn't be afraid of a weak little demigod like me would he?" Percy taunted.

"Perseus, what are you doing?" Persephone asked, worriedly.

"Don't worry, mom. I obviously survive," Percy said.

Atlas' glare turned murderous, "You talk a big game demigod because you know I cannot fight you without being challenged."

Percy glanced at Zoe and Annabeth who gave him slight nods before Percy charged straight at the Titan while Annabeth ran right for Luke. Zoe pulled out her bow and prepared to back Percy up.

"Come on little demigod, if you dare?" Atlas mocked.

"He's starting to sound like my uncle," Percy muttered.

"What do you mean?" Zeus asked.

"I mean he's starting to be more of a drama queen," Percy explained.

"I am not a drama queen," Zeus said, looking offended.

"Sorry, Zeus, but you are," Hera said.

Percy sprinted until he was five feet from Atlas before a shadow appeared at his feet which he fell through, reappearing behind Atlas where he drove his spear into back of his knee.

Atlas roared in pain as his knee buckled and he dropped to a knee. Percy pulled his spear out only to get sent flying when Atlas swung the javelin that appeared in his hands at Percy.

"A son of Hades," Atlas growled, "I shall send you to your father the fast way."

"He wouldn't dare," Hades growled.

Atlas raised his javelin to impale Percy but staggered when a few silver arrows found a chink in the armor he now wore.

Percy climbed to his feet as Atlas recovered and glared at his daughter murderously before turning back to Percy.

Percy stood with his spear in one hand and shield in the other as he focused on the powerful opponent in front of him. He knew his opponent was a lot more powerful than he was but Percy was hoping the fact that Atlas did not know how skilled he was would be enough to beat him.

"Always have hope," Hestia whispered. "Especially if you are hopeless."

Atlas made the first move, lunging forward and tried to impale Percy with his javelin. The blow glanced off Percy's shield but Atlas had already recovered before Percy could attack. Atlas pressed his attack, keeping Percy on the defensive as he waited for his chance.

As he attacked Atlas did not notice the darkening of the room as the shadows seemed to grow, almost as if leaning towards the two combatants. As Atlas' frustrations grew, his attacks became more furious. While Percy had hardly attacked, Atlas had not landed a single blow as Percy ducked, dodged and blocked every attack thrown at him.

Everyone was leaning in their seats cheering on Percy.

Atlas pressed Percy back but as Percy was stepping back he stepped on a shadow and vanished, reappearing behind the Titan with a sword his hand instead of a spear where he slashed a deep gash across Atlas' lower back.

Atlas roared in pain and swung his javelin wildly as he spun but was met with only empty air. Percy appeared to the Titan's left, slicing another gash across his thigh and disappearing before the Titan could turn. As Atlas spun, Percy was already popping out of another shadow to his right where he slashed a matching gash to the Titan's right thigh.

Now everyone was holding their breaths.

Atlas bellowed in pain as golden ichor leaked from both of his thighs, his lower back and the back of his leg.

Atlas backed himself up to a wall where he waited. Percy reappeared to his left again but his strike was blocked by the Titan's javelin. This time, Atlas rushed forward before Percy could disappear, leaving Percy ducking and dodging each quick and powerful strike sent his way. Atlas feinted an attack to Percy left; Percy went to block but received a powerful kick to the chest sending him back a few feet where he landed on his back.

Everyone who wasn't there straightened hoping the son of Hades would survive even though he was seating a couple feet away from the future.

Faster than Percy thought possible, Atlas was standing above him with his javelin raised.

"No!" Zoe yelled as a volley of silver arrows sprouted from the pit of Atlas' raised arms.

Atlas spun to charge at his daughter but Percy hopped to his feet and drove his blade deep into the Titan's already injured thigh. Atlas spun, swinging his javelin like a baseball bat and catching Percy square in the chest and sending him flying across the room.

Hades, Poseidon, Persephone, Demeter, Nico, Bianca, Hazel, and Hestia all had looks of worry on their faces.

Percy landed at Artemis' feet as he struggled to get air into his lungs.

"Run Perseus," Artemis groaned. "You will not be able to defeat him."

The goddess' words sunk in as Percy slowly climbed to his feet, he knew she was correct; he did not have the strength to defeat a powerful Titan by himself. Then the voice of the oracle crept into his mind as he remembered listening to the prophecy from his perch in a branch above the hunters and campers during capture the flag; 'The Titan's curse must one withstand'.

"Give me the sky Lady Artemis." Percy said once on his feet again.

"No Perseus, it will kill you." Artemis replied back as beads of sweat poured down her face.

"It is the only way, I will die regardless. Please save my friends, only you will be able to defeat a Titan." Percy replied as he slashed away the chains binding Artemis and climbed under the sky beside the goddess.

Artemis looked grateful at Percy.

As Percy lifted his hands, unimaginable pain coursed through his body as if he entire body was engulfed in flames while being crushed under a building.

Just as he thought the pain could not get any worse, it doubled as he watched the goddess roll out from under the weight of the sky. Percy's eyes closed as he focused on the sole task on not being crushed under the weight. Within seconds, his body was drenched in sweat.

Everyone still had their breaths held.

Percy slowly opened his eyes as he saw Artemis standing toe to toe with one of the most powerful Titans. The goddess was nothing more than a blur of silver as Atlas struggled to block the onslaught of the goddess' attacks. Percy's vision slowly began to darken as he watched Artemis and Atlas exchange blows.

Everyone who wasn't there had looks of worry on their face.

He watched in horror as Atlas feinted a strike to Artemis' left. Percy wanted to yell to warn the goddess but he had no strength to do anything but struggle not to let the sky overtake him. Artemis went to block the strike and got her legs kicked out from under her. Just as Atlas went to impale her, Zoe jumped down from her perch and put herself between her mistress and her father.

Atlas didn't hesitate to drive him javelin through Zoe's midsection before sending her flying with a powerful backhand.

Percy held Zoe in his arms protectively reassuring himself that Zoe lived.

Percy growled in anger when he saw his friend be knocked back by her father.

Artemis seemed to feel the same as she was on her feet in an instant and began to attack the Titan with renewed vigor. Percy watched in awe as the goddess pressed her attack, slowly forcing Atlas back in Percy's direction.

As he watched, Percy felt a presence enter his mind, 'Be prepared Perseus' the voice Percy instantly recognized as Artemis said in his mind.

Artemis pushed the Titan back to with five feet of where Percy held the sky. Atlas was on the defensive when Artemis lunged forward too hard, allowing Atlas to dodge the blow and switch places with the goddess. He feinted another strike to her head and then swung his javelin at the goddess' legs when she went to block. Artemis was knocked on her back with Atlas standing over her with an evil smile on his face.

Percy just smirked at the Titan.

"The first blood in a new war." He said triumphantly as he raised his javelin to finish Artemis off.

As he brought it down, Percy couldn't help but smile a bit despite the pain as he knew what Artemis was planning.

Artemis turned her head just enough to avoid being killed before she grabbed the javelin and pulled like a lever, dragging Atlas forward and sending him crashing into Percy as he slowly loosened his grip on the sky.

Atlas crashed into him as Percy let himself be pushed out from under the sky, allowing the weight to drop on the Titan's back.

"NO! NOT AGAIN!" Atlas bellowed as he struggled and shifted the weight from his back to his shoulders.

Everyone let their breath out.

Percy rolled back until he was sure he was nowhere near the sky before he lay there, immobilized from exhaustion and pain. As he lay there, Percy remembered Zoe being injured. He could feel her life force fading from where she lay.

"No," Artemis muttered.

Percy forced himself to his feet where he saw Annabeth untying Thalia with Luke nowhere to be found. Percy's eyes drifted until he saw Artemis and Zoe before he ran to the edge of the mountain where Zoe had been thrown to. She lay about fifty feet from where the ocean met the mountain, the goddess Artemis kneeling over her crying.

Everyone who wasn't there held their breath one more time.

Percy sprinted over and knelt beside the goddess and his dying friend. Before he could say anything, he felt another presence enter his mind.

'It doesn't have to be this way' The voice said as Percy felt uncontrollable anger course through his body.

'What do you want Poseidon?' Percy growled back to the sea-god in his mind.

'I want to do what I can to make amends for my mistakes. Your friend need not die today. You have great power within you whether you want to accept it or not. You can heal her, I will help you. Just take her to the sea.' Poseidon replied back in his mind.

"Thank you, uncle," Artemis said.

Poseidon just smiled.

Percy's eyes widened. Could he really save Zoe and defy fate? Percy looked at his dying friend and knew he had to at least try even if Artemis killed him in the end.

As quickly and gently as he could, Percy scooped Zoe up into his arms making Artemis shoot to her feet in a rage.

"What are you doing boy?" She half yelled half sobbed.

Percy ignored her and let a shadow engulf his body, reappearing at the edge to the sea a second later.

"I will forgive you this time, but ignore me again, and I will turn you into a jackalope," Artemis said, making Percy pale.

"You better not be lying or I'll find a way to kill you if Artemis doesn't kill me first." Percy growled to no one.

"What are you doing Perseus?" Zoe asked weakly from her placed nestled in Percy's arms.

"Keeping a promise to a friend." Percy replied back as he walked out into the sea before slowly submerging himself and Zoe in the water with only their heads above.

Everyone who wasn't there held their breath.

'Focus on using the water to heal her wound. Use the power you received from Hestia as well. The water is yours to command and it will do your bidding; you only need to will it so.' Poseidon said in his mind.

Percy focused on the water as he thought about Zoe's wound and the water healing it. The water around the two began to glow an ethereal sea green color before Percy placed a hand over Zoe's wound making his hand glow a soft orange color.

Percy locked eyes with Zoe, staring intently into them as he focused his mind on willing the water to heal the wound. As he worked, Percy felt the power within the water increase immensely as the glow around the brightened to the point of almost being blinding.

Everyone was leaning forward in their seats.

Beads of sweat poured down his face as the color slowly returned to Zoe's. Percy continued for another minute before he felt Poseidon enter his mind once again.

'She will survive Perseus. I am sorry for the wrongs I have committed against you; I can only try to make amends for my mistakes.' He said before the presence vanished from his mind completely.

Slowly the glow of the water began to dim as Percy lifted Zoe back out of the water, his eyes never having left hers throughout the entire process. As he reached the shore, he gently set her on her feet before his vision darkened and he fell face first in the sand. He was still conscious but his body refused to move, exhaustion finally taking its toll on the young demigod.

Everyone looked at Percy impressed at how powerful Percy was.

Zoe knelt down next to Percy as she rolled him over. She sighed with relief when she saw he was still alive and awake but clearly past his limits in exhaustion.

Zoe kissed Percy with pure love.

"Why Perseus?" She asked softly.

Percy forced himself to smile, "I promised you wouldn't die and I keep my promises."

Zoe smiled knowing that Percy never broke a promise.

Zoe couldn't help but smile at his words as Artemis, Annabeth and Thalia reached the duo.

"How are you alive?" Artemis asked in shock.

Zoe smiled and pointed to Percy. Artemis' eyes widened and she snapped her fingers, summoning some nectar and a square of ambrosia.

"Help him sit up." The goddess commanded.

Zoe gently propped Percy up and Artemis poured some nectar down his throat. Percy took a couple deep breaths before taking the ambrosia from Artemis and popping the entire thing in his mouth. After a few seconds he let out a loud sigh, "Well that kind of sucked. I'm beat."

Everyone laughed at Percy's remark.

The three girls and Artemis couldn't help but chuckle at his words.

"I must get to the winter solstice meeting. I cannot take you with me but you four must get to Olympus as soon and possible." Artemis said as he pulled out a hunting horn and blew. A minute later, her chariot being pulled by two stags descended from the sky.

"Ah, my favorite of the eight stags, Comet and Blitzen," Artemis smiled, they always pulled her chariot along.

Percy slowly got to his feet with the help of Zoe and Annabeth and saw Artemis looking him.

"How did you do it Perseus?" She asked.

Percy shrugged, "Poseidon said he owed me for being a dead beat dad and told me how I could heal her in my mind. I'm sorry for just grabbing her without explaining but I didn't think I had a lot of time."

Zoe kissed her boyfriend for saving her life.

Artemis smiled at him, "I think I can forgive you just this once; you did save my best friend after all."

Percy nodded, "I couldn't lose another friend on this quest and I did promise Zoe she would survive to return to her sisters in the hunt."

"Well, not for long," Zoe said.

A pained look crossed Artemis' face, "Yes I felt the loss of my second oldest huntress but I am sure she will enjoy Elysium with her other fallen sisters. Thank you for saving Zoe at least." She said before she did something that shocked Percy to his core. The man-hating goddess Artemis stepped forward and hugged a male demigod. When she did she leaned down to his ear, "Thank you for the sacrifice; I was beginning to lose hope when you did that."

When she pulled back, Percy nodded back to her before the goddess hopped in her chariot, grabbing the reins and taking off into the night sky.

"Like santa's sleigh," Percy muttered.

"That's where the legend came from," Artemis smiled.

"Then why is it a jolly plump man in a red suit?" Nico asked.

"Oh, that was a prank Apollo did. He stole my sleigh and pretended to be jolly plump man as he wore his pajamas. I got my revenge by making sure he couldn't have children for a decade," Artemis explained.

Percy turned back to three companions to see Thalia and Annabeth grinning at him while Zoe was smiling at him with a mixture of gratitude, happiness and something he couldn't figure out.

"So how do we get to Olympus?" Thalia asked after a minute.

An evil smirk appeared on Percy's face, "Well I certainly don't have the energy to shadow travel us there but I have a friend that should be able to do it quite easily."

All three girls paled when they realized why he was smirking. Percy pulled a whistle out of his pocket before blowing on it. None of the girls could hear the sound made by the whistle but a minute later, a giant shadow appeared in front of Percy and out popped the world's largest Hellhound.

"And the nicest," Percy added.

"Who's a good boy Cerberus?" Percy said as he reached up and scratched behind the ear of the middle head. The giant Hellhound barked loudly before shaking his back leg as Percy scratched him. The force of his back leg hitting the ground made the three girls steady themselves from the rumble it sent through the earth.

"He could make an earthquake with just his feet," Thalia muttered.

"And don't get started with his tail," Percy grinned. "I swear there have been tsunamis because of him."

"Can you take us to New York buddy?" Percy asked as he stopped scratching.

Cerberus let out a loud bark with all three head before crouching down on the ground for his riders to climb on.

Percy climbed onto the back of Cerberus first before extending his hand for Zoe to take and pulled her up behind him. Thalia and Annabeth quickly followed suit.

"I would recommend holding on girls, it's a bit of a bumpy ride." Percy said still smirking.

Zoe shifted her body so that she was on Percy's lap.

Zoe quickly wrapped her arms around Percy squeezing tight while Annabeth and Thalia quickly grabbed handfuls of fur.

Percy leaned down and whispered something into Cerberus' ear before the giant Hellhound barked loudly and sprinted off into a shadow.

Zoe's eyes widened as Cerberus took off. She hugged herself tightly to Percy's back before everything went dark. A minute later, she felt a pair of hands grab hers, giving them a gentle squeeze.

Zoe smiled.

"We're here girls." Percy said as all three girls opened their eyes to find themselves at the foot of the Empire State building.

Percy climbed off first; helping the girls down as they descended the giant Hellhound's back. Percy scratched Cerberus' head one last time before the Hellhound ran off into another shadow and disappeared.

"He's such a softie," Percy muttered, making Zoe, Hades, Nico, Hazel, and Bianca grin.

The three girls and Percy walked into the Empire State building and after a few threats and Thalia shocking the security guard were able to get the key for the elevator. Once they reached the throne room doors they slowly pushed them open to find twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses sitting in their thrones while Hades sat in a guest throne and Hestia was at her place near the hearth.

"That sounds epic and badass," Hermes and Apollo muttered.

They all walked in and bowed in the middle of the throne room and waited for Zeus to speak. Before he could, Demeter stepped off her throne and made her way to Percy.

"What happened to your hair Percy?" She asked with worry.

Percy looked at his grandmother confused until Artemis spoke up, "I have yet to explain the events that led to my rescue but Perseus' hair has a large streak of gray from holding the sky in my place so that I could battle Atlas and put him back in his place under the sky."

"Like a boss," Apollo added.

Most of the gods and goddesses looked at Percy in shock.

"How did a little runt like him hold the sky?" Ares grunted from his throne.

Hades scoffed, "Coming from the god whose children couldn't defeat my son six against one. Know your place war-god; my son is already twice the man you'll ever be."

"Damn right he is," Persephone grinned.

Ares stood up as his eyes caught fire before Zeus slammed his bolt into the ground, "Sit down Ares, Perseus has done Olympus a great service by helping to save my daughter."

Ares glared at Percy who gave him a cheeky grin in response.

Artemis recounted the events on Mount Othrys to the council to which Percy received even more looks of awe from the majority of the council. The fact he stood toe to toe with Atlas for several minutes made a number look at the demigod somewhat warily while Hades, Demeter and Hestia all looked at Percy proudly.

"Now that we know the events of the quest, we must discuss the great prophecy. My daughter turns sixteen tomorrow and according to the prophecy; she will make a decision that will decide our fates." Zeus said somewhat worriedly.

Before anyone could reply, a bright flash appeared in the middle of the throne room. When the light died down, the Three Fates stood in the middle of the room all looking through narrowed eyes at Percy.

"You have altered fate, demigod." The Fates hissed in unison.

Everyone who wasn't there were shocked. No one had ever changed fate. It was impossible, but apparently Percy could do the impossible

Percy's jaw dropped. He wanted to reply but he knew they were right.

"What do you mean altered fate?" Zeus asked a bit nervously from his throne.

"Zoe Nightshade was supposed to die tonight but did not because of this demigod and the interference of another god in this room." The middle Fate answered coldly.

Zeus glared at his brother. "Before you say anything, brother, I hope you know that I don't regret a single thing. I was not about to let my niece's sister die if I could help it," Poseidon said glaring back at Zeus.

"But you went against ancient laws," Zeus said.

"I did, but I don't really care. You think you can tell us what to do and control us by claiming that you're king. How did the youngest get to be king anyways? If anything Hades should have been king because he is the oldest and less arrogant than you," Poseidon said. "I suppose if arrogance comes with being king of Olympus, I wouldn't want it and neither would Hades, but still. You need to get your head of the shithole you live in and stop being so arrogant," Poseidon growled.

"How dare you-"

"Zeus, shut up. You need to stop being so arrogant. You may be king, but we are your family, but you treat us like we're garbage and don't care about our children. Don't you care what happens to Jason and Thalia?" Hera interrupted. "Stop being so arrogant and maybe we will start caring about your stupid laws."

Poseidon's eyes widened as he slumped him throne a little nervously.

"Zoe Nightshade is supposed to be dead and Thalia Grace in her place as lieutenant of the hunters. Now fate has changed and we are here to amend these mistakes." The left Fate followed.

Artemis' eyes widened at their words, "You cannot kill her!" She yelled from her throne.

Percy nodded in agreement holding Zoe tight against his body.

The three sisters sent a harsh glare in her direction making Artemis shrink back a bit.

"We do not decide fate. We simply guide it to its end. Now fate has changed. While some things remain the same, some have also changed. Thalia Grace is not destined to be the child of the prophecy, Perseus Jackson is. Thalia Grace has an important role to play but not as the child of the prophecy but as the leader of the hunt. Zoe Nightshade can either accept her death or be released from her oath from the hunters. Either way, she must not be a member of the hunt by the end of this night for fate to be righted again; the choice is yours." The Fates said in unison before vanishing from the throne room.

Zeus had returned to his look of shock from the fact that Percy just changed Fate.

The room was silent after the Fates left. Zeus looked at Percy angrily; his daughter should be the hero, not some spawn of Poseidon or Hades. Artemis was staring blankly ahead as she realized she had lost her best friend either to death or mortality.

After a minute Athena stood up, "We cannot ignore an order from the Fates themselves. Thalia must join the hunters and Zoe must either be released from her oath of service to Artemis or be killed."

Zoe's face was pale white as her whole world had been turned upside down.

"Don't worry, I will never let you die before me," Percy said, making Zoe smile widely.

"I will release her from her oath. We are not killing Zoe." Artemis said with finality before turning to Thalia, "Are you okay with joining the hunt?"

Thalia nodded quickly, a look of relief clearly evident on her face.

"And what of your last lieutenant? We cannot allow the daughter of a Titan to roam freely." Zeus said as he eyes Zoe warily.

"She can come to Camp Half-Blood with Annabeth and I." Percy said stepping forward as Annabeth nodded her head.

Zoe smiled at her boyfriend as he kissed once again. "I love you," Percy whispered.

"I love you, too," Zoe said, scooting even closer to Percy resting her head under his armpit.

"A daughter of a Titan at Camp Half Blood?" Zeus said with disbelief.

Percy's eyes narrowed at the King of the Gods, "Is not two millennia of loyal service to Lady Artemis enough to ensure her loyalties? By your reasoning, the majority of the council should not be trusted, son of Kronos."

Zeus' face reddened in anger, "Watch yourself when you speak to me demigod."

"No, you watch yourself. Percy was only supporting Artemis and Zoe, his friends. You should trust your daughter's judgement, little brother," Hestia growled.

Artemis stood up, "She will stay in my cabin. She is like a daughter to me and I will claim her at camp and vouch for her loyalties."

"Thank you, my lady," Zoe smiled.

"I would do it again if I had to, you are my friend and the closest to a daughter I will ever have," Artemis said.

Zeus continued to glare at Percy for a minute before turning back to the council, "If that's all then this Winter Solstice meeting is complete, dismissed."

Zeus and the majority of the Olympians flashed out of their thrones while a few remained behind to speak to the demigods.

The first to approach Percy was Apollo, a megawatt grin plastered on his face.

"Apollo," Percy said calmly before Apollo put a hand on his shoulder.

"I owe you big time, Perce. Anything you need in the future, as long as it is within my power, you only need to say the word." He said still grinning.

"You owe me nothing. All I did was save a friend," Percy said.

"But you also saved my sister, and I thank you for that," Apollo said. "I'm giving you something whether you like it or not."

Percy nodded, "Thanks Apollo."

Apollo nodded and noticed Poseidon approaching, "Well I'll leave you to it bro but thanks again for saving my baby sis."

An arrowed landed exactly one centimeter away from Apollo's head. "We are twins, if anything I'm older because I helped my mother give birth to you!" Artemis yelled.

"Whatever you say sis," Apollo grinned.

"Don't call me sis," Artemis hissed.

"Why not, am I not your brother? Are you not my sister?" Apollo asked.

"Call me Artemis or sister, but not sis," Artemis replied.

Percy nodded numbly as his eyes narrowed at the approaching form of Poseidon. Apollo flashed out while Hades and Demeter quickly flashed to Percy's side when they saw Poseidon going near him.

"What do you want with my son?" Hades growled.

Poseidon held up his hands, "I just need a word with him."

Hades narrowed his eye, Poseidon better not be trying to become Percy's father again.

Hades was about to snap back but Percy turned to his father, "It's fine Dad, it will only take a minute."

Hades' eyes narrowed before he nodded and walked away but not out of earshot.

Poseidon looked at Percy warily, "I just wanted to tell you I am sorry for the life I forced you to live Perseus. I know I lost my chance to be your father but I was hoping we could at least be on speaking terms."

Percy eyed the god in front of him before speaking, "Why did you help me save Zoe?"

Poseidon was a little surprised by the question but answered after a minute, "I was hoping that by at least stopping you from losing someone else close to you that I could begin to have some type of relationship with you. Even if you will never let me be your father, I still care about you and will help you when I can."

"You may not be my father, but I am proud to call you my uncle," Percy said as Poseidon smiled.

Percy's eyes narrowed as he studied his birth father for deceit, "Very well Poseidon. I appreciate you helping me save a friend but we are still a long way from me forgiving you. But I suppose it won't hurt to have one less god looking to kill me. We will see what happens from here."

"I think right now all of the Olympians are on my side, although a couple of minors and primordials hate me," Percy said.

Poseidon nodded sadly, "That is all I can ask of you. Take care of yourself Perseus." He said before dissolving into a sea breeze.

Hades and Demeter walked back up to Percy as Demeter pulled her grandson into a hug, "You have done well Percy. Battling a Titan and holding the sky, I don't know if I've ever been so proud." She said before turning to Hades, "You see what I mean. Feed that other boy of yours some cereal and he'll be as powerful as Percy here."

Percy and Demeter nodded in agreement as everyone rolled their eyes.

Hades rolled his eyes before putting a hand on Percy's shoulder, "I'm proud of you Perseus. Come and visit your mother and I once you get settled back into camp."

Percy nodded, "Thank you father."

"You will always be welcomed home, no matter what you do," Hades said.

Hades gave his son a small smile before he was engulfed by a shadow. Demeter smiled warmly at her grandson before vanishing in a green light.

Percy turned to find the throne room was empty save for Artemis with Zoe standing by her side. Artemis had a saddened look on her face as they approached Percy.

"Zoe go wait outside with Thalia. I need a quick word with Perseus." Artemis said.

Zoe nodded and walked out of the throne room leaving Percy alone with Artemis.

"I am sorry Lady Artemis; I did not know this would happen." Percy said apologetically.

"To be honest, I'm glad it happened because if it didn't then I would have been forced to break my vow with my lady, and I would have had no one to support me," Zoe said.

"That's not true, we would have supported you," Percy said while the other demigods nodded.

Zoe smiled.

Artemis nodded slowly, "I know you could not have predicted this happening but I have a favor to ask of you Perseus."

Percy looked at the goddess a little surprised but nodded.

"Please watch over Zoe. I know she can more than handle herself but she will be on her own in camp and I do not wish to lose her altogether. Many will not trust her because of her father just as some don't trust you because of your father." Artemis asked hopefully.

"One cannot control who their family is, they can only control what they do with themselves and work not to follow their paths, but my father is not untrustworthy. You guys are lucky my dad decided to stick with his family even though he was unwelcomed and treated poorly by most of you," Percy glared.

Percy nodded, "I will make sure no one messes with her. She is my friend and I do not let my family and friends get hurt."

Hestia smiled at her champion. She was proud that Percy was protective and loyal.

Artemis looked at Percy seriously, "I have a feeling you will need her when the time for war comes. Keep her close as she is a powerful friend to have watching your back; she has watched mine for the past two millennia."

Percy nodded, "I will Lady Artemis, I swear it on the Styx."

"That's a promise he'll never break. He's never broken a promise. Not a single one," Zoe smiled.

Thunder rumbled outside the throne room as Artemis looked at Percy shocked before she smiled.

"Thank you Perseus, you are one of the few good males still left out there." She said before turning to walk out of the throne room with Percy trailing behind.

"Agreed," said the women.

"And what do you know, he eats cereal," Demeter added.

"Oh, just wondering, how come you guys were arguing about cereal earlier?" Hermes asked.

"Oh, so during winter, Percy trapped all of the year rounders in a room, and he would only give us cereal and a glass of milk for everyone. Everyday it would be a different kind. We all ate the cereal because we didn't want to starve, and Percy wouldn't let us out. We all developed a liking of a cereal, but only a certain kind," Clarisse explained.

"You starved our children?" Athena asked.

"No, I just gave them a nutritious diet," Percy said.

Once outside, Artemis pulled Zoe into a tight embrace as a tear leaked out of her eye before putting a hand on Thalia's shoulder and disappearing in a silver light.

"Wait, is Artemis, crying?" Apollo asked.

"Of course. I just lost one of my greatest sisters, of course I would be crying," Artemis said.

Percy turned a little nervously towards Zoe, "I'm sorry Zoe, I did not expect that to happen."

Zoe glared at him, "And now I have to go to the insufferable camp for who knows how long."

Percy smirked, "But on the plus side, you get to enjoy some more time with a charming son of Hades who you just happen to be lucky enough to be friends with."

"Oh, joy," Zoe said sarcastically.

Zoe stared at Percy before she chuckled, "Is that honestly supposed to make me feel better?"

Percy shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not. But either way you're stuck with me for a while."

"Oh, Tartarus," Zoe muttered.

"Hush, you," Percy said rolling his eyes.

Zoe sighed loudly, "Perhaps death would have been a better option."

"Hey!" Percy yelled.

The girls just laughed.

Percy rolled his eyes, "You ready to go to camp?"

"Do we have to?" Zoe asked dejectedly.

"Unfortunately, yes," Percy replied.

"Why unfortunate?" the other campers asked.

"One word: Theseus," Percy answered.


Percy shrugged, "We do eventually unless we want to taste Zeus' bolt but I suppose we could stop and grab some pizza on the way....."

"It's not that yummy," Percy said.

The people who weren't there looked confused and curious.

Zoe looked at Percy incredulously before she shrugged, "I suppose it'll put off the inevitable for at least one more hour."

Percy grinned, "I was hoping you would say that, I'm starving. Shall we milady?" He said holding out his hand.

"When aren't you hungry?" Zoe asked.

"Hey, a warrior's got to have his meals," Percy said.

Achilles nodded in agreement.

Zoe rolled her eyes but took his hand anyway before a shadow engulfed the two from the streets of Olympus.

"Done," Annabeth said, closing the book.

Before anyone could do anything there was a flash of light, and two figures appeared.

A/N: Happy Halloween, my treat for you is a triple update. Who do you think the two people are?
