Chapter 22: Casual Conversations with Titans

/Chapter 22: Casual Conversations with Titans

"I...I d..di..didn't mean to stab her. I... I was trying to stab you." Ethan stuttered out as Percy's eyes flashed with anger before he closed them and took a deep breath. He opened them again as he looked at Ethan's trembling form beneath him.

"Perhaps you could be of better use to me alive rather than dead. We shall see." Percy said in an icy tone.

Ethan nodded his head frantically before Percy put a foot on his chest and leaned down until he was only inches from Ethan's face.

"If Zoe dies, I don't care if it costs me this war. I will take my time ripping your body apart; piece by agonizing piece." Percy growled before grabbing Ethan's shirt as they were engulfed by a shadow./

Zoe kissed Percy on the cheek. She liked that he was protective over her.

/Percy reappeared with the son of Nemesis in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel where a number of Apollo campers were tending the wounded. They all jumped up with weapons drawn when they saw Ethan but Percy held up a hand to stop them.

"Relax guys, Ethan here is going to be joining us until we figure out what to do with him. Michael, can you take our friend here to his own special room, preferably something uncomfortable and unpleasant?" Percy said with a glare at Ethan.

Michael nodded, "You got it Perce. We've been throwing the bloodied towels in the closet from all the injuries. Maybe the traitor can enjoy some time lying in some of the blood that's on his hands." Michael said as he grabbed Ethan roughly out of Percy's grasp and shoved him towards the other end of the room.

"Put someone on guard near the door, he cannot be allowed to escape. I have some questions to ask him later." Percy added.

Michael nodded, "She's on the second floor Perce, room 213. Will was working on her last time I was there, he said it was bad but that she'd live."/

Artemis let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

/Percy nodded before running off to the stairway door and up a flight of stairs until he reached room 213. Percy opened the door to find Zoe standing in front of the bed with a glare directed at Will who had his hands up in surrender.

"What's up guys?" Percy said as he walked into the room.

Will quickly scooted behind Percy, "Zoe woke up a few minutes ago. I was trying to tell her to get some rest since she was injured but she demanded to go back out to find you." He said warily.

Percy raised an eyebrow at Zoe who glared at Will.

"Go help your brothers. It's almost dark and people are starting to come back with the wounded. Try to get a count of the injuries and fatalities. We'll need to have a meeting later to discuss the plan for tomorrow." Percy said.

Will nodded and quickly left the room, leaving Percy alone with Zoe.

"Are you alright?" He asked quietly.

Zoe glared at him, "I'm fine Percy; it was just a flesh wound."/

Percy laughed a little and rolled his eyes.

/Percy rolled his eyes before he chuckled, "I see why you got irritated when I said that to you."

Zoe couldn't stop her lips from quirking into a small smile as she sat back down of the bed. Percy sat down beside her, "Let me see the wound, I can try to heal it better."

Zoe unwrapped the bandages from her stomach as Percy went to the bathroom and grabbed a cup of water. He came out and sat beside her as she revealed the wound on her stomach.

"A flesh wound?" Percy asked incredulously.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Just heal it if you're going to."

The water floated from the cup and onto Zoe's wound before Percy put his hand over it, a soft glow covering the wound area. Zoe tensed a bit until Percy grabbed her hand with his free one. After a few minutes, Percy removed his hand to reveal the wound healed with the exception of a small scar the size of the sword blade.

"There; good as new." Percy said as he wiped the sweat away from his brow.

Zoe smiled at him before looking worried, "Did the Titans take the bridge?"

"What bridge?" Percy asked mischievously. "No, they didn't and that part of their army no longer exists."/

"Good," Zeus said. "Maybe it'll be easier then."

"It won't be," Athena said.

"I said maybe," Zeus said.

/"What? How? You sent the Apollo cabin back." Zoe asked confused.

Percy shrugged, "The Williamsburg Bridge is at the bottom of the East River along with that part of the Titan Army. Except for Ethan, the one who stabbed you, he is downstairs tied up; I thought you might want a little time alone with him later."

Zoe looked at Percy surprised, "A little angry were you?" She asked with an eyebrow raised./

"A little," Percy said.

/Percy rolled his eyes, "You took that blade for me. I'd be dead right now if you hadn't."

"And I told you that you'll need to learn how to protect yourself eventually; apparently you don't listen well." She replied with a smirk.

"Whatever Zoe.... Thank you." Percy said with a small smile.

They both sat on the bed silently for a few minutes until Percy spoke, "You should get some rest. The fighting will most likely resume in the morning." He said as he stood up only for Zoe to grab his hand.

"Stay. You need to rest too. The curse makes you tire more quickly than you usually would." Zoe said softly./

"With great power comes a great need to take a nap," Nico said.

/Percy was a little surprised but nodded and laid down on the bed. Zoe laid down beside him with her head resting on his shoulder as they both drifted off to sleep.

Line Break

Percy awoke to the gasping of someone standing over him. He opened his eyes to find Thalia staring at him with wide eyes.

Percy looked beside him to find Zoe still sleeping peacefully with her head resting on his shoulder. He gently slipped out from underneath her, glaring at Thalia to keep her mouth shut. He rolled out of bed and slipped out of the room with Thalia trailing behind him.

"Well I didn't think you had it in you Death Breath." Thalia said smirking once they were outside the room.

Percy rolled his eyes, "We were just sleeping and I don't want to hear it. Why are you here?"/

"Don't want to see your favorite cousin?" Thalia asked.

"You're not my favorite," Percy said with a smirk.

"Who is?" Thalia asked.

"Artemis," Percy answered.

Thalia tilted her head and glanced at Artemis who smirked and shrugged.

/Thalia's face turned serious, "We have visitors Percy."

Percy looked at her confused, "Visitors?"

Thalia nodded grimly. "A Titan wants to see you, under a flag of truce. He has a message from Kronos."

Percy's eyes widened before his face became hardened, "Let's see what they have to say."

Percy and Thalia walked to the lobby of the Plaza Hotel where they found the campers and hunters treating the wounded while Percy's army of the dead tried to help where they could.

Percy found Will and pulled him aside, "What are the numbers?" He asked a little nervously.

Will frowned, "We lost about ten campers. Another fifteen are too injured to fight again today. Other than that everyone is fine, mostly minor injuries."

Percy nodded solemnly, "What about dead heroes?"

"They lost about fifteen including Odysseus who jumped in front of an arrow aimed at Achilles." Will replied./

"Unfortunate," Aphrodite said. "But... bromance or romance?"

"Uh," Achilles said. "Well..."

Aphrodite raised an eyebrow. Achilles blushed. "Huh," Aphrodite said. "The more you know. Though, Calypso might be disappointed."

/Percy nodded, "That's good. Not bad for the first day. Odysseus is already back in Elysium so no worries, we still have most of the best warriors."

Will nodded and ran off to help more wounded while Percy led Thalia outside to meet with the Titan and hear his message.

They could see the white flag from half a mile away. It was as huge and being carried by a fifteen-foot-tall giant with bright blue skin and icy gray hair.

"A Hyperborean," Thalia said. "The giants of the north. It's a bad sign that they sided with Kronos. They're usually peaceful."/

"Usually," Artemis said. "But not when you shoot them with an arrow."

/Percy just nodded and continued to walk forward.

As the giant got closer, they could see three human-size envoys with him: a half-blood who looked like their hands were tied behind their back, an Empousa demon with a black dress and flaming hair, and a tall man in a tuxedo. The Empousa held the tux guy's arm, so they looked like a couple on their way to a Broadway show or something- except for her flaming hair and fangs. The group walked leisurely toward the Heckscher Playground. The swings and ball courts were empty. The only sound was the fountain on Umpire Rock.

"What Titan is that?" Percy asked as he tried to get a better look at him.

"Prometheus, the Titan for Foresight." Thalia said with a scowl.

Percy's eyes widened, "The dude who gave fire to man?"/

"That's one way to describe Prometheus," Zeus said.

/Thalia nodded,

Percy and Thalia stood in front of a picnic table and waited. Finally the group was in full view and Percy's blood boiled when he saw Annabeth was among them. He would of attacked her right then and there but Thalia grabbed his arm roughly./

Athena took a quick glance at Annabeth, but her face was emotionless.

/"Don't be a dumbass Percy. Look, she's handcuffed, I don't think you know the whole story yet." Thalia said sternly.

Percy scowled but nodded, waiting for someone to speak.

The man in the tux stepped forward. He was taller than an average human-about seven feet. His black hair was tied in a ponytail. Dark round glasses covered his eyes, but what really caught Percy's attention was the skin on his face. It was covered in scratches and scars like those from a small animal. Then Percy mentally face palmed as he recalled Prometheus' story and his punishment which brought a small smile to Percy's face, always a son of Hades at heart./

"Definitely one of the harsher punishments, but deserved," Hades said. "Though Orion is getting it worse."

Artemis smiled. "Good."

"If and when Heracles ever dies, I will make sure to also give him a nightmare of a punishment," Hades said. "Though that's not in my jurisdiction right now."

Zoe smiled. "Thank you."

/"Percy Jackson," he said in a silky voice. "It's a great honor."

His lady friend the Empousa hissed at Percy and Thalia making Prometheus frown before he turned to her.

"My dear," he said to her. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable over there, eh?"

She released his arm and drifted over to a park bench.

"Nice girlfriend." Percy said dryly.

"Oh, demons aren't so bad," Prometheus replied. "You just have to keep them well fed. Now, Percy Jackson, let us parley." He said as he gestured toward the picnic table where they sat down. Thalia stood behind Percy, looking at Annabeth in a mixture of confusion and anger.

"Why is she here? And why is she handcuffed?" Thalia hissed at the Titan.

Annabeth looked like she was about to reply but a quick glare from Prometheus shut her up.

Prometheus sat forward and laced his fingers. He looked at Percy with almost pity, "Percy, your position is weak. You know you can't stop another assault. "/

"But I can try," Percy said.

/Percy raised an eyebrow, "I think we did just fine. I hope you aren't honestly here to ask for us to surrender."

Prometheus looked pained, like he really cared what happened. "Percy, I'm the Titan of forethought. I know what's going to happen. "

"Also the Titan of crafty counsel." Thalia spat at the Titan.

Prometheus shrugged, "True enough, hunter. But I supported the gods in the last war. I told Kronos: 'You don't have the strength. You'll lose, and I was right. So you see, I know how to pick the winning side. This time, I'm backing Kronos. "/

"He chose poorly," Percy said.

"You chose wisely," Zoe whispered.

/Percy narrowed his eyes, "So what exactly are you here for?"

Prometheus smiled, "I'm here because I thought you might listen to reason." He drew a map on the table with his finger. Wherever he touched, golden lines appeared, glowing on the concrete. "This is Manhattan. We have armies here, here, here, and here. We know your numbers. We outnumber you twenty to one. "/

"Yet you still lost," Percy said.

/Percy scowled and looked at Annabeth, "Your spy kept you well informed then."

Prometheus smiled apologetically. "At any rate, our forces are growing daily. Tonight, Kronos will attack. You will be overwhelmed. You've fought bravely, but there's just no way you can hold all of Manhattan. You'll be forced to retreat to the Empire State Building. There you'll be destroyed. I have seen this. It will happen."

Percy nodded like he knew this already, "I want to know why you brought her, and why she is in handcuffs?" He said gesturing to Annabeth./

"Maybe it's her kink," Hermes said.

"No," Annabeth said.

Jason decided to remain silent like he had been doing during the whole storytelling, though he was tempted to call out Annabeth's bluff. He didn't need a stapler or a brick being thrown at him.

/Prometheus smiled, "I thought it might be a gesture of goodwill to return your friend to you. You are correct she did act as a spy for Kronos, but only when the alternative to helping us would result in the death of her family."

Percy growled under his breath before looking at Annabeth apologetically. She gave him a smile that showed she understood.

"Give her to me." Percy growled.

Prometheus shook his head, "Perhaps once we are finished depending on how our talk goes. Percy you are refighting the Trojan War here. Patterns repeat themselves in history. They reappear just as monsters do. A great siege. Two armies. The only difference is, this time you are defending. You are Troy. And you know what happened to the Trojans, don't you?"

Percy scowled, "We are not so foolish to let you slip a wooden horse through the doors of Olympus."/

"I don't think it would fit in the elevator," Zeus said.

"I dunno that elevator has a lot of room," Apollo said.

/Prometheus smiled, "That's not the point. Troy was completely destroyed, Percy. You don't want that to happen here. Stand down, and New York will be spared. Your forces will be granted amnesty. I will personally assure your safety. Let Kronos take Olympus. Who cares? Typhon will destroy the gods anyway.

"You expect me to believe Kronos will spare the demigods and the mortals?" Percy asked increduously.

"All he wants is Olympus,"Prometheus promised. "The might of the gods is tied to their seats of power. When Kronos destroys Olympus, the gods will fade. They will become so weak they will be easily defeated. Kronos would rather do this while Typhon has the Olympians distracted in the west. Much easier. Fewer lives lost. But make no mistake, the best you can do is slow us down. Tomorrow night, Typhon arrives in New York, and you will have no chance at all. The gods and Mount Olympus will still be destroyed, but it will be much messier. Much, much worse for you and your city. Either way, the Titans will rule. "

Thalia pounded her fist on the table. "I serve Artemis. The Hunters will fight to our last breath. Percy, you're not seriously going to listen to this slimeball, are you?"/

"Really, Thalia?" Percy said.

"Had to make sure," Thalia said.

/Percy held up his hand to silence Thalia as he gestured for Prometheus to go on, his face devoid of any emotion.

"At any rate," the Titan said, "you need not be my enemy. I have always been a helper of mankind. "

"That's a load of crap, " Thalia said. "When mankind first sacrificed to the gods, you tricked them into giving you the best portion. You gave us fire to annoy the gods, not because you cared about us."/

"Though fire is kinda useful," Hestia said. "Just saying."

/Prometheus shook his head. "You don't understand. I helped shape your nature."

A wiggling lump of clay appeared in his hands. He fashioned it into a little doll with legs and arms. The lump man didn't have any eyes, but it groped around the table, stumbling over Prometheus's fingers.

"I have been whispering in man's ear since the beginning of your existence. I represent your curiosity, your sense of exploration, your inventiveness. Help me save you, Percy. Do this, and I will give mankind a new gift-a new revelation that will move you as far for- ward as fire did. You can't make that kind of advance under the gods. They would never allow it. But this could be a new golden age for you. Or . . . "He made a fist and smashed the clay man into a pancake./

"Poor Clayface," Apollo sighed. "No one appreciates him."

/Percy stayed silent as Prometheus watched him curiously, his face looking hopeful.

After a minute Percy spoke, "Give me Annabeth and I will release Nakamaura." He said stoically.

Prometheus looked at Percy confused, "I am here for your surrender, I care not for a single demigod."

Percy smiled, "I know, but I wasn't asking. Give her to me or I will take her."

Prometheus stood up looking shocked, "We met under a flag of truce. You cannot start hostilities."

Percy shrugged, "You just said that we're as good as dead in less than two days. Since you're the Titan of Foresight, you know I'm as good as dead. But if we're going to die defending Olympus, I will do it beside my friends, Annabeth included."

Prometheus scowled as the Empousa growled and charged at Thalia only to dissolve into golden dust when a silver arrow flew between her eyes./

"YES!" Ares cheered, clapping his hands together.

/Percy's spear shot out of the earth and into his hand as he jumped in the table and kicked Prometheus in the chest and knocking him onto his back before Percy jumped towards Annabeth, putting her behind him before the giant could reach her. Percy dissolved into shadows with Annabeth and reappeared beside Thalia.

"You should really keep your pets on a leash Prometheus. We were forced to defend ourselves when the Empousa attacked." Percy said with a smirk.

Prometheus glared murderously at Percy, "You will suffer for this Jackson. I promise you have not seen the last of me."

Percy grinned, "I'm sure I haven't. Maybe I can send you to Tartarus like I did your father. He wasn't much of a challenge so I doubt you will be much of fight either."

Prometheus was about to scream at him but Percy, Thalia and Annabeth dissolved into shadows, reappearing in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel.

When they reappeared everyone looked at them in shock before everyone jumped to their feet with weapons out, some screaming about Annabeth being a traitor. Percy raised his spear before slamming the butt into the lobby floor, sending a small shockwave throught he lobby as everyone froze./

"I wonder how the hotel manager reacted when they came back to all of this," Hermes said.

"We cleaned up. Though there may have been a few skeletons in the closet when we left," Percy said.

/"Silence!" He roared as he looked back at Thalia who was standing protectively in front of Annabeth.

Zoe came forward with her bow out and an arrow notched, looking at Percy with betrayal evident in her eyes.

"Why did you bring this traitor here?" She hissed.

Percy glared at her, "If you would let us speak, then we would explain everything to you. Is that alright?" He asked in an irritated tone.

Zoe narrowed her eyes but lowered her bow, "Speak then."

"She is no traitor. She did in fact frame you Zoe, but she had no choice. I think almost all of us would have done the same. Kronos had her family threatened if she didn't comply. She had to flee or she would have been killed by Zeus. She is our friend and she is here to fight beside us, does anyone have a problem with that?" Percy asked with a dangerous edge to his voice./

"Thank you," Annabeth said.

"You're welcome," Percy said.

/Everyone was silent as they looked at Annabeth who was still behind Thalia nervously. Thalia hands crackled with electricity as she glared threateningly at everyone's questioning looks.

Zoe looked at Percy strangely, "Can I speak to you for a moment Percy?" She asked with a barely restrained anger in her voice.

Percy nodded and followed Zoe out of the lobby and into a conference room where the minute the door closed with spun on him with anger flashing in her eyes, "What are you thinking?"/

"I'm thinking my girlfriend is really hot," Percy whispered.

Zoe rolled her eyes, but smiled.

/Percy sighed, "What did you want me to do? Leave her there?"

Zoe shook her head, "How do you know this isn't just a way for Kronos to get a spy back into our midst? You honestly trust her? I thought you were smarter than this."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "You don't think I thought of that? Tell me Zoe, have I ever done anything that would put you or anyone else in danger? Do you truly think I would do something so reckless?"

Zoe looked away a little shamefully before shaking her head.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Exactly, but thank you. It is good to know how much you truly trust me." He said before walking back out of the room and into the lobby where the awkward silence still remained as most of the campers stood around silently./

"Awkward," Apollo mumbled.

/"Kronos attacks again tonight. Do you guys think you can maybe find something to do to prepare for the attack rather than staring at Annabeth? We have one less area to defend but we can still set up traps at the other bridges and tunnels. If your wounded or need rest, get it now because this likely the last time." Percy said in an irritated tone.

Percy caught Theseus and Achilles shaking their heads in his direction making him stop and sigh, "Listen guys, you all did amazing yesterday. I know we're tired but we're running out of time and we need to be ready. I need everyone to get the wounded to the Empire State Building. Olympus is deserted so set up the infirmary up there. I doubt we will be able to return here again, so let's pack up and get everything moved before we have to do it in the middle of battle."

Everyone nodded and set to work while Thalia looked at Percy expectantly, "What about Annabeth, we need to get her unshackled."

Percy paused for a second, "Take her upstairs to room 213. Before we do any of that, we need to talk."/

"You can't break up if you never dated," Aphrodite said, "Though would you?"

"Ew no, I would never date my cousin," Percy said.

"Never say never," Aphrodite said as she slyly glanced at Artemis who didn't notice the look on Aprodite's face.

/Thalia narrowed her eyes but a glare from Percy got her to comply as she led a still shackled Annabeth over to the elevator.

Percy spoke to a few people before making his way to the stairs and up to room 213 where he found Zoe waiting for him at the door.

"Would you like to speak to her instead since I obviously won't be able to do it right?" Percy asked in an irritated tone./

"Someone's grumpy," Apollo said.

"If you were fighting a war with zero to little sleep and had a prophecy that basically told you you were going to die that same day, would you be in the best of moods?" Percy asked.

"Fair enough," Apollo said.

/Zoe looked at him surprised but then sighed, "I'm sorry Percy. I should have waited to let you explain first."

Percy nodded and went to open the door but Zoe stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"What Zoe? I need to speak to Annabeth." Percy said angrily.

"Why are you so angry?" She asked.

Percy rolled his eyes, "My best friend thinks I'm an idiot. It's the day before I'm supposed to die, which is also my birthday, and there's an army of monsters trying to destroy Olympus. I'm sorry I'm not in the best mood."/

"Eat a snickers bar," Hermes said. "You're not you when you're hungry."

Percy rolled his eyes but laughed.

/Zoe looked at him sadly as she held his hand, "I don't think you're an idiot, I'm sorry." She said before her expression darkened, "You're not going to die. We've already talked about this. If you say that again, you're going to wish you were dead."

Percy stared at her for a second before sighing, not wanting to spend what could be his last day alive fighting with Zoe, "Sorry, just too much going on. Sorry I snapped at you."

Zoe glared, "You better be sorry," she said before leaning up and kissing him softly on the lips, "Or next time, I'll kick your ass."

Percy smiled, "Alright deal. Now let's go find out if she's really on our side or not."/

Athena prayed she was on their side and not here to betray them or something.

/Zoe nodded as they entered the room to find Thalia looking at them expectantly.

"What is this about?" She asked in an irritated tone.

"Tell me Thals, if the Titans needed to get a spy back into our midst, how else would they do it?" Percy said seriously.

"But you heard Prometheus, plus she was in chains." Thalia argued.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Thalia you know I'm right. I'm not saying I don't believe her but I won't take the chance, we need to be sure."/

"Yeah, I know," Thalia said. "Still doesn't mean I want you murdering my best friend."

"Touché," Percy said.

/"Percy I would never betray you guys if I had a choice." Annabeth said from her seat on the bed.

Percy eyed her curiously, "Tell me then, how did Kronos get to you? I know how he threatened you, but how did he get in contact with you?"/

Annabeth looked at Luke and reached out her hand. He nodded and grasped her hand and squeezed it gently.

/Annabeth's eyes widened, clearly surprised by the question. She bit her lip nervously before Percy pulled out his pen and uncapped it, revealing Anaklusmos in all its glory.

Thalia's eyes widened, "What are you doing Percy?"

Percy continued eyeing Annabeth, "I'm going to kill her if she doesn't answer my question and answer it right now." He said in deadly serious tone.

"WHAT! You can't just kill her!" Thalia yelled./

"I probably wouldn't have actually killed her," Percy said. "Probably."

/"Watch me. I thought she was my friend but she betrayed my trust. If she doesn't have an answer then she is no different than any other traitor demigod to me." Percy growled as he put the point of his blade to Annabeth's throat. Thalia made to get up but a shadow engulfed her and deposited her further back on the bed./

Athena sat up a bit and leaned forward. She glanced over at Annabeth who was sitting a bit closer to Luke than usual. She raised an eyebrow, analyzing them, trying to determine whether it was platonic or romantic. She honestly couldn't tell.

/"Wait! I can explain." Annabeth said nervously.

Percy nodded but pressed the blade a little closer to her throat.

Annabeth looked up at Percy with tears in her eyes, "I made a mistake. I thought I could convince Luke to change his mind."/

Athena sighed. She knew Luke and Annabeth were close, but still didn't expect or anticipate that Annabeth would try to do something like that.

/Zoe stepped forward but met the same result as Thalia.

"I'm letting her explain. When I am satisfied one way or the other then we will decide her fate. Until then, no one touches her." Percy said in a calm tone to Zoe who scowled at him but nodded.

"Explain more because you're not doing yourself any favors yet." Percy said seriously as he stared at Annabeth.

Annabeth gulped but nodded, "After the quest to save Lady Artemis, Luke snuck into camp and asked me to run away with him. He said we could make a new life and avoid the whole war. I told him no but he left a cell phone so I could call him if I changed my mind."/

"Love can't be denied," Aphrodite said. "And I don't just mean romantic love. Family, friends, it's all the same. All important. Hard to abandon even if it's not good for us."

/Percy nodded but didn't lower his blade.

"Then out of nowhere, he called me after you left for the mission with Beckendorf. He told me he needed me to get to a private place in camp so he could show me something. That's when an image of Laistrygonian Giants standing outside my Dad's house appeared in front of me. Luke said if I didn't do what he said, he would kill them. He said I had to frame Zoe because it would remove you from the war. He knew you wouldn't fight if the gods killed her. I tried to refuse but the giants made their way to the backyard where my little half-brothers were playing. I couldn't let them get killed. Please Percy, you have to believe me. You guys are my friends. I know I was in love with Luke but he isn't Luke anymore. He's Kronos. Luke is gone." She said as tears poured from her eyes./

Luke wiped tears that were forming in his eyes as he gave Annabeth a hug. "I'm sorry you felt that way, Annie," he whispered.

Annabeth hugged Luke. "As long as you're with us now, it's okay."

/Percy stayed emotionless throughout her whole speech, watching her for any signs of deceit. Thalia looked at him expectantly but Percy ignored her.

"Swear that every single word you just told me is nothing but the entire truth. That you didn't leave out a single detail and that you are still loyal to your friends at camp and not the Titans." Percy said seriously.

Annabeth nodded slowly, "I swear on the River Styx that every word I told you was the truth and I am still loyal to my friends at camp and not the Titans."/

Thunder boomed and Athena sighed with relief. Still she couldn't believe Annabeth of all her children would be the one to betray them, though knowing how she felt about Luke it made sense.

/Thunder boomed overhead as Percy kept his blade pressed against her throat. After another ten seconds he smiled and lowered his blade before pulling Annabeth into a hug.

"I'm sorry but I had to be sure." Percy said as he wiped the tears from her face.

Annabeth nodded and smiled. Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out a small thin piece of metal before turning Annabeth around to pick the lock and free her from her shackles. As soon as her hands were free she spun around and pulled Percy into another hug thanking him repeatedly. Once she let him go, she turned to Zoe nervously.

"I am so sorry Zoe. I know you hate me and I know you should...." She started before Zoe put up a hand to stop her./

Annabeth and Zoe exchanged a knowing look with each other.

/"I forgive you Annabeth. I understand you needed to protect your family." She said kindly before looking at Annabeth more seriously, "But if you do something like that to me again, I'll rip your throat out before you have a chance to even think about how bad of an idea it was."/

Annabeth gulped but grinned at Zoe. She was happy they could make amends after her actions.

/Annabeth paled but nodded, "I know. I'm still sorry. I prayed Percy would be able to save you. I didn't expect him to attack an Olympian to do it, but he did and I can never repay him for that."

Zoe nodded and looked at Percy smiling.

Percy snorted, "Please, that little punk Theseus was a tougher opponent than Dionysus; it's a joke he's an Olympian."/

Dionysus looked at Percy. Percy shrugged.

/Zoe rolled her eyes but still smiled.

Annabeth turned to Thalia who was smiling at her.

"We'll let you two catch up; we need to check on everyone else anyway." Percy said as he led Zoe out of the room.

Once they were outside, they were met by Michael Yew running down the hallway.

"Perce, the Titan Army is on the move. There is a Titan leading an army through Central Park." He said quickly./

"That's not good," Apollo said.

/Percy's eyes widened, "Okay, send everyone out to cover the same bridges and tunnels they defended last night except I want you to tell the Demeter cabin to come with me and Zoe to the park. Take the Apollo cabin and cover their post."/

Athena looked intrigued by Percy's strategies as she found herself sitting a bit close to Theseus.

/Michael nodded and turned to run back downstairs while Zoe looked at Percy confused.

"How will we be able to hold them back with only the Demeter cabin?" She asked./

"We can handle a lot more than you think," Katie said.

/Percy grinned, "That's like their home turf. We'll have all the trees and plants in the park to use as weapons. No let's get moving, we've got another Titan to kill."/

"YEAH! Now we're talking," Ares said.
