Chapter 4: Apollo Express and Meeting the Family

Chapter 4: Apollo Express and Meeting the Family

"Isn't it a little early for that, Percy?" Apollo said winking.

Percy blushed. "I don't think that's what it means," Percy replied.

"Whatever you say, Perce," Hermes said as Apollo continued reading.

Zoe Nightshade was called into her mistress' tent. She was shocked when Artemis returned with the son of Hades, she had been sure the Olympians, or at least Zeus would have killed him. In a rare occurrence, she was actually pleased the boy's life had been spared. He had, after all, jumped over the side of the cliff and saved her life. He also had not even looked in Zoe's direction afterward, let alone ask for a thank you. She was a little curious as to what the boy's story was. The first thing she noticed was the scar that ran the length of his face but that was quickly followed by his eyes. They were different than any eyes she had seen before, mostly black but a small ring of sea green surrounding the irises. While she would admit she found them appealing, what caught her attention was the pain that was carried in them, making them seem like they belonged to someone far older than the boy.

Zoe leaned her head against Percy's chest and placed her hand on his back rubbing circles as he looked down remember that night.

Zoe was brought out of her thoughts by her mistress beginning to speak."Zoe, I am sending you and the hunters to Camp Half Blood. Zeus has ordered me to hunt a monster that has not been seen for millennia." Artemis explained sympathetically.

"But milady, we can help you." Zoe tried to counter but Artemis shook her head.

"Of course you can, but camp is where your help is needed," Artemis said.

"I am sorry but Zeus has ordered me to hunt it alone. I must start my search in places where I cannot bring you girls." She explained.

Zoe frowned but nodded, "I will inform the hunters." She said as she made to stand up but Artemis raised a hand to stop her.

"I have more to discuss with you before you go." She said.
Zoe nodded for her mistress to continue.

"The boy, Perseus, I would like you to make sure the hunters treat him with respect." Artemis explained carefully.

"Oh, she'll treat him with respect all right," Silena said with a wink.

Zoe blushed at Silena's remark.

Zoe's eyes went wide at her mistress' command.

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad!" Percy protested.

"Yes you are," Zoe smirked.

Percy playfully pouted, but didn't argue.

Artemis tried to stifle a chuckle at her lieutenant's look of shock, "Relax Zoe, I have not changed my views of boys, but I believe I owe this one a bit of debt.

"You don't owe me anything," Percy shook his head.

He has also seen and been through more horrifying things at the hands of a man than any huntress I have ever had and he went through all of that before he was ten. He may be the one man who would never hurt a woman if it was the last thing he did and for those reasons, he deserves to be treated with some respect from my hunters."

"Thank you," Percy said, looking to Artemis.

Artemis smiled. "I like you, Percy. I will respect you. Although if you ever hurt Zoe, I will have to kill you, slowly and painfully, and trust me, I will take my time as I flay you alive."

Percy gulped. "That sounds lovely. But I would deserve it, anyways."

Zoe stared at her mistress in shock, "How do you know these things milady?"

"After the council meeting, I asked Perseus a few questions. When I asked how he received the scar on his face, he asked me to look through his memories rather than make him relive it by recounting the story. Like I said, he has been through more than any person I have ever known at such a young age. He received the scar trying to protect his mother from his stepfather. He was six." Artemis explained, her face changing into a scowl as she remembered some of Perseus' memories.

Percy's back stiffened, but Zoe calmed him.

Zoe's eyes widened and she was about to ask more but Artemis held up a hand, "If you want to know more then you will have to ask Perseus yourself. He asked me to keep the information to myself and I will respect his wishes."

"Thank you, Artemis," Percy said.

Artemis nodded.

Zoe looked upset she couldn't learn more but knew better than to push her mistress when her mind was made up.

"Milady, if you don't mind me asking, how is it that Perseus was not killed by your father?" Zoe asked.

"Because Uncle Zeus would never kill his favorite nephew, right?" Percy answered.

"Of course not," Zeus said. "Unless you stole my lightning bolt, then I would have to kill you."

"Like I would ever take your lightning bolt," Percy scoffed. "I already have cool weapons of my own."

Artemis nodded, "It is quite an interesting story actually. Perseus is not a true son of Hades. He was born a son of Poseidon but after his mother was murdered, he was found by Hestia and Hades. Hades brought Perseus to the Underworld and he and Persephone adopted him as their own son. He has trained with the greatest heroes in the Underworld including Theseus, Perseus and Achilles." Artemis said before she smirked a bit.

"Who exactly taught you?" Athena inquired.

"Obviously there was Theseus, Perseus, and Achilles. There was also Diana, Houdini, Jason, Oedipus, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Constantine, Aristotle, Socrates, Confucius, John Locke, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Winston Churchill, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and a lot of other people," Percy listed.

Zoe noticed her mistress' face and looked at her questioningly.
Artemis' smirk grew, "That is why I feel like I owe him a bit of a debt. He was trained by Orion but when Orion bragged about some of his vile acts, Perseus convinced his father to send him to punishment for a few centuries."

Zoe gaped before she grinned, "Right where the bastard deserves to be."

"Here, here!" Artemis, Apollo, Percy, Hades, Demeter, Annabeth, Clarisse, Hermes, Jason, Zoe, Reyna, the Stolls, Katie, Will, Michael, Beckendorf, Silena, Hestia, Hera, Persephone, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Hazel cheered.

Artemis nodded her approval, "So as I was saying, Perseus managed to gain the favor of a number of the Olympians including all the goddesses. When the vote was cast for his fate, only that idiot Dionysus voted for his death. Poseidon abstained from the vote while everyone else including my father voted for him to live.

"Why did Poseidon abstain?" Zoe asked confused.

"Because Poseidon can't handle the fact that Percy has moved on from being his son," Hades said.

"Father, please. you don't need to rub it in his face," Percy said.

"Sorry, Percy," Hades apologized.

"It's alright."

"Perseus had some very harsh words for him when Poseidon told him he was his son. Perseus already knew but blames Poseidon for the hardships his mother and he endured during his life. Poseidon looked ready to kill him until Hestia intervened. She is apparently the boy's patron as well." Artemis explained.

Zoe nodded, impressed he was the champion of a maiden goddess, "If Perseus hates his father then where will he be staying at camp?"

"In my grandmother's cabin," Percy smiled.

"He is staying in the Demeter cabin actually. He spent the majority of the meeting on her lap eating cereal. I don't think I've ever seen my aunt so fond of a demigod, her own children included. Since Persephone adopted him, Demeter considers him her grandson and said she would claim him at camp." Artemis explained.

Zoe shook her head, the boy was apparently full of more surprises than she could have imagined.

"And they just keep coming," Zoe whispered as Percy grinned.

"Come Zoe, we must prepare the girls for your departure to Camp Half Blood." Artemis said standing up.

Zoe froze, "Milady, please don't tell me..." She began before Artemis looked at her sympathetically.

"I am sorry but I must leave as soon as Apollo arrives to drive you to camp." She said sadly.

"Why are you sorry?" Apollo asked looking offended.

"You always try to hit on us, and it gets really annoying," Zoe answered.
Zoe scowled as she followed her mistress out of the tent. When they looked around the camp, Perseus was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Perseus?" Artemis asked confused.

"The coward probably ran off." Theseus sneered garnering a glare from Artemis.

"My son is no coward," Persephone and Hades growled at the same time.

Before she could snap at the boy, Perseus jumped down from one of the branches above, landing behind Theseus and drawing out a pen that immediately elongated into a celestial bronze blade that he held at the back of the demigod's neck.

"Still a bit sour about your broken arm I see. I can give you a matching one if you'd like." Percy said coldly.

Zoe stared at the blade in Percy's hand with wide eyes, never thinking she would see it again.

"Where did you get that sword?" She asked harshly.

Percy turned to look at her strangely, "It was a gift from my patron Hestia on my eleventh birthday, why?"

Zoe glared at Percy but before she could reply, the sound of an engine overhead broke everyone away from the scene in front of them.

A sleek Maserati Spyder slowly descended from the sky above. Percy pulled his blade away from Theseus' neck and backed up to the edge of the forest to wait for Apollo to land his sun chariot. As he waited, he eyed the huntress who had snapped at him curiously. He thought about his blade but had no idea why she would be so angry that he had it. He assumed it had been something Hestia had had made for him but now he was starting to think the blade had a much longer past than he thought. He made a note to ask Hestia about it as he had no wish to anger a huntress if he could help it.

Apollo stepped out of his sun chariot and flashed a huge grin at his sister and the hunters, "Need a ride ladies?" He asked flirtatiously.

"Shut up Apollo. You know the rules; do not flirt, talk, or even look at my hunters. You are to bring them to Camp Half Blood along with the four demigods and leave them alone." Artemis growled at her twin.

Apollo rolled his eyes, "Relax sis, I was only kidding. Now where is Percy? I was looking forward to seeing my new favorite demigod again."

Percy stepped out of the shadows, "Lord Apollo." Percy said respectfully.

Apollo grinned, "Just Apollo Percy. After taking care of that douchebag, you have my eternal respect bro."

Percy nodded, "Um, thanks Apollo."

Apollo grinned and snapped his fingers, transforming the sun chariot into a school bus, "All aboard ladies."

The hunters all filed onto the bus after looking distastefully at Apollo. Thalia, Annabeth and Theseus followed the hunters as Percy brought up the rear, grabbing a seat in the front away from everyone else.

Apollo made his way onto the bus after receiving a quick lecture from Artemis and smiled back at everyone on board.

"Today you're all in for a special treat. Percy, how about you drive the chariot to camp?" Apollo asked with a big smile.

Percy's eyes widened as he glanced back to the hunters and demigods, the hunters and Theseus were all glaring at him.

"Can I have Thalia or Annabeth take my place Apollo. I'm not feeling so good at the moment." Percy lied hopefully.

"Why don't you want to drive my chariot?" Apollo asked.

"For one, there were Hunters on board so I figured they would be more comfortable with a girl driving, the other reason you will find out soon," Percy replied grinning.

Apollo nodded.

Apollo looked a bit disappointed but nodded, "Well little sis, come on up here. It's time for you to learn how to drive anyway."

Thalia's eyes widened and her face paled but she made her way to the front of the bus. Percy ignored the looks of surprise from the hunters and pulled his iPod out of a shadow before sitting back and closing his eyes.

As they flew, a small smirk appeared on Percy's face heard the shrieks and screams from everyone else on the bus. Percy of course had anticipated Thalia being terrible at driving and had shadows wrap around his feet to hold him in place.

"Ow! Zoe, what was that for?" Percy whined as Zoe smacked him in the guy.

"For making us purposefully ride with a horrible driver just because you were irritated at one person," Zoe said.

"Hey, I'm not that bad," Thalia protested.

Annabeth, Jason, Zoe, and Percy raised their eyebrows. "Thalia, you practically torched New England, in the middle of winter," Percy said.

"Okay, maybe I am bad," Thalia whispered.

After twenty minutes of amusement, Percy decided to help Thalia out. He stood from his seat as hunters tumbled around the back of the bus and leaned over to Thalia and placed a hand on her shoulder. His hand glowed a soft orange color as the tension left Thalia's body.

"What did you do?" Apollo asked.

"As a champion of Lady Hestia, I am able to give hope to those who are hopeless. I simply raised Thalia's hope making her relax a bit more," Percy explained.

Apollo nodded signaling that he understood.

She slowly regained control of herself and steadied the bus as they made their approach to Camp Half Blood. Percy kept his hand on her shoulder until the bus softly landed next to the lake at camp.
Once the bus stopped, Thalia looked back at Percy in shock. He gave her a small smile and put his headphones back in his ears and exited the bus where the majority of campers and Chiron were waiting. They all looked at Percy in shock as he exited the sun chariot.

Once everyone had exited the bus, Apollo had a quick conversation in private with Chiron before he clapped Percy on the back and hopped back into his chariot which transformed back into a Maserati Spyder and took off.
"Campers!" Chiron called to get their attention, "This is Perseus, son of Lord Hades and Lady Persephone. He will be joining us here at camp along with his younger brother and sister who are children of Lord Hades and will arrive later today. I hope you will all make him and his siblings feel welcome here at camp."

Campers began shouting questions until Chiron managed to quiet them down again, "I understand your confusion. Perseus is not a god but a demigod. Apollo informed me that he is the adopted son of both Lord Hades and his wife Lady Persephone. His story is his to tell and if he wants to share it he will."

Chiron looked over at Percy who shook his head.

"I am sure the Hermes cabin will be happy to welcome you into their cabin." Chiron explained before he was interrupted by gasps from a few of the campers.

"Not the Hermes cabin. No offense cousin, but I really don't want to sleep in such a crowded space," Percy said.

"I understand, Percy. If only some people would at least claim their children," Hermes said.

Apollo, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Demeter all snapped their fingers and said, "I've claimed my children."
Athena nudged Ares. "What?!" Ares growled.

He saw the looks he was receiving and grumbled, "Fine, I've claimed my children."

"Thank you," Hermes said.

Percy looked above his head and smirked as he saw a glowing green cornucopia hologram.
Chiron looked at Percy confused.

"My grandmother said I can stay in her cabin. She said she would speak to her daughter Katie about it." Percy explained.

Katie Gardner made her way to the front of the crowd, "Come with me Percy, my mom explained everything to me. I will get you settled in."

Percy smiled and followed Katie towards the Demeter cabin.

Line Break

Percy spent a few hours getting to know Katie who seemed like someone he would get along perfectly with. She explained how things worked at camp while Percy told her some of the things about his life. She promised to keep them to herself as long as Percy wanted her to and in turn told him about her life.

Percy sat on the steps of the Demeter cabin talking with Katie when they heard shouting in the distance. Katie went to get up and see what it was all about while Percy was engulfed by a shadow and vanished.
Percy reappeared in the shadows of the Hermes cabin where a group of campers were harassing Nico and Bianca. Bianca was off to the side while Nico was being shoved around by a few Ares campers and Theseus.

"I think dead boy needs the initiation." Theseus taunted as a few Ares campers laughed at his words.

"He better not," growled Hades.

"Don't worry, Dad, I would never let my siblings get harmed," Percy said making Hades relax a bit.

Theseus grabbed Nico by the collar and started dragging him towards the bathrooms at camp.

"You're going to pay the price for your brother thinking he can push me around." Theseus sneered at a terrified Nico.

The hunters stood away from the rest of the demigods, looking at the scene with disgust. Zoe looked around until she caught sight of Percy hidden in the shadows. She couldn't keep the smirk from her face when she saw the look of rage on Percy's face.

Theseus had Nico near the entrance of the bathrooms when Percy appeared out of a shadow in front of Theseus as he pulled Nico along.

Theseus bounced off the chest of Percy and turned around to snap at whoever got in his way when his eyes widened.

"For touching my brother, you'll be lucky to survive this day." Percy growled.

"He's dead," muttered everyone from the past, except for Poseidon, Ares, and Dionysus, and the Romans.

"Not quite yet," Percy said with a smirk.

Theseus was about to retort when Percy drove his fist into the demigod's nose, breaking it instantly.
Theseus stumbled back clutching his nose. Percy grabbed Nico and put him behind him as six Ares campers came towards Percy with their weapons raised.

Percy smiled evilly before turning back to Nico, "Stay behind me little brother. I won't let anyone lay a hand on you or Bianca again."

Nico's eyes widened before he nodded hurriedly.

Percy held out his hand as a spear shot from the earth and into his hand. The Ares campers paused at the show of power from the demigod but were pushed forward by Theseus who had climbed to his feet and stood behind them.

"Get him!" Theseus yelled as two boys from the Ares cabin charged forward with swords raised.

A shield sprung from a bracelet on Percy's wrist as he blocked a strike from one of the campers as he used his spear to block the other. Percy jumped back smiling in anticipation as he watched both demigods closely.

Percy looked down at his wrist and smiled as he saw the jewel that Zoe had given him.

One of them charged again, swinging his sword in a diagonal downward arc towards his head as Percy slowly turned on his heel as the strike closed in. Percy's spear vanished as he raised his weaponless hand, pushing the flat of the blade off course just enough to miss his head and send the camper stumbling forward towards Percy. Percy swung his shield straight into the demigod's unprotected head with a thunderous crack as the camper crumbled to the ground unconscious.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats in anticipation.

Percy didn't miss a beat as he charged the other camper, his spear shooting out of the earth again as he caught it mid stride. The now nervous Ares camper swung his sword trying to fend Percy off but Percy did a baseball slide under the strike, using his spear to sweep the demigod's legs out from under him as he slid. Percy was on his feet before the camper hit the ground where he slammed the blunt end of his spear into the kid's head, knocking him unconscious.

Percy turned to see another sword being swung at his head. He dropped to a knee and jammed the blunt end of his spear into the camper's stomach causing him to groan and hunch over only for Percy to drive an upper cut into the kid's jaw before he joined his brothers on the ground.

The women cringed a little while the men, especially Ares cheered Percy on.

Two older looking campers stepped forward, one with a spear and one with a sword. Percy's spear and shield vanished as he uncapped his sword and waved the campers on. They charged together, one slashing his sword towards Percy's shins while the spear was driven at his chest.

Percy effortlessly stepped forward and parried the spear and he jumped and caught the sword under his feet as he landed. The camper tried to pull his sword free but Percy spun and drove an elbow into the demigod's temple dropping him quickly.

Percy charged at the camper who was trying to turn back with his spear and kicked the side of his knee with sickening crunch. The camper cried out in pain as he dropped his spear and Percy grabbed him by the shirt. Percy waved a hand over his face, "Sleep." He said as a shadow covered his face and he fell asleep before he hit the ground.

Percy turned back to the last Ares camper who looked at Theseus, "No way man, if you want him, do it yourself." He said as he slipped back into the crowd of awed demigods.

"Cowards! I shall punish them for fleeing," Ares yelled.

"You shouldn't treat your kids like that. They're only human," Hestia said.

"One, they're half-god, and two, Deimos and Phobos have never fled before, so why should they flee?" Ares said.

"They're still mortal, and Deimos and Phobos are gods; they don't have to worry about being killed like that," Hestia argued.

Ares drew his sword. "Don't tell me how to treat my kids. You don't even have any!" he said, belligerantly.

"Ares, sit down, now!" Zeus thundered. "You will not speak to Hestia that way, and you will not treat your children like that, do you understand?!"

Ares stopped, sheathing his sword. "Yes, father," he said through his gritted teeth. "Continue."

Theseus scowled as he pulled out his sword, blood still dripping from his nose, "Fine, I'll take him myself. I'll show him why his real parents didn't want him anyway."

Percy's eyes lit up in flames as he capped his sword. He vanished into a shadow and reappeared beside Theseus and landed a hard punch to his jaw as he grabbed his shirt, stopping him from stumbling away. Percy kicked his legs out from under him, knocking him onto his back where he pinned the demigod to the ground and began wailing on Theseus' face. Percy landed seven or eight hard punches before Percy was pulled off by slender yet strong arms.

Everyone except for the people from the future looked at Percy with shock. "What? Dont mess with my family or friends or else you're going to pay for it," Percy said.

"That's enough Perseus." A female voice said sternly.

Percy whirled around only to freeze when he saw Zoe had been the one to pull him off. Percy's eyes extinguished immediately as he looked at her. He gave her a small nod of appreciation, surprising Zoe immensely.

"Only Zoe could have stopped me," Percy said looking down at his girlfriend who had her head in his lap.

She smiled at Percy as he smiled back. Everyone except Dionysus, Ares, and Zeus stared at the couple. It was clear that they were made to be together.

Percy turned back to the campers as a few Apollo campers put the unconscious demigods on stretchers, "I do not want to fight with anyone here. But if anyone messes with my family again, I will show them no mercy." He said in an icy tone before waving Nico and Bianca over to him and shadows engulfed the three siblings.
Nico and Bianca walked over to Percy. Zoe sat up as Percy hugged his siblings. They went back to their previous positions as Apollo continued to read.

Zoe looked at the spot they had vanished from in shock; she was surprised he had listened to her so quickly. A small smile appeared on her face as she thought perhaps her mistress was correct about him.

"So, that's when you started to fall for me," Percy said grinning.

"Yes, when did you start falling?" Zoe said.

"Hmm, probably sometime during our quest. I'll let you know when we get there," Percy said.

Line Break

Percy sat in a tree branch as he overlooked the capture the flag game below. He watched a little awed at the way the hunters out maneuvered and out skilled the campers despite their large disadvantage in numbers. He knew they were great warriors but the lack of challenge from the campers was somewhat humorous.

Percy watched the camper's flag from his perch as he waited to see which huntress would be one to reach it. Percy saw a flash of silver and caught sight of the huntress he had hoped would be the one to reach the flag.
Percy jumped down from his branch and landed in front of the huntress as she grabbed the flag and turned to run back to their side.

Zoe froze when he saw Percy land next to her; this was the one demigod she did not want to run into in this game after she saw the way he effortlessly ran through campers.

"Zoe right?" Percy asked calmly.

"Yes boy, now get out of the way before you get hurt." Zoe growled but she was not looking forward to this fight.

"How come?" Percy asked smiling innocently. "I would've let you won that one."

"One, you were trained by the greatest heroes, including my sister. Two, I saw what you did to Theseus and the Ares kids," Zoe said.

"I wouldn't do that to you," Percy whispered.

"I didn't know that at the time," Zoe said.

"Well now you do," Percy said grinning.

"I will but I want to know why you were so angry when you saw my sword." Percy said as he held him unarmed hands up.

Zoe narrowed her eyes, "That is none of your business boy. Now move aside."

Percy shook his head and stepped to the side. Zoe looked at him in shock, "What are you doing?"

Percy rolled his eyes, "I was just wondering about the sword, I could care less about this game."

Zoe was about to retort but Percy ran to the left and climbed up a tree and with the grace and speed that rivaled any of the hunters.

Zoe shook her head and made to run off when three campers ran towards her. They stopped in front of her and smirked, "Well now, look what we've found here fellas. The little huntress is all alone." Theseus said mockingly.

Zoe's eyes narrowed, "Shouldn't you still be nursing that huge ego of yours after being embarrassed in front of everyone?" She sneered at him.

Theseus glared murderously, "Looks like this little girl needs to learn some respect." He said as he circled behind Zoe as the other two demigods approached her slowly.

"He better not," Artemis growled.

"Relax, Arty. I will take care of him," Percy said smirking.

Artemis nodded not bothering to nag Percy about calling her that.

Zoe tucked the flag into her belt and pulled out two hunting knives but she knew she was in trouble.

Before the two demigods could attack, a cry of pain from behind Zoe caught their attention. Theseus lay on his stomach with an arrow sticking out of each of his butt cheeks as he cried out in pain. The two demigods looked around furiously for the attacker giving Zoe a chance to knock the weapon out of the first's hand before she slammed the hilt of her hunting knife into side of the helm of the second causing him to drop to the ground holding his head.

Zoe turned to the unarmed demigod who looked at her with wide eyes before he turned and sprinted away. Zoe turned around be sent a swift kick into the face of a wounded Theseus, knocking him out yet again.
Zoe looked up into trees to find Percy sitting on a branch with an innocent look on his face as he played with the string on his bow.

"Innocent, my ass," Zoe muttered as Percy grinned.

Zoe gave him a nod of appreciation before sprinting off towards the boundary line just in time to cross the line before Thalia, winning the game for the hunters for the fifty seventh time in a row.

The campers groaned as Diana, Zoe, and Artemis smirked.

Just as the hunters gathered together at the boundary line to celebrate their victory, the forest was enveloped in silence save for a few terrified gasps. The mummified body of a woman slowly staggered her way towards the huntresses as everyone looked on in shock.

The people who were there shivered. The others had a look of shock(disregarding Ares and Dionysus)

The oracle's eyes glowed green as it stopped directly in front of Zoe before green smoke began to pour from its mouth as it rasped,

"Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The ones who knew the outcome looked down in respect for the fallen huntress.

The Bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's Curse must one withstand,

Percy rubbed his gray streak of hair.

And one shall perish by a parent's hand"

Zoe smiled knowing Percy would save her life.

Zoe's face turned pale white as the oracle collapsed onto the ground, looking like it couldn't possibly have walked itself out to the forest. Chiron cantered over to Zoe, his own face looking pale after the oracle's words.

"We will have a meeting in the big house in fifteen minutes with the cabin leaders to discuss the prophecy." He said grimly.

Zoe nodded numbly as she thought about her mistress being captured and what the lines of the prophecy meant and how she had a sinking feeling the last line referred to her.

Line Break

"Quiet! Quiet!" Chiron shouted as the leaders from each cabin along with Zoe and a couple hunters sat around the ping pong table.

"The prophecy was quite clear with its words. The quest is Zoe's and she will obviously lead it." Chiron stated to the gathered demigods.

"The hunters are more than capable to finding our lady, there is not much to discuss." A hunter named Phoebe stated bluntly after Chiron spoke.

Chiron shook his head, "The prophecy stated the quest must be a combination of hunters and campers. I highly doubt any of you would want to fail this mission because you refused to listen to the words of the oracle."

Percy and Zoe exchanged glances.

Phoebe was about to retort when Zoe cut her off, "Enough Phoebe, Chiron is right. I will take Phoebe as well as Annabeth and Thalia if they are willing to come."

Chiron looked over at two said demigods to find a surprised look on their faces but they both recovered quickly and nodded their consent.

"That makes four, who will you take as the fifth member of the quest?" Chiron asked.

Zoe looked thoughtful but was interrupted before she could speak.

"I will go." Theseus stated smugly despite the bruise covering his face from where Zoe had kicked him earlier.

Zoe snorted, "I think not, boy."

Theseus' eyes narrowed, "I have led every quest since I came to camp. I rescued Zeus' master bolt and the Golden Fleece. You will need me on this quest."

"That arrogant little shitface!" Everyone yelled except for Dionysus, Poseidon, Ares, and Zeus.

Zoe's eyes narrowed, "No, I don't," she said as she turned to Chiron with a slight smirk, "I will take Perseus if he is willing to come."

"Of course I would come, especially with you as leader," Percy said.

Zoe grinned, happy that Percy came with her.

The campers all stared at Zoe in shock along with her hunters.

"We are not traveling with a boy!" Phoebe yelled.

Zoe's eyes flashed with annoyance, "Silence Phoebe. Lady Artemis respects the boy and I trust her judgment. He is the best warrior in this camp and will be useful on this quest."

"Well, not the best warrior. There are many great warriors at camp," Percy modestly said.

"Stop being so modest. You are the best at camp," Zoe said.

"Yes, I believe Zoe," Reyna said. "As you were Praetor in three days, plus you would have beaten me if you hadn't held back, and I'm undefeated."

"Praetor in three days?" Jason asked awestruck. "It took me months to become Praetor."

"Plus, you could have easily beaten me if you didn't hold back," Gwen said.

Percy sighed. "Fine, I won't argue, but that doesn't mean I agree."

Theseus slammed his fists on the ping pong table, "Are you insane? That head case will end up getting you all killed. For all you know he'll betray you before you even find Lady Artemis."

"I would never! I'm not like some evil prick who just so happens to be my uncle's son!" Percy yelled as Zoe yelled, "Percy would be the last to betray us!"

"Which son do you mean?" Poseidon and Zeus asked.

"I mean Heracles, the son of Zeus," Percy growled.

"What is wrong with my son?!" Zeus thundered.

"He betrayed Zoe. Zoe gave him her trust, and he broke it," Percy said.

Zeus opened his mouth but found a arrow land inches from his face. "You would do wise to shut up, father," Artemis hissed.

Zeus quickly shut his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, a knife flew by the son of Poseidon's head, "Shut up boy. You're just bitter because he has defeated you about a half dozen times in the past two days. Speak to me like that again and I promise you won't get a chance to do it a third time." Zoe hissed.

Chiron stomped his hoof to draw everyone's attention, "The quest was issued to Zoe and her companions are hers and hers alone to choose. If Perseus accepts then the quest is set and will leave at first light."

Theseus slammed his fists into the ping pong table again and stormed out of the room.

"Some has his panties in a twist," Percy said making the usual bunch(everyone except Ares, Zeus, and Dionysus) burst into laughter.

Zoe smirked at the boy's anger before she led her hunters out of the big house. Once they were outside, Phoebe stopped Zoe, "Why are you bringing that boy?"

"I never got to explain to everyone but Lady Artemis said that boy is to be treated with respect from the hunters. If she deemed him worthy of respect then I do not doubt his character. He has also spent the last four years training with the greatest heroes to ever live. His skills will be helpful to the quest and I will do whatever I think will help when it comes to saving Lady Artemis." Zoe explained.

Phoebe stared at Zoe in slight shock before shaking her head, "Fine I will trust your judgment but don't expect me to be nice to the boy."

Zoe smirked, "I never said anyone had to be nice, he is after all, still a male."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Percy said pretending to be offended.

"It means that you men are all doofuses," Zoe said.

"You...are absolutely correct," Percy sighed.

Phoebe seemed satisfied and walked into cabin eight without another word.

Zoe began roaming through camp looking for Perseus. After a few minutes, she stopped by the Demeter cabin who sent her into the forest to find him.

After walking for a few minutes, Zoe heard voices as she approached Zeus' fist. She slipped behind a tree and watched Percy.

"Now that you guys know what kind of powers you have, you will both need weapons." Percy said smiling at his two siblings.

Nico pulled out a sword, "They already gave us some from the camp armory before capture the flag."

Percy smiled and shook his head, "No, those simply won't do. Father and I already created weapons for both of you for when we figured out how we were going to get you guys out of that cursed casino. Now, ladies first."

Bianca fingered her necklace smiling at the memory.

Percy held out his hand as shadows gathered until in Percy's hand he held two bracelets and a necklace.

"For Bianca, we made you these." Percy said happily.

Bianca took the jewelry confused. Percy chuckled, "Just put them on sis."

Bianca did and she was told and looked back a Percy.

"Pull on the necklace." Percy explained. Bianca did until a pitch black bow appeared in her hands. Her eyes widened and she nearly dropped it in shock.

"Pull back on the string." Percy explained. As Bianca did, a pitch black arrow appeared notched making her jaw drop.

Bianca pulled her necklace into a bow and smiled as nostalgia filled her mind.

"The arrows will appear whenever you pull back on the string. Now think about the bow disappearing and it will turn back into your necklace." Percy explained cheerfully.

"Your bracelets turn into hunting knives." Percy told her as she activated both. When she returned them back to bracelets she looked at Percy shocked.

"You made these for me?" She asked as a small smile appeared on her face.

Percy nodded, "Well Dad and I made them together. I forged them and he enchanted them into their hidden forms."

Bianca stared at Percy with wide eyes before and stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you Percy, you're a good brother." She said smiling as she pulled back.
Percy grinned, "I've been waiting for years to meet my little brother and sister. I'm just happy to have some siblings."

The three siblings grinned at each other.

Bianca smiled as Percy turned to Nico, "And now for you little brother."

Percy held out his hand but this time a pitch black sword shot out of the earth and into his waiting hand.
Nico's jaw dropped, "That was awesome."

Percy chuckled, "That will take some practice, but I will teach you how to do it."

Nico grinned as Percy handed him the blade, "Just like Bianca's hunting knives, your sword is Stygian Iron, the preferred metal of us children of Hades." Percy explained.

Nico nodded, "You have one too?"

Percy shook his head, "My sword is made of celestial bronze but my spear in infused with Stygian Iron."

"Why not your sword?" Nico asked.

Percy shrugged, "It was a gift from my patron on my birthday. I thought she made it for me but I'm starting to think she got it from someone else."

Percy pullde out Riptide and smiled.

Nico looked confused but Percy just shrugged, "Now, you two need to get back to your cabin before you get caught out past curfew."

Both siblings nodded and started to walk until they noticed Percy wasn't following.

"Are you coming Percy?" Bianca asked.

Percy shook his head, "You guys go, I need a minute. I will see you guys tomorrow."

Bianca looked confused but Percy smiled at her, earning him a smile back as she led Nico back towards camp.
Once they were gone, Percy sat down in the grass as he smiled thinking about getting to know his brother and sister.

"I assume you are not spying on me and my siblings for amusement Zoe, is there something you want to talk about?" Percy called out as his lips quirked into a slight smirk as he imagined her face.

"I can never sneak up on you!" Zoe complained.

"And I can never sneak up on you," Percy said.

"Touché," Zoe said in response.

Zoe's eyes widened as she stepped out from her hiding place, "How long did you know I was there?" She asked shocked.

Percy stayed sitting away from her as his smirk grew, "Since you arrived. You forget I am a son of Hades and the shadows are my father's domain."

Zoe mentally face palmed before she put on an emotionless mask as she approached him, "Yes I need a word you boy."

Percy turned around with a serious expression, "Before you do, can I ask you something?"

Zoe's eyes narrowed but she nodded slightly.

"Do you not like me other than the fact that I am a male?" Percy asked calmly.

Zoe's eyes widened before they narrowed. After a minute she sighed, "No." She said quietly.

Percy nodded, "Then if you wouldn't mind, could you stop calling me boy? I understand you dislike men but to be honest, I do as well for the most part. You don't have to treat me nicely, but stop calling me boy, I don't like it."

Zoe turned to Percy. "I love you, boy. I'm sorry I can't help call you boy, boy," Zoe said to Percy.

He stuck his tongue out at her. "You know for a two thousand year old grandma, you sure know how to act like a five year old," he remarked.

"I am not a grandma," she protested.

"You're old enough to be one," he countered.

"Perseus! It is not nice to call your girlfriend old," Persephone scolded. "Apologize, now!"

"Sorry," Percy mumbled.

Everyone laughed at the scene. Zoe kissed him and then leaned against him. "I love you," she said.

"I love you too," he replied.

Zoe's eyes widened at his boldness. She thought about snapping back at him but stopped herself; he had a good point and if Artemis said he was worthy, then she would give him the same respect.

She nodded, "Very well Perseus, I will stop calling you that."

Percy nodded, "Thank you Zoe. Now what is it you needed to talk to me about?"

Zoe looked at him a little nervously as she didn't know if he would accept but something told her he needed to be on this quest.

"I was hoping you would be willing to become the fifth member of the quest. Lady Artemis has been captured and a prophecy has been issued calling for hunters and campers to unite in order to succeed." Zoe explained in a hopeful tone.

Percy looked at Zoe confused, "You want a boy to join your quest?"

Zoe nodded, "Milady said you are one of the only decent men she has met and I trust her judgment."

Percy nodded but looked away worriedly, "I heard the prophecy when the oracle issued it. I don't know about the last line of the prophecy; Poseidon has already tried to kill me and that doesn't bode well for me."

Hestia glared at her brother as he cowered away.

Zoe looked disappointed, "I will find another then."

Percy shook his head, "I didn't say no. Lady Artemis was kind to me; I owe it to her to help if I can. I will join the quest; just let me know where and when to be ready."

Zoe's expression brightened before she caught herself and her face turned blank, "The quest leaves tomorrow at first light. I assume Chiron will have some sort of transportation set up for us."

Percy nodded, "I will be ready."

Zoe nodded and started to leave the clearing but stopped at the edge. She looked back at Percy to see his face filled with worry, "Perseus?" She asked.

Percy looked up at her.

"Thank you." Zoe said quietly before resuming her trek back towards camp.

Percy watched her disappear into the woods as a small smile appeared on his face, temporarily forgetting about the dangerous quest they were about to embark on.

"That's the end," Apollo said closing the book.

"We'll do one more chapter before going to bed. Who wants to read?" Hera asked.

"I do," Hestia said walking up to her sister and taking the book.

A/N: Keep reading, commenting, favoriting, following , and more. Please tell me what you think. I don't care if its negative, but try not to be too negative. I will remove you or report you if I don't like it.
