I figured since I did one of these when I finished Queen's Champion, I might as well do one for Altered Destinies. These are questions that have often been asked throughout the 7 years I've been doing this project. And I'm about to answer them:

1) Why did you start the Gods and Demigods read stories?

A: I started them because I saw others doing it, but not a single one of them were finished. So I wanted to actually write one that was. I was 13 at the time I started doing this so I was very much at the peak of my love for Percy Jackson. I started with Altered Destinies, got kinda roped into doing Queen's Champion, and then as I aged and got older, I realized how daunting of a task this really is. I don't know if you guys realize how much time I put into writing this on top of also going to school and everything. I mean it took 7 years for me to finally finish this and the only reason I did was because of the pandemic. I had nothing better to do, so I decided to finish what I started. And I will say it's tedious, but I don't regret doing it. I don't regret starting this project because I had a lot of fun on the way. I am now 20 years old, and I can finally say, I'm done. I finished the challenge that I started when I was 13. Did I ever think I would? Hell no.

2) Is this a reference to ____?
A: I think you guys know by now I like to sneak references into both Altered Destinies and Queen's Champion. There are SO many references in both stories. Some of them are blatantly obvious. Others are a bit more subtle. I could NOT tell you all of the intentional references that I have put in these two stories alone. I've referenced video games, fanfictions, Greek mythos, the Percy Jackson series, books, celebrities, songs, quotes, plays, and so much more. And I think because I took so many years, I was able to reference a lot of things that came out literally this year as I was updating the chapters. If you think something is reference to something else, it probably is. Some are unintentional some are very much intentional.

3) Are you a guy or a girl?

I am a whamen. Tbh, I don't care if you call me dude or man or boy or even he tbh. I understand it's kinda hard to tell a lot of the times. But yes, I'm a girl.

4) Do you hate Dionysus or Ares?

No, not at all. Tbh that whole gag started out because I saw other people doing it in their stories, and I was kind of mimicking them in a way, playing up the tropes. And then later I came back and wanted to get away from that. I have nothing against Dionysus or Ares or Aphrodite or anyone else. I think often times those three especially get misunderstood and misrepresented. People assume Dionysus is a fat lazy alcoholic and I think that's wrong especially if you look at the PJO series and everything that he does. Does he lack motivation? Yes. But I don't think he's as bad as some people make him out to be, and I think that's apparent in Last Olympian and Titan's Curse especially. Aphrodite is often stereotyped to be very girlish and messing with people's love lives and is often seen as a ahem lady of the night. Again, I think that's kind of wrong. I mean why is Aphrodite a lady of the night when Zeus and Poseidon have slept with WAY more than she has? What about Hermes and Apollo? Like I mean sure Aphrodite is flirty because of course she is, it's her element, but that doesn't make her a lady of the night as some people often call her. And then you have Ares that honestly basically gets the jock stereotype, and I don't think that's quite right either tbh. I think Ares does care about his children, but he just has different standards I guess for his kids. At least he claims most of his kids unlike Apollo.

5) Who do you ship with Percy?

I ship Percabeth mostly, but I am not opposed to crack ships like Perzoe or Pertemis. Hell I'm down for some PerLuke and Perason under the right circumstances. Do I often ship gay Percy? No, not really. I'm not opposed, but they wouldn't necessarily be my top ships. I'm not a fan of Peralia or Perico at all really. Never have been.

6) Who do you ship with Annabeth?

I ship Annabeth with Percy of course but she, I have a lot more lesb crack ships for her; Reyna, Piper, Silena, Clarisse, Thalia, etc. I don't really ship Lukabeth except for like maybe a high school relationship, definitely not endgame for me.

7) Would you do other books like this one?

A: No. Intertwined Destinies will be the LAST Gods and Demigods read book. I will not do any others. Not any more of Anklusmos14's stories or anyone else. Would I consider doing the canon series? Maybe, but probably not. Honestly, I just want to move on from these types of stories and do more original stuff that hopefully people can enjoy.

8) What are you working on?

I'm finishing Intertwined Destinies of course. The currently active works that I never finished, I'm not too sure about. I have a lot of new ideas that I want to dabble with. I have something I'm working on that I think you guys would like, but it's gonna take a little bit for that to happen. Let's just say it will make your heart warm when you read about the alternate pathing I am taking with this new story. Yeah we'll go with that as a hint.

Anyways, that'll be all for now. Enjoy Intertwined Destinies and whatever future endeavors I may start.
