
When everyone went to bed, Percy started having a nightmare

"Sally, get over here!" A man yelled.

A woman walked over to that pig. She flinched when he be raised his hand and slapped her across the face. "Gabe, please, not in front of Percy," Sally pleaded.

"Don't tell me what to do you little whore," Gabe growled.

"Mom," Percy whimpered.

"Go downstairs, sweetie. Please," she said.

"No, watch what I do to your mom. Watch her learn her lesson," he said.

He grabbed her and threw her against the wall. "Mom!" Percy cried.

Percy watched as he pushed her against the wall kissing her. "Scream my name!" Gabe yelled as he kissed Sally under her jaw.

"Get away from her!" Percy yelled running up and punching him.

He smacked Percy, and he fell back. He started stripping Sally, beating her everywhere. Percy watched in horror as the monster took her undergarments off. Bruises could easily be seen. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. He trapped her against the wall grinding on her as she cried. Percy watched, helplessly. "Stop it!" Percy shouted." Please stop!"

He kept at it. He finally stepped away and pulled his pants up. He took a cane hanging on the wall and beat her with it. He then grabbed a kitchen knife and ran it against my mom's neck. He made deep cuts in her skin. Sally cried out in pain as he pushed the knife deeper into her skin. Percy pushed him off her again. Blood was all over the place. "Get off of her!" he screamed.

"You're going to want to stop shouting, kid, or I'm going to do the same to you," Gabe threatened.

Percy grabbed a different kitchen knife. "I'll kill you!" he shouted.

He pushed the blade against Gabe's throat. Percy took the tip of the blade a stabbed it in to his leg. He kicked Gabe aside jabbing the knife again into his body. "You won't be hurting anyone ever again. I'm going to make you burn in hell, and even worse than that," Percy growled.

He finally jabbed the knife through the monster's cold heart. Percy collapsed to his knees crying. "Percy," a voice said. "Percy, babe, wake up."

Percy sat bolt upright. "Percy, calm down. It's okay," Zoe said with a look of concern. "Percy, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine," Percy stammered rubbing his palms against his face.

"What happened. Are you having the dreams again?" Zoe asked.

Percy nodded his head, resting his forehead on Zoe's shoulder. He suddenly lost control of himself and cried into her shoulder. "Shhh, it's okay. It's okay. She's okay. She's in a better place. It's okay to cry. Just let it out," Zoe whispered.

Eventually Percy fell asleep in Zoe's arms.

Line Break

"What is going on!" Artemis yelled.

Percy and Zoe opened their eyes to see an angry Artemis looking down at them. "What do you mean, my lady?" Zoe asked.

"I mean why are you two in the same bed as each other?" Artemis asked whith her hands on her hips.

"Oh, Percy had a nightmare, so I comforted him, and we fell asleep," Zoe explained. "Why are you in here anyways?"

"I was coming to wake you guys up, it's 7:40, and you need breakfast before we can start reading. Everyone else is already up," Artemis said.

Percy was finally fully awake. "What? Oh, hi, Artemis," Percy said, yawning.

"Percy, you and Zoe are not to be in the same bed as each other," Artemis said.

"What? Why not, we're responsible, we do it all the time at camp," Percy said a little annoyed. "I would never take advantage of Zoe, if that's what you think, and neither would she. We trust each other, and I think that's enough."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Percy. It's just, she's my sister, and I don't want her getting hurt," Artemis said, lowering her tone.

"It's fine, just please. Next time don't just assume things," Percy said.

"Let's get dressed, and then go down for breakfast," Zoe said once Artemis had left.

"Alright," Percy said.
