Chapter 21: Start of War and Unexpected Help

**A/N: REMINDER, There is a jump between chapters since you guys wanted me to post the chapters I had complete instead of waiting, so yes there are missing chapters.**

Hestia took the book and began to read.

Chapter 21: Start of War and Unexpected Help

"Finally some action!" Ares cheered.

"Percy, how can you smile right now?" She asked softly.

"Why wouldn't I be smiling? I'm sitting on the beach with my best friend, who despite just trying to beat me to death, still manages to make me happier than anyone else I know." He answered seriously.

Zoe smiled at those words, recalling all the sweet things Percy has said to her. He made her happier than anyone else.

Zoe shook her head before she leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips before she leaned her forehead against his, "I don't want to lose you Percy. You're my best friend. I've never been closer to anyone else, not even Artemis or Phoebe."

"You'll never lose me," Percy said with a smile. "Well... unless a certain goddess plans to kidnap me or something."

Silent glances were thrown towards Hera.

Percy smiled, "You're not losing me Zoe. I'm not going anywhere right now and I know you'll be by my side through it all."

Zoe leaned up and kissed Percy again. Just as she was about to deepen the kiss, someone cleared their throat behind the two making them freeze.

"You get used to walking in on them," Thalia teased.

Zoe and Percy blushed at Thalia's comment.

Percy peeked around Zoe's frozen form and sighed with relief when he saw a wide-eyed Hestia looking at them through an Iris Message. Her expression quickly shifted from surprised to mischievous.

Hestia blushed but laughed slightly at her accidental barge in.

"Well, I am sorry to interrupt your little special moment you two." Hestia said as she fanned herself with her hand teasingly and her lips quirked into a slight smirk.

Zoe and Percy both blushed even more, if possible.

Zoe rolled off Percy, her face bright red and her eyes looking anywhere but at the Iris Message.

Hestia smiled at Zoe's embarrassment, "Relax Zoe, I was already well aware of the special "friendship" you had with my champion, there is no need to feel embarrassed."

Hestia giggled a little bit at her choice of words.

Zoe's eyes widened before they flashed with anger as she turned to Percy but before she could yell at him Hestia spoke again.

"Percy has never told a soul about it, so please do not be angry. It is simply my duty as his patron to watch over him even when he is not aware." Hestia explained hoping to save Percy from a slap.

"Thank you," Percy said gratefully to Hestia.

Hestia gave a slight grin in response.

Zoe relaxed a bit and returned to looking at the ground instead of at the maiden goddess who was watching her with amusement.

"What is it you need my lady?" Percy asked trying to change the subject off the awkward topic at hand.

Hestia nodded and looked at Percy seriously, "Typhon is free and the rest of my family has left to fight him with the exception of Poseidon who had to return to Atlantis after Oceanus launched an attack as soon as Typhon was loose."

Percy's eyes widened before they narrowed in determination, "I understand my lady; we will be in New York as soon as possible."

"The Titans are preparing to launch their attack. I'm afraid the city is in.... well I will let you see for yourself when you get here." Hestia said a little worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Zeus asked, seeking an answer.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out," Hestia replied.

Percy looked at his patron curiously before nodding. He was about to swipe through the message when Hestia stopped him.

"Percy, I think you will need to send your brother and sister to find help. I know you planned to do it but we need you here too much." Hestia said seriously.

"Of course my lady, I will send them immediately." Percy answered.

Hestia smiled before swiping through the message.

Percy turned to Zoe, "I need you bring everyone to the Empire State building. I will meet you there."

Zoe looked at Percy curiously, "And where are you going?"

Percy smirked, "I'm going to get us some help. You don't honestly expect us to defend Olympus with less than one hundred demigods do you?"

Zoe's jaw dropped, "What do you mean? Who will be able to help us?"

"I'm offended you forgot about us," Phoebe teased.

Zoe rolled her eyes.

Percy's smirk grew, "I have a few friends that have been itching to get a piece of the Titans and their army. Just meet me at the Empire State Building, I promise to explain everything when I am there."

Zoe narrowed her eyes, irritated by the fact he wouldn't explain but nodded, "Fine."

Percy grinned as his body was engulfed by a shadow leaving Zoe alone on the beach shaking her head at his theatrics.

Line Break

Zoe had all the demigods at the foot of the Empire State Building. When they had arrived in the city, they were shocked to see the entire city was asleep.

"Endless sleep?" Athena questioned. "Must have been Morpheus."

They had literally all fallen asleep in whatever position they were in when it had happened. It was obviously a move by the Titans to ensure no resistance from the mortals as they made their move on Olympus. This of course was more of a blessing for the campers as they now didn't need to try and protect the mortals when the enemy army reached the city.

Zoe was starting to get worried. The army was reported to be within an hour of the city and Percy and his supposed help was nowhere to be found. The demigods all looked to her for instruction without Percy there which was not something she was comfortable with. She had led the hunters for millennia but that was usually around twenty girls, not close to one hundred demigods who all looked like they knew they were going to meet their deaths.

"I'm sure you did fine," Percy said.

"It was still a lot of pressure," Zoe replied. "It's different for some reason. The Hunt I've known for hundreds of years and have led into many great battles, but none so big as that one."

Her respect for Percy grew as she thought about how he usually took control of situations like these and was able to lead everyone into battle while inspiring hope in even the direst of situations. She also didn't have any help from Chiron who left to try and rally the Party Ponies who would be crucial if he managed to corral them in time.

"The Party Ponies rock, dude!" Hermes yelled along with Apollo.

"They throw the best parties!" Apollo added.

Hestia rolled her eyes before continuing.

"Alright, we can't wait for Percy any longer. We need to split up to defend the entrances into the city." Zoe said after the campers began to get restless.

The campers immediately fell silent as Zoe gestured for Beckendorf to lay out a map of the city. The two of them studied the map for a minute, Beckendorf pointing out different places where the enemy would try to enter the island of Manhattan until Zoe nodded and turned back to the campers.

"We need to protect the entrances to the city that are the closest to the Empire State Building. So I need Katie and Silena to take the Demeter and Aphrodite cabins to the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. I need Michael and Will to take the Apollo cabin to Williamsburg Bridge. Connor and Travis you need to take the Hermes cabin to the Manhattan Bridge. Clarisse take the Ares cabin and cover the Brooklyn Bridge. Malcolm and the Athena cabin to the 59th Street Bridge while Beckendorf will lead the Hephaestus and Dionysus cabins in defending the Holland Tunnel." Zoe announced as Beckendorf crossed off entrances into the city.

"Still two more tunnels," Athena frowned.

"That still leaves the Lincoln Tunnel and Queens-Midtown Tunnel." Beckendorf said worriedly.

Zoe nodded but was at a loss of how to cover the two entrances with the campers stretched so thin already. She was about to reply when a voice behind her spoke.

"We'll cover the Lincoln Tunnel." Thalia said smiling as Zoe looked at her with surprise that was quickly replaced by relief.

Thalia grinned. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

Zoe smiled, "Thank the gods; I hoped you girls would show up."

Thalia grinned, "Please, we wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun." She said before looking around, "But where the Hades is Percy?"

"Hey!" Hades whined. "Use someone else's name!"

"Sorry, Uncle Hades," Thalia apologized.

A shadow appeared next to Thalia as Percy popped out smirking, making Thalia jump back in shock.

"I thought I told you not to use my Dad's name like that Sparky." Percy said in mock anger.

Thalia glared at him and tried to shock him. Her eyes widened when he just grinned.

Thalia glared. It wasn't as fun if he didn't have a reaction.

"Sorry Sparky but that's not going to work anymore. The Styx makes me immune to your little lightning bug routine." Percy said mischievously.

Thalia looked at him in shock until Zoe punched him hard in the chest making her laugh.

Zoe smirked triumphantly as Percy winced a bit, "We'll just have to settle for beating you instead."

Everyone burst into fits of laughter at that.

Thalia stopped laughing and looked around confused, "Where is Annabeth?"

Percy scowled, "If I had to guess I'd say at Kronos' side. She tried to frame Zoe but it backfired so she fled camp."

Annabeth looked down in shame, not proud at all at what she had done. She was lucky Zoe forgave her for her mistakes.

Thalia shook her head in disbelief, "No way. I know she had a thing for Luke but she would never betray us."

Percy looked at his cousin sadly, "I'm sorry Thalia, I really wish it wasn't true either."

Thalia's face changed to one of rage, "When I get my hands on the bitch..."

Thalia glanced at Annabeth who was close to tears from the guilt of betraying her friends. Thalia wrapped her arms around Annabeth and hugged her tightly. It reminded her of the old days when Annabeth was so little and Thalia and Luke would comfort her when she got upset. Those were the good days.

Percy was about to say more when Beckendorf spoke up, "We still need to cover the Queens-Midtown Tunnel."

"Got it covered." Percy said with a mischievous grin.

Zoe looked at him confused, "How? Where is the help you were going to get?"

Percy's smile grew as he waved his hand and a huge shadow appeared beside him. When the shadow vanished, seventy five hooded and masked figures stood in full battle armor and armed to the teeth.

"Who is that?" Zoe asked confused.

One of the hooded figures shook its head, "Pffff, you hear that girls? She comes down to Elysium and she's our best friend but we try to come visit her in New York and she acts like she doesn't even know us." She said in mock anger.

Phoebe grinned with pride.

Zoe's eyes widened in shock as the figure pulled off her mask revealing the pale somewhat ghostly face of Phoebe who was grinning at Zoe mischievously.

"H..How?" Zoe said in shock.

Phoebe rolled her eyes, "C'mon now Zoe, you know Percy better than anyone. He wouldn't show up empty handed and you couldn't think we'd miss this party, dead or not."

Zoe smiled for she loved seeing her friends and sister with her again, even if they were undead.

The campers and hunters stared at Phoebe in shock. The hunters slowly walked up to Phoebe, some with tears in their eyes. Phoebe smiled and gestured to some of the figures behind her to come forward.

Ten more girls stepped up and removed their masks revealing the faces of hunters who had died, some centuries earlier. By this point, almost every hunter had tears in their eyes as they hugged and spoke to their fallen sisters.

Zoe turned to Percy with confusion, "How did you do this? I mean this has to be against the ancient laws."

"It is against ancient laws," Zeus said. "But some laws are meant to be broken."

Everyone looked shocked at Zeus's response.

Percy shrugged, "I'm not a big fan of rules and neither is my father. I merely suggested an idea of bending the rules. I mean I can summon the dead to fight for me right? Well why can't I pick and choose who answers the call?" He said finishing with a mischievous smile.

Zoe looked at him in shock before she grinned.

"Who are the others?" Beckendorf asked a little nervously.

Percy grinned again, "You know, just a few of the greatest heroes to ever live. I want to introduce you guys to four of my mentors and friends growing up." He said as four figures stepped forward and removed their masks.

The campers who knew anything about mythology gasped as they laid eyes on the legendary heroes; Achilles, Theseus, Odysseus and Perseus.

Theseus and Achilles smiled at the mention of their names.

"Oh and one more friend I think the Apollo campers will be happy to see." Percy said with a smile and Lee Fletcher removed his mask before he was crushed in a hug between Michael and Will.

Zoe bumped Percy with her shoulder gently smiling up at him, "I can't believe you did all this."

Percy shrugged, "They don't have any demigod powers or anything and when they die they return to Elysium but they are a heck of a lot better than the usual zombies I summon. My Dad gave them a bit of blessing so their forms were more solid and they looked a little more alive than they normally do. But they have to keep their masks on when the fight starts so they aren't recognized by the enemy."

Zoe nodded, "You did good Percy."

Percy smiled at her before turning to everyone else, "Alright everyone, reunion time is over. We have a city to defend. I know Zoe already gave everyone their assignments. I will send out my little army to help reinforce each group a bit and cover the Queens-Midtown Tunnel. Remember, we are it. We fall and Olympus falls. We may be outnumbered but I don't care. We will hold this city as long as it takes. Let's show these Titan scum what happens when they come into our city and try to push us around."

"You're really good at these pep talks," Athena said, impressed.

"Thank you," Percy said with a smile.

The campers shouted their agreements as Percy held up his hand again.

"We aren't here to fight just for Olympus. We are here to fight for each other; our friends, our comrades, our brothers and sisters in blood and in arms. Every one of you has a chance to achieve something special out there today." Percy said as everyone listened intently to his words. His face turned serious, "Immortality. It isn't something only granted by the gods. It is something that every one of you can achieve just like the fallen heroes and hunters beside you. Go out there and fight like you've never fought before and you shall live forever in the hearts and minds of every hero that follows us. The myths told to the generations that follow us shall tell about the day when few stood against many. The day a small group of demigods stood against an army of thousands. Immortality is within your grasp, you only need to go out and take it!"

Everyone in the room cheered at Percy's words.

The campers and fallen heroes let loose thunderous roars of approval before taking off to cover their designated entrances. Theseus and Achilles approached Percy grinning, "Nice speech Percy." Theseus said smiling.

Percy shrugged and held out his hand as a sword shot out of the earth and into this hand, "Poseidon gave this to me for safe keeping. I believe it misses its true master." He said as he handed the legendary son of Poseidon his sword.

"I'm glad to have my sword back after that scumbag," Theseus said. "Perhaps one day, I could find a worthy hero to give my sword to."

Theseus' eyes widened before he grinned and spun the sword in his hand, "It feels like days since I've held this sword in my hand. Thank you Percy."

Percy nodded, "I need you two to take everyone but the fallen hunters to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel."

Achilles looked at Percy confused, "Yea, we don't know where that is. We haven't exactly been to New York before."

"I suppose the Big Apple wasn't exactly a thing in 600 BCE or whenever you lived," Thalia cracked.

"Not exactly," Theseus chuckled. "What is the Big Apple anyways?"

"It's basically a nickname for New York," Annabeth explained.

"Oh," Theseus said, confused as to why a city would be named after a big fruit.

Percy face palmed making the two legendary heroes chuckle.

"Lee will lead the way. Just hold that tunnel as long as you can. I will try to send help when it becomes available." Percy said remembering Lee was with them.

Theseus nodded and turned back to the army of fallen heroes while Achilles stepped up and put a hand on Percy's shoulder, "Be careful out there my friend. You may think your fate is set but nothing is ever as it seems.

"Wise words," Athena acknowledged.

Follow your instincts and keep those you trust close to you. No weapon is more powerful than a trusted friend you can depend on to watch your back. They can be the difference between life and death and victory or defeat." He said seriously as he glanced at Zoe who was speaking to Phoebe.

Percy nodded, "I will Achilles, thank you."

Achilles smiled and joined Theseus as Percy made his way over to Zoe and Phoebe.

"Can you take the girls and join the hunters in defending the Lincoln Tunnel?" Percy asked.

Phoebe smirked, "Of course commander Jackson."

Percy rolled his eyes.

Percy rolled his eyes and turned to Zoe, "We need to get to the pier. I have no doubt the Titans will try to send part of their army over by boat. It's time to put those water powers of yours to the test."

Zoe grinned. She loved using her water powers.

Zoe grinned, "This is going to be fun."

Percy and Zoe headed for the street where they found a biker pinned underneath his motorcycle fast asleep.

"Nice!" Hermes cheered. "Percy, I have taught you well."

Percy rolled his eyes at Hermes.

"We'll just borrow this; I don't think he'll mind." Percy said mischievously.

Zoe rolled her eyes and got on behind Percy as he started the bike before she paused, "Wait Percy, do you even know how to drive one of these?"

"I do now," Percy smirked.

Zoe rolled her eyes at Percy.

Percy grinned as he revved the engine, "Not a clue." He said before kicking the bike into gear and taking off down the street at an unnecessary speed as Zoe clung to him tightly trying to hold on for dear life.

"I wasn't that bad," Percy defended.

"Yes, you were," Zoe said.

"No, I wasn't," Percy argued.

"Yes, you were."

"No, I wasn't."

"The two of you, shut up!" Thalia yelled. "We all know Percy is a terrible driver. Just deal with it!"

"At least I didn't torch most of New England," Percy mumbled.

Hestia thought it was best to move on with the story.

They arrived at the pier as Percy parked the bike and got off followed by a pale white Zoe who sent a death glare in Percy's direction.

As they looked out into the river, they could see boats about half way across, filled to the brim with monsters of all kinds. Percy looked down at the filthy river water in disgust before he focused on it and managed to send a large wave into the first ship. Several monsters were knocked overboard but the boat continued moving towards the island of Manhattan.

"Kick their asses, Percy!" Ares cheered.

Zoe stood beside Percy trying to send her own wave into another ship; hers was smaller but still managed to knock some of the monsters out of their boats.

Percy frowned before stepping out onto the surface of the water, willing the water to harden and allow him stand atop it. He cleared his mind and concentrated on the sea. It was a river but the sea was close and he could feel its power within the river. He felt a familiar painful tug in his gut as a massive wave rose up out of the water before he thrust his hand outward, twisting it as the wave mimicked his movements. A spinning vortex of water hit the lead ship, sending it rocking before the ship capsized.

"Epic!" Apollo, Hermes, and Ares cheered

Percy began sweating as he sent the same wave crashing into another one of the ships. The boat rocked but managed to stay afloat until another wave came rushing in beside it and tipped the boat over. Percy looked back at Zoe who was smiling triumphantly.

The duo worked together, capsizing the remaining ships and sending powerful currents towards the wreckage to ensure no monsters managed to swim their way across. Once they were satisfied no monsters survived their attack, they walked back to the bike.

"I'm driving this time." Zoe said firmly.

"Great, now you're letting Grandma Nightshade drive," Thalia sighed.

"Hey, at least I drive better than Percy," Zoe said.

"Please, Tyson can drive better than Percy, and he only has one eye," Thalia smirked.

"Is this Pick On Percy day or something?" Percy asked.

"That's everyday, Jackson," Thalia answered.

"What? No way, I drove fine last time." Percy argued.

"Exactly and now it is my turn." She argued back.

Everyone laughed at their exchange.

Percy shook his head and stepped towards the bike but Zoe stepped in his way.

He was about to tell her to move when Zoe grabbed his face in her hands and kissed him. Percy smiled into the kiss until Zoe shoved him back and got on the bike.

"Nice moves," Thalia said high fiving Zoe making Percy roll his eyes.

Percy glared at her, "That's not fair."

"All is fair in love and war." Zoe said before her face turned red when she realized what she said.

Percy saw her face redden and decided it was best to not reply as he got on the bike behind her.

"Let's check on the Williamsburg Bridge." Percy said changing the subject much to Zoe's relief. She nodded and started the bike as Percy wrapped his arms around her.

When they arrived on the bridge, they saw the Apollo cabin struggling to keep a small army of monsters and enemy demigods at bay. They quickly parked their bike and made their way over to Michael and Will who were firing arrows as fast as they could from behind a care but the monsters kept pushing forward.

"We're losing ground Perce; we can't hold them much longer." Michael said as he fired an arrow between the eyes of a Dracaena.

Apollo paled as he worried for his son.

"Get the wounded back and set up an infirmary somewhere close to Olympus. We'll buy you some time to regroup further down the bridge." Percy said as he uncapped Anaklusmos.

Michael nodded as he ordered some of his brothers to help the wounded while the others slowly backtracked from car to car to a safer distance.

Zoe had her bow out firing arrows into the monsters.

As Percy stepped forward, the monsters paused as huge figure emerged from the back of their army.

The Minotaur walked up in full battle armor and a huge battle axe in his hand. Percy eyed the monster before grinning, "I'll take ground beef. You watch my back."

"Ground beef?" Hades questioned. "We need to work on your nicknames."

Percy shrugged. "I didn't think they were that bad.

Zoe nodded as she continued firing arrows into any monster that stepped forward.

Percy walked forward fearlessly as the Minotaur roared at him before charging. Percy smirked as the beast tried to bring its axe down on his head. Percy sidestepped and sliced the battle axe in half. The Minotaur's eyes widened before swinging a fist at Percy's head.

"Yeah, go Percy!" Everyone cheered.

Percy ducked low, slicing a deep gash across the monster's leg before rolling forward to get behind the beast. Before it could react, Percy kicked the back of its injured leg, dropping it to a knee before decapitating the monster in one fluid motion, the head toppling to the ground as its body dissolved into golden dust.

Everyone cheered at Percy's victory.

Percy turned around to find hundreds of monsters and demigods stalking their way towards him. He stood alone in the middle of the bridge eyeing them carefully before a Laistrygonian Giant came barreling towards him, swinging its club at his head only for Percy to vanish and reappear behind it with Anaklusmos and a Stygian Iron blade in his hands as the rest of the monsters charged after him. Two silver arrows imbedded in the back of the giant's head as it tried to attack Percy from behind.

For once, Ares listened to every word. He could feel the energy of war in his veins. It was like listening to Mozart for him. He couldn't help but grin despite his children being killed and lives being lost.

Percy narrowed his eyes as he lunged forward cutting the throats of an Empousai and a Telekhine in a quick swipe before kicking a charging demigod in the stomach causing the traitor to turtle only to have the gleaming blade of Anaklusmos split his head open in a ruthless uppercut strike. The demigod fell to the ground dead only to have another land on top of him a second later, this one with a deep gash across his throat as blood poured out.

The Olympians looked down as they realized a lot of their children died in this war to end all wars.

Percy kicked the face of a Hellhound, stopping the beast in its tracks as it whimpered before a Stygian Iron blade was driven through its head.

Every monster that came within reach of Percy's blades fell before they could cry out for their monster mommies. Demigods received no mercy from Percy. He was a ruthless arc of death to any who dared come near his blades.

The room filled with silence as everyone was on the edge of their seats anticipating every move.

After a few minutes, the monsters began retreating. None had gotten past the son of Hades as none were willing to try anymore. Before they could retreat to the end of the bridge, a battalion of fifty demigods appeared behind them.

The demigods cheered at their victory, but the war was not over.

"Stop retreating! Lord Kronos demands this bridge be taken." A familiar voice bellowed from the head of the demigod reinforcements.

Percy's eyes narrowed as he glared at the traitorous son of Nemesis, Ethan Nakamaura, who stood in front of the now reformed lines of the Titan Army.

Percy felt a familiar presence step up beside him as he looked down at Zoe who stood in light silver battle armor with a hunting knife clenched in each hand.

"Michael has the Apollo cabin regrouped about three quarters of the way down the bridge." She told him.

Percy nodded, "Good. We'll hold them here and slowly work our way back to them." Percy replied.

"A wise strategy," Athena said.

Zoe nodded as the regrouped army of monsters and demigods charged towards them.

Percy and Zoe stood back to back, fending off attacks from both sides while protecting each other's blind spots as the enemy tried and failed to get past the duo.

Percy and Zoe were soon forced to separate a bit as they allowed themselves to get pushed back towards the now waiting Apollo campers who had bows drawn, waiting for the enemy to get within range.

Apollo hoped his children would live. He loved every one of them and feared the thought of any of them dying. But at least they would die honorably in battle.

As Percy fended off a lunging Hellhound, he didn't see Ethan sneaking up to his left behind a Laistrygonian Giant before the son of Nemesis charged out from behind and drove his blade right into the spot where Percy's Achilles spot was located.

Percy didn't notice Ethan until it was too close to defend himself.. Before he could panic, a blur of silver jumped into the sword's path as Ethan's eyes widened in shock.

Those who weren't there all gasped in shock. It couldn't be, but it was.

Percy watched in horror as Ethan drove his blade into Zoe's stomach. Zoe stumbled back before Percy grabbed her and backtracked a few steps before he shadow traveled back to the Apollo campers.

"That son of a bitch!" Artemis screamed, tears running down her cheeks.

She knew Zoe was alive, but the thought of losing her closest sister devastated her. To lose any of her hunters pained her, but losing Zoe pained her most.

Hestia figured it would be best to quickly continue.

"Michael!" Percy screamed when they reappeared.

Michael Yew came sprinting to Percy's side as Percy stood with a hand over Zoe's wound, a soft orange glow emanating from it.

"Bring her and your entire cabin back to the infirmary." Percy ordered as he looked at Zoe's pale face with worry.

Percy held Zoe tightly to reassure himself that she would be fine.

"What about the bridge? We can let them take it." Michael argued.

Percy's eyes flashed with anger, "Don't worry about the bridge, I will handle it. Just go!" He growled.

Michael paled a bit and nodded as he waved over a few of his brothers who put Zoe on a stretcher.

Artemis made a mental note to pay a visit to Ethan after this. He would regret the day he dared hurt her sister.

With one last glance at Zoe, Percy turned back the bridge as the Titan Army tried to push forward past the arrows of a few Apollo campers who tried to hold them at bay.

Percy jumped on the motorcycle he and Zoe rode on in as he stared ahead at the monster army. He revved the engine hard before kicking the bike into gear and taking off towards the Titan Army.

Percy pinned the throttle as he approached the army before jumping up onto the seat and back flipping off the bike as it careened into a group of Laistrygonian Giants, snapping their legs at the knees and immobilizing them completely.

"So much for returning the bike," Zoe teased.

"We both know it was never going to happen either way," Percy replied.

"Fair enough," Zoe said.

Percy's spear shot from the ground and into his hand before he hurled it straight into a demigod about twenty yards away, impaling the demigod as well the a Cyclops who stood behind him.

Percy uncapped Anaklusmos and charged into monster army.

A couple Apollo campers who Michael had told to stay back and make sure Percy was alright stopped firing arrows as they watched in awe as Percy charged into the Titan's Army. The only word either could think of to describe what they witnessed was godly.

Percy was a literal arc of destruction and death. The sons of Apollo tried to watch Percy but he was too fast to follow. It appeared like a shadow was passing through the enemy ranks, leaving behind bloodied demigod corpses and piles of monster dust in its wake.

Everyone sat there in silence.

Percy saw only red as he continued through the enemy until he finally found his target trying to retreat to the other end of the bridge.

Percy ducked a sword swung at him by a demigod, slipping behind and grabbing the demigod's head in his hands before mercilessly snapping the kid's neck in one fluid motion.

Most of the room cringed as shivers were sent down their spine from the the thought of a person's neck being snapped.

Percy was engulfed by a shadow and reappeared behind Ethan where he drove his blade into the back of Ethan's knee. Ethan dropped to the ground only for Percy to put a hand on him and disappear back to his side of the bridge.

Percy looked up at the two Apollo campers, "Get down here and tie him up. I'm nowhere near done with him." Percy growled before kicking Ethan in the face and stopping his struggling instantly.

Everyone shivered at the thought of what Percy might've done to him.

The two campers nodded quickly before finding some rope to tie up the son of Nemesis.

Percy walked back onto the bridge until he was about a quarter of the way down before raising Anaklusmos and driving it into the ground. The blade went through the ground like butter as a huge crack formed and stretched across the width of the bridge. Percy pulled out the blade and jumped as high as he could before stomping with everything he had on the crack in the bridge as he focused on his earth shaker powers.

The room was completely silent. Many were in awe that Percy was so strong and powerful.

The bridge shook violently as the crack grew before the bridge split apart at the crack sending the Titan Army into the river below.

Percy dropped to his knee as he tried to catch his breath before walking back to the two Apollo campers and Ethan who was now tied up and immobilized.

"Go to the infirmary." Percy said in a tone that did not leave the topic open for debate.

The two Apollo campers turned as ran off down the street before Percy looked down at the terrified son of Nemesis with rage burning in his black and sea green eyes.

"Now Ethan, we are going to have some fun." He said a dark voice that sent shivers running down the older boy's spine.

"Remind me to never get on Percy's bad side," Leo whispered to Jason.

Jason nodded in agreement. Definitely a bad idea to get on Percy's bad side.

"Who's going to read next?" Hestia asked.

"I will," Zoe said.
