Chapter 2: A Mission North

Percy immediately recognized the two and put a finger to his lips as he shadow traveled behind them. "Where are we?" the two people asked, confused.

"The real question is who are you!" thundered Zeus playing along with Percy's scheme.

"Uh, I'm Nico di Angelo," one said.

"I'm Bianca di Angelo, but you should already know that, my lord," the other said kneeling.

Nico followed her example. "Why have you summoned us?" Nico asked.

"I did not summon you, but I do know who did," Zeus said.

"Nico, Bianca, did you have any luck?" Zoe asked pretending she had just been crying.

"No, I'm sorry Zoe, but Percy could not be found," Bianca said.

At that Percy came out of the shadow and tackled his siblings. They both screamed like little girls. "Darn you, Percy. Why do you have to do that all the time?" Nico whined.

"It's funny. Besides, haven't you hit puberty yet?" Percy teased.

Nico blushed. "Percy, let them be," Zoe said.

"I've missed you so much. Nico kept muttering mythomagic powers and points over and over. He even made a mythomagic card for you," Bianca said.

"I thought you threw them away?" Percy inquired.

"I-I did, Bianca's lying," Nico said quickly.

"But Bianca never lies, Nicky. You should know that," Percy said.

"Stop calling me that!" Nico whined.

"No, little brother, I will always call you Nicky," Percy grinned. "Anyways, Zoe, you may start."

"Wait, what's going on?" Bianca asked.

After a quick explanation, Zoe began reading.

Chapter 2: A Mission North

(4 Years Later)

Percy raised his shield just in time to block the spear driven towards his chest. The blow glanced off the side of his shield causing his opponent to stumble a bit. Percy took advantage and stepped to his opponent's open right side as he flipped his grip on the spear and swung it through their legs. The blow swept the opponent's legs out from under them knocking them onto their back. Percy flipped the grip on his spear again and pointed it at their neck.

"Who is it?" Athena asked as she ran a list through her head of the possibilities.

"That's for me to know, and you find out," Percy said.

"Do you yield?" Percy asked.

The man chuckled, "I yield young one."

Percy pulled the spear away from his neck and offered the man his hand. The man took it with a smile on his face as Percy pulled him to his feet. The man looked down at Percy with a look of pride.

"It appears the student has surpassed the teacher at last." He said chuckling.

Percy shook his head, "My first win in four years is hardly surpassing my mentor. I will admit it does feel nice to finally win. You put too much power into that last strike otherwise this battle would be still going."

"Who is teaching you?" Ares asked hoping to get a better answer than what his sister got.

"I'm surprised that you don't know him. He's quite famous," Percy responded. "But you will learn shortly."

"Ah but that is exactly the point Perseus; you were able to recognize and capitalize on my mistake before I could recover. You have become a warrior of both the body and the mind." The man said proudly.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Don't talk like that Achilles, you sound like Theseus. I prefer to only listen to his lectures when I have to."

"Achilles and Theseus?" Ares asked.

"My father wanted me to be prepared as much as possible, that means having the best of teachers mentor me," Percy explained.

"Is Theseus still your mentor?" Athena asked.

"Yes, why? Do you want me to pass a love note on?" Percy teased.

"No! I was just wondering," Athena said blushing.

"Wow, I'd never thought my sister would blush like that ever since Theseus died. Isn't it weird how he is Poseidon's son?" Aphrodite said.

At that Athena blushed even more, and Poseidon squirmed a little in his seat.

Achilles shook his head, "Do not undervalue the knowledge you have gained under his tutelage. He has made you a better warrior just as much if not more than I have. The power to out think your opponent is just as powerful as the ability to beat them with your strength and skill."

Percy nodded, "I do appreciate everything he has taught me but does he have to make it sound so boring?"

"I know someone who wouldn't find it boring," Percy said continuing to tease Athena.

"Argh," Athena groaned as Apollo, Hermes, Hestia, and the demigods snickered.

Achilles laughed, "I don't know if he knows any other way. Perhaps that is why he caught the eye of Athena all those centuries ago."

Everyone looked at Athena as she blushed a deep red.

Percy chuckled, "What is my next lesson?"

Achilles shook his head, "I have nothing left to teach you young one. You are nearly the perfect warrior; you wield every weapon with the precision of a master and your skills in battle are truly on par with my own. Now all that is left is to use what you have learned out in the real world."

"Please, the only perfect warrior is me," Ares scoffed. "I could take this pipsqueak down in an instant."

"With all due respect, I've already beat you multiple times before, Ares," Percy said.

"It was probably luck," Ares said. "Beginner's luck."

"Yes because the hundredth time us definitely beginner's luck," Percy said.

Zoe decided it was best to keep reading before Percy went to war with the God of War.

Percy shook his head, "I highly doubt that I could ever be on par with you but thank you for the compliment. I will return to spar again soon my friend."

Achilles smiled and nodded, "I look forward to it Perseus."

"As do I," Percy grinned.

Percy smiled as his body was engulfed by shadows from the banks of the River Styx and deposited at the gates of Hades' palace.

Just as Percy was about to walk in, Alecto appeared to his left.

"Perseus, your father requests a word with you in the throne room." She rasped with a bit of a smile on her face.

"She smiles?" Apollo asked.

"As long as you are in her good side, she's really nice, if not well she's not that pleasant to be around," Percy said.

Percy smiled at the fury and nodded as walked past the palace gates. He continued through the palace until he reached the throne room where Persephone and Hades sat in their thrones talking.

When they noticed Percy, Persephone left her throne and quickly wrapped the young demigod in a hug.

"Come on Mom." Percy whined.

Hermes, Apollo, Hestia, Persephone, Hades, and the demigods all snickered.

Persephone chuckled and placed a kiss on his forehead before returning to her throne.

Percy turned his attention to Hades, "You called for me father?"

Hades nodded, "I have a mission for you. Your brother and sister are currently at a boarding school in Maine. I sent them there to adjust to the times as they haven't seen the real world in almost eighty years but it seems a satyr caught their scent. The demigod camp has issued a quest to retrieve them but you must not allow them to succeed. If they are discovered to be my children Zeus will most certainly try to kill them."

"He better not," Percy growled.

"How dare you-"

"Brother, finish that sentence, and you will be in great pain," Hestia, Hades, and Poseidon threatened.

Percy's eyes widened before he smiled, "My brother and sister? I've been waiting for this for a long time father, I will not fail you."

Hades gave him a small smile, "I know you won't Perseus. The quest will reach the school sometime tonight. It consists of three demigods, a daughter of Zeus, a daughter of Athena and a son of Poseidon."

"I can't believe he was a child of the Big Three," Percy hissed.

"He got what he deserved," Zoe whispered.

"I know, but still he also got things he didn't deserve," Percy said.

Percy's face darkened instantly but he simply nodded. Persephone looked at Percy sympathetically, "You must not kill or injure the demigods if possible. It is not the time for a war between your father and the Olympians."

"Oops," Percy said, casually.

"What did you do?" Persephone asked.

"You'll see. It's not too bad," Percy reassured.

Percy nodded, "As you wish mother."

Persephone smiled, "And do not let yourself get injured or captured, I would prefer not to have to tear Olympus down to get my son back."

Percy smiled at her words, "I will be careful."

"Alecto will inform you of where to go; she and her sisters will be available should the situation call for you needing assistance." Hades added.

"An army of Furies," Leo said. "Epic."

Percy nodded as left the room.

Line Break

Percy slipped out of a shadow in the gymnasium of Westover Hall as he snuck his way through the crowds of young teenagers. He had already identified the three demigods from the quest along with the satyr as they tried and failed to blend in with everyone else.

Percy on the other hand was elusive as he weaved his way through the school kids, never staying in one place long enough for someone to get a clear look at him. As he slipped through the dancing teenagers, he finally caught sight on his brother and sister. They looked exactly like the photo his father had showed him.

"One of them looks exactly the same now," Percy said.

"Hey!" Nico said.

"I never said it was you, but it must be true now since you were so quick in defending yourself," Percy smirked.

Nico pouted.

Apparently eighty years in the Lotus Hotel and Casino left no lasting reminders of their stay.

Just as Percy was going to snatch his siblings, he heard the satyr nearly yell out about a powerful new scent in the room. Percy cursed as slipped into another shadow before he could be seen by the demigods. He made a note to himself to slap that satyr upside the head about being secretive when in dangerous situations. Though Percy could honestly care less about the other demigods and whether or not they survived the quest; he was here for his brother and sister and he would not risk their lives to help a bunch of spoiled Olympian brats.

"What about us?" Thalia and Annabeth said.

"I didn't know you then," Percy said in defense.

Percy slipped back out of the shadow and noticed his brother and sister were gone. He caught sight of the son of Poseidon running out the back of the gymnasium and narrowed his eyes. That boy would not be getting in his way no matter what he had to do.

"I hate that boy," Zoe muttered.

Percy watched the rest of the demigods run after their friend and knew things were about to get more difficult. Percy gathered shadows around his body, armor appearing on him before the shadows dissipated and he stood in pitch black lightweight battle armor with a helm that covered most of his face. He ran into a shadow to find his brother and sister.

Nico and Bianca found themselves embraced by Percy as he had quickly snuck behind them. They laughed and Percy traveled back to Zoe after.

Percy reappeared outside the school in a small clearing that led up to a cliff where the ocean laid hundreds of yards below. Percy saw the son of Poseidon trying to get to his brother and sister while the other two demigods tried to cover him.

Percy saw the Manticore holding his siblings close trying to capture them while a small army of thirty or forty monsters held the demigods at bay.

A grin stretched across Percy's face at the prospect of the battle to come but first he needed to get rid of those pesky demigods to make sure they stayed out of his way.

Percy stepped out of the shadows before anyone could notice him and thrust his hand forward; shadows engulfed the demigods. Percy looked behind him and to his left where he saw glints of silver moving through the woods making him curse again.

"What's wrong with my hunters?" Artemis asked.

"Nothing, it's just that hunters and boys don't mix, and Diana isn't the nicest person either," Percy said.

"Diana? Did she teach you as well?" She asked.

"Yes, she is probably the biggest man-hater of all the hunt, making Zoe the second biggest man-hater," Percy said.

He deposited the demigods away from the hunters and pulled out his sword, a gift from his patron on his eleventh birthday.

"I am honored that you yield the sword. It's definitely an improvement than the last owner," Zoe whispered.

"Thank you for giving it back to me. It's my favorite sword of all," Percy smiled.

Percy wasted no time charging into the battle; he ran forward until he was ten feet away from a Laistrygonian Giant before a shadow engulfed him and he reappeared to monster's right. He slid his blade across the giant's throat with a graceful swipe before he lunged forward and kicked the legs out from under an Empousai. A Cyclops swung its club at Percy head only to find empty air before a celestial bronze blade was driven into the monster's chest.

"Woo, Percy for the win!" Apollo and Hermes cheered.

"Idiots," Artemis muttered.

Flashes of silver caught Percy's eye as silver arrows began picking off monsters in the blink of an eye. Percy vanished into a shadow and reappeared in front of the Manticore.

"Who are you?" The Manticore growled.

Percy glared, "The guy whose going to jam that spiked tail down your throat if you don't hand me those two demigods right now."

"You make things sound so simple," Zoe noted.

"That's me always making it sound simple, when in reality, it's Tartarus," Percy said.

The monster laughed, "You cannot defeat me little demigod; step aside before you join these two."

"A little arrogant there," Hazel murmured.

Percy smirked as he capped his sword returning it to its pen form. By this time the hunters stood a few yards behind him with their bows aimed at both him and the monster.

"Smart move boy." The Manticore growled.

Percy's smirk grew as he held out his hand and a pitch black spear shot out of the earth and into his waiting hand.

Percy took a step forward but dropped into a shadow and appeared to the side of the Manticore where his drove his spear through its back.

The Manticore roared in pain and launched one of its spikes out of its stinger. A shield sprung from Percy's wrist and blocked the spike.

Before Percy could react, a huntress walked up the Manticore with her bow drawn, "Permission to kill milady?" The huntress asked.

"Permission gr..." Was as far as the goddess got before the monster lunged forward and grabbed the huntress.

"No!" Artemis shouted.

Percy dove forward and grabbed the shirts of his two siblings, wrenching them from the Manticore's grasp. Percy watched the monster step back with the huntress only to run out of earth and tumble over the cliff's edge.

Artemis sat there in shock.

The goddess Artemis gasped as she watched her lieutenant get pulled over the edge of the cliff. Percy's eyes widened before he grimaced and jumped off the cliff himself.

Artemis watched in utter shock as this mysterious boy threw himself over the edge of the cliff. She scowled at the boy's foolishness; he was only joining Zoe in death.

Artemis turned to the two demigods they were there to take to Olympus before she jumped back in shock when a shadow formed in front of them.

Artemis stood up and hugged Percy. Everyone was in shock now. "Thank you, Perseus," Artemis whispered.

"Yes! I got it all. Now we have proof that Arty has hugged a guy other than that evil prick!" Apollo cheered.

"Delete it, now," Artemis growled.

"No, I've already posted it on Godbook and Godtube," Apollo grinned.

Artemis groaned.

Artemis' eyes went wide when the mysterious boy popped out of the shadow with Zoe in his arms. The boy wasted no time in setting Zoe on her feet and stepping away from her and quickly bowing. Artemis was surprised; the boy seemed very well-informed about her hunters and their ways. Avoiding touching her huntress any longer than absolutely necessary and then bowing to the goddess who most did not recognize when she was in her twelve-year-old form.

"My apologies Lady Artemis." Percy said quickly.

"How did you recognize me?" Artemis asked.

"Other than the fact you were wearing a silver tiara and a jacket that had your name on it, your aura was the strongest of the hunters," he explained.

Regardless of his politeness, Artemis had her bow out with an arrow aimed at the boy in an instant.

"Who are you?" She demanded.

Percy nodded and remained bowed, "My name is Perseus Jackson."

"Why are you here?" She growled.

Percy tensed a bit, "I am here to rescue my brother and sister. I was sent to take them with me."

Artemis' eyes narrowed, "You are a child of Hades?"

Percy nodded.

"Then you shall join your siblings when I bring them to Olympus." Artemis said firmly.

Percy looked up at the goddess, "My siblings have committed no crimes. I will go willingly with you to Olympus if you let them go."

"Protective of your family. good," Hera said.

Artemis glared at Percy, "You are in no position to be making demands boy." She hissed.

"He just saved your hunter's life, I think he deserves a bit more gratitude than that, Artemis!" Persephone yelled.

"Mom, relax. She is only being a hunter by putting a disliking towards men," Percy said.

"Maybe she should stop being so sexist and start looking at actions not gender," Persephone argued.

"She has every right to. She was used by a man and was heartbroken by him. She is allowed to be a little judge mental," Percy said.

"But she could give you a chance, I mean you did just save a hunter's life," she protested.

"Mom, drop it," Percy ordered.

"Fine, but only for you," she grumbled.

Percy eyes narrowed slightly, "I highly doubt your father will be pleased to find out you let his demigod daughter be brought down to my father's realm along with the other two demigods for my father to use as a bargaining chip for the return of his children." Percy said as he gestured behind the goddess and her hunters. The three demigods stood about ten yards behind the hunters in the firm grasps of the three Furies.

Artemis' eyes widened, "You dare threaten me boy?"

"No, not threaten. I just simply don't like it when you threaten my family," Percy said.

Percy shook his head, "Like I said, I mean no disrespect but I would rather die than let your father anywhere near my brother and sister after he murdered their mother." He said bitterly.

"How could you do that!" Hera yelled at her husband.

"I-I warned Hades-"

"You warned him by saying if he didn't kill his children, his wife would parish?" Hera shouted.

"No, not exactly," Zeus said quickly.

Artemis glared at Percy murderously but she knew her father would punish her and her hunters if they allowed his demigod daughter to be taken by Hades.

"You will pay dearly for this boy." Artemis growled as she gestured for the demigods to approach their brother. The two children of Hades looked shocked and confused about the situation that had unfolded in front of them.

Percy nodded to Alecto and her sisters who vanished with the demigods and reappeared in front of Percy.

"We must leave at once Lord Perseus." Alecto said with a glare directed at the goddess.

"I keep telling her not to call me Lord," Percy sighed.

"Lord Perseus," Zoe repeated. "I kind of like it."

"Really? You do?" Percy questioned.

"Yeah, the only problem is that you aren't a lord of anything," Zoe said with a smirk.

"I am the Lord of Awesomeness," Percy joked.

"Please, if anything you are the lord of morons," Zoe laughed.

Percy opened his mouth, but Thalia interjected, "More like lord of trash."

Zoe and Thalia laughed and high-fived each other as Percy pouted.

Percy shook his head, "Take my brother and sister with you. I agreed to let Lady Artemis capture me in return for the release of Nico and Bianca. And stop calling me Lord damn it."

"You could be a little nicer," Zoe said.

"Sorry," Percy said apologetically.

"Perseus your father said not to allow you to be captured under any circumstances." Alecto argued.

Percy shook his head, "I gave Lady Artemis my word and I will not deceive her."

"Not many people honor their word," Artemis said. "It's actually admiring to know that you do."

"Thank you," Percy said. "Although I wish more people did honor their word, the world is full of deceit and lies."

"That would probably be my bad," Hermes admitted. "Although you can't really get away with pranks and mischief by being honorable."

"Balance," Athena said. "Too much of anything is bad.  There must always be balance betwen chaos and order."

Alecto looked unsure before a quick glare from Percy informed her she would not win this argument. She stepped closer the Nico and Bianca before shoving Thalia towards Artemis and vanishing with the Percy's siblings. Her two sisters also vanished from the spot, leaving the demigods standing alone behind Percy.

The male demigod pulled out his sword and held at Percy's throat, "How dare you interfere with a quest from Olympus?" He spat angrily.

"Here we go," Percy muttered.

Percy looked down at the sword held at his throat, "Put that down before you get yourself hurt. I have trained with the true wielder of that blade and I promise you that you stand little chance of surviving this fight."

"You tell him, Percy!" Hermes cheered.

The demigod's eyes narrowed as he pressed the blade more firmly to Percy's throat.

Before he could react, Percy spun to the right while grabbing the blade with his hand. He pulled the demigod towards him before driving his fist into the boy's nose. At the same time, Percy grabbed the boy's wrist that was holding the blade and brought his fist from his face down to the kid's forearm with the sickening crack as the boy's arm broke.

"Yeah, go Percy!" Apollo and Hermes cheered.

The demigod dropped to his knees in pain as Percy wrenched the sword from the boy's injured hand before kicking him in the chest, knocking him onto his back.

Percy looked down at the boy in disgust, "Theseus would be ashamed to find the caliber demigod that now wields his blade."

"Yes, I probably would be," a voice said.

"Theseus, my man," Percy greeted.

"How are you doing, Percy? Not bored by my lectures are you?" Theseus teased.

"You heard that?" Percy asked sheepishly.

"Yes, Lord Chaos let us listen in. We know what's going on," Theseus said.

"Hi, Percy," another voice said.

"Hi, Achilles. Diana, you might as well come on out," Percy continued.

"Oh, and Percy I heard what you said about me, and you're right, I am the biggest man-hater, but I have my reasons," Diana said.

"I know, Diana. I get where you're coming, believe me," Percy replied. "Oh guys. This is Theseus, Achilles, and Diana. Zoe you may continue."

Percy turned back to a wide-eyed Artemis and handed her the sword hilt first.

"I apologize Lady Artemis but the boy needed to be shown his place." He said respectfully before holding out his hands to the goddess.

"That he did," Artemis agreed.

Artemis looked confused until she figured out what Percy was doing as she snapped her fingers, creating shackles to bind Percy's hands.

Percy smirked.

Artemis had the hunters set up camp near the woods of the boarding school before teleporting herself and Percy to Olympus. They reappeared outside the throne room where Artemis shoved Percy through the doors.

"You know, you didn't need to shove me," Percy said. "I would have complied."

"Sorry," Artemis apologized.

"You're forgiven," Percy said.

Percy stumbled through the doors and came face to face with twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses all looking at him surprised. Artemis roughly shoved Percy towards the middle of the room and was about to flash to her seat when a voice stopped her in her tracks.

"How dare you treat my grandson like that in my presence?" A female voiced hissed at a now wide eyed Artemis.

"Who is it?" Hermes asked excitedly.

"You'll find out next chapter," Zoe said closing the book.

"Oh, Percy. We still need to have that duel," Achilles said.

"After this next chapter," Percy replied.

"Who's next? After this chapter we'll have a break," Zeus said.

"I'll read," Artemis answered grabbing the book.
