Chapter 19: Missions and Traps

/Chapter 19: Mission and Traps

Percy sat in the dining pavilion at the Demeter table with Katie and Zoe waiting for the rest of their group to make their way to breakfast to eat before they left. He had a pretty good plan for the mission, one that depended on each person he had picked. It looked like he was just bringing his friends but in reality, each person was picked for a specific reason. While they had made a few minor changes, Zoe had agreed with his plan, slightly surprised he had thought of such a good one on the fly. But Percy had had battle strategies drilled into his head constantly over the years he trained in the Underworld both by Theseus and Achilles./

Achilles and Theseus both smiled at that. It was a good plan after all. A really really good plan.

/After another ten minutes, his entire team was sitting with him at the Demeter table: two sons of Hermes, three sons of Apollo, a daughter of Ares, a daughter of Demeter, a son of Hades, a daughter of Atlas and former huntress, and a son and daughter of Athena, Malcolm being added to the group after Zoe and Percy had hammered out plans for how to implement Percy's idea./

Everyone who didn't know what happened, leaned forward wanting to know what Percy's plan was. Those who knew what happened, smiled at the memories of how good it felt when Percy's plan became a reality. Of course they lost a lot of people, but that moment... that moment was a good one.

/As they ate, Chiron cantered his way over to the group looking at them confused, "Percy, where are the rest?" He asked confused.

Percy smiled, "What others Chiron? I told you I would pick my companions and this is who I have chosen. I take it Zeus is going to let me use the group I want or should I head back to bed?"

Thunder rumbled overhead making most of the demigods and Chiron looked above them nervously. When no lightning followed, they all relaxed a bit.

"Percy, you are going up against a small army with at least two hundred monsters. How can you expect to even slow them down with such a small group?" Chiron asked disbelievingly./

Percy smirked as Athena looked at Percy intrigued, wondering what he could possibly be thinking because of course a group so small would be suicidal, would be insane, but she knew that Percy must have a plan, so what was it? She glanced at all the people of the room, looking at the faces to see if she could get some sort of a clue.

/Percy smiled and shook his head, "Because, these are the best camp has to offer. I have no doubts that we will not only slow them down but stop them all together. Our small numbers will be our advantage when we attack. We have the perfect combination of speed, strength and smarts; archers and hand to hand fighters."

Chiron shook his head at Percy disbelievingly, "If this is what you want but I hope you know what you're doing."/

"Me too, " Hades said.

/Percy nodded, "I have no doubt we will succeed. We will be back by tomorrow at the latest Chiron. Now where is my old friend Mr. D to wish us good luck?" He said as his smiled turned mischievous./

Dionysus rolled his eyes.

/Chiron struggled to hold back a chuckle, "He was rather displeased with the way you spoke to him yesterday but Poseidon was quick to defend both you and Zoe when he complained to the council. Zeus has sent him to check on the minor gods to avoid any more future conflicts the two of you might have and to hide him away from Lady Artemis who vowed to turn him into Jackelope at first sight."/

All of the hunters (current and ex) laughed at that.

/Most of the group started laughing while Zoe slid her hand into Percy's under the table. Percy looked at her questioningly but she avoided his eyes, just giving his hand a soft squeeze.

"I will trust you know what you're doing. Last report says the army in almost to New Jersey. You have a camp van at your disposal for transportation." Chiron said as he handed Percy the keys to the van before galloping back towards the big house.

Percy looked back towards his friends with a mischievous smile, "So who wants to drive?"

Both Connor and Travis' hands shot up before a collective "NO!" from everyone at the table dampened their spirits./

"HEY!" The Stoll brothers yelled.

"You crashed the van into a pole!" Annabeth yelled. "The first time I rode with you two."

"It's not my fault the pole was in front of me!" Travis yelled. "And that was a long time ago."

"Mhm," Annabeth said.

/Percy chuckled, "If you two do well today, you can take turns driving home. For now, I think I will trust the most responsible person here." He said as he slid the keys to Annabeth.

Zoe looked at Percy disbelievingly, "You don't think I can drive?"

Percy smirked, "What are you like, two or three thousand years old? I want to get there sometime today grandma."/

Zoe glared at Percy who laughed as everyone burst out laughing.

/Zoe's eyes widened in shock as the entire table burst into laughter, Connor and Travis actually falling out of their seats as they struggled to breathe between laughs.

Zoe's face turned red before she drilled Percy in the stomach causing him to turtle and her to clutch her hand in pain although she tried not to show it. Everyone's laughter increased as they watched Percy struggle to breathe with the wind knocked out of him. Zoe smirked as she watched Percy in pain, satisfied she had her revenge before she chuckled herself a bit; his joke was actually rather funny./

Zoe smirked as Percy laughed, rolling his eyes at Zoe's antics.

/After three agonizing hours in a cramped van with ten ADHD demigods and one irritable former huntress, the group made it to the edge of New Jersey. If the monsters wanted to get to Camp Half Blood while avoiding the ocean, this was the only logical path so this is where the group began to set things up for the ambush./

Athena tilted her head. Athena then realized what the most likely plan was and she gazed at Percy genuinely impressed if she was right about what the plan was.

/Percy and his friends were in the woods, all set in position for their plan. Percy had been shadow travelling back and forth from his friends to the monster army to make sure they were continuing the direction Annabeth had predicted. Now it was a waiting game as they hoped things went according to plan. Based on most demigods' luck, they were basically hoping even half their plan worked; but then again, even Annabeth and Malcolm had agreed it was an excellent strategy./

Percy grinned.

/As the first few monsters trudged out of the trees and into the clearing, they stopped. Will Solace was walking towards them in the field completely unarmed, his head bumping along to the tunes he had blasting out of his iPod. When he was thirty feet away from the monsters, he looked up and smiled.

"Do you guys know where the nearest 7-11 is? I could so go for a mountain dew flavored Slurpee right now?" Will asked cheerfully.

The monsters looked at him confused before hungry grins appeared on their faces. A few dozen Dracaenas started running towards Will who just looked at them with a goofy smile on his face.

When the Dracaenas were ten feet away, a shadow engulfed Will as he vanished from the clearing. The monsters stopped and looked around confused./

Apollo looked confused, not understanding what was happening.

/Their confusion was short lived when the ground beneath them rumbled before it exploded with Greek fire. The Dracaenas were instantly vaporized on the spot while the dozens of monsters who were behind them were knocked onto their backs. The rest of the monsters started backtracking only to be forced forward as a legion of skeleton warriors charged out of the woods from behind them.

As the monsters were slowly herded towards the clearing, arrows began to rain down from the trees sending the already confused monsters into a panic.

Out of a shadow in front of the monsters came Percy, Clarisse, Beckendorf, Katie, Annabeth and Malcolm. The monsters who noticed them began to charge and were met by the half dozen demigods in the middle of the clearing.

Sprinting in from the trees, Connor and Travis hurled jars of Greek fire into the still disoriented monsters before they would sprint away unnoticed, only to return from a different direction a moment later with more jars of Greek fire.

The monsters were in utter chaos and had lost close to half their army before Percy's plan derailed./

"Oh no," Hades said.

/A Cyclops in a panic threw his club into the tree where Lee Fletcher was perched and knocked him to the ground. As Lee scrambled to his feet, a large hand grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into a tree. Without warning, a spear appeared in the other hand before it was driven through Lee's chest, pinning him to the tree./

"NO!" Apollo yelled in anguish.

.Percy watched in horror as his friend was impaled by some hooded monster. The hooded monster turned in Percy's direction and lowered his hood to reveal the face of the grinning Titan Perses.

Percy capped Anaklusmos and summoned his spear out of the ground before hurling it a couple dozen yards at the Titan. Perses managed to duck away as the spear only clipped his shoulder, eliciting a grunt of pain from the Titan of Destruction.

Perses locked eyes with Percy who met the Titan's glare with his own before he uncapped Anaklusmos again and enticed the Titan over with a wave of his hand.

Perses mercilessly ripped his spear out of the tree and Lee's limp body before stalking his way towards Percy.

Percy looked at his friends who were holding off the monsters pretty well. Connor and Travis where now fighting alongside the others while Michael, Will and Zoe continued picking off monsters from the trees./

Everyone remained silent in anticipation for what might happen next.

/Perses stopped a few feet away from Percy, "Well Mr. Jackson, just the demigod I was sent for. Lord Kronos offers one last chance to make the smart decision and join us. Leave these foolish demigods to their fates, at best you only delay their deaths as well as their own."

Percy's sword dropped to his side, hanging from one hand as a defeated look appeared on his face./

Poseidon and Hades gasped at the same time.

/Perses grinned, "Wise choice Jackson, Lord Kronos will be pleased to welcome you into the family." He said as he walked towards Percy.

Percy remained silent as the Titan approached, when Perses was a mere five feet away, Percy's blade slid a few inches into the ground before kicked the flat of his blade, sent a mess of dirt into the Titan's face.

Perses roared in outrage as he tried to get the dirt from his eyes. Percy stepped forward slashed a deep gash across the Titan's stomach, just below the armor before Perses stepped back, his vision cleared and eyes full of rage./

Everyone cheered loudly. And Hades and Poseidon sighed with relief, but didn't completely relax.

/"You will pay with your life for that Jackson." He bellowed as he charged at Percy with his spear.

Percy dodged the spear and tried to step closer to the Titan but was sent flying with a powerful kick to the chest. Percy landed several feet back as he looked at the Titan warily; he was stronger than any of the Titans he had battled in the past, even Atlas.

Percy slowly rose to his feet and held Anaklusmos in front of him as Perses stalked towards him. The Titan lunged forward with a quick thrust that Percy swatted away with his sword. Perses swung his spear at Percy's legs. Percy jumped over the spear, before ducking low and sending a quick jab into Perses' leg before he stepped back quickly./

Everyone just sat in awe of Percy's skill and power.

/Perses winced at the wound in his leg before he stepped back a few feet and hurled his spear at Percy like a javelin. Percy dropped to his stomach as the spear skimmed over his head. Before he could react, Perses stood over him with a mace. Percy rolled to the side avoid being crushed but Perses was quick and relentless, forcing Percy to keep rolling until the Titan got frustrated and kicked him in the face.

Percy was momentarily dazed, giving Perses the chance to raise his mace again before he stiffened and stumbled forward, a few silver arrows sticking out of the gap in his armor on his back.

Percy climbed to his feet as saw his friends were slowly thinning out the number of monsters meaning he would have help sometime soon. He had little time to think about that before Perses caught him in the chest with his mace sending him sprawling on his back again. He cursed himself for his stupidity, remembering to never take his eyes off and opponent, especially such a powerful one./

All of the people who trained Percy nodded and grinned that he actually remembered and learned something from their lessons.

/Percy climbed to his feet once again and sidestepped a swinging mace and slashing a gash in the Titan's arm. Perses roared in pain before swinging his mace at Percy's chest. This time, Percy was ready as he stepped into the strike and slammed the hilt of his sword into the Titan's hand causing him to lose his grip on the mace when the handle hit Percy's shoulder as it flew from his hand.

Before Percy could attack the weaponless Titan, Perses grabbed Percy in a bear hug, trapping Anaklusmos between the Titan and Percy.

Percy's eyes widened as Perses tightened his grip around him. Percy could feel his ribs cracking underneath his invulnerable skin. He could feel the thudding of arrows into Perses back as Zoe desperately tried to help him. Percy's vision became slightly blurry as the pressure continued to increase. He looked into the eyes of Perses and saw nothing but rage and hatred as he squeezed the life out of Percy.

Out of the corner of his eye, Percy saw the bracelet Zoe had given him glinting between him and the Titan. Percy slowly turned his wrist until the gem rested against the top of Perses chest plate.

"Hey Perses," Percy wheezed out.

"Too late to beg for mercy little demigod." Perses said as an evil grin appeared on the Titan's face.

Percy forced himself to smirk, "No, I just wanted you to say hello to Iapetus for me when you get to Tartarus." He said as he pressed the gem against his chest plate. The shield sprung from his wrist, catching Perses in the chin and forcing him to lose his grip around Percy.

Percy didn't hesitate as he landed on his feet, driving Anaklusmos through Perses stomach before he ripped it out and swung it in horizontal strike right through the Titan's neck, severing his head clean off his body./

Everyone cheered.

/Perses didn't even have time to blink before he dissolved into a golden dust.

Percy turned to find see his friends finishing off the remaining monsters, Clarisse mercilessly impaling the injured ones with her spear.

Before he could react, slender arms wrapped around Percy, pulling him into a tight embrace. He looked down to find long silky black hair resting under his chin.

"What were you thinking you idiot?" Zoe hissed but continued to hug him tighter.

Percy was about to reply when he remembered Lee, slipping out of Zoe's grasp and running to where Will and Michael were kneeling by their brother's side./

Apollo's face was pale in fear of what his son's fate would be.

/Percy quickly knelt beside him but knew it was too late; Lee's life was slowing slipping away.

"I'm so sorry Lee." Percy said quietly as he looked at the ground.

A firm hand grabbed his wrist as he followed the hand to Lee's body. He was shaking his head, "You have nothing to be sorry for Percy. I died protecting my family and friends, just like any of us would do. It was an honor dying fighting alongside you and my brothers."

Percy gripped Lee's hand as he tried to think of what to say but Lee just smiled a smile just like his father before his eyes glazed over and he was gone./

Apollo sat in silence, trying to not cry, but it didn't work. Artemis put a hand on his shoulder out of empathy and remorse for her brother.

/Percy closed his eyes before running a hand of Lee's face, closing his eyes, "Requiesce in Pace, mi amice," he muttered quietly before sending a prayer to his father. Lee's body disappeared before Percy stood up silently.

"Where is he?" Will asked as he wiped away a few tears.

"He is in Elysium but his body is back at Camp Half Blood awaiting his honors as a fallen hero." Percy said solemnly.

Will nodded before he hugged Percy, "Thank you Percy." He said quickly before he and Michael walked off together.

Percy turned around and saw his friends all gathered and helping treat each other's minor wounds. Zoe was a few feet away looking at Percy curiously.

"Why did you just say that in Latin?" She asked.

Percy shrugged, "Being a son of Hades means my father does not keep secrets from me that other gods keep from their children. He is not bound by decisions of the council and taught me many things in the Underworld such as both sides of his personality." He said with a half-hearted wink./

The gods all looked at Hades who shrugged and then smirked.

/Zoe's eyes widened before she nodded, deciding not to question him further.

The ride back to camp was quiet; Annabeth and Clarisse split the driving with neither Connor nor Travis in any mood for fun.

Percy sat in the very back with Zoe, neither speaking for the whole trip. Zoe tried to get a read on Percy's emotions but found them unreadable which was surprising as she could usually tell what he was thinking easily./

Percy sighed. He wished he had done better. He wished he had planned better. Maybe if he did... less would have been lost.

/When the group arrived back at camp, most went off their separate ways, while Zoe followed Percy down to the beach where he took a seat a few feet from the water. She sat down beside him silently and waited a few minutes before speaking.

"Are you okay Percy?" She asked quietly.

Percy looked at her and gave her a small smile, "I'm fine Zoe. Growing up in the Underworld makes you a little less bothered when you see someone die, even when it's a friend."

Zoe nodded, feeling relieved that he wasn't blaming himself.

"You saved me again you know." Percy said softly.

Zoe looked at him confused but Percy just smiled and pointed to his bracelet, "Caught him right in the chin when he had me in that bear hug."

Zoe smirked, "You know one day you're going to have to learn how to protect yourself."/

Percy grinned. "What would be the fun in that?"

/Percy rolled his eyes but smiled.

They sat in silence for a while as they stared out into the ocean.

"You know we're running out of time, right?" Percy asked quietly, his question alluding to more than one meaning.

Zoe nodded but her eyes showed her sadness.

Percy scooted closer to Zoe and wrapped an arm around her, "There is nothing we can do but be ready for the war to start. Now that it is getting closer, I'm actually am less worried. There is nothing I can do to change it so I'm just going to enjoy my time before the war as much as I can and take what the Fates bring me."/

"A brave thing to accept," Athena said.

/(Line Break 4 days before Percy's Sixteenth Birthday)

Percy sat on the beach at Camp Half Blood watching Zoe work on her water powers. She was getting pretty good and her determination increased the speed in which she was developing her powers. He watched her carefully as he thought about how much his life had changed since she came into it. He first met her when he saved her life as she was dragged off the cliff by the Manticore in Maine but he had hardly taken the time to notice her as he was far more concerned about Nico and Bianca and the moon goddess who was trying to bring them to Olympus./

"Whoops," Artemis said.

/Then he was thrown onto the quest to save Artemis. He was surprised when Zoe had asked him on the quest but accepted as a way to repay Artemis for the kindness she had shown him. Well, kindness when it comes to the goddess of the hunt and boys. But his friendship with Zoe had slowly developed over their time on the quest together. Then when she was forced to come to Camp Half Blood, he had gone out of his way to befriend her further, both because he felt it was partially his fault she was there but also because there was something about her he liked. She was far different than anyone he had met before./

Aphrodite smirked.

/By most people's standards, he should probably hate her. She was often harsh with her words and she certainly was not afraid to slap or punch him when she felt it was necessary but that was what he liked about her. She didn't take any crap from anyone, including him, and wasn't afraid to let her opinion be known even if it was not the same opinion everyone else had.

Then of course there was when she kissed him in Mount Saint Helens. That had brought things full-circle for him. Despite how much he had tried not to, he knew he fell for her. He fell for her before that but knowing she felt the same way just changed the relationship between them./

Aphrodite squealed as quietly as she could.

/Despite the fact that neither of them had ever spoken about what their relationship was, it was kind of an unspoken understanding between them. Both cared about each other a great deal. They were best friends and more but stuck to best friends most of the time and always around other people. But when they were alone, well sometimes they couldn't help themselves.

"EEK!" came from Aphrodite's mouth as she clapped her hands with joy.

/It was weird and unorthodox but it worked for them and neither wanted to mess it up. Sure people in camp kind of assumed there was something between them, but no one said anything in fear of setting one of them off or for fear of ruining what the two of them had. Percy knew he was running out of time with her, either with his death or her returning to the hunt but he was okay with it. She would be happy back in the hunt and that was more important to him.

Percy was broken out of his thoughts by a stream of water hitting him square in the face. He narrowed his eyes at Zoe, "What was that for?"

Zoe rolled her eyes, "You were spacing out on me."

"I was thinking actually." Percy said indignantly.

Zoe raised an eyebrow, "You? Thinking? I find that highly unlikely." She teased./

Everyone laughed.

/Percy glared at her making her laugh. She was about to say something when someone cleared their throat behind them.

Both looked behind them to find Beckendorf looking at them with a mischievous smile.

Percy sighed, "Is it time?"

Beckendorf nodded.

Percy glanced at Zoe before turning back to Beckendorf, "I'll meet you at your cabin in five minutes."

Beckendorf's mischievous smile grew, "Take your time Perce; I need to say goodbye to Silena anyway." He said before jogging back off towards camp./

Silena smiled and kissed Beckendorf's cheek. She felt so happy that Beckendorf forgave her even though she felt like she didn't deserve it.

/Percy turned back towards Zoe who was looking at him nervously, "I'll be back in a few hours. It's just a quick trip to blow up some monsters then right back to camp."

Zoe frowned but remained silent.

Percy stood up from his place on the beach, "So, I'll see you later?" He said a little awkwardly.

Zoe just nodded so Percy turned to head back to camp. He took two steps before a stream of water knocked his feet out from under him.

Percy landed on his back and scowled, "If you had something to say, all you had to do was speak up."/

Zoe smirked. "That would be too easy," she said.

/Zoe walked over and pulled him up by his shirt and surprised him by pulling him into a deep kiss. Percy's eyes widened for a second before he put his hands to her cheeks as the kiss deepened. Zoe pulled back with a serious look, "Do not die." She growled at him.

Percy smirked, "Thank you for the concern, I will make a point of not dying just for you."

Zoe gave him a small smile, "Good, you better."

Percy gave her hand a light squeeze before leaving the beach and jogging back into camp. He found Beckendorf waiting by the Hephaestus cabin with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Say your goodbyes Romeo?" He teased./

"A tragedy," Aphrodite sighed. "How dare your son write such a depressing romance, Apollo!"

"Sorry?" Apollo said.

/"Would you like to be left in the ocean a couple miles out?" Percy asked in serious tone.

Beckendorf's smirk faltered, "Right, let's get down to business."

Percy chuckled and nodded, "So what's our mode of transportation?"

"Pegasus; sent by Lord Poseidon personally." Beckendorf said as a large black shadow appeared over their heads before an all-black Pegasus landed beside them.

"Great, two big ass demigods to lug half way across the Atlantic." The Pegasus complained to himself./

"Language!" Poseidon yelled. "What is the matter with that pegasus?!"

"You fathered them, you tell me," Percy said.

"I did not 'father' them exactly... it's a bit more complicated than that," Poseidon said.

"Oh yeah, do explain," Percy said.

"Uh, now is not the best time for that story. It's a really long one. But I'll tell you later," Poseidon said.

"You know what, I don't want to know," Percy said. "I know where all these tales end up going from all of you. You guys never have a wholesome story, always something disturbing and gross."

"Believe me things were a lot different a long long long time ago," Poseidon said.

/Percy raised an eyebrow but the Pegasus didn't seem to notice.

"What are you looking at kid? You looking to get stampeded." The Pegasus said as he noticed Percy staring at him.

"Hey smartass, watch the language, we have ladies around." Percy said gesturing to Silena who was looking at Percy confused.

The Pegasus whinnied in shock, "You're one of Lord Poseidon's kids?"

"Nope Hades." Percy said with a smirk.

The Pegasus looked at him confused before Percy laughed, "Relax, I was born a son of Poseidon but adopted by Hades."

The Pegasus bowed its head, "I'm sorry my lord."

"Cut that crap out right now. The name is Percy, certainly not lord. What's your name?" Percy asked.

"Blackjack my lord," he replied until Percy glared at him, "My bad boss, just a habit."/

Percy rolled his eyes.

/Percy chuckled and petted his mane, "I think we'll get along just fine Blackjack. You ready to get this show on the road?"

Blackjack nodded as Percy looked at Beckendorf who was looking at him strangely, "What? I was born a son of Poseidon, father to horses; I can speak to horses and Pegasus apparently."/

"Not just horses," Poseidon said. "You talk to fish, anything related to a horse so like a donkey though those things have no censor on them and so on. There's a reason why you call a male donkey an ass, no manners whatsoever."

/Beckendorf just shook his head and threw his backpack on. Percy mounted Blackjack as Beckendorf got on behind him.

"Be careful Charlie!" Silena yelled before they could take off.

Percy smirked, "Don't worry Charlie, you can hold on to me if you get scared."

Beckendorf shoved Percy into Blackjack making the Pegasus think they wanted to take off. Blackjack took off into the air as Beckendorf lost his balance and fell off the back of the Pegasus only for Percy to grab his hand at the last second, leaving him hanging with an up close view if Blackjack's hindquarters./

Beckendorf blushed as everyone else laughed.

/"What's that weirdo doing back there boss?" Blackjack cried indignantly.

Percy burst into laughter as he held Beckendorf up by his hand, "Blackjack is very concerned with your current position Beck; you mind getting your head out of his ass?"

"Pull me up!" Beckendorf yelled making Percy laugh harder as he pulled his friend back onto the Pegasus.

Percy tried and failed to stop laughing as they took off into the sky, Beckendorf glaring at him the whole way.

Blackjack dropped the two off on a lower deck before taking off into the sky again, heading out of view but staying close in case they needed to make a speedy exit.

Beckendorf and Percy slipped through the lower parts of the ship unnoticed until they found their way to the engine room where they immediately set to work. Percy worked as fast as he could, he knew this was their only chance to stop the ship, based on its location and speed; the ship would reach New York City by the next morning.

Percy attached a second jar of Greek fire to the control panels when he heard the pounding of feet on metal steps.

Percy locked eyes with Beckendorf, "How much longer?"

"Too long." He said as he tapped his watch, which was the remote control detonator. "I still have to wire the receiver and prime the charges. Ten more minutes at least. "/

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Hephaestus asked.

No one answered.

/Based off the sound of the footsteps, they had about ten seconds.

"I'll distract them," Percy said. "Meet you at the rendezvous point."

"Percy-" Beckendorf tried to argue but Percy just continued.

"Wish me luck." He said with a crooked grin before he turned and sprinted out of the engine room.

A half dozen Telekhines were charging down the stairs but Percy cut through them with Anaklusmos before they could make a sound.

As he kept climbing he ran past another Telekhine, who was so startled he dropped his Lil' Demons lunch box./

Percy chuckled remembering how funny that had been.

/Percy paused as he held his blade out about to gut the monster. Instead he just grinned, "Nice lunchbox." He said as he gave the Telekhine a hard slap across the face before running past the shocked and confused monster. He had a plan and it involved the monsters following him and not heading down to the engine room where they could find Beckendorf.

Percy ran into the shadows, avoiding the watchful eyes of monsters but popping out of them just long enough for them to see him and run after him and away from the engine room. Percy kept this up for a few minutes before reaching the top of ship where he paused.

The whole upper ship seemed eerily deserted. All he had to do was cross to the other side where he could take the staircase down to the helipad which was their emergency rendezvous point. With any luck, Beckendorf would meet him there where they could jump into the sea where Percy's water powers would protect them both until Blackjack picked them up so they could detonate the charges from a safe distance away./

"But since when do you guys have any luck?" Apollo asked.

Percy sighed in response.

/Percy was halfway across the deck when the sound of a voice made him freeze.

"You're late Jackson." Luke said from where he stood on the balcony above him, a smile on his face. He wore jeans, a white T-shirt, and flip-flops, like he was just a normal college guy, but his eyes told the truth. They were solid gold./

Hermes frowned and looked at Luke. Luke didn't meet his father's eyes.

/"We've been expecting you for days." He said. At first he sounded normal, like Luke, but then his face twitched. A shudder passed through his body as his voice became heavier, ancient, and powerful- the voice of the Titan lord Kronos. The words scraped down Percy's spine like a knife blade.

"Come, I wish for you to bow before me grandson." Kronos said with a smile.

"Why don't you hold out both hands; you can wish in one and shit in the other. Let me know which one fills up first." Percy said fearlessly./

Everyone laughed to ease the tension in the room.

/Kronos just stared at Percy for a second before he laughed a cold evil sounding laugh that caused Percy to shudder despite how hard he tried not to.

"Now, you, I believe are my grandson. If only I had had you as one of my sons rather than those three other fools; you and I would rule the world with an iron fist." He said almost gleefully before the mirth left his harsh golden eyes as he snapped his fingers.

Laistrygonian giants filed in on either side of the room as if they'd been waiting for a cue. Each was eight feet tall with tattooed arms, leather armor, and spiked clubs. Demigod archers appeared on the roof above Kronos. Two hellhounds leaped down from the opposite balcony and snarled at Percy. Within seconds he was surrounded. A trap: there's no way they could've gotten into position so fast unless they'd known they were coming. Percy clenched his fists when he thought about what he would do to the traitor when he found them. They would pray for Tartarus when he was done with them./

Those who didn't know started thinking about who it could be. Who would betray them at this point?

/Percy glared up at the Titan Lord as he thought about what to do. He knew Beckendorf still needed more time. When he looked up at Kronos, he could feel the power rolling off his body but knew he would have to fight him eventually. The prophecy said so. He also knew today, the fight would not be decided, or at least he hoped not.

As if reading his mind, Kronos grinned, "Come forward, "he said. "If you dare."

The crowd of monsters parted as Percy moved up the stairs, his heart pounding. He half expected somebody to stab him in the back, but they let him pass. Percy felt his pocket and found his pen waiting before he uncapped it as Anaklusmos grew into a sword.

Kronos' weapon appeared in his hands- a six-foot-long scythe, a half Celestial bronze, half mortal steel. Just looking at it made Percy pale a bit. He also scowled for blowing himself up in Mount Saint Helens in what was apparently a failed attempt to destroy the weapon./

"That thing is kinda hard to destroy," Zeus said. "Believe me, I had to do it initially."

/Before he could change his mind, Percy charged. Time slowed down. Literally; as Percy felt like he was moving through Jell-O. His arms were so heavy; he could barely raise his sword. Kronos smiled, twirling his scythe at normal speed and waiting for Percy to creep toward his death.

He tried to fight the time spell but it was so powerful. He took another slow step forward as giants jeered and Dracaenas hissed with laughter.

Percy panicked as he couldn't break the spell. Just as he thought he was about to have his soul reaped at the hands of Kronos' scythe, a familiar voiced entered his mind.

'The sea Percy! Remember the sea will always come to your aide!' Poseidon said urgently in his mind./

Poseidon smiled a little, but was too tense to say anything.

/Percy's eyes widened before he put everything he had into calling the sea to him. They were on the ocean; this was like his home turf he thought before an agonizing pain hit him wrenching his gut.

The entire boat lurched sideways, throwing monsters off their feet. Thousands of gallons of salt water surged out of the sea and over the side of the ship, dousing Percy, Kronos and everyone on the deck. The water revitalized him, breaking the time spell as Percy lunged forward.

Percy met his grandfather in a flurry of strikes, Anaklusmos against Kronos' scythe. Percy used everything he had learned in his training but Kronos was just too fast, meeting every strike Percy tried with his scythe before it even got a foot close to him.

Despite not landing a blow, Kronos couldn't land one himself. Percy could see the shock and frustration in his eyes and he tried relentlessly to impale him. Before Percy could react, Kronos slammed the butt of his scythe into the ground as Percy was blasted backwards but the shock wave of the strike.

"A good showing grandson. I doubt any of those pathetic Olympians would have the courage to face me in one-on-one combat." Kronos said smirking./

"I would!" Ares yelled. "I'd pulverize that stupid face of his."

/Percy glared at the Titan, trying to buy Beckendorf more time.

Kronos looked at Percy and grinned, "Perhaps you are counting on your friend with the explosives?"

Percy's eyes widened causing the Titan Lord's grin to grow, "Nakamura!"

A teenage guy in full Greek armor pushed through the crowd. His left eye was covered with a black patch. Percy's blood boiled as he laid eyes on Ethan Nakamura, the son of Nemesis. The same little punk whose life Percy had spared in the Labyrinth last summer./

"Son of revenge and balance," Athena mumbled.

/"Success, my lord," Ethan called. "We found him just as we were told." He clapped his hands, and two giants lumbered forward, dragging Beckendorf between them.

Percy paled. Beckendorf had a swollen eye and cuts all over his face and arms. His armor was gone and his shirt was nearly torn off.

Percy and Beckendorf locked eyes. Beckendorf glanced at his hand like he was trying to say something. His watch; they hadn't taken it yet, and that was the detonator.

"We found him amidships," one of the giants said, "trying to sneak to the engine room. Can we eat him now?"/

Hephaestus's face was paler than the sea his face landed in when his mom tossed him out of Olympus.

/Kronos scowled at Ethan. "Are you sure he didn't set the explosives?"

"He was going toward the engine room, my lord." Ethan replied

"How do you know that?" Kronos asked with narrowed eyes.

"Er . ." Ethan shifted uncomfortably. "He was heading in that direction. And he told us. His bag is still full of explosives."/

Beckendorf grinned.

/Percy smirked internally. Beckendorf had fooled them. When he'd realized he was going to be captured, he turned to make it look like he was going the other way. He'd convinced them he hadn't made it to the engine room yet.

"Open his bag," Kronos ordered.

One of the giants ripped the explosives satchel from Beckendorf's shoulders. He peered inside, grunted, and turned it upside down. Panicked monsters surged backwards, but what fell out were a dozen cans of peaches./

Everyone burst out laughing.

/Percy could hear Kronos breathing, trying to control his anger. "Did you, perhaps," he said, "capture this demigod near the galley?"

Ethan turned pale.

"Check the engine room you fool!" Kronos growled.

Percy looked at Beckendorf again.

Beckendorf mouthed one word: GO!

Beckendorf raised his free hand slowly towards the watch on his right wrist.

Percy waited until Beckendorf pressed the button on his watch before he thrust his hand forward, pointed at Beckendorf before the ship shook violently and Percy knew things had just gone from bad to worse./

Nobody said a word.
