Chapter 12: Gods and Their Favors

Note: Sometimes when copying the text from Google Docs to Wattpad, the format gets messed up so my solution is before and after every section of text from the original there will be a / just in case the text isn't properly bolded because it's such a pain having to reformat the text every time. Also yes. I'm finally fixing/doing these chapters I missed. You're welcome.

"Luke?" Annabeth asked.

"Hello, Annie," Luke smiled.

"Who's this?" Zeus demanded.

"I apologize my Lords and Ladies. I am Luke Castellan, son of Hermes," Luke said kneeling before Zeus.

"So you're the traitor I've been hearing about," Zeus said straightening.

Luke sighed, "Unfortunately sir, but I deeply regret it."

Zeus raised his Master Bolt. Before anyone could react, Zeus threw the bolt at Luke . Percy threw himself in front of Luke. The bolt hit Percy in the middle of his chest making him fly back. He slammed into the double doors leading to the elevators. Zoe quickly ran to Percy's side crying. Hermes was furious that his father would try and kill his son, even if he did betray Olympus. Luke couldn't stop shaking in fear. Hades and Persephone traveled to their son's side. Both Hermes and Poseidon had their weapons pointed at Zeus. The others either went to Percy or Luke. Percy laid limp on the marble floor. Percy's friends all had tears in their eyes, even Clarisse was crying. Zoe collapsed onto her knees. She moved Percy's head onto her lap. Sally was gripping Percy's hand very tightly. Apollo checked Percy's pulse. "There's a faint pulse," he whispered.

Percy coughed a little. He groaned as he sat up. "That hurt," he mumbled.

"How?" Zoe asked.

"It seems that the Fates were kind enough to give me my curse back," Percy said.

"Is it in the same spot as last time?" Zoe asked.

"No," he said. "I'll tell you later."

"Why did you save that traitor?" Zeus spat.

"Because he's a hero. Saved the world and Olympus," he croaked. "Could I have some water?"

Poseidon made a glass of water appear. Percy took the glass and drank the water. "Luke, are you okay?" Percy asked.

"Y-yeah," Luke replied.

"Here's the book, we're on chapter 12," Percy said sending a wave of hope towards Luke.

Luke calmed down and started reading.

Chapter 12: Gods and Their Favors

/Annabeth and Katie/

Demeter smiled with pride that her daughter was on the quest. Normally her kids got the short end of the stick.

/watched in horror as a door slammed down blocking them off from their other two companions./

Both Athena and Demeter started to panic.

/Annabeth ran to the door trying to find a way to open it while Katie just sat there in shock as they were cut off from the two most skilled fighters on the quest leaving her with only Annabeth who, while smart, was not nearly as skilled a fighter as Percy and Zoe./

"Don't sell yourself short," Percy said. "You're a very skilled fighter."

"Oh, I don't know, Percy. Compared to you, I could never," Annabeth said, blushing slightly.

Aphrodite eyed the two with interest and muttered. "Percabeth.... yes in another world I could see them being a perfect couple."

"What did you say, Aphrodite?" Artemis asked.

"Me? Oh nothing," Aphrodite said. "I was just thinking about how much I love that new Ariana Grande song. You would think she was one of my children."

Artemis rolled her eyes and started humming 7 Rings.

/"Arghhh... damn it." Annabeth cursed angrily.

"What do we do now?" Katie asked.

Annabeth slumped against the door as her mind raced with different plans and ideas. After a minute she sighed, "We don't really have any other options than to go down the other tunnel and hope to meet up with them later."/

"Wait," Aphrodite mumbled. "I know something possibly better happening here. Oh yes, lesbian Annabeth... I can totally see it."

"What?" Annabeth said, tilting her head.

"Nothing," Aphrodite said. "I was, um...I just wasn't uh... thinking straight. It's okay. Carry on."

/Katie looked unsure for a moment before nodding her head. There was no use in worrying about something that obviously couldn't be changed.

Together, Annabeth and Katie turned down the right tunnel with no idea how they would find their way back to the two members of the quest that were supposed to lead them. The duo walked for several hours, the makeup of the tunnels switching from more modern, to Greek styled, then to Roman, as well as other eras of time./

"Hate that stupid maze," Hades mumbled. "Always get lost trying to find the bathroom."

"I feel that way about Trader Joe's," Apollo mumbled.

"Wait.... we don't even need bathrooms," Zeus said. "What are you two using them for?"

"Uh...." Hades said. "I don't think that would be appropriate to explain. I've been basically living with a chastity belt for decades thanks to you... I have.... urges."

"Remember when you took my powers away," Apollo said. "I started having to pee everywhere it was insane. I had to actually go to the toilet, learned that very quickly."

"Oh... right," Zeus said

/"Have people been adding to the Labyrinth over all these centuries?" Katie asked.

Annabeth shook her head, "I don't think so. The original Labyrinth was underneath Crete. The only way it would be here in the United States is if it moved along with the gods, meaning everywhere the gods go, the Labyrinth follows. There is some kind of magic at work and I assume that when the Labyrinth moves, it grow and adopts the characteristics of where it's located."

Katie nodded slowly as she looked at her watch, "No that it really matters down here but it's almost 10p.m. Do you want to stop for the night and pick it back up in the morning?"/

"I'm surprised the watch actually works," Athena said. "That place never has phone reception or wi-fi."

"Actually, mom," Annabeth said. "Daedalus improved the connections before he... uh... nevermind."

"Daedalus is alive?" Zeus asked.

"Um..." Annabeth said. "Well... it's complicated."

/Annabeth paused before nodding slowly, "Yeah I guess now is as good a time as any."

Katie nodded as she set her backpack down and pulled out some cereal bars, "Sorry this is all I have for food. My mom doesn't put a lot of variety into her magical gifts. We'll never run out of food but I'm afraid the most variety we're going to get is different brands of cereal bars."

Annabeth shrugged, "It's better than going without. I figured Percy would just take care of our food; so thank the gods you had a backup plan."

Katie smiled and tossed her a bar, "Yeah but I like cereal as much as the next person but my mom is a little over the top. The only person who even comes close to her is Percy but maybe that's why she loves him so much."

Annabeth smiled at the mention of Percy, "I wish Percy was here."/

Aphrodite raised an eyebrow.

/Katie looked at Annabeth a little sadly, "You like him don't you?"/

Percy's eyes widened. He had never thought that Annabeth of all people would like him like that... Zoe's ears perked up too. She wouldn't be surprised if Annabeth liked Percy, she always felt like in another world they'd be an item. But she never liked admitting that.

/Annabeth's eyes widened before she sighed and shrugged, "What's not to like? He's brave, handsome, smart, powerful, and the most skilled fighter I've ever met. I mean he went toe to toe with Atlas for a while before he took to sky for Artemis so she could fight him."/

Percy smirked and Annabeth buried her face in her hands as it burned.

/Katie nodded, "You know he loves Zoe right?"

Annabeth's eyes flashed with anger, "They're only friends. She's too caught up in her old life as a hunter to even notice."/

Zoe raised an eyebrow and Annabeth gulped. Aphrodite whistled a medley of love songs. Percy stared between Annabeth and Zoe in shock.

/Katie sat down as she thought about what to say to Annabeth, "Maybe you're right but I think she has feelings for him too but won't admit it to herself."/

Katie felt a bit awkward where she was sitting now. She never expected people to hear this exchange she and Annabeth had.

Aphrodite started to think, looking at Katie carefully. She smirked. Katie most definitely had a crush on Annabeth, how interesting. But what to do with that information.... she also knew she liked that certain... Hermes kid as well... so many options... so many possibilities.

/Annabeth smiled, "I guess it will be her loss then won't it?

Katie looked at Annabeth a little strangely, "But why would you want to be with him if he's in love with Zoe?"/

Zoe straightened her posture a bit. She felt a bit awkward hearing all of this, but at the same time... she pitied Annabeth.

/Annabeth's eyes narrowed a bit, "I'm not trying to force him to do anything but if she's too proud to admit when there is the perfect guy in front of her then why not at least try."/

Zoe thought about the first time she had confessed her feelings to a guy she thought she had liked and was perfect. Heracles was just so... charming. Her face morphed into anger as she remembered that night. The heartbreak... the betrayal... she knew Percy wasn't Heracles, but at the same time... she couldn't help but be cautious.

/Katie nodded, "I know and I hope he does move on if Zoe won't admit she likes him. I just want to see him happy, he has become like a brother to me since he moved into my cabin."/

Percy and Katie exchanged a look and smiled at each other. Zoe was still lost in her thoughts, thinking about Heracles. How could she have been so... so... stupid. And why did he have to be such a... such a.... she couldn't even think the word, she felt herself tearing up. Percy wrapped his arms around her, noticing her tears. Zoe shook her head. She couldn't let Heracles affect her, not anymore, not after it had been so long.... but unfortunately he did still affect her. He always would and always will affect her. She would have to just live with that and pray that one day she could just forget about him.

/Annabeth sighed, "I want Percy to be happy too. He is a really good friend regardless; it's just hard not to think about him like that."

Katie smiled, "Let's get some sleep, we need to find those two as soon as possible."

Line Break

Zoe sighed, "We had might as well get moving, we're not getting any closer standing around."

Percy nodded as they began walking again, the conversation was light as they walked; Percy was worried about Katie considering it had been him that dragged her into the quest in the first place. They continued trying to navigate their way through the tunnels until they walked into some type a cavern, another door dropped from the ceiling behind them.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A voice in the back of the room said.

Percy and Zoe both whirled around and paled a bit when they saw a large man dressed in what looked like an expensive suit.

"Iapetus," Zoe growled at the grinning Titan./

"I like to call him Bob sometimes," Percy said. "No idea why."

/Iapetus' eyes widened when his gaze shifted from Percy to Zoe, "How pleasant of you to come visit your dearest grandfather Zoe. I see you're still the traitorous little brat that I remember. I don't sense any immortality though; perhaps fallen out of the moon goddess' good graces?"/

"Never," Artemis said.

/Zoe's eyes narrowed, "Why are you down here?"

Iapetus smiled, "You don't honestly think you foolish half-bloods make a single move without us knowing do you? No, we have many spies inside your pathetic little camp."

"Leave now before I make you." Percy growled.

"Ah yes, the Olympian's little secret Perseus Jackson. I've been looking forward to meeting you. They say you are powerful, perhaps you will make it challenging when I kill your little girlfriend and take you back to Lord Kronos. He will be pleased when I return with Olympus' only hope." Iapetus said smugly./

The six kronides all exchanged a knowing look. They shuttered at the thought of their father coming back. Not a family reunion any of them looked forward to.

/Shadows wrapped around Percy until he was draped in armor before he held out his hand and caught his spear as it shot out of the earth.

"Last chance Titan." Percy growled.

Iapetus smiled as his suit was replaced with battle armor and a spear materialized in his hand, "This will be fun."

Percy glanced at Zoe who nodded before Percy charged at the Titan./

Hades felt himself tense up a little.

/"Foolish boy." Iapetus bellowed as Percy charged.

Percy vanished into a shadow and reappeared to the Titan's left side as Iapetus barely managed to block a thrust aimed at his chest. Iapetus parried the strike before he attacked; silver arrows flew by but had little effect on him even when they found chinks in his armor.

Iapetus attacked with a flurry of thrusts and stabs but Percy was quick, never standing in one place long enough for Iapetus to land a strike. Iapetus slowed his attack and waited for Percy to strike. When he did, Iapetus side stepped the attack and grabbed Percy's spear and pulled him close. Iapetus drove a fist in Percy's jaw causing him to stumble back before the Titan landed a hard kick to his chest that sent him flying several feet back./

"COME ON PERCY!" Hades yelled.

/Iapetus grunted in pain as several silver arrows imbedded in the small opening in his armor at his thigh. Iapetus glanced at Percy who was struggling to get air into his lungs.

"Now I will show your little girlfriend why it was I was called the Piercer." He sneered as stalked his way towards Zoe, swatting away arrows as he charged./

Artemis glared a hole into the wall imagining what she would do to Iapetus if she ever saw him again.

/Before he could reach her, a pitch black spear struck him in the back of the leg, imbedding all the way to the bone. A shadow appeared in between Iapetus and Zoe as Percy appeared with a sword in his hand. Percy jumped at the wounded Titan in a barrage of strikes that Iapetus struggled to block. He continued to push forward trying to overwhelm the Titan until he tried to catch him off guard with a quick strike at his throat but Iapetus ducked before driving his spear into Percy's ribcage. The armor slowed the strike but it still penetrated four or five inches before Percy jumped back. Iapetus wasted no time swinging his spear in a wide arc which caught Percy in the chest and sent him sprawling across the cavern floor./

Everyone tensed up and became dead silent.

/Iapetus turned back towards Zoe but found her gone. He whipped back around to find Zoe standing protectively in front of Percy as he struggled to get back to his feet.

"Aw how sweet granddaughter, but no need to worry, Kronos wants Jackson alive. You on the other hand...." He said before stalking his way towards Zoe who fired a few more arrows before she pulled out two hunting knives.

Zoe swatted aside a thrust from the Titan's spear and tried to attack but received the back of Iapetus' spear to the face causing her to stumble back. Iapetus feinted a strike to Zoe's head and dropped to a knee when she went to block and swung his spear, knocking Zoe's legs out from under her./

Artemis vanished away, but immediately returned. She glared at the sky. "Oh come on! Let me at him! I'll turn him back I promise!!"

Thunder boomed.

"Well, fuck you too then!" Artemis shouted.

Thunder boomed louder.

Artemis glared, but decided to stay silent.

/Iapetus grinned and raised his spear to impale Zoe but never got the chance to attack as Percy launched himself at the Titan, tackling him to the ground. Percy was on his feet in a flash as he attacked Iapetus with renewed vigor.

Percy pushed the Titan back a few feet before bringing a powerful overhead strike towards Iapetus who brought up his spear the block. As the sword hit the spear, the spear snapped in half, Percy's sword cutting a deep gash through Iapetus' armor and into his skin. The Titan stumbled back in shock as golden ichor began to leak through his armor./

"Yes!" Everyone cheered, and yes that includes Dionysus and Ares.

/Percy wasted no time in attacking again, forcing Iapetus to use the two halves of his spear to block. Percy continued to push the Titan back before Iapetus suddenly stiffened, a gleaming celestial bronze sword poking out his chest as his eyes widened in shock.

Percy took the opportunity make a quick swipe across the Titan's throat as he dropped to his knees before being kicked from behind as Zoe ripped Anaklusmos out of his back. Iapetus' eyes glazed over and he slowly dissolved in the bright golden dust./

Everyone cheered loudly. Artemis still glared at the sky, angry at the Fates.

/Percy looked at Zoe with an eyebrow raised and a smile before he began coughing violently. Zoe raced over to his side as Percy got on a knee as he struggled to catch his breath. Zoe's eyes widened when she looked the blood covered hand Percy used to cover his mouth when he coughed.

"You're hurt bad." She said nervously as she knelt down beside him.

Percy shook his head, "I'm fine, really."

Zoe's eyes narrowed, "Lift up your shirt and let me see the wound."/

"She just wants to see him shirtless," Aphrodite said.

Zoe blushed.

"I'm fine Zoe; seriously it's just a flesh wound." Percy argued.

Zoe smacked Percy. "Ow!" Percy yelled. "What was that for?!"

"For referencing movies in a time of despair!" Zoe yelled.

/Zoe looked up at him before slapping him across the face, "Do not lie to me Perseus."

Percy's eyes widened when she slapped him before he shook his head and took off his damaged chest plate and lifted up his shirt.

Zoe glared at him, "A flesh wound? I can see your broken rib nearly poking out of your skin. Lay on your back while I treat it."

Percy slowly laid on his back as Zoe pulled out a bottle of water, flask of nectar and square of ambrosia. She poured some water on the wound before breaking the ambrosia in half and shoving half into Percy's mouth without warning. Zoe then crushed the other half of the ambrosia square in her hand as she poured the nectar onto it turning it into a paste before she placed the paste over Percy's wound./

Apollo had a look that said he was impressed by Zoe's medicinal skills.

And also probably would bang her if she wasn't taken or his sister's ex huntress... then again she wasn't under the oath anymore so maybe... no, but Percy would never let him do it.

/Percy watched her in wonder, "Well that's new." He commented.

"Two thousand years in the hunt and you learn a few tricks." Zoe replied before handing Percy the rest of flask of nectar, "Drink." She ordered sternly.

Percy did as she told him before slowly climbing to his feet. When he stood he received another slap to the face.

"Damn it Zoe, what was that for?" Percy whined.

"For lying to me." She replied with a glare.

Percy stared at her for a second before his face cracked into a grin.

Zoe raised an eyebrow, "What is so amusing?"

Percy chuckled, "Nothing, I just realized one of the reasons I like you."/

Zoe blushed.

/Zoe face turned a bit red before she composed herself and glared at him again, "And what is that?"

Percy smiled again, "Even when I'm badly injured you don't take any crap. I can't think of anyone else who would slap me when I have a gaping hole in my ribcage."/

Everyone laughed.

/Zoe couldn't help but smile at his words, "Someone has to stop you from being an idiot."

"Thank you Zoe." He said sincerely.

Zoe nodded before she looked around the room they were in, "Maybe we should just rest here for the night so your wound can heal completely."

"Yea that sounds good. We need to get moving early, I don't like leaving Katie and Annabeth alone in the Labyrinth." He answered.

"I am sure they are fine." Zoe assured him.

Percy shrugged "I just don't like Katie out there alone since I dragged her along. She's new to quests. At least she has Annabeth with her although I can't say I mind being separated from her for a bit."/

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. Percy shrugged at her and smiled sheepishly.

/Zoe raised an eyebrow, interested in his reasoning.

Percy shrugged, "I like her and all; she's just been a little too touchy lately. I don't know why but she always seems to be having to be touching when she talks."

Zoe nodded, trying to restrain her lips from quirking into a smile when she thought about how dense he was about some things./

Aphrodite smirked as she thought about why limit to two when there could be... three... Perzabeth?

/Percy made his way over to the wall where he sat down and leaned back, his ribs still aching being only partially healed.

Zoe made her way over to Percy and sat down next to him. Percy looked at her and smiled, "Nice work by the way; one less Titan to worry about when the final battle begins."

Zoe smiled at his words; he had been the one who did the majority of the fighting.

"It was good teamwork." Zoe said with a smile.

Percy shrugged.

Zoe leaned back against the wall before a thought hit her, "This is going to be a cold night. All of our sleeping bags were in the enchanted bag that Katie had along with our food."/

"Oof," Katie said. "Sorry."

/Percy nodded before he leaned over to his pack and pulled out a sweatshirt and handed it to Zoe, "Well I can obviously take care of the food but this is all I have to stay warm."

Zoe shook her head, "It's yours; you take it."

"No, I should let my wound air out anyway." Percy argued.

Zoe sighed but put the sweatshirt on. Within a few minutes she looked over at Percy to see him passed out as he leaned up against the wall. She stared at him as she thought about how she had been acting lately. She couldn't really deny to herself how she felt about him anymore. The only question she didn't know was if she would ever tell him. Percy already had so much on his shoulders; she didn't know whether or not she wanted to add to it. But then again, according to Katie and Annabeth, he felt the same way. But she also had to think about what Lady Artemis and the hunters would think if she got involved with a boy. Sure he was the male they liked the most but this would be different./

"Please," Artemis said. "As long as it's not that arrogant prat and you're happy, I'm fine with whatever you want to do, Zoe."

"Thank you, milday," Zoe said.

"Enough with the formalities, Zoe," Artemis said. "If there is anyone who doesn't need to be formal with me, it's you."

Zoe nodded and smiled. She hugged Artemis. She missed being around her so much and hanging out.

/Zoe shook her head, deciding not to think about it for a while. This was something she could decide later, like after they finished this quest, if they survived it that is.

She looked at Percy again before leaning over resting her head on his shoulder. She felt Percy stir a bit and froze. Percy's arm lifted up and wrapped it around her before he stopped moving again. She smiled and let herself lean up against the uninjured side of his chest, his arm wrapped around her as she drifted off to sleep.

Line Break

Katie woke up to Annabeth gently shaking her as her eyes fluttered open before her heart sunk as she remembered the events from the day before.

Annabeth must have noticed her look of despair as she sighed, "Yes we're still on our own. Let's get moving and hopefully we can find Percy and Zoe today."

Katie nodded and dug out two cereal bars and tossed one to Annabeth before she packed up their sleeping bags which magically shrunk when she stuffed them into her pack.

"You know it was pretty cold last night and I just realized we had all the sleeping bags. I hope they are alright." Katie said dejectedly.

Annabeth shook her head, "I think of all the people I know, Percy and Zoe are best equipped to take care of themselves no matter the situation."/

Percy and Zoe both nodded.

/"Yeah you're probably right about that but hopefully then found somewhere warm to sleep." Katie said still a little worried.

Annabeth nodded as she took off down the tunnel hoping they would run into her two friends soon. She was a little nervous considering she wasn't sure how Katie would handle pressure situations. She prayed they didn't run into any of the Titan Army as they wouldn't have a chance. Annabeth thought about her conversation with Katie the night before about Percy. She knew she had a crush on him but still couldn't help but feel guilty when she thought about love. She missed Luke and prayed he would make the right choice and come back to Camp Half-Blood. She knew why he betrayed them but it had hit her the hardest. He had been her big brother until they got to camp and despite being young; she knew she was in love with him. Now all she could do was hope he could earn redemption and come home to camp./

Luke sighed. "I'm sorry," he said.

Annabeth wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

/After another couple hours of walking, the two girls walked out of the tunnel and into a large room. The minute they were out of the tunnel, a door slammed down behind them as another door shut across the room trapping them inside. Annabeth and Katie quickly pulled out their weapons but were suddenly blinded by a light shining in their faces.

Both demigods moved to the side as they caught sight of the creature behind the light. It was a creature with the face of a woman but the body of lion. Katie paled a bit when she realized they were trapped inside the room with the Sphinx./

"Oh no," Athena mumbled.

/"Welcome, lucky contestants! Get ready to play...ANSWER THAT RIDDLE!" The Sphinx announced in a cheerful voice./

"Oh no," Athena groaned.

/Confetti rained down on the two girls and game show music began playing as the Sphinx said, "Fabulous prizes! Pass the test, and you get to advance! Fail and I get to eat you! Who will be our lucky contestant?"

Annabeth and Katie exchanged a look, "I know the riddle; I've got this." Annabeth whispered to Katie who nodded./

Athena sighed.

/Annabeth stepped up to the podium that stood a few feet in front of the girls.

"Welcome, Annabeth Chase," the Sphinx said before Annabeth had actually told the Sphinx her name. "Are you ready for your test?"

"Yes," Annabeth said, taking a calming breath. "Ask your riddle."

"Twenty riddles, actually," the Sphinx countered./

Annabeth groaned remembering this.

/"What? But in the old days-" Annabeth began before she was cut off.

"Oh, we've raised our standards. To pass, you must show proficiency in all twenty. Isn't that great?" The Sphinx interrupted./

"No, it's not great," Athena said. "It's stupid."

/The confidence she previously had vanished as she looked nervously at the Sphinx.

"Okay," She replied hesitantly, "I'm ready."

The Sphinx began excitedly. " the capital of Bulgaria?"/

"Sofia," Athena mumbled.

/"Sofia," Annabeth answered. "but—"

"Correct!" The Sphinx cheered. "Next question!"

Annabeth was confused. She expected a riddle not a game of trivial pursuit.

"Wait a second," She stopped the Sphinx, "What about, 'What walks on four legs in the morning'?"/

"Oh no," Athena said.

/"I beg your pardon?" The Sphinx asked, annoyed.

Annabeth explained to her about the riddle she was supposed to give. The one where a man walks on four legs in the morning, like a baby, two in the afternoon, like an adult, and three in the evening, like an old man with a cane. "That's the riddle you used to ask!" She complained.

"That's exactly why we changed the test! You already knew the answer!" The Sphinx exclaimed. "Okay, second question-what is the square root of 16?"/

"4," Athena mumbled.

/Annabeth's eyes narrowed at the monster, "This is stupid! I am a daughter of wisdom and I am not going to sit here and answer twenty of these ridiculous questions. Either ask a riddle or get the Hades out of our way."/

"Hey!" Hades yelled.

/Katie's eyes widened as she watched Annabeth try to demand something from the monster that had them trapped. The Sphinx's eyes narrowed in Annabeth's direction as she looked ready to lunge at her any second.

Katie saw a few weeds by the foot of the monster and smiled slyly. As Annabeth and the monster were staring each other down, Katie was silently growing the weeds as well as multiplying their numbers as more weeds sprouted all around the Sphinx's feet.

A feral grin appeared on the monster's face, "Why then, my dear," she said, "If you won't pass, you fail. And since I can't allow children to be held back, you'll be EATEN!"/

Athena paled and started to panic a bit, though she agreed the new system was stupid and the questions weren't even hard questions anyways.

/The Sphinx tried to lunge at Annabeth only to stop abruptly shortly after leaving the ground. The Sphinx growled and hissed as the weeds relentlessly wrapped around her body. No matter how many weeds she managed to paw away from her body, twice as many would take their place until the monster was fully immobilized in a cocoon of weeds.

Annabeth turned with a look of shock towards Katie who glared at her, "Watch that pride of yours Annabeth. If you had just answered her questions we could have avoided a fight." Katie said sternly.

Annabeth was a little take-aback by Katie's tone, "They were stupid questions." She tried to argue./

Katie rolled her eyes. Annabeth sighed and gave Katie an apologetic look.

/Katie just shook her head, "I don't care. That would have just made it simpler. Let's try to get the door opened, there has to be some kind of button or lever in here or she wouldn't have been able to get out either." She said before she pulled out her sword and drove it into the chest of the still struggling Sphinx.

Annabeth stared at Katie in a bit of awe. She never figured Katie would be very good in situations like these but the truth was that she had just saved Annabeth's life./

Katie and Annabeth exchanged a look and Katie smiled at Annabeth a slight shade of pink on her cheeks.

/The two girls found a lever that opened the door before setting out into the Labyrinth once again.

Line Break

Percy felt a weight on his chest as he slowly started to wake. Despite sleeping with his back propped against a stone wall, he couldn't remember a better night's sleep he had had. He slowly opened his eyes before they shot wide open. Lying on his chest was Zoe's head. Percy was caught between wanting to run for his life and close his eyes again and enjoy the fact that there was a beautiful girl sleeping on him.

Before he could make a decision, Zoe started to stir from her place on his chest. As her eyes slowly opened he could see the confusion on her face before her eyes widened just as his had done as she lifted her head off his chest and looked up into find his nervous face./

Aphrodite leaned forward in her throne a bit.

/Zoe was just as frozen as he was before Percy decided to try and play it off like it never happened./

Aphrodite couldn't help but facepalm and groan.

/"We should get moving." Percy said quickly as he hurriedly got to his feet.

Relief flooded through Zoe's body as Percy ignored the fact she had spent the night cuddled up next to him. She quickly agreed as they packed up their stuff and set off into the Labyrinth again.

After a couple hours, the smell of smoke caught both Zoe and Percy's attention. The warily made their way to a doorway before taking a peek inside where they saw an enormous man pounding away on a red hot sword. The man was muscular but his face was slightly deformed and his leg was strapped into a large metal brace.

The duo slowly walked into the room before they bowed about ten feet away from the god of the forge./

Hephaestus looked up at the mention of him.

/"Lord Hephaestus," Percy said loudly causing the blacksmith to stop mid strike and turn around.

"Ah yes, Perseus Jackson, I've been expecting you. My mother said you would be stopping by." Hephaestus grunted.

Percy was a little surprised but nodded, "Yes we were told we had to find you in order to get to Daedalus' workshop."

The god waved his hand, "Please stand up there is no need to bow to an old cripple like me."/

Hephaestus smiled, glad to have helped Percy and Zoe.

/Percy and Zoe slowly stood up and waited for Hephaestus to continue speaking.

"I can help you find the old inventor but I require a favor first." The god explained.

Percy and Zoe exchanged looks before Percy nodded, "Whatever you need Lord Hephaestus."

Hephaestus smirked at their blind willingness to accept the task,"Someone has been using another one of my forges. It is located inside Mount Saint Helens. Every time I try to catch whoever it is, they run off before I can get there. They sense my godly aura before I can capture them. I need you two to find out who is using my forge. Find out and come back and let me know and I will tell you how to find my old friend Daedalus." He explained./

Athena stared in shock at the mention of her son's name. "But how?"

"Uh..." Hades said. "I'd rather not say."

/Percy nodded slowly, "Of course but how will we find your forge?"

Hephaestus snapped his fingers as a mechanical spider appeared in his hand, "Follow this to the forge and then follow it back when you find out who the culprit is. It's not too far from our current location; you should be there in a few hours."

Percy and Zoe both bowed again before Hephaestus dropped the spider on the ground where it quickly scurried out of the room with Percy and Zoe in pursuit./

Hephaestus grinned while Athena and Annabeth shuttered at the thought of a mechanical spider.

/After an exhausting three hour jog, the little mechanical spider stopped in front of a doorway as Percy and Zoe stopped to catch their breaths. They slowly pushed the doors open where they saw another tunnel. This one was different than the Labyrinth though. It was entirely made of metal and seemed endless. The mechanical spider took off again racing down the tunnel. Percy and Zoe started making their way inside until a faint roaring sound in the distance caught their attention. They continued as the roaring got louder.

After another half mile or so, they emerged in a cavern the size of a Super Bowl stadium. Their spider escort stopped and curled into a ball. They had arrived at the forge of Hephaestus./

Hephaestus looked up. Whatever was happening in his forge was definitely not going to be a good thing especially if it was what he thought it was.

/There was no floor, just bubbling lava hundreds of feet below. They stood on a rock ridge that circled the cavern. A network of metal bridges spanned across it. At the center was a huge platform with all sorts of machines, cauldrons, forges, and the largest anvil they'd ever seen-a block of iron the size of a house. Creatures moved around the platform-several strange, dark shapes, but they were too far away to make out details.

Percy picked up the metal spider and put it in his pocket as they made their way a little further into the cavern. The heat was horrible. In no time both Percy and Zoe were drenched with sweat. The smoke stung their eyes as they moved along, trying to keep away from the edge, until they found their way blocked by a cart on metal wheels. Zoe lifted up the tarp and found it was half full of scrap metal. Before they could climb over it, they heard voices from up ahead from one of the side tunnels.

Percy and Zoe silently crept around the cart, avoiding the eyes of the monsters until the creatures were behind them. They ran forward and snuck through a doorway where they saw three more monsters carefully handling a large weapon. Percy and Zoe jumped behind another cart before they could be spotted as they listened to the monsters.

"The blade is almost complete." One said. "It needs another cooling in blood to fuse the metals."

"Aye," a second said. "It shall be even sharper than before. "

"What is that?" Percy whispered.

Zoe shook her head like she didn't know but her eyes gave away her worry.

"They're Telekhines. They betrayed the gods long ago and Zeus banished them to Tartarus with Kronos." Zoe explained before her eyes got big. Percy followed her gaze until his face paled considerably.

"Kronos scythe." Zoe whispered./

"That's not good," Percy said.

"Really, I didn't know," Zoe said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

/Percy could only nod numbly.

"We need to get back to Hephaestus and tell him what they're doing." Zoe whispered.

Percy nodded but he reached into his pocket and pulled out the spider.

"Find Hephaestus and tell him to hurry. We can't take the chance that they'll leave before Hephaestus can stop them." Percy said as he put the spider in Zoe's hands.

"I'm not leaving you." Zoe hissed./

Aphrodite swooned.

/Percy shook his head, "We don't have a choice. I can shadow travel you back to the tunnel but no further without going with you."

Zoe scowled, "I swear to the gods I will kill you if you stay behind by yourself." She threatened but her eyes only showed worry and concern.

"We don't have any other choice. Besides, the fates already have a date for my death and it's not today. I'm sorry Zoe but this is the only way, we can't let them finish that weapon and bring it to Kronos." Percy explained.

Zoe's eyes narrowed and her glare was harsh but before Percy could do anything she leaned forward and crashed her lips onto his./

Aphrodite squealed loudly.

/Percy's mind went blank. He forgot where he was, when it was or why he was there. The only thing he could feel was her soft lips on his before he started kissing her back. They kissed lasted less than ten seconds but it felt like an eternity to Percy.

When Zoe pulled back her face was red before her expression turned stern, "Do not die Perseus or I will find a way to resurrect you so I can kill you more painfully myself."

Percy nodded as his brain slowly started to work again, "I won't, I promise." He whispered before a shadow engulfed Zoe's body and she disappeared from their hiding spot.

Percy sat there for a few more seconds as he thought about what had just happened. He could still feel the sensation of Zoe's lips on his and despite the situation a big grin stretched across his face.

Percy stood up out of his hiding spot, hoping he was right about his death being destined for a day other than today. Even if he did die today, at least he would do so preventing Kronos from receiving his symbol of power./

Hades debated whether he was proud or worried for his son. Maybe both... definitely both.

/Percy summoned his sword and spear out of the ground before hurling his spear into the back of the middle Telekhine; the monster shrieked before dissolving into dust. The other two whirled around, one letting loose an ear piercing screech for help. Percy held up his sword as he got ready to fight.

"A son of Poseidon," One of the Telekhine growled as the second nodded in agreement, "Yes I can smell it in his blood."

Before Percy could charge, the doors of the forge flew open as dozens more Telekhines poured in. Percy tried to think about the best way to handle the situation.

Before he could make up his mind, the tallest Telekhine said, "Let us see how strong he is. Let us see how long it takes him to burn!"/

"That's not good," Percy said.

"Ya think?" Zoe said.

/He scooped some lava out of the nearest furnace. It set his fingers ablaze, but this didn't seem to bother him at all. The other Telekhines did the same. The first one threw a glop of molten rock at Percy and set his pants on fire. Two more splattered across his chest. He dropped his sword in sheer terror and swatted at his clothes. Fire was engulfing him. Strangely, it felt only warm at first, but it was getting hotter by the instant.

"Your father's nature protects you." One said. "It makes you hard to burn, but not impossible, youngling. Not impossible. "

They threw more lava at him, causing Percy to scream. His whole body was on fire. The pain was worse than anything he'd ever felt. He crumpled to the metal floor and heard the sea demons howling in delight.

Percy felt a presence enter his mind just like it had on Othrys.

'The sea is within you Perseus. Call to it and it will answer.' Poseidon said./

Poseidon looked up and had a look of hope and pride for his son or at least for the person he fathered.

/Percy was in too much agony to even reply back as the fire consumed him.

He had no choice, he called to the sea. He reached inside himself and thought about the waves and the currents, the endless power of the ocean.

Percy let loose one last terrifying scream before he was consumed by what he could only describe as raw power./

Zeus raised an eyebrow and his eyes widened.

/An explosion, a tidal wave, a whirlwind of power simultaneously sent Percy blasting downward into the lava. Fire and water collided and he was shot upward from the heart of the volcano in a huge explosion. The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness was flying, flying so high he couldn't help but smirk internally at Zeus' outrage before he began to fall, smoke and fire and water streaming from him like he was a comet hurtling toward the earth.

Everyone had a look of awe on their face. "Wow," Poseidon and Hades said at the same time.

/Line Break

Zoe was sprinting after the mechanical spider when she was suddenly knocked off her feet and thrown to the ground from what could only be the most powerful earthquake or explosion she had ever felt. When the cavern stopped shaking, tears fell from her eyes as she thought about Percy being in the center of whatever it was the almost literally shook the earth to its core./

"That's not good," Percy said.

"Wow, good deductions, Percy," Zoe said.

Percy rolled his eyes.
