your new boyfriend

"I know him" Dream mumbled, causing everybody to look up at the man, eyebrows raised. The group had been searching for information on their newest competition, the next few bands they would be facing.

Turns out Dream had a lot of enemies, even more than sapnap would've thought. The raven haired boy had heard Dream's rambling about a man named techno a few months back but had never thought anything of it, that was until he found out they'd be facing the man (and his band) later in the afternoon.

Just to top it off, their competition just so happened to b-

"Sleepy bois?! Isn't half of their band too young to even be on stage?" Quackity huffed causing a small sigh to erupt from George's lips, "They're gonna be hard to beat" the british boy mumbled, currently seated painfully close to Dream, Sapnap almost gagging at the affection.

Sapnap rose from where he was previously seated on the ground, storming over to his drum set, twisting his bandana around his head. "Well? What are you waiting for? We need to practice a song that's gonna completely hand their asses to them" Sapnap huffed, raising an eyebrow slightly at Karl's flushed cheeks before shrugging it off, the brunet had been acting strange recently to say the least.

It didn't take long for the rest of the band to follow sapnap to their designated instruments, all awkwardly waiting for someone to come up with ideas, clearly all nervous about who they were going up against.

"I have an idea" George piped up, plucking a few strings on his guitar as he played an opening riff.

"I have some lyrics" Dream mumbled fiddling around in his bag as Quackity plugged in his aux, Karl awkwardly shifting on his feet as he let Dream take the lead. It wasn't like Karl to be so silent, not adding any comments or ideas, Sapnap only growing more suspicious of the mans behavior. He'd made a mental note to ask the man about it after practice.


He forgot. It wasn't until the five of them were in the crowd, did he remember. Only due to the way Karl had blatantly tried to stay as far away from sapnap as the sea of people would let him. Sapnap frowned returning to the spot next to Karl, deciding he'd rather be with the brunet then to be trapped beside the two lovebirds that were currently all over each other, or the crazy beanie wearing nutcase that was swerving throughout the crowd dancing with random people.

He gently grabbed onto Karl's hand squeezing it tightly as he dragged the brunet to the barrier, Karl's pink cheeks barely noticeable under the venues dim lighting, a signal that a band would be entering the stage soon.

Sapnap scanned his eyes across the figures on the stage, there appeared to be 6 members, causing the mans eyebrow to raise. He looked down at the brunet, grinning at him, his smile quickly fading as the man simply avoided eye contact with sapnap, causing the man to sigh, turning back to face the stage.

It wasn't until he felt Karl's hand slip from his own, did he notice he'd forgotten to let go, his own cheeks flushing a deep pink, thankful for the distraction of the now lit up stage. He took in the band appearance. A tall brunet stood beside a pink haired woman, the two of them in front of microphones. He let his eyes trail over to the man on the drums, who sported a green and white bucket hat. Across from him were two boys, that didn't look much older than 16, the blonde holding a guitar and the shorter brunet stood behind a keyboard. Finally, he met eyes with the last man, he hand long pink hair and a guitar placed against his hand.

At first he raised an eyebrow at the mans blatant staring but he then realized the man wasn't staring at him, but the blonde that had resurfaced beside sapnap, "That's techno" Dream mumbled leaning down so sapnap would be able to hear him over the crowd. The raven hair boy now understanding why the pink haired boy looked so pissed off, if Dream's expression was anything to go by, there was definitely some history there.

The two teenage boys opened the song, playing alongside each other with wide smiles on each of their faces. "Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be, when I was a kid on VoIP" the brunet sang, a very prominent british accent blaring through the stadium, his eyes darting over to George, who now seemingly looked just as pissed off as Dream, oh boy, there was also history there too.

Sapnap watched carefully as the woman and techno swayed slightly, the two having not done much yet. His thoughts were quickly cut off when he heard a very distinctive guitar riff play out during the chorus, his eyebrow raising at the sudden change in tempo, the pink haired woman now singing angelic harmonies along with the brunet, the nerves in Sapnap's stomach only growing.

"You hit it off instantly, I know cause you won't stop telling me" the guitar had once again dropped out as the brunet sang alone once again, getting a few laughs from the crowd as he sang comedic lines, sapnap trying his hardest not to laugh along, he couldn't deny it, the band was good.

He felt Karl's hand re attach with his own, looking down at the other, a grin on his face, which Karl had returned, sapnap internally sighing with relief. "Oh she's living the dream" the man sung, the tempo once again changing as the woman began to harmonize, sapnap's heart swelling at her voice and the sweet smile on her face, reminding him of Karl's very own.

He looked back at the other, surprised to see the man staring straight back at him. He smirked, grabbing Karl's other hand as he forced the man to dance around with him, forgetting all of his previous worries, Karl only rolling his eyes and dancing along with him as the band repeated the chorus.

"You're pretty" sapnap mumbled, his cheeks quickly heating up as he realized what he had said. He thanked the gods above when Karl tilted his head "What?" he spoke slightly louder of the crowd "I can't hear you!" he huffed causing sapnap to roll his eyes, pulling the man closer to him as the song began to die out.
