
A/N: i currently have no more pre written chaps so the next update may take a little while! ily all, enjoy <3

they never spoke about that night after that, it'd been a few weeks since them, the five boys all getting along just fine, dream and george seeming to be getting along a little too well. resulting in a lot of teasing from the other three, well, mainly quackity.

sapnap had been in the practice room of the new venue all day, hitting his drums with such force he could've swore he'd heard them break, but they seemed to be working fine so oh well.

the boy was nervous, they were preforming again tonight and this determined wether they'd be getting into the finals or not, and besides, the last time sapnap had preformed he'd completely bombed it at the end. so, nervous was an understatement.

a few hours must've passed, because before he knew it, it was time to head on stage. the band all hyped each other up before they headed on stage, they'd agreed to play one of quackitys songs, letting the other have a chance to shine.

sapnap took his seat behind his new temporary set of drums, it was like the further they got the better the equipment got, but sapnap wasn't complaining.

sapnap played the opening beat, only ever practicing with quackity and george beforehand so the three could grasp the rythm. so when sapnap heard a symphony of moans sound through the mics, he instantly looked up.

quackity turned to wink at sapnap a stupid smirk on his face, sapnap looked over to george who seemed just as surprised as him.

karl and dream ignored the very clear surprised looks they were receiving from two of their band mates, it only encouraging them.

"there's a million, billion, trillion stars" dream sang, taking lead for this song, karl only letting out a few background moans throughout the first verse, sapnaps cheeks bright red, thankful no one could see him very well.

"they say, it started with a big bang" karl added some harmony's for dream as the two sang to each other, grinning like idiots.

quackity and george did their stupid little rehearsed back to back shoulder move, causing sapnap to roll his eyes as he played, not thinking the two had been serious about it previously.

"every little ones got a million things" dream spoke, in time with the song, mainly to the audience. karl quickly placed his mic into the stand standing in position as he swayed his voice steady as he sang a held note in the background.

"and did you know that when you really get close," dream continued, quackity adding a further harmony along with karl, sapnap smiling wide at how perfect the song was going.

"so when you think it might just come to blows" george sang the finally, highest harmony, the crowd dancing along when the music picked back up again. quackity doing some weird dance across the stage as he got hyped by the crowd, still playing his guitar flawlessly, the whole band holding back chuckles. "like my soul, just like my soul"

eventually the two guitars dropped out, leaving only sapnap playing, the boy focussing on not messing up like he did last time, knowing there'd be no saving him this time.

dream and karl began to moan again, sapnap more prepared this time, simply rolling his eyes as he nailed the final few bars the crowd cheering louder than he'd ever heard before, his heart full of joy.

quackity yelled something incoherent into the microphone, george bursting out into laughter as the three ran off the stage, all high off of adrenaline.

dream didn't know what took over him as he ran off the stage with the others, his hands finding their way to george's waist, spinning the other around, causing the brunette to squeak. dream chuckled looking down at george, who looked right back up at him.

he don't know if it was satan or quackity (the same thing in his eyes) that took over his soul as he leaned down, pressing his lips gently against george's, the other instantly kissing back.

it felt like weeks of longing had finally paid off, his shoulders relaxing as he deepened the kiss, biting at george's lip causing the other to gasp.

it wasn't until he heard quackity quickly rushing out a spanish prayer, did he pull away. the three boys all looking at the two, george rubbed the back of his neck his cheeks flushed , dream snickering slightly at quackitys rambling.

sapnap gagged running off down the halls "i'm going to throw up!" he yelled dramatically, karl chasing after him, the other three following suit, george and dream hand in hand.


it was late when the group got the call, they'd made it to the finals. dream and george yelled wrapping their arms around each other, happiness radiating off of the two.

sapnap's head was rested against karl's shoulder, as quackitys rested in the raven haired boys lap, the three simply congratulating one another.

after a while of listening to quackitys stories from his previous band, dream and george headed off to bed. it wasn't too long until quackity yawned, his eyes fluttering shut as he laid comfortably in sapnaps lap, sapnap rolling his eyes "get off me asshole, you're fat head is crushing my dick"

quackity huffed flipping sapnap off before standing up, "i'm going to bed" he hummed looking down at the two boys with narrowed eyes, pointing two fingers at them expectantly, "no fucking on the couch!" he yelled walking off before sapnap or karl could utter a word.

the two sat it comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence. it wasn't until sapnap felt his eyes grow heavy, his whole body resting against karl at this point.

karl smiled down at him, admiring the other features before quickly looking away, not wanting to make anything weird between the two. believe it or not, karl actually thought of sapnap as a friend, a good one at that.

he gently moved his shoulder, causing sapnap to wake up slightly, looking up at karl, who just looked back down at him, the two boys having the same idea as they stood up, quietly making their way to their bedroom.

sapnap got into bed, wrapping his sheets around his body, karl doing the same. he couldn't help but feel cold, longing for something he was too afraid to ask for, luckily, karl didn't need to ask.

sapnap could practically hear karl thinking, he rolled over to face the other, lifting up his sheets with as much energy as he had left, karl raising an eyebrow at him.

"hurry up asshole, before i change my mind" sapnap teased, his words slurring slightly at the end, too tired to form full sentences. karl nodded quickly rolling out of his own bed and into sapnap's.

the brunette laid there, unmoving, not wanting to disturb sapnap. he felt a cautious arm snake around his waist pulling him in closer. karl quickly relaxed into the new found warmth his eyes slipping shut.

the two fell asleep in harmony, quicker than they ever had before, the only sound throughout the bus being the muffled sound of the icarly theme song coming from quackitys bedroom.
