Take a slice

A/N: Okay remember how i said writers block was kicking my ass? For some reason straight after posting that chapter I ending up writing this, nearly 2k words of the boys acting like literal teenagers, enjoy! <3

Karl had quite literally screamed when quackity had woken him from his slumber, forgetting about the sleeping boy beside him. He only noticed the third presence when the man shot up, presumably to karl's screaming, trying to figure out what had happened.

Sapnap's wide eyes and heavy breathing only caused quackity to laugh even harder, backing away from karl's face. The man had thought it'd be funny to wake karl up by wearing some dumb mask he'd found, getting real close into karl's face.

The brunette waking up to nothing but a badly drawn smiley face breathing down on him was obviously not how he'd expected his morning to go, so when he gripped onto quackitys shirt, throwing him to the ground with a huff, he turned to get a look at the man next to him, smiling shyly as quackity let out a groan of pain in the background.

"Morning" Karl grinned, sapnap rolling his eyes as he stood up from the bed "morning" he replied, gently stepping over quackitys body that was now curled up into a fetal position, "See you at practice boys!" he yelled out from the corridor, before continuing into his own room.

Sapnap was confused, to say the least. On one hand, he was completely enamoured by karl only wanting to be around the other at all times, wanting to spend his days and nights with man and cherish in the blooming friendship they had formed.

On the other hand though, sapnap wanted nothing more to pin the brunette against the wall and kiss him like his life depended on in, wanted to see what else his throat could do, other than sing of course.

Sapnap was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he felt the cold, bitter air hit his face. He already knew george and dream would be in the studio, probably sucking each other's faces, the thought alone making sapnaps nose scrunch up.

He banged his clenched fist against the door, waiting a few seconds before entering, not wanting to see something that would most likely scar him for eternity.

Surprisingly, the two were simply sat on the floor, george strumming a few strings as dream hummed along, reminding sapnap of the time he and karl had done the same, they'd have to do that again sometime.

"You two are so in love it's painful to my soul" sapnap huffed, walking past the two to take a seat at his drum stool, purposefully banging the bass drum a few times to destroy the couples chance at peace and quiet.

"Hey! Just cause you're jealous it's not you and..." dream paused, not knowing wether to finish his sentence due to the look sapnap was pulling at him, luckily he didn't have to finish his sentence, as the brunette next to him decided to chime in.

"Sir jacobs" he grinned, rolling his eyes at dream's hesitation. The brunette stood from the floor, gently swinging the guitar around his shoulder as he dusted off his legs, offering a hand for dream to take, helping the man up.

The two shared a short lived kiss that was cut off by quackitys gagging, who had previously entered the room undetected, now fiddling with his own guitar, tuning it until it fit his preference.

It didn't take long for karl to enter, always being the last person to practice, but doing it so fashionably late that sapnap couldn't find it in his heart to complain, possibly having something to do with the fact that he was completely whipped by the other.

"Count us in sap?" Karl asked, turning to grin at the other as he gripped the mic stand, sapnaps eyes trailing over the way his veins looked as he clenched his fists and god they'd look so good around my-

"Sapnap?" Dream chimed in, causing everyone to look at the man, his cheeks heating up, "I- Uh yeah okay" the raven haired boy grimaced, forcing on a smile, causing dream to roll his eyes and chuckle under his breath, the four boys now turning to face the correct way once again.


A/N: Start the song now!

"4..." the man instantly began playing the drum beat of the song they had prepared earlier, the feeling of harsh stage lights blaring down on his face not bothering him as much as it used to.

It didn't take long for george to join in with a baseline, sapnap suddenly very jealous of the goggles the other wore, now understanding why. It wasn't often the lights reached him, but karl had sworn to get him closer to the crowd, something about wanting to showcase his talents.

Quackity didn't seem too bothered by the lights, nor the crowd, flawlessly playing the opening guitar riff. Sapnap knew quackity was basking in the yells from the crowd, the man looked good and he knew it, the way his fingers ran against the strings effortlessly, sapnap knew it was bound to make people fall to their knees.

"I don't ever wanna pick a slice" The two leads sang together in unison, sapnap only focussed on karl, his mouth parting slightly at how good the man looked, now knowing the man was made for this career, sapnap swore he was the only guy that could make sweat look attractive but maybe he was just biased.

"Dark fingernail polish" The two finished the first half of the first verse dream's low harmonies fitting perfectly with karl's higher ones. Sapnaps eyes darting to the brunettes hands where, sure enough, his fingernails had been painted black, partly influencing sapnaps decision to include those words in the song.

"Gonna fuck my way through collage" Karl had seemingly taken the lead for the final line, sapnap nearly choking at the way the mans lips curled as he spat the curse word into the microphone, sapnaps whole body tingling.

He quickly picked up his thoughts, bringing his drums back in much harder this time as george and quackity did the same, all five of them sounding much better then they ever had before as the two men sang along.

Sapnap internally groaned at dream and george blatantly eye fucking each other from across the stage, if it wasn't for karl stood between the two he was sure they would've been all over each other by now, he turned his head slightly to get a look at quackity, who's head was thrown back as he swayed his hips slightly to the music, clearly lost in the guitar.

"I'm so tasty and the price is right" Dream sang the next line, sapnap definitely not enjoying the way it sounded coming out of his best friends mouth, refusing to look at george knowing exactly what his reaction would've been.

"I'm filthy and I love it" it wasn't until karl had began singing again, did sapnap look back at the two, his cheeks red once again, suddenly realising the crowd could probably see that small detail now, considering he'd moved closer to the front, he quickly shook off his thoughts, bobbing his head as he played to his best ability.

Finally, the two men had dropped out completely, now finishing the singing part of the song, leaving the rest to the instrumentals, which was increasingly getting more nerve wracking for sapnap, never really having a purely drum and guitar section of a song before, especially not live, his nerves only calmed as he realised quackity would be taking most of the attention away from him.

George continued to play the bass, and from what sapnap could see, rolling his eyes under the goggles as dream headed over to him, leaning down to rest his head against the mans as george proceeded to play perfectly, with no shame as the two moved together.

Quackity, to no surprise, began to play his solo, taking centre stage as he danced around the stage, the crowd going crazy as he leaned down the grin at a few of them, winking and showing his charm as he played.

Sapnap was way too enthralled in watching quackitys glowing stage presence to notice karl who had previously been stalking over to where he was seated, the man only noticing when karl had stopped dead in front of his drum kit.

Sapnap didn't let karl ruin his playing though, simply trying to distract himself from the way karl had swayed his body around the mans set, now stood behind him, the mans touch on his shoulders intoxicating.

Karl leaned down, his breath now hot against sapnaps ear as he bit at is playfully, sapnaps drums completely dropping out just as quackity and george's guitars began to fade out, his cheeks red as he stood up from his kit, turning to face karl, his lips parted in awe.

He'd realised he'd been staring when quackity had tugged at his arm, pulling the two off the stage, sapnap quickly snapping out of his daze, now rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands.

"That went well" George spoke up, currently clinging onto dream like a lifeline, the two already all over each other, sapnap rolling his eyes.

"God you're like horny teenagers" quackity huffed, prodding dream's side with his finger before stepping back "Here." the man mumbled, scurrying around in his jean pockets, sapnap watching him with a raised eyebrow, as he dropped what seemed to be a key card in the blondes hands.

"Because i'm a responsible parent, i booked you putas a hotel room for the night, no need to thank me" Quackity hummed only getting a chuckle from dream in response, the brunette next to him messing up quackitys beanie on his head.

"Yeah, just leave me with the obvious fuckers over here, at least they have the decency to fuck silently" The man teased, pushing past the four storming off to the tour bus.

Sapnap really didn't understand quackity, the man was strangely optimistic all of the time, but hey he wasn't complain- "What'd he say?!" karl blurted causing sapnap to look up at him, his eyes widened as he to realised what quackity had said, groaning slightly as he placed his head in his hands.

"Okayyyy then" George mumbled, looking up at dream before grabbing his arm, dragging the blonde away to where sapnap assumed they were staying, now being left with karl.

"We should probably head to the bus" the man mumbled, weirdly quieter than usual, sapnap looking up to see the man was clearly as flustered as he was, scratching the back of his neck as his cheeks were tinted with a pretty shade of pink.

Sapnap caught himself before he could let his gaze linger for longer than comfortable, nodding along with karl, grabbing the others shoulders as he looked down slightly into the others eyes.

He couldn't help himself as he leant down, resting his head against the mans forehead, smirking slightly as he felt karl's breath stutter against his skin, the mans eyes wide as his cheeks flushed an even darker shade of pink.

Sapnap swore he saw the other go to lean up, but decided his mind was simply just telling him what he wanted to hear. "Race ya there!" the raven hair boy smirked, patting karl's shoulder before turning on his heel, leaving no time to think about the previous encounter, now only wanting to beat karl, the last thing he could hear as he turned the corner being a distant,

"Hey! No fair!!"
