pork soda

"Mierda." Quackity mumbled, dragging the four men towards the side of the stage "they were good" he continued, everyone silently agreeing with the boy. Sapnap shifted awkwardly on his feet as he disconnected his hand from quackity's, wiping against his shift with a playful scowl "cooties." the raven haired boy mumbled, trying to clam quackity's evident nerves, it seemingly working as the man gasped in mock offence.

Before quackity could retaliate back, the five got their cue to enter the stage. Sapnap groaning as they announcer yelled out their former band name "404", sapnap making a note to ask the others about changing their name.

The boys all took their places, like they had rehearsed earlier that day, Karl and Dream looking as confident as ever under to artificial lighting. Quackity and George fiddling with the tuners on their guitars with practiced ease, not a hint of fear in their demeanors, it left Sapnap in awe how confident they all appeared to be.

"Somewhere in south end when you were fun" Dream opened the song along with George's bassline and Sapnap's drums.

"You took my hand and you made me run" Karl replied, looking over his shoulder to get a quick glance of Sapnap, that didn't go unnoticed by the other.

Quackity then came in with a much less prominent guitar riff, taking a step back from being the focal point of their songs. Sapnap played along flawlessly as he watched the four absorb the atmosphere that had been created by the crowd, them seemingly enjoying the band.

"I want you for the world, I want you all the time" Karl's voice unwavering and perfect as he removed his mic from the stand, slowly making his way around the stage, Sapnap had noticed that the man seemed to do that when he was uncomfortable being center stage.

Sapnap looked out into the crowd as he played, noticing the other band being in the crowd, just as they were. He saw the two younger boys jumping around to the music, causing chaos to those around them. He noticed the woman swaying slightly as she seemed to try and sing along, the bucket hat man watching over the two boys.

He then noticed why Karl had moved, the brunet glaring at George with a look that could kill, the pink haired man reflecting that same expression to Dream. Karl clearly wanting to avoid that at all costs as he walked over to sapnap, still singing flawlessly as the song began to build up.

"Maybe you still think of us, phone buzz and still I jump" the two sang, slowly climbing up in tone as Karl leant over the drum stand, Quackity and George both moving over to Dream, playing along perfectly.

"I want you all the time" Karl sang solo, meeting eyes with sapnap, who looked back at him his mouth slightly agape. Karl shot back up from where he had sat, winking at Sapnap before heading back off to meet Dream and the others in the middle of the stage.

They repeated the chorus a few times, Sapnap's eyes never leaving Karl as the man swayed across the stage gracefully. Eventually the three boys dropped out, leaving Karl and Dream to close the song with a final "Got nobody cause I'm braindead."


"So what's the weird eye contact about?" Quackity asked, sapnap thankful that someone had finally asked. Dream and George both looking at the three from where they were seated on their bed. Sapnap, Quackity and Karl had all invaded Dream and George's room, post-show adrenaline keeping them from relaxing. The three of them sat on the floor, looking up at Dream and George expectantly, causing George to roll his eyes.

"Techno just has some weird grudge because I'm better than him at everything" Dream grinned causing the boys to roll their eyes, George included. "More like he's better than you" Sapnap piped up, Dream glaring at him as a warning to not say more, but Sapnap, of course, didn't take notice.

"They have this weird rivalry, like one time Dream and Techno were both on the same football team back at school right? The two completely threw the game because they refused to pass to each other." Sapnap hummed, Dream letting out a small groan, slightly embarrassed "not true."

"Oh really?" sapnap smirked before continuing "because I do remember you coming home and complaining to bad all night about how techno had beat you by one mark on a POP QUIZ" Sapnap exclaimed causing the four boys to laugh, Dream joining in with the laughter with a short lived eye roll.

"How about you George? Some weird British cult you got goin on?" George sighed knowing quackity wouldn't leave him alone until he answered.

"We both liked the same girl back at our old school when we were like ten, one thing led to another and I-" he paused hiding his head in his hands with embarrassment "I convinced everybody he was gay so she'd date me" George mumbled, causing quackity to let out a shriek of laughter, Sapnap following suit, the rest all laughing along.

Their laughing was cut short when somebody knocked at the bus door, George instantly getting up to answer it, wanting to remove himself from the conversation as quickly as possible. The brunet resurfaced a few minutes later, an unfamiliar blonde beside him. Sapnap took his time taking in the mans features, his hair was tied back in a man bun, a small chain sported around his neck.

"Hey, you guys need to start packing." The man spoke, his voice rough as Dream stood up raising an eyebrow at him, trying to read George's expression for any signs of fear, the brunet simply just smiling.

"Wait that was kinda rude, I'm Punz, your new manager" the blonde spoke up once again, quackity, karl and sapnap now all rising from where they were sat. "New manager?" Karl asked gently holding onto sapnap's hand that he didn't notice he'd taken.

"Yeah! You guys got through to the semi-finals? Didn't you know?"

It was silent for a short while, before quackity ran at the blonde, wrapping his arms around punz with a cheer, punz tensing up at the unexpected contact. Karl sighed, despite the grin on his face, gripping quackity's shirt, pulling him off of the other.

"So why do we need to pack?" Dream asked, still cautious of the other. "Because you guys are in the big leagues now, which means better equipment and a much better bus" He smirked, looking around the small room he was currently in, all five of the boys' eyes lighting up.

"C'mon! what are you waiting for?" The man spoke up again, snapping sapnap back into reality as he squeezed Karl's hand, dragging the other to their room, karl letting out a small squeal. Quackity sprinted off to his room with a terrifying speed, and punz left the bus to give the boys their space as they packed their belongings.


It didn't take long for the five of them to pack and unpack, Karl rolling around on his much larger, comfier bed. Sapnap laughing at him, his laughter only growing when quackity appeared out of nowhere, jumping onto the brunet "GET THE HONK OFF ME ALEX" sapnap laughed before quickly leaving the room, not wanting to get involved any further.

Eventually Karl and Quackity appeared, quackity sitting as far away from Karl as he could, Karl glaring at him causing George and Sapnap to simultaneously roll their eyes. "So first job as manager, you guys need a name, y'know to improve your 'reputation' or whatever" Punz hummed fiddling with a lose strand of hair, Sapnap could already tell he'd get along with the guy.

"What about the quackity show" quackity hummed, causing Karl to glare at him once again "maybe not" the man mumbled, sapnap laughing at the two.

"Pop off"

"No George"

"Daddy Dream?"


"How about feral" Karl chimed in, the five looking at the brunet who had been mainly silent.

"That's kinda catchy"

"You'd say that to whatever karl says sap, fuckin simp"

"Shut up quackity or I swear to fu-"

"Okay! Feral it is!" Punz raised his voice, before the two could continue their argument, George thanking the man with his eyes. The boys all agreed to the name, now drifting into a short lived silence, due to quackity once again speaking up.

"We should go get welcoming drinks" he hummed, causing Punz to raise an eyebrow "You guys aren't even legal"

"Hey the youngest is sap and he's 19!" the beanie wearing man pleaded, causing everybody to sigh.

"I know a club that we can go to, but I refuse to let you guys drink" Punz hummed, meeting quackity in the middle. Quackity beamed back at the other as he shot up, running to his room presumably to get changed.

"We leave in 10" The blonde mumbled, everyone else leaving to get ready for the night ahead of them.
