I Am Unruly In The Stands

"Dude i'm so freaking nervous" Sapnap huffed tightening the knot of his bandanna worried about it falling off of his head from the copious amount of sweat his body had started to produce out of fear.

"We'll be fine dude!! let's go rock this shit!!" Dream yelled over the screaming crowds just a few feet away.

"Language!!" Bad piped up causing the two other boys to roll their eyes, all three eventually heading onto the stage, collectively ignoring the pit of fear that brewed deep in their stomach.

"We're the dream team we hope you enjoy!" Dream yelled into the microphone, enjoying the way the crowd screamed in response.

He felt his whole body relax when the opening riff of bads guitar started to play, along with sapnaps drums that he could practically feel pulsating through his body.

The three of them formed a band all the way back in middle school, and here they are now, senior year, preforming in one of the most prestigious competitions in their home town of florida, battle of the bands.

"I made a wreck out of my hand, i put it through the wall" dream sang along with bad who provided backing vocals like the saint he was, bad knew that dream wasn't the best in front of crowds but once he got used to it he would be fine.

That's why they all agreed to preform this song, wrecking ball, it was one of their stronger songs that they had created, it also included a lot of other vocals so dream didn't have to sing alone.

"I am unruly in the stands i am a rock on top of the sand" dream felt a grin grow on his face, his confidence returning as he turned to face sapnap who was too focused on playing in time to notice.

"You gotta want to be the the drummer in the band" he sang holding back a chuckle when sapnap waved towards the crowd causing a few girls to swoon, there was no denying sapnap was attractive, his black hair flopped perfectly over his forehead, even after being contained by his white bandana, his nails were painted a dark black that contrasted against the chipped away wood of his drum sticks. He was always sporting ripped jeans and any band t-shirt he could get his hands on.

"let's break it!" dream hummed "just because we can" bad responded grinning from ear to ear perfectly playing his guitar along with singing.

Bad was the complete opposite from how he appeared on stage, the boy hated cursing of any sort, mean people and war, basically just being a life size teddy bear. But his looks however were a completely other story, his signature black and red devil hoodie and his harsh demeanour would have any sane person intimidated, that is until he starts speaking.

"and i break it...just because i can" dream sang progressively getting louder, dream was the main reason the band had been formed, he had introduced sapnap and bad to each other during a sleepover he had in middle school and the two instantly hit it off. As soon as bad and sapnap realised dream could sing that had been the turning point not only for their hobbies but for dream. He'd gone from being the weird nerdy kid into some sort of 'mysterious god' according to sapnap. Sure, he let his hair grow out long enough for him to sport a man bun, he always wore the same green hoodie and his simple smiley mask that covered his face from the nose up, but he still didn't understand why people wanted to see his face so bad.

"Thank you!!" he yelled causing another lot of screams to erupt from the crowd, the three of them left the stage laughing and high fiving "dude we totally won!!" sapnap exclaimed the other two agreeing.

"next up, 404 not found!!" the announcer yelled causing dream to tense up slightly, he could tell that his friends also didn't know about 404 not found preforming.

They were very well known and a completely different vibe to the dream team, you could basically call the two bands enemies as they were each other's biggest competitors, it didn't help that the two bands were constantly shit talking about each other(besides bad who only complained about their 'inappropriate songs'), and they all attended the same school.

A few moments passed before the three of them jumped at the words of the bands lead guitarist "looks like you've just seen a ghost boys" george hummed snickering slightly causing dream the raise his middle finger. George rolled his eyes before heading off to the stage, his band mates following.
