And The Winner Is...

"and the winner of battle of the bands 2020, the group that'll be moving on to the semi finals is...." dream looked over at sapnap and bad, the other two were clearly as nervous as he was as they all awaited the results. He shot a glance over to the other possible winning team, meeting eyes with george who scowled and looked away. 'weird' dream thought to his self but decided to dismiss it as george was probably looking for someone else.

"404 not found!" the announcer yelled a smile on his face as he handed the band a small medal, the sort of ones you could buy at party city. Sapnap saw the other team celebrate, envy filling his body and he knew that should've been his band instead.

Bad noticed sapnaps anger and patted his two band members on the shoulder "it's okay guys, next year!" he grinned trying to keep his friends positive. And it worked, both boys smiled at bad nodding in agreement.

"But wait!" the announcer smirked turning back to face the crowd, sapnap looked over at karl noticing his face as it fell. "we have a tie!" this caused most of the audience to scream louder than usual, starling bad slightly.

"the second band that will also be advancing to the finals is..." dream looked up from the floor staring at the announcer in anticipation, surely not.

"the dream team!" he yelled grinning wide as he handing dream a similar medal who turned around to face sapnap and bad his smile growing. "dude!" sapnap chuckled, still in disbelief as there had never been a tie in the audition stage.

"i told you muffins we'd win!!" bad exclaimed giggling slightly as he pulled the other two in a hug, once bad had let go the three of them turned to face 404 not found, and sure enough the band was looking right back at them.

Sapnap smirked at the band, noticing the way karl's cheeks tinted red before he quickly composed his self, raising a middle finger at sapnap. Dream chuckled ruffling up sapnaps hair as they all headed off the stage "dude we're going to freaking texas what the heck" dream yelled pulling his friends out of the building and into his car.

They all headed back to dreams apartment, the tall boy had a lot of money passed down to him when his father passed away, which sure, is pretty sad, but he never really knew the guy so dream wasn't too effected, he was grateful for the money though as he had a chance to move out of his moms home.

"i can't believe that just happened" bad laughed flopping down onto the sofa as he read through his emails, "dude we get a whole tour bus to take us to texas, what the muffin?!" he yelled basking in the afterglow of the event, sapnap and dream sat down next to him reading over the basic guidelines that they had to abide to. "this is gonna be so freaking cool!"
