I'm So Tired Of This Body

Bad fiddled around with a violin he had found during sound check, sure he was a little rusty but he still wanted to try it out again for the first time in a few months. "Hey dream? sap?" bad hummed lifting up the instrument to show the two boys "do you think we have time for one more?" he grinned wiggling his eyebrows in hopes the two would understand.

When the three first created the dream team they used to have a set night where they'd all pile into the schools music room and play whatever they wanted, those being some of bad's fondest memories. "You wanna make something up as we go?" dream snickered rolling his eyes as he re plugged his bass guitar into the amp, sapnap quickly re seating his self behind the drum kit.

Bad nodded and played a few strings that sounded awful as he tried to get used to the violin again. Soon enough he found his rhythm, singing along with dream "take my eyes, take them aside" sapnap came in after the first few lines the beat of their 'song' coming naturally to him. After a while dream switched up the pace of his singing, slowing down "I've grown tired, of this body, cumbersome and heavy body" his voice was soft as he sang, basking in the music.

Dream had gotten pretty good at writing lyrics to their songs, it came naturally to the blonde haired boy, most of them not making sense but having a much deeper meaning when you really listened. That was his favorite part about writing his own songs, he could twist the meaning of his words to fit them however he wanted to. That's why he enjoyed improvising as he felt pure ecstasy when his friends played along with his creations in their own styles.

Their 'song' continued to change back and forth between the two tempos, sapnap eventually started to get bored of the repetition speeding up the beat of his drums signaling to dream they he wanted to switch up. "Arms and legs, get in the way, bodies break" he sang chuckling slightly as they fell back into the chorus. "I've grown tired of this body" The three of them all smiling as bad did a little dance as he played.

"Tired of this body" dream repeated progressively getting louder as sapnap played his drums harder, bad adding some overlaying vocals with his now face paced violin all three of them too absorbed in the music to notice their rival band enter the room.

"Heavy body, heavy body, heavy body..." dream trailed off panting slightly after their sudden outburst, he turned to face sapnap and bad breaking into laughter with the other two boys "sapnap dude you really 'popped off'" dream teased speaking in a mocking tone causing sapnap to flip him off.

All three of them turned to face the door when they heard an awkward cough come from that direction. Low and behold, 404 not found stood there, staring at the three boys. Skeppy offered bad a small thumbs up, the two of them now friendly with each other. George started at dream, causing the blonde haired boy to blush slightly, 'did he really just see that whole thing?'.

"Enjoy the show ladies?" sapnap asked snickering slightly as he twirled his drum stick around his fingers his eyes locked with karl's. Karl raised an eyebrow cockily, "it was very loud, to put it nicely" karl chuckled glaring at sapnap who scoffed in return. "Like you could do any better, on the spot, jacobs" "you wanna test that theory sap?"

"Go ahead." he muttered through gritted teeth as him and his friends moved away from the instruments ready to see the other band preform, eager to find out what they'd be against in the semi finals.
