supermassive black hole


"Punz this literally looks like a frat party" Sapnap hummed, looking at the building in front of him, inspecting the multiple cars and the bass of the music quite honestly making his stomach churn.

"You guys really think you look old enough to get into a club? George is literally 21 and the man looks 15." Dream snorted, receiving a shove of his shoulder from George.

Quackity grinned, grabbing sapnap's wrist causing him to groan "Why me?!" the man mumbled as he got dragged from the rest of the group into the house by Quackity.

Sapnap walked into quackity when the man stopped without warning, sapnap trying to figure out what had caused the other to stop so abruptly, eyes locking onto the familiar figures across the room, the three appearing to be staring right back.

It wasn't long before the others caught up, all staring at the three figures, "Don't start any fights boys" Punz mumbled, tapping away on his phone.

The awkward eye contact only lasted a few moments longer before punz let out a sigh, pushing the group out of sight to prevent any confrontation, the blonde didn't know their rival band would be attending but quite honestly he didn't care, not when he met eyes with a pretty lady.

Sapnap took notice of punz sudden shift in demeanour, nudging him playfully, an eyebrow raised causing punz to roll his eyes.

"20 Dollars you can't hook up with her" sapnap hummed, punz smirking at the chance to make easy money, he offered his hand which sapnap took shaking on their new bet, punz quickly stalking off to speak to the girl.

Now sapnap knew punz would easily hook up with her, but he also knew if he didn't do that the man would be following the band around all night, ruining any chance at actually enjoying their night, so to win some, you have to lose some.

Quackity cheered when he saw punz walk away, the five of them all quickly heading in the opposite direction, looking for wherever the drinks could be found, sapnap couldn't help but notice the way karl was practically glued to his side, glancing at everybody that dared to look in sapnaps direction, the man finding it endearing that the other was so protective.

It wasn't until the group were multiple drinks in, did they separate. Mainly because the five of them were approached by the three figures from earlier.

Dream and George took that as their cue to leave, quickly rushing away hand in hand, barging through the crowds of people not wanting to make the situation awkward.

Sapnap shifted on his feet as he offered the brunette in front of him a polite small, and to his surprise it was returned.

Sapnap looked over to quackity, who was glaring at technoblade, who looked right back, a hint of boredom in his eyes.

After a short period of awkward silence, niki spoke up, introducing herself the the three, karl taking her outstretched hand and shaking it gently.

The three of them talked for a while, well, sapnap spoke to wilbur about their shared hate for parties, karl and niki spoke about nikis hair, and how karl wanted to dye his the same, sapnap overhearing niki agreeing to help him.

Quackity spoke to techno, the conversation being very much one sided as the man rambled on and on about various things, techno simply listening with a raised eyebrow, sipping his drink every now and then, and sapnap could tell quackity was already drunk, by the way he gripped technos wrist pulling the man towards the area the music was blaring from.

Sapnap and karl stood talking for a little longer, until sapnap started to get a familiar feeling in his stomach as he watched karl's hands run through nikis hair, he knew it was probably a friendly harmless gesture but his face still shifted as he gently took ahold of karl's other hand, also dragging him along to the makeshift dance floor "it was nice meeting you!" the brunette had yelled as he got dragged away.


It'd been a few hours since they'd arrived, george and dream had seemingly vanished and quackity was drunkly dancing all over poor techno, sapnap feeling for the pink haired man.

"Do you want another drink?" Sapnap hummed, his hands placed gently against karl's side, now realising he was a clingy drunk.

Karl simply nodded, grinning up at sapnap before moving out of the mans grip with a small twirl causing sapnap and karl to burst out into laughter.

Sapnap took his cue to leave, squeezing the brunettes sides gently before slipping away, going to find another drink for the two.

He once again bumped into wilbur both metaphorically and literally. "Shit dude i'm sorry" sapnap rushed out causing wilbur to chuckle placing a palm against his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it sap, you here for drinks?" The brunette mumbled sapnap only nodding in response, rolling his eyes when wilbur handed him a bottle of alcohol "I don't need this much man"

"Just take it, enjoy yourself!" he hummed winking dramatically before signalling over to karl who was currently dancing around with random people, sapnaps stomach turning when he saw a man get painfully close to karl, who didn't seem to mind.

Sapnap huffed, thanking wilbur once again before storming off towards karl, ignoring the jealousy burning inside of him. He smiled almost too sweetly at the man dancing with karl before tugging at the brunettes arm, karl looking up at him with a small smirk.

"You good sap?" he hummed sapnap furrowing his eyebrows at the other before grasping onto his wrist, pulling him away from the stranger to another area of the so called 'dance floor'.

A new song started up and sapnap instantly recognised it, slinging his arm over karl's shoulder as he looked down at the other, karl looking back up at him with a grin on his face.

"Dance with me sapnap?" he hummed, wiggling his eyes playfully causing sapnap to chuckle, twisting the man around so karl's back was now pressed against his chest.

"Oh baby, don't you know I suffer? Oh baby, can you hear me moan?"

Sapnap and karl's bodies moved together in time with the song, sapnaps eyes darting over to where quackity and techno were all over each other, his eyebrow raising in surprise.

He gently shifted karl so he could see the other two, the brunette letting out a playful gag causing sapnap to burst out into laughter, the two of them still pressed flush against each other.

"I thought I was a fool for no one. Oh baby, I'm a fool for you"

Karl tilted his head back, attempting to look up at sapnap as he moved his hips in time with the beat, admiring the raven haired boy who was currently chewing at his lip, one hand trailing up the front of karl's torso, the other hand gripping the alcohol bottle tightly.

Sapnaps hand stopped its movement, hovering over karl's neck as he gently pressed his palm against the mans windpipe, holding his head in place. Karl kept his eyes locked with sapnaps as he shivered at the contact.

Sapnap moved his other hand, gently pushing his thumb against the mans bottom lip, "open" he hummed eyes scanning across karl's face for any sign of discomfort.

Karl complied, parting his lips slightly as he felt the rim of the bottle press against his lip, a bitter liquid now being poured into his mouth and karl only stayed in place, unable to move his head if he wanted to, his body still moving with the song.

"Glaciers melting in the dead of night. And the superstars sucked into the super massive"

Sapnap hummed, removing the bottle allowing karl to swallow the alcohol before pouring some into his own mouth, grimacing at the taste.

His hand never moved from karl's neck, only loosening his grip slightly, kissing the top of karl's head gently as the two danced in synchrony.

Karl felt his cheeks heat up as he drank the liquid, trying not to gag at the awful taste, eyes flickering across sapnaps face, leaning into the mans touch.

"You want more?" Sapnap smirked, gently prying karl's mouth open with his thumb, groaning low at the sight of the man and the way his body was moving against his own was enough to send him crazy.

Karl nodded, batting his eyelashes playfully, sighing happily when he felt sapnaps grip against his throat tighten slightly.

Karl watched as the man poured the alcohol into his own mouth, waiting for his own turn. He raised an eyebrow slightly when sapnap hovered over him again, and before he knew what was happening, he felt the familiar taste enter his mouth once again.

Karl gasped looking up at sapnap with wide eyes as he pushed back against the other, waiting for the remaining liquid to trickle from sapnaps mouth into his own, the cool metal of sapnaps rings digging into his throat blissfully.

Sapnap only smirked, giving karl a chance to swallow the alcohol once again before leaning back down, the two unable to get any closer if they tried.

"Super massive black hole"

Karl looked up at sapnap his head pressed against the mans shoulder as he waited expectantly for what was to come next.

Sapnap let his eyes trail across karl's face for a few seconds "Can I kiss you?" the man hummed, usually shyness replaced by drunken confidence.

Karl rolled his eyes, leaning up as best as he could from the angle he was at, sapnap leaning down to meet him.

The two met lips with ushered desperation, weeks of yearning leading up to this, and sapnap was ecstatic, his whole body buzzing.

Karl wasn't much better, desperately trying to deepen the kiss but sapnap was holding his body in place, the brunette whining into the others mouth before sapnap pulled away, feeling somebody tug on his arm.

He let go of karl, turning to face the other figure, now recognising it as punz.

"Dude c'mon we're leaving." The blonde huffed, clearly pissed off, a drunken quackity rested against his shoulder, singing along painfully loud to some random song that was now playing.

Karl held onto sapnaps hand, allowing the other to guide him to the uber that punz had thankfully gotten them.
