
A/N: the song for the chapter is linked in the media!! i'll tell you when the start further on in the chap, enjoy! :D

he couldn't help it, the group of boys had been around each other none stop and it was getting harder and harder for karl to ignore the jealousy forming in the deep pits of his stomach.

sure, he and sapnap didn't get a long and quite honestly karl definitely hated him but the way sapnap and quackity had instantly hit it off gave karl a feeling he wasn't sure of.

dream and george had left to go 'explore' their new destination, grateful to have a break from the constant travelling. karl was, to say the least, confused of the new blossoming friendship between the two but decided not to question it as he knew george would most likely deny it.

but now that the two had left that meant karl was alone in the bus with sapnap and quackity, who were currently arguing about taco bell. karl groaned audibly, as he scrolled through his phone trying to block out the other twos constant bickering.

he didn't look up from the screen until he saw quackity awkwardly move closer to sapnap, now practically sat in his lap. karl tensed up his eyes darting back to his phone as he cleared his throat.

"you okay karlos?" quackity hummed running a hand through sapnaps hair as he looked down at karl who simply flipped him off in return

"trying to write if it wasn't for you two being all gay and shit" karl hummed briefly looking up from his screen towards the two, quackity smirking and sapnap bright red, his eyes trained on quackity.

karl huffed noticing the raven haired boys sudden fascination with the boy, he hated to admit it but he wished he was in quackitys shoes, craving all the attention he could get. he wondered how sapnaps hair would feel in his hands, his thoughts trailing off until he heard an awkward cough from quackity.

karl blushed slightly, standing up from where he was previously seated "i'm gonna go practice" karl mumbled quickly exiting the bus to avoid further embarrassment.


"dude he's totally jealous!" quackity laughed outwardly, starling sapnap slightly. the boy still in a daze from that strange interaction.

"can you get off me now? you're suffocating me" sapnap huffed earning a playful smack on his arm from quackity, who removed his body from sapnaps, sitting opposite him.

"i told you, my plan never fails" he snickered tapping his painted nails against his leg as he looked up at sapnap "so what're you gonna do? i can't handle the tension much longer" quackity teased sapnap rolling his eyes as he sprawled out on the couch.

"there isn't any tension, you're just horny all of the time" sapnap fiddle with his pinky ring thinking back to the interaction, it was quackitys idea to rile up karl to see if he would get jealous or not. sapnap went along just to prove quackity wrong, however it was he who was proven wrong.

sapnap tried to ignore the way his stomach fluttered at the idea of karl being protective of him, even after all of the shit the two had pulled on each other. he imagined the way karl would've wrapped around him if he would've been in quackitys shoes, clinging onto sapnap like he was the brunettes lifeline.

he quickly noticed that his feelings for karl weren't just pure hatered anymore, looking up at quackity his eyes wide, to which quackity smirked.

"dude you totally wanna smash" quackity hummed wiggling his eyebrows "do not!"

"ooooo you wanna do the dance with no pants!" sapnap blushed flipping quackity off as he did his best to ignore the other

"i can't blame you, he does have a nice ass" sapnap raised an eyebrow as he watched quackitys expression change into one of awe, sapnaps face twisting up in disgust, "shut up flatty patty" he teased watching quackitys face twist into a scowl, quickly launching his self at sapnap.

"take it back snapmap!"

"call me snapmap again and we'll have problems" he huffed pushing the smaller off of him.

quackity rolled his eyes pointing at the door "you might wanna go check on your lover before he combusts from the lack of your presence"

sapnap flipped him off, as he quickly stood up heading toward the door, quackity slapping his ass as he left.


karl sat on the floor his back pressed against the wall, a guitar in his lap as he tuned it cautiously, eyes darting around the room.

he cursed his self for being so vulnerable earlier, pissed off at sapnap for getting rid of his nonchalant demeanour, pissed off at quackity for bringing up emotions he didn't know he had.

he strummed a few chords, clearing his throat as he played one of his songs he'd wrote a while back, deciding the keep it for his self, not telling his other members about it, sure, call him selfish, but sometimes he'd cherish songs and want to keep them a secret.

A/N: start the song now!! :D

"as long as you notice, i'm hoping that you'll keep your heart open, i'll keep mine open too."

he sang softly, playing along, loosing his self in the music. that was his favourite part, the way he'd forget about anything and everything, simply just basking in the way it felt to sing and strum in his own little world.

"something is wrong, i can't explain, everything changed when the birds came" he tried to ignore the way he resonated more so now with the lyrics than when he did originally writing the song.

sure, karl seemed confident to everybody else, the way he'd walk around like he owned the place without a care in the world. but he knew that it was fake, george and skeppy knew it was fake, but no one else did. and well karl intended to keep it that way, finding it easier to keep his emotions blank to the naked eye, pouring his feelings into his songs.

"so, so, i'll probably take you aside, and tell you what's on my mind" he progressively got more into the song, his strumming becoming louder along with his voice, thankful the room was soundproof.

"something is off, i can't explain. you know what i mean, don't you?" he didn't notice another body enter the room, he didn't notice the eyes trained on him as he played.

sapnap sat cautiously, a few feet away from karl not wanting to disturb the brunette who was clearly expressing his self through his singing, he watched in awe as the other poured his everything into the way he played, even when he thought nobody was there to watch.

"i don't wanna to fight, i don't wanna to fight" karl slowed down his strumming, returning to his softer singing, slowly opening his eyes, he looked up from his guitar, freezing slightly as his hands now hovered over the strings, unable to play the last few notes as he met sapnaps eyes.

"i don't wanna fight" the brunette trailed off, his mouth slightly agape as his cheeks heated up, sapnap staring right back at him a shy smile on his lips.

"you're really good" sapnap blurted, his own face now heating up, matching karl's same shocked expression. karl stared at him, unable to break eye contact as he gently rested the guitar in his lap.

"thank you" the brunette mumbled fiddling with his rings as he finally averted his eyes from sapnap looking down into his hands, his blush never leaving his cheeks as he accepted the praise.

the two sat in a comfortable silence for a while, sharing cautious glances between one another.

"i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable or sumthin"

"no it's okay just uh, don't tell george i wrote a song without him" karl chuckled airly, trying to ease any awkwardness between the two, finding no reason to fight with the other, sapnap didn't seem too bad.

"nah i won't, besides he's too busy doin gay shit with dream" sapnap shrugged laughing slightly at his own joke, karl laughing along.

"so, do you have any other stuff you could play? you're really good" sapnap mumbled speaking quickly.

"we could make something" karl shrugged looking up at sapnap, who's lips were stretched into a smile, he stood up dusting off his knees as he headed to the drum kit.

"let's see what you've got jacobs."
