daddy issues

George played a few strings on his guitar, whenever the three of them played together it was george that created the riffs and the rhythms of the songs, so he had to come up with something quickly, to spare the embarrassment of him and his friends. He had to admit, from what he saw dream, sapnap and bad were all extremely talented. Oh, and that dream had a pretty smile, but we don't mention that. Once he'd found a tune that he liked he played it a few times, allowing karl and skeppy to have a chance to make up something similar.

"Take, you, like, a, drug. I, taste, you, on, my, tongue..." karl sang softly swaying slightly, in time with george. He closed his eyes tilting his head back as he continued on, wanting to put on a show. "I know that you got daddy issues, and if you were my little girl, I'd do whatever I could do"

George snickered slightly as he looked up to see sapnap staring directly at karl his pupils blown slightly. He slowed down his tempo slightly after karl had repeated the chorus. Skeppy did the same, following george's lead. He knew that karl was up to no good, his only goal being to piss the dream team off, well, mainly sapnap, and clearly from the expression on sapnaps face, skeppy could tell it was working.

Karl let his eyes flutter open, locking them with sapnaps as he sang "Go ahead and cry, little boy. You know that your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through. You gotta let it out soon.." karl's lips tilting upwards into a smirk nodding his head slowly "just let it out" george looked over at karl his eyes widening slightly at the brunette, it was awkward for skeppy and george because they didn't exactly hate the other band, they just wanted to win. But karl, he hated losing, and he hated sapnap, something about the raven haired boy really pushed karls buttons. He thought a lot about their strange dynamic, that sapnap could form a pool of rage that would surge through his whole body but as soon as the boy wasn't in the same room as karl, karl wanted him back.

Skeppy smiled slightly when he saw bad swaying along, the two really hit it off and skeppy had soon come to realise it wasn't a fake kindness and that bad truly was a ray of sunshine. He looked over to dream who was watching george intently, and from what he could see george was staring right back. He soon averted his eyes to karl, who was singing directly to sapnap a hand running through his hair.

"I love that she's got daddy issues, and I do too" karl soon finished singing biting his lip as he placed the microphone back into it's stand. He watched sapnap for a few more seconds before turning to face the rest of his band members. They all grinned, simultaneously high fiving "that was so good!" skeppy exclaimed standing up from behind the drums. The three of them all nodded in agreement. george giving skeppy a thumbs up "thanks to you dude" he chuckled. The three of them turned to face the other band "enjoy the show ladies?" karl mocked sapnap, causing the black haired boys nose to scrunch up.

"I did!" bad spoke up, not enjoying the tension in the air, he looked over at his band mates who were glaring at him for befriending their enemies he shrugged slightly causing a involuntary chuckle to fall from skeppy's mouth "thanks bad" he hummed his two friends mirrored sapnap and dreams reactions looking at skeppy in confusion not aware of his new found friendship.

Dream and sapnap both stood there awkwardly, turning to look at each other as if to ask for help. When they both figured out it was useless, they turned back to face the other three boys. "Well all I got from that song is that you have daddy issues" Sapnap snorted rolling his eyes at karl, dream looked over at george offering him a small apologetic smile, embarrassed by his friends behaviour. George tried to hold back his smile quickly looking away from dream, back to karl as he opened his mouth to retaliate, the stage manager entered the room "dream team, you're on in five!"
