my daddys got a gun

Sapnap clutched his drumsticks tightly, his knuckles turning white as he tapped his foot against the floor waiting for his cue to come in. He didn't know why he was so nervous, they'd already done this once before, but for some reason sapnap couldn't help but be shaky.

Bad played the opening rift, sapnap quickly joining him as they waited for dream to sing. Bad was having the time of his life, looking through the crowd grinning at a few select people. He met skeppy's eyes, the contact not breaking as he sang the opening words.

"my daddy's got a gun, you better run"

After a while dream soon joined in, his mask placed just above his mouth as he fiddled with his microphone stand, his mouth surprisingly dry as he met eyes with george, who simply stared back.

"With his gun turned on, pop went a-creeping
Out to the barn, up to the hay, loft!"

Bad repeated the opening lines a few times before sapnap broke into a more harsh drum beat. The raven haired boy refused to look at the crowd, worried he'd see karl, for some reason the brunette scared him, and sapnap wasn't scared of many people.

He focused on playing in time, his hair dropping down in front of his eyes a few times, his bandana unable to contain it. The three repeated the pattern a few times, sapnaps drums completely dropping out at the end leaving bad and dream singing alone.

Sapnap wasn't stupid, he could see the way dream was staring directly at george, and how bads smile grew everytime skeppy would look in his direction. His two band mates were befriending their 'enemy band' and sapnap still hated them. To make matters worse, 404 were on straight after, meaning the six boys had to pass each other on the way off the stage.

Sapnap swore he heard dream mutter a 'good luck' to george, making his face scrunch up slightly, they were meant to hate each other. And he noticed when skeppy and bad high fived, his blood starting to boil. He met eyes with karl who just winked at him in response, causing sapnaps cheeks to heat up.

The three boys made their way into the crowd since bad and dream wanted to watch the others preform, sapnap agreed to join them but only too "see what they were up against". Definitely not because he wanted to stare at karl without shame, and watch the way the brunette basked in the harsh lighting. Definitely not...


Well wasn't that a mistake. Sapnap could feel his face burning as karl sang along to george's guitar and skeppys drums, the way his voice sounded as he threw his head back swaying in time with the music. God he was hot, and what made it worse was that he knew it, anyone could spot the smug smirk plastered against the brunettes face.

Clealry, dream felt the same as he watched george play, his fingers moving effortlessly against the strings as he sang quietly along with karl. George didn't seem to be as cocky as the other, simply just smiling at a few people and shooting glances over at dream every now and then.

"but i just can't wait for love to destroy us"

skeppys drums faded out slightly, changing the rhythm as karl moved closer to the microphone, gripping it tightly. George added his own little ad libs as karl sang, holding a note as his eyes fluttered shut.

"tangled between your little flaws, your flaws"

sapnap watched in awe, causing dream to look at him with a raised brow. Sapnap flipped him off rolling his eyes. When he looked back up at the stage, karl was looking directly back at him, staring daggers into his soul as he sang the last few lines, the brunettes signature smirk only growing as the music faded out.

Sapnap swore he'd died and gone to hell. He practically dragged dream and bad to the bus piling all three of them inside. "Please dream! i will literally get on my knees and beg for you to switch rooms with me" Sapnap pleaded, bad sighing as he flicked the raven haired boy on the back of the head before leaving to go to his own room.

Dream raised an eyebrow expectantly, "you don't actually want me to beg do you? you're so twisted!" sapnap huffed in defeat. He slowly lowered onto his knees looking up at dream, who was looking down at him biting his lip to hold back his laughter. Sapnap scowled "please dreamy weamy!! i'm desperate please!!"

Sapnap noticed dreams eyes trailing off, he turned to see what dream was looking at, his cheeks heating up as he met eyes with the three other boys who all looked like they were about to burst out laughing.

Sapnap got up, punching dream in the shoulder glaring at him. Dream just wheezed in response "nah i'll have to pass". Sapnaps eyes widened as he realised he'd just embarrassed his self for no reason "you're such an ass" sapnap huffed storming off into his room.

He only looked up from his phone when he heard the door open, only to be met with the infamous karl jacobs. The two didn't say anything, that was until sapnap was half asleep.

"That was pretty gay dude" karl hummed snickering slightly, causing sapnap to groan, a small smile on his face that he refused to let karl see.

"It's not gay if you have your socks on" he retaliated, too tired to argue back. He slowly fell asleep, unaware of the brunette grinning next to him.
