
"So how is it going!" Casey said, came over to my house or me and Chris's house but Chris didn't know about it I'm not sure when he'll be home actually. "Good actually" I said with a slight smile "what's wrong Vivian? is he not treating you right?" She asked "oh no he's not doing anything he's just demanding" I said answering her question "oh... Control freak huh?" She Guessed "yeah" I said confirming that he was a control freak "what about the sex?" She gave a mischievous smile "yeah it's good it's good" I said laughing "now is it? Full detail right now!" She said "I don't know how to explain it it's just nice" I said "oh ok?" She said sarcastically "it really is it's hard to explain I don't feel comfortable with really telling anybody about my sex life" I said.

"I'm back" Chris walked in with ghost and Ricky "hey sorry my friend Casey wanted to come over and chat, been a while where did you go?" I asked "we went to go to equipment, so your Casey I've heard so much about you Chris" he put out his hand for Casey to shake she did and said "same I've heard so much about you so nice to finally my best friend's boyfriend! I totally wish I had a boyfriend so we can all hang out have double dates and shit like that" she said happily "yes double dates sounds nice" Chris sounded annoyed "hi I'm Ricky" Ricky put his hand out and she shook his to "ghost or Devin I don't care" Devin sounded kind of a let's just say he doesn't give a shit "oh nice to meet you Devin" Casey sounded kind of that why are you being such a dick voice "oh ghost did you get my email!"
"Yea I did thanks for the new base" he said with a smile "your welcome" I said back with a smile.

Chris grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bedroom "Chris what the hell!" I whispered loudly, he just stared into my eyes. I felt cold...he picked up my chin and kissed me passionately, he didn't stop "Chris not now we have guests" I giggled "Vivian...I love you" his words stayed in my mind "I love you too Chris" I said back "let's go back out" I said he agreed.

"Hey I'm gonna leave I have a meeting tonight at the college" Casey said she gave me a hug and left. "Hey Chris we've got to go me and ghost have to work on some stuff" they gave hugs and left like that. "Looks like we're alone" Chris said "yea? I guess?" I said "let's go see a movie" Chris suggested "really?" I said "yea of course" he said stroking my hair.

We drove to the parking lot about a block from the movie theater and walked the rest of the way. The movie was funny, it was black and white but I don't remember the name of it.

We walked the rest of the way back to the parking lot but we were stopped by "viv! Viv! Wait!" Scott, fuck when is he gonna leave me alone "viv! I need to talk to you!" Scott ran up to me but Chris got in front of me "go home" Chris said "viv I can't believe you left me for him" Scott laughed "what are you gonna do?" Scott teased Chris "Scott fuck off" I said "you herd her go" Chris got in his face and then Scott punched him, Chris had no emotion and punched him back but knocked him out.

Who is this Chris I'm seeing? Instead my reaction to this was vomiting, I threw up and well Chris just left him there. He carried me back to the car and made sure I got home ok.

"Vivian here, I don't know how to cook but I did my best to make you some soup" Chris gave me a bowl and well I could eat anything at this moment I was just hungry.

Then the door bell rang, Chris got up and answered it as he walked back to the room I asked "is it my package?" I asked he handed to me what looked like a box, I opened it

"Don't trust Casey"

I read "Chris what the fuck!" I freaked "don't worry about it" Chris said "stop! Ok I promise I won't let anything happen to you" Chris held me "Chris move!" I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet "Vivian! Are you ok" Chris asked me "yes I am,what's today?" I asked nicely "February, Wednesday" he said. Wait Wednesday! I realm to my phone and looked at the calendar "fuck" I whispered "what Vivian? Oh nothing I just forgot a birthday" I said "oh ok? Sorry" Chris said with a smile "I'll make you some oatmeal...cause that's all I know how to make microwaveable" Chris laughed "ok Chris" I said and giggled.

I planed a doctor appointment today just in case I might be pregnant...it's a possibility.
I walked into the doctors office and he gave me a pregnancy test to take.

"Well you are pregnant...congratulations" the doctor said, it rang through my ears...pregnant what the fuck!...why! "Would you like me to mail you some family planner pamphlets?" He asked me, I need them honestly but Chris.."yes please" I said "ok well send you them in a few days" he said as he filled out some information onto a paper.
I drove home devastated, Chris! What is he gonna think of this?! I'll just keep it a secret.

It was a couple days later and I waited and waited but nothing happened...nothing came in the mail "Chris I'm gonna take a nap" I said as I honestly felt sick instead. I laid down and shut my eyes.
I'm scared.
For Chris and me.
What about Casey?
Don't trust her? She's my best friend!
I don't know why I feel so squishy, I'm weak.

"Vivian? Vivian? Wake up" there Chris laid above me "Vivian there's something in the mail for you" Chris said as he got up and handed me the pamphlet "is there something your not telling me?" Chris asked me I laid and started to bawl my eyes out "Vivian, stop" Chris petted my head "look I just...didn't want a kid...right now but I guess it's time for me..and I'm looking forward to it" Chris said with surprising joy "really?" I said.
He wiped my tears and said "of course" he kissed me. I'm just so happy I got that out of my system.
