
I could barely speak...my cramps hurt so fucking much...ouch! I sat in bed almost all morning...Chris gave me some space but he did surprise me with chocolate...I ate it all already. Chris walked into the room "hey? What are you doing?" I asked as he walked in "I'm going to use the bathroom" he said "why do you only call me...Vivian?" I asked "what do you want me to call you?" He asked "like babe? Baby?" I suggested "I don't know? I just like Vivian, but maybe I'll call you baby,baby" he said and picked up my chin " do you want something? Baby?" He said seductively "maybe later" I said teasing him by pulling my shirt down a little bit "stop teasing me" he said as he got closer to my lips, he kissed me and bit my lip, and he slid his hand up my shirt "Chris" I moaned softly then he stopped "you tease me, I tease you" he said "wow? You are an asshole" I said laughing "now your gonna have to wait" he laughed back "babe,can you get me some milk?" I asked "yes of course" he said.

Later on I was on the couch eating some oatmeal like usual then Chris sat on the couch looking furious "babe? Chris what's wrong?" I asked "this" he said and handed me a note
"I don't want Casey's baby, I don't even love her I just hatefucked her, I just used her for sex because you wouldn't let me touch you-Scott"

"Chris he knows where we live!" I said as I put down the note, I rubbed my stomach softly "look I swear if he touches, or even lays a finger on you...I will fucking kill him" Chris said "he doesn't want to let me go...he won't let go" I said about to cry "I'll make him let go" Chris walked up to me and kissed me "I can't stop thinking about your body right now" he whispered in my ear, I stood silent. His finger tip moved up my stomach touching my breast "Chris" I moaned "what? I'm not teasing you this time baby...I promise" he slid his other hand up my waist and took off my shirt, he kissed my neck and I couldn't shut up I kept moaning...I never felt this amazing in a while,
He slid of my pajama pants and my panties, he took off his shirt and his pants, I couldn't stop thinking about his body.

I woke up next to him it was mid night. I looked over to my nightstand and grabbed the pamphlet for the parent hood planner and read it.

Steps to parent hood to protect and care for your infant/toddler.

1) foods- mostly breast/formula milk, when about 5 months start giving snacks or mashed foods.

2) sleep- melodies can help, milk to sleep or pacifier.

3) infants- toys for infants are more like teething toys or stuffed animals

4) toddlers- simple toys that are at lest age +2

5) always pay attention to any infant/toddler.

"What are you reading?" Chris asked "The pamphlet the doctor gave me" I said "I probably need to read that as well" he said.

I woke up the next morning and stepped on a Weight scale and I gained about two pounds I must have a baby weight now.

I heard a knock at the door and I looked through the eye hole, it was Ryan, Ricky and Devin. I opened the door "hey?" I said "hey, is Chris awake? We got some new equipment" Ryan said "no not yet...but come inside" I said They followed me inside.

I was interrupted by Chris walking out of the bedroom "oh! Hey Chris " I said "hey" he gave me a kiss and then saw the guys "hey guys" he said "what's up?" Ryan said "I actually need to talk to y'all" Chris said "about what?" Ricky asked "I bet it's something not amusing" ghost smirked "well none of y'all are gonna like it" Chris said "what!?" Ricky yelled "motionless in white has to take a break, not a break up! I promise we're still gonna release our album but..." Chris said, all of the guys look startled or something "but what!" Devin freaked "the thing is Vivian's pregnant!" Chris finished "what?!" Ricky laughed "Chris? A father!...wait...are you serious?" Ricky asked "yes he is, I've been pregnant for maybe a month now" I said.

"Well the baby looks healthy" the doctor said, we were getting a sonogram to see if the baby was completely healthy and well it seems like it. "So are you planning on keeping the baby?" The doctor asked "yes? Why?" I asked "oh? No reason" she said "excuse me? There was a reason for it" I said, she was judging "just because we look like this doesn't mean shit bitch" I said as I got up and walked out the door.

I gasped as I was walking out I saw Casey "hi" she said "hello" I said back "what are you doing here?" I asked "getting a check up on my baby" she said "where's Scott?" I asked "I don't want him in the babies life" she said touching her stomach "what about you? This is the second time I've seen you?" She said, Chris dropped our paper work on the baby and well Casey happen to have seen it "pregnant huh?" She smirked and walked away.

She's gonna tell Scott...what's gonna happen!?
