
"I'm gonna call Devin and let him know about Ricky, it's almost been two days" I said "well we will do something later" Chris said "ok" I sat down in a chair in the living room and closed my eyes "Vivian look baby" he kissed my hand "I'll make it up to you, Ricky is just...lonely I guess, plus I'm his best friend" he said "ok" i said again.

"I'm having a friend come over" Chris said as he finished a text message "ok that's fine" I said folding the rest of his shirts "stop with this hard work" Chris slid his hand up my arm and up my neck "look at mr.slick here" I said, he laughed "well I need to feed my crave" he said then he licked my neck. Chris picked me up and placed me on the counter, he slipped his hand up my shirt and reached for my breast "do you want me to keep going" he asked "yes, yes" I said with staggered breathing "I'm going to fu-"


"Shit" Chris fell, I laughed out loud, he got up and reached for the door "hey! Chris!" A man with a beard stood in the door "hey Davis" he said "hi Chris" a woman with a cold stare "hey! Is this your girl! Hi I'm Davis!" He said as he held his hand out, I shook it "Vivian" I said the girl walked by and said "Monica, nice to meet you...Vivian" she said very...I don't know?

"Hey babe me and Davis are gonna play some halo" Chris said "ok baby" i said while I said that Monica gave me a very vile look.
"So Vivian want to get coffee?" She asked "um?" I shuddered "great let's go" she said.

We drove to a coffee shop near my house and well she sat down. "Well sit" she said "yea sorry, so uh?" She stared at me while I thought Of something to say "you want to start small talk? Ok, what do you see in...Chris?" She asked "uh? I love him" I said "that's not what I asked "um? I guess I saw potential in him" I said "why are you asking? What do I see in him" I asked "he's cruel" Monica sipped the coffee she bought "how?" I said "vile, vengeful, demanding" she continued "ok? How do you know this?" I asked "I was with him, for a little bit" she said "oh?" I said stunned I guess "yea and...babe? He just called me Monica" she said "but one thing about Chris...when he needs a fix, it's you, when he needs to feed his craving...it's you" she said "uh?" I didn't believe her of what she was saying "but the one thing about him...he'll fuck you sideways" she said
"Excuse me, I'm walking home" I said as I walked away, she grabbed my arm quickly "don't trust him" she said.

I ran out of the coffee shop and ran back to the house "Chris!" I yelled "hey! Vivian I was looking for you!" Monica winked "oh? I guess I just...had a break down of some kind" I said "oh! Baby are you ok" Chris looked me in the eyes but Monica is his ex and Monica?...I wonder if she actually might speak the truth...no...maybe not.

The next day Monica and Davis came over again, I tried not to talk to her but she...she's I don't know maybe just there.
"How's everything?" She asked flipping her long black hair "good" I said "I'm sorry about yesterday...I was just letting you know...I thought you would've been gone by now...but it looks like your not strong enough" she said "your wrong about him" I said "you don't know that neither do I,you never know" she said.

Next we heard a knock at the door who could be this time I thought.Chris walk to open the door I heard him have a little argument after you closed it and talked to the person outside of it, that person eventually barged in, "Scott!" I said shocked "you're pregnant? You didn't tell me? I was supposed to be having your baby, Not this, this guy, please Vivian I'll take care of the child give me a chance" he said

"Scott?" Monica said that was the only reaction I've ever seen on her face fear
"Monica" Scott pulled out a gun and shot it I Monica, I screamed in fear, and a set of horrible, horrible memories came back to me, Chris lunged at Scott and try to get the gun out of his hand Scott jumped out our window and he was gone.

"I'm calling the police" Chris said "call them call them please" I yelled, I checked for a pulse on Monica, Monica was Dead "Davis I'm sorry" I teared up "Monica's dead" The corner of my eye I saw Davis curl up into A ball he looked like he didn't believe it.

What am I gonna do?
