
I woke up trying to face what I had just done.

"Vivian" Chris said as I woke up in a hospital bed "Chris? What am I doing here?" I asked tugging on the cords to my heart monitor.
"Your Fine, you didn't wake up when the police arrived so they did a check up on you" Chris said as he grabbed my hand "oh, what did the police say?" I asked "we're going to have to talk to them Monday, it's Saturday" Chris said rubbing his chin.

"I'm sorry" I said shedding a tear "What? Sorry for what?" He asked "for fucking you up, for showing up in your life" I said with a little bit of anger "shut up, you didn't fuck me up" Chris grabbed my hand and I stayed silent.

"Vivian?" Ricky walked in with ghost and I looked over to them "we got you flowers" Ricky smiled "thank you" I smiled back "Hey Viv!" Kylie walked in with a bag of food "oh? Is that for me?" I laughed "for you and me!" She laughed back.

That night it was hard to sleep, thinking about the past just got to me. I stayed silent through out the night and tried to sleep.

That night I had a nightmare and it was a bad one.
I woke up clueless of where I was and got up but for some reason my legs didn't work and I had fallen on my stomach.
I struggled and I dragged myself to the door and tried my best to reach it and opened it.

Once I opened it I dragged myself out the door and found myself in some kind of house, it wasn't a hospital nor rehabilitation center.

"Hello?" I said as I saw the tall figure stand in front of me "Hey" he said as I tried to get a good look at him, but the glaring lights prevented me from seeing his face.

"Peter?" I asked as I felt sorrow running through my badly fast "hey babe" he sat on the ground next to me "w-where am I?" I asked "with me" he responded "but? Where?" I asked again "don't ask questions you don't need to know" he said as he ran his fingers through my hair "what do you want?" I asked obviously upset "you" he said and I stayed silent and he gave a mischievous smiled "your not peter" I said as I tried to scoot back.

"You think your gonna walk away from me?" He asked "yes! Yes I am!" I said out loud then I awoke from the dream that haunted me.

"hey?" Chris said as he was still awake "I'm sorry I just had a nightmare" I said trying to forget the horrid dream.

Chris didn't say anything and we sat in silence for a long period of time. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, I looked up at him wondering what he was talking about "what do you mean?" I asked "Marcus? Him?" He asked "Because" Was all I actually managed to get out of my mouth "because!? Why!?" He yelled "Because, I was scared you would leave me" I said looking down and messing with the bracelet I received in the hospital.

"Why do you think that? How could you think that?" He asked rubbing his forehead "cause I love you and I didn't want to bring up something that was in the past" I said looking up at him, he stared at me and caressed my chin and picked it up "I would never fucking
judge you" he said and kissed me and I shed a tear feeling happier than I felt when I woke up.

"Are you getting your stuff together?" Chris asked as he walked into the room "Yea just tired" I yawned and continued to get my things together.

As we walked out of he hospital I took in a huge breath and tried to gather what had happened a few days ago. It was all so blurry like maybe I was drunk when it happen or even light headed.

While we were in the car the police put all of us into separate homes all of the state, Ghost and Kylie would be in North Dakota, Ryan and his girlfriend would be in North Carolina, Vinny and his new girlfriend would be in California, Ricky....was going with us to Hawaii.

They wanted us to be further than the others cause we were the most Targeted.

When we arrived to the new home I felt some kind of relief but I was still jumpy from all the commotion happing.

I walked inside the big home and looked to see the wideness it Had with all the windows and amazing view.

Chris put his arm around me "see it's beautiful here" he said "yea it is" I smiled.

I walked upstairs and found the master bedroom, it was decorated nicely with colorful patterns and open windows.

Chris grabbed my hand "do you like it?" he asked "yes I smiled" as I looked around More I started to feel more at home.

The first few nights took some getting used too, all I did was toss and turn all night while Chris snored in my ears while the snore mocked me.

It was Sunday morning when I ran downstairs and into the kitchen to grab some coffee, Ricky was already making some, he looked as if I scared him or something "morning Viv " he smiled "Ricky" I nodded my head "this isn't the 1800's" he laughed "yea- shit sorry" I said splashing water into my face "rough night?" he asked "yea" I sighed "it's just gonna take some getting used to" I said.

That afternoon my mother came into town with my son Vincent which who I was exited to see. On our way to the airport I couldn't breath from all the excitement flowing through my blood.

Once I saw my mother her face lit up with the now one year old in her arms.
I walked up to her and grabbed the little boy and I looked into his eyes and I couldn't help but shed a tear.

I hugged my mother in relief that her and my son were ok and I had tried my best not to cry but it failed, I hugged my son like it was the end of the world.

"hey mom" I looked up to her and she was also tearing up "hi Vivian" she hugged me and we decided to be on our way back to the house.
