
"WHAT!" I answered my door "you ready?" Ricky asked "yes" I said grabbing my bag "ok let's go." We walked outside a there sat a fucking tour bus in the middle of the road.
I walked in "HEY! VIV CAN I CALL YOU THAT?!" Ryan screamed "yea? I guess?" I said "good" he said "viv this is your bunk" Chris pointed me to it and it was right on top of his.

Ricky helped me With my bags and all he had to carry was my suitcase and it was one and I carried a bag, he dropped the suit case, all my clothes were on the ground and this is embarrassing...my tampons "Ricky" I sighed "sorry" he said softly.

I picked up the box and put them back in the bag "here" Chris handed me some clothes of mine that were fell out of the suitcase, well Chris accidentally picked up my noir lace thong,"uh sorry" he quickly handed it to me.

"Ready for the first show" Chris asked me
"Ready now than ever" I said confident "let's go." We opened up with 570 and ended with reincarnate it was sick and I had an amazing time. "Dude viv you know how to rock don't you?" Ryan asked "he'll yea I do!" I said happily "hey viv do you play any other instruments?" Ghost asked me "yea I play guitar and I sing a little" I said "nice" he said "ok guys I'm gonna take a real quick shower" I said and I literally just popped in there and got out.

While I was drying myself off I herd the door knob twist then open "AHHHH" I screamed while I hid in the corner of the shower naked and exposed "SHIT SORRY!" It was Chris....fuck.

After I got dressed I automatically went to sleep.
"Why do you think you can control me!?"I screamed

"BECAUSE I CAN!" I can't say his name

"NO YOU CAN'T!" I screamed
*slaps me across the face*

"What?" I said to him

"Wake up? Viv?"

*i wake up sweaty and hyperventilating*

"Viv?"Chris said worried

"Just a bad dream" I said fast "ok...were gonna get breakfast" Chris said "I'll get ready" I said "ok I'll tell the guys" Chris walked back in the lounge "ok" I said.

All I did was wear my old nirvana shirt and leggings with my dr. Martins. "I'm ready" I said walking out of the bunk area. "Nice outfit" Ricky said "it lets us know your personality" Ricky put his hand on my shoulder "nice to know" I said.

We had went to McDonald's for breakfast, I had a McGrittle it was pretty good. "So viv how did you like being on stage?" Ryan asked me "it's pretty sweet" I said as I smiled at him "it's nice to know that" he smiled back.

As we walked back It started to snow "hm" I said "what?" Vinny asked "nothing, it's just nice to see snow" I said "fuck, you see way worse in Scranton" Chris explained.

We got back to the bus and I walked to the bunk area and laid in my bunk. As I laid in my bunk I pulled out one of my favorite books, it was based upon life among the dead, basically a zombie kind of book. Ricky opened my curtain to my bunk "wha-! Ricky!" I panicked "sorry...whatcha reading?" He asked "life among the dead" I said emotionless "oh?" He said as the opened his bunk which was across from me. He laid down and started reading.

"C'mon! Let's get ready!" Chris yelled "I'm ready" I said finishing my final touch to my make up "ugh! Fuck you!" Ricky whined "ha! You owe me twenty bucks!" I bragged, I had made a bet with Ricky that I could do my make up faster than him. After we played that show last night when we got back to the tour bus I knocked out.

*falls on the ground*
"Ah fuck!" I hit the ground and knocked the wind out of me. "Viv? You ok?" Chris opened his curtain "no" I struggled to say, he got out of his bunk with nothing but underwear "viv?" He looked down at me "I k-nocked the wind out of me" I said slowly trying to breathe, he helped me up and said "sleep in my bunk" I breath finally was coming back to me "ok" I said as he laid me down in his bunk and I went to sleep with no harm.

We had an off day the next day and I realized I'm in Chris's bunk 'what the fuck' I though as I got out and walked in the lounge. "Hey" Ricky said as he was eating some eggs "hey" I said back. Chris stared at me "hey Chris!" I said "hey Vivian" he had such a big smile it started a fire in my body that didn't go away.

So this is my new story I'm going to make more sense in this story so...
