
"What the fuck Chris!? You made me move out in one fucking day!?" I yelled "I though you would find it special?" He said "no! I found it disrespectful" I said "sorry" he said obviously not caring "ugh!" I said and walked into his bedroom which was ours now "your an asshole" I said as I saw him staring behind me leaning on the doorframe, he grabbed me and started to make out with me but the weird part is that I couldn't push him away I just let it happen.

As me and Chris laid beside each other in his bed he asked me a question I didn't want to answer "where is your family?" I shrugged "what does that mean" he asked "I just don't see them" I said softly "why?" He asked me "I just don't" I said "but tell me why there is a reason for every action" he grabbed my hand "Vivian just tell me"
"OK! I ran away when I was in high school!" I yelled at him "why did you run away?" He asked "for a stupid relationship" I said getting up and walking to the window that Chris had in his room "so you think being in a relationship is stupid?" Chris said sarcastically "n-no Chris I'm gonna I-I think I'm gonna" I said then everything went black.

"Why don't you love me!"

"Leave me alone! I hate you I wasted so many years with you and for nothing but abuse!"

"Vivian you ok?" Chris said as I opened my eyes "yea I just had a terrible memory come to mind" I said itching my head "i'll go get some ice cold water" Chris  getting up and walking out of the room.
"Here" he passed me some water and an ice pack "thanks" I said he, noticed my weakness from previous relationships sounds all across the room "let me in" Chris said "huh?"I said "I won't hurt you if you say I'm eternally yours... I'll be yours... If you be my mine" he said no expression came across his face whenever he said that "I....I" I blushed I felt like I had a fever of one-hundred and thirty two at least, Chris touched my cheek "you're blushing" he said "hopefully that means yes" he leans in and I puckered my lips but he didn't kiss me instead he just did something else "anyway i'm taking out for dinner tonight" he said heading to our closet now "here" handed me a box and I opened it "are you serious? Chris you got me a dress?" I asked stunned "of course I did and I want you to wear that Noir Lace thong... I would like if you did" he winked at me and I blushed even more " Chris... Thank you" I said touching my cheeks.

I put The dress Chris got me on I found myself staring at myself in the dress "stunning" Chris spoke "not bad yourself" I said as I turned around and saw Chris wearing one of his many sexy suits "let's go" grab my hand and kissed it and we walked out of the house and into his car and he pulled out of the driveway and started to drive.

"Where are we going?" Asked pulling my dress down "A special place you can say" Chris bit his lip and put his hand on my leg. Pulled into a driveway and it was a very nice restaurant it was closed? Why? And unusual? Why you were there people inside? And why am I so worried and asking so many questions? Gosh just shut the fuck up. "Chris isn't this place closed?" I said "I made a deal with person who's owned it and I have a little special gift for you" he said helping me out of the car we walked in front of the restaurant and he open the door for me he's such a gentleman!

"Hi!" I knew Who it was it was Ryan Ashley "hi! I'm Vivian Everheart" I put got my hand but instead she went for a hug "hi, I'm a Balz it's nice to see the person who's taking my place" I kind of frowned I didn't want to make him feel bad "it was just a joke" He laughed obviously knowing that I took some kind of offense to it "no it's ok" I said smiling "well?...sit! I made spaghetti!" Ryan pulled out two chairs and me and Chris both sat down. They have a lit Black candles they smell to Amazing and made it romantic.

"So?..." I smiled "hm?" I expressed no emotion "I wanted to talk about... Your past" he said "p-past" I stuttered "I just want to talk about it" he said "not now...I...just...I can't" I said trying to avoid the goosebumps never growing on my arms " I understand" I said drinking some of his water (shhhh!) "what was that!" I said "Ryan's probably just running the water or something" he said sipping his water again "oh ok?" I said.

I picked up my fork and ate some of my spaghetti then drank my water "I can't wait to see that thong when we get back to the house" he said winking at me "I did wear the Black one like you said" I winked back "hmmmmm... i'm very excited to see it now" I smiled.we ate in silence for about a minute "I want to fucking kiss those lips" Chris said as I licked  some of the spaghetti sauce off of them "hmmm... sounds great maybe I want to also" I blushed.

(Shut up!) "Chris I'm serious I think they're listening to us" I said "cares it's only Ryan and Balz" (fuck!) "I guess you're right" I said then the door flipped open "um... hi Chris how is   your date" ghost are you fucking serious right now were you listening to the entire situation? "Ghost? Who else is in there!" Chris asked "The rest of the guys you know, Ricky, Ryan, Vinny, Balz, and Ryan Ashley" ghost said casually

"Let's go home Chris" I said "sounds good" he said we got up and left.
