

I've needed...time...time to...get myself together...but I don't I don't have that time...I can't ask Chris to give me time...cause time means I'll have to leave Vincent with him...and Chris can barely last 24 hours with him....so it's hard.

I walked up to the bedroom door frame and knocked on it, Chris looked up after he was done folding the rest of his clothes "yes?" he said very softly "I need to talk" I said walking Into the Room "what do you want to talk about?" he said and kind of raised an eyebrow "time" I said softly as I sat down on the bed "what do you mean?" Chris asked as he sat down next to me "I need a vacation" I said "we can go somewhere! It'd be fun...You know like family fu-" I cut him off "no...me...by myself" I said "why?" Chris asked "I need to get myself together" I said, Chris just looked down then stared at me for a little bit then he crashed his lips into mine.

It felt like it was the first time we kissed. He kept repetitively kissing my neck down to my chest. It felt good let me tell you that but he's just trying to make me stay "stop" I moaned silently but he didn't "stop!" I pushed his off of me "I'll call Ricky to see if he could stay with you...I promise I won't be gone longer than a week" I said.

"Ricky you understand right?" I asked him "yea...completely" he said and agreed to help Chris out with Vincent.

I packed my bag for clothes that would last for about a chros. Chris walked into the room "hey please be careful" Chris said "of course I will be careful" I touched Chris's face kissed him and walked to Vincent's room and kissed his forehead then I left.

I drove for a little bit until I got to the more abandoned side of town but there was still a nice house in the middle it was definitely nicer than the others.

I knocked on the door slowly thinking about what I was doing.

A woman answered, she was in a nightgown with fuzzy house slippers and she was smoking a cigarette.

"yes?" she asked I stared at her for awhile
"excuse me?" she said I just had no emotion
"ok dear you obviously need water or something" she dragged me inside and sat me down on her couch and got me a glass of water
"are you ok?" she asked I just looked at her
"yes" I said "yes I'm fine" I finished my sentence.

"can you tell me why a nice looking young woman is doing in a part of town like this" she asked me

"Just traveling" I said
"Where you from?" She asked
"Here" I said
"Can I asked you why you knocked on my do-" I cut her off
"Who's that?" I asked as I pointed at the picture of the smiling little girl
"Oh? My daughter" she smiled
"Is she around?" I asked
"No honestly I don't know where she is...I haven't seen her in years...I don't even think she's alive" she said
"Why?" I Asked
"I don't know?" She just shrugged her shoulders
"Why did you stop talking to her?" I asked she looked sad and decided to tell me the story why
"Since your interested I'll tell you.
I was a young mother and her father was a little older...well her father wasn't good to me behind closed door but when he was around her he acted differently. One day he hurt me he...he tried to kill me...so...I used self defense and she found him and she blamed me...and she ran away...I haven't heard anything about her since"

"What was her name?" I asked

".....Vivian everheart" she said as she shed a tear "I'm sorry" I said "why?" She said "cause I shoulda've visited you sooner mom" I said
"Vivian!?" She yelled I nodded my head I started to cry and hugged her and sobbed into her arms.

"oh you'd be joyed to hear about what's happened in the past years!" My mother rambled
"what's happendd?" I asked
"well I got married" she said as she held up her ring finger
"oh cool" I said
"and we had a baby" she said
"really?" I asked
"yes he's 5 now" she smiled
"that's nice mom" I said
"what about you dear" she asked
"well I got married too and I have a baby boy" I said "really!" she smiled
"who did you marry!?" she freaked
"Christopher cerulli?" I said wondering if she knew him
"Yes? Really? I don't know him?" She said
"Well yes that's my husband" I said.

We talked all day. I told her about how Chris saved my life and helped me.
I told her about the amazing friends I've made and the amazing son I had.

My mom moved the long black hair of my face "you need to cut you're hair" she laughed "can you cut it?" I asked "really?" She asked "yea you used to cut it when I was a little girl" I said putting my hair into a ponytail. She grabbed some scissors "cut it all off?" She asked "yes...cut it all off, I need to anyway...I don't need it" I said.

"I need to cut it off like the bullshit in my life."
