
You might find this confusing, well  going to tell you the truth I'd thought I'd never tell.

When I was with Scott...his best friend Marcus treated me better than Scott did and Marcus treated me like a friend.

And so I was...with Marcus more than Scott...because sense they were best friends Scott trusted him and that's how Marcus would be able to be around me And I had a relationship with him until I met Peter. Once I was with Peter I stoped our relationship and he stopped coming around, until Peter stole money from Scott...and Scott  actually sent Marcus to kill Peter.

"Well aren't you going to welcome me?" That mischievous grin made me shiver "you need to leave" I said "Vivian, dear you don't miss me?" I felt like his smiled grew even bigger "no...so leave" I said "look can we just talk?" He stopped smiling "no" I said upset "Vivian...I'm being serious"
"How do I know that?" I asked.

He looked at me and put the gun down and looked at Chris who still had his gun pointed at him "I'm serious" Marcus said again looking Chris directly in the eyes
"I'm not taking this gun off you...so talk" Chris said
"how about we all sit at the table" I said pushing Marcus out the door of the bedroom and a few steps more into the kitchen.

We all sat down at the table though Chris still had the gun pointed at him. "so Vivian?" Marcus smiled "so what?" I asked "you look good" he said "thanks and so do you" I said feeling awkward "cut the shit...why are you here?" Chris asked rudely, Marcus looked at him "to Avenge my best friends death" Marcus said as he looked at me "bullshit" I said looking away from him "why is it bullshit?" He asked "cause you were...uhm?" I scratched my head
"Fucking you behind his back? I know? But he didn't" he smirked

"Your sick" I said "you are too"
"How?" I started to tear up
"Scott talked to me about the things you were doing for him" he smiled
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" I asked
"Now that's not what Peter would've wanted"

"Why do you have to bring him into this?"

"Cause I know you miss him,
Miss his touch
His kiss"

"He's gone Marcus"
"You killed him"

"Now it was for his own good" I started to tear up after hearing this because Peter didn't deserve to die.

I wiped my tears "Marcus? Would you like something to eat? Or anything at all?" I asked with a Fake happy tone

"Why Yes I would" he said, I looked at Chris who was completely shocked by what I had just said.

I pulled some sandwich meats out of the refrigerator and bread out of the pantry.

I fixed a sandwich and waited for Chris to say something "Chris? Dear are you hungry?"

"What the fuck Vivian? We shouldn't be offering him food!" He yelled 

"Well I think it's nice, your lucky you got your hands on her"

This was the moment Marcus was distracted.

I grabbed the butcher knife and slid it into the back of my pants and gave Marcus his sandwich.

He looked back over to me as he just finished his argument with Chris.

"Thank you Vivian"he smiled and bit into his sandwich

"Why are you here?" I asked feeling like I've asked him that a thousand times

"Well again to avenge my best friend" he said as he put his sandwich down

"Well let's see?" He put his hand up to his chin

"I'm going to slaughter all of your little friends along with your husband...kidnap you...go to your mothers, Oh? How is she Vivian?" Marcus smiled evilly

"Don't you dare go near her" I started to feel a burning sensation in my stomach

"I will make your mothers death painfulness as possible, along with your friends I will make sure they suffer"

Chris was oblivious right now thinking picturing all this happening, but Marcus didn't notice Chris he was focused on me instead.

"Once I've killed all your friends and mother...I'll make sure to kill your son"

My eyes widen as I heard this, the fire grew stronger and stronger

"Yes Vivian I know little Ol' Vince, and when I kill him...I'm gonna make you watch"

I sat furiously waiting for something to happen.

Later the front door opened and there was Ryan, Ricky, ghost and Kylie.

We have a good view of the front door from the kitchen table so he could see them.

Chris was still not paying attention.

"And I'm going to start to pain now!" I see Marcus pull out his gun and point it at the group.

I quickly react as I pulled the butcher knife out of my pants and stabbed Marcus.

The gun went off and everyone ducted.

I stabbed him repeatedly, over and over and over again.

Marcus looked at me "f-fu-ck....y-you"

"Not in your fucking dreams" I said as I stabbed him again cause him to finally die.

Everyone got up and looked at me, everyone seemed ok sense everyone was walking towards me.

Kylie grabbed my face and looked at me "Vivian are you ok?" She asked but I just got up and walked away like nothing happen.

I was so angry that I couldn't speak or really move next thing you know I was out cold on the ground.
