

"I feel like somebody is just...maybe" Viv kept trying to put it in a way that wasn't harmful
"Viv come on stop being so stupid! He or she is trying to kill us!" Devin yelled

"Ghost shut up you manipulative fuck!" Chris yelled "you shut the fuck up Chris!" And I just stayed out of the yelling but it was starting to get annoying
"ALL OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled "SOMEBODY IS TARGETING US ITS OBVIOUS....somebody tried to kill Ryan and it's true...Ryan is at the hospital with a concussion" I knocked some sense into them and sat down.

I need more information about this person again.


"baby we just need to calm down a little" Chris touched my shoulder
"so we can act like nothing's happing" I said
Chris looked at me with sorrow I should say and he walked away.

I heard the small whines come from the hallway as I walked into the child's room and I saw Vincent crying, I picked him up and caressed him "mommy's not gonna let anyone hurt you" I kissed his forehead and he gave a sign of comfort.

"don't worry" I heard a male voice say "Ricky hi" I said "I won't let anything happen to you, Chris and of course Vincent" he smiled "Ricky I'm so scared" I shed a tear "look at me" he grabbed my shoulder much like Chris did before and I picked up my head slowly to look into the eyes of Ricky "we can get through this" Ricky said and I just looked away "I need to make Vincent a bottle" I walked away.


"Can you tell me who have you wronged in the past?" A police officer asked "not any I can think of" I said "well there is someone who obviously wants the entire band killed" he said "I know" I said "wait...there's only one person I know" I said
"And who is that"

"His name is Scott"
"But he's dead" I said

"Yes we are very familiar with this case"

"Maybe it's one of his members?" I said

"We find all kinds of people who worked for him especially the women" he said

"I just don't know though?" I said

"Wait!" I said

"What is it?" He asked

"You said Ava's car was missing?"


"Why haven't y'all look for it?" I asked

"We've all been stuck in this case" he scattered his papers to find found some car records

"Got it! And the license plate" he sprung up into action and ran and I followed him.

We found the car in a closed in house there was trees all around it and they knocked on the door no one answered.

They eventually broke in and they found the person and hand cuffed them I couldn't see them yet until they walked out
I couldn't believe my eyes
"Rebecca!?" She started to cry as I yelled
"Why!? Why would you do that?!" I yelled
They put her in the car and drove away.


"Rebecca?" Chris said as he looked at Me as he was talking on the phone. He hung up and sat down next to me "uh well they caught the person" he said. I could believe it was Rebecca though.

I feel slightly relieved but I still had to worry about the court and shit what their thoughts were.

I feel tired, careless I should say I wanted to be blocked out from this situation now I was of course still worried for Vincent but about what? She's in jail well for now. I sat down in the corner of the me and Chris's bedroom in a chair we had, I sat down and thought, I thought about bad memories...Chris with that real him shit...Scott...there were too many.

"Vivian!" I felt joy fall upon my body "stop falling asleep!" A sweet male voice spoke one that was very familiar, I opened my eyes "Peter?" I smiled "Vivian? What's wrong?" He smiled "nothing?" I shed a tear as I touched his smooth face that I used to touch "why do you keep falling asleep?" He asked "I guess I haven't had any good sleep" I smiled "why?" He rubbed the salty tears off my face "I don't know" I started to cry more "fall asleep for good" he said "what?" I asked he held my hand "stay with me" he said I pushed him away "what are you talking about" I asked "I know it hurt you when I left" he looked down "oh Peter" I sobbed "stay...you can be with me" he said "Peter I have a family" I said "I know you can...see them later in the future" he smiled "Chris..." I said "I don't like him" Peter shed a tear "why? You want me to be happy?" I said "I do! But with me!" He sobbed "Peter stop!" I yelled "all I want is you!" He yelled I grabbed his hand "I'm sorry" I sobbed "no....I'm sorry" he smiled as tears fell down his face as he pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach I stared at him as I fell to the ground in pain and tears.


"AHHH!" I screamed

"Vivian!" Chris hugged me and I hugged him back "baby what happen?" He asked "it was terrible" I sobbed in Chris's arms he held me tight, tighter than he had ever held me.


It's 12:00 am and I can't sleep...I feel terrible, disgusted...hatred...no?...maybe?...fuck...I basically killed someone...


I don't wanna go back to sleep...I'm too scared...Chris keeps falling asleep on the couch giving me room. I walk up to the couch and tap on his shoulder "hm? Is there something wrong?" He asked "I can't sleep" I said "come here" he said as I laid down in his arms and I fell asleep soundly.
